Exemple #1
Future<Option<ContainerLaunchInfo>> PosixFilesystemIsolatorProcess::prepare(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const ContainerConfig& containerConfig)
  if (infos.contains(containerId)) {
    return Failure("Container has already been prepared");

  const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo = containerConfig.executor_info();

  if (executorInfo.has_container()) {
    CHECK_EQ(executorInfo.container().type(), ContainerInfo::MESOS);

    // Return failure if the container change the filesystem root
    // because the symlinks will become invalid in the new root.
    if (executorInfo.container().mesos().has_image()) {
      return Failure("Container root filesystems not supported");

    if (executorInfo.container().volumes().size() > 0) {
      return Failure("Volumes in ContainerInfo is not supported");

  infos.put(containerId, Owned<Info>(new Info(containerConfig.directory())));

  return update(containerId, executorInfo.resources())
      .then([]() -> Future<Option<ContainerLaunchInfo>> { return None(); });
Exemple #2
Future<Option<ContainerLaunchInfo>> LinuxFilesystemIsolatorProcess::prepare(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const ContainerConfig& containerConfig)
  const string& directory = containerConfig.directory();

  Option<string> user;
  if (containerConfig.has_user()) {
    user = containerConfig.user();

  if (infos.contains(containerId)) {
    return Failure("Container has already been prepared");

  Owned<Info> info(new Info(

  infos.put(containerId, info);

  ContainerLaunchInfo launchInfo;

  // Prepare the commands that will be run in the container's mount
  // namespace right after forking the executor process. We use these
  // commands to mount those volumes specified in the container info
  // so that they don't pollute the host mount namespace.
  Try<string> _script = script(containerId, containerConfig);
  if (_script.isError()) {
    return Failure("Failed to generate isolation script: " + _script.error());

  CommandInfo* command = launchInfo.add_commands();

  return update(containerId, containerConfig.executor_info().resources())
    .then([launchInfo]() -> Future<Option<ContainerLaunchInfo>> {
      return launchInfo;
Exemple #3
Try<string> LinuxFilesystemIsolatorProcess::script(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const ContainerConfig& containerConfig)
  ostringstream out;
  out << "#!/bin/sh\n";
  out << "set -x -e\n";

  // Make sure mounts in the container mount namespace do not
  // propagate back to the host mount namespace.
  // NOTE: We cannot simply run `mount --make-rslave /`, for more info
  // please refer to comments in mount.hpp.
  MesosContainerizerMount::Flags mountFlags;
  mountFlags.operation = MesosContainerizerMount::MAKE_RSLAVE;
  mountFlags.path = "/";
  out << path::join(flags.launcher_dir, "mesos-containerizer") << " "
      << MesosContainerizerMount::NAME << " "
      << stringify(mountFlags) << "\n";

  if (!containerConfig.executor_info().has_container()) {
    return out.str();

  // Bind mount the sandbox if the container specifies a rootfs.
  if (containerConfig.has_rootfs()) {
    string sandbox = path::join(

    Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(sandbox);
    if (mkdir.isError()) {
      return Error(
          "Failed to create sandbox mount point at '" +
          sandbox + "': " + mkdir.error());

    out << "mount -n --rbind '" << containerConfig.directory()
        << "' '" << sandbox << "'\n";

  foreach (const Volume& volume,
           containerConfig.executor_info().container().volumes()) {
    // NOTE: Volumes with source will be handled by the corresponding
    // isolators (e.g., docker/volume).
    if (volume.has_source()) {
      VLOG(1) << "Ignored a volume with source for container '"
              << containerId << "'";

    if (!volume.has_host_path()) {
      return Error("A volume misses 'host_path'");

    // If both 'host_path' and 'container_path' are relative paths,
    // return an error because the user can just directly access the
    // volume in the work directory.
    if (!strings::startsWith(volume.host_path(), "/") &&
        !strings::startsWith(volume.container_path(), "/")) {
      return Error(
          "Both 'host_path' and 'container_path' of a volume are relative");

    // Determine the source of the mount.
    string source;

    if (strings::startsWith(volume.host_path(), "/")) {
      source = volume.host_path();

      // An absolute path must already exist.
      if (!os::exists(source)) {
        return Error("Absolute host path does not exist");
    } else {
      // Path is interpreted as relative to the work directory.
      source = path::join(containerConfig.directory(), volume.host_path());

      // TODO(jieyu): We need to check that source resolves under the
      // work directory because a user can potentially use a container
      // path like '../../abc'.

      Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(source);
      if (mkdir.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Failed to create the source of the mount at '" +
            source + "': " + mkdir.error());

      // TODO(idownes): Consider setting ownership and mode.

    // Determine the target of the mount.
    string target;

    if (strings::startsWith(volume.container_path(), "/")) {
      if (containerConfig.has_rootfs()) {
        target = path::join(

        Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(target);
        if (mkdir.isError()) {
          return Error(
              "Failed to create the target of the mount at '" +
              target + "': " + mkdir.error());
      } else {
        target = volume.container_path();

        // An absolute path must already exist. This is because we
        // want to avoid creating mount points outside the work
        // directory in the host filesystem.
        if (!os::exists(target)) {
          return Error("Absolute container path does not exist");

      // TODO(jieyu): We need to check that target resolves under
      // 'rootfs' because a user can potentially use a container path
      // like '/../../abc'.
    } else {
      if (containerConfig.has_rootfs()) {
        target = path::join(containerConfig.rootfs(),
      } else {
        target = path::join(containerConfig.directory(),

      // TODO(jieyu): We need to check that target resolves under the
      // sandbox because a user can potentially use a container path
      // like '../../abc'.

      // NOTE: We cannot create the mount point at 'target' if
      // container has rootfs defined. The bind mount of the sandbox
      // will hide what's inside 'target'. So we should always create
      // the mount point in 'directory'.
      string mountPoint = path::join(

      Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(mountPoint);
      if (mkdir.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Failed to create the target of the mount at '" +
            mountPoint + "': " + mkdir.error());

    // TODO(jieyu): Consider the mode in the volume.
    out << "mount -n --rbind '" << source << "' '" << target << "'\n";

  return out.str();