Exemple #1
void ContentTest::testSetContent()
  Content *c = new Content();
  QVERIFY( !c->hasContent() );

  // head and body present
  c->setContent( "head1\nhead2\n\nbody1\n\nbody2\n" );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QCOMPARE( c->head(), QByteArray( "head1\nhead2\n" ) );
  QCOMPARE( c->body(), QByteArray( "body1\n\nbody2\n" ) );

  QList<QByteArray> list;
  list << "head1" << "head2" << "" << "body1" << "" << "body2";
  c->setContent( list );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QCOMPARE( c->head(), QByteArray( "head1\nhead2\n" ) );
  QCOMPARE( c->body(), QByteArray( "body1\n\nbody2\n" ) ); // ### the final \n is questionable

  // empty content
  c->setContent( QByteArray() );
  QVERIFY( !c->hasContent() );
  QVERIFY( c->head().isEmpty() );
  QVERIFY( c->body().isEmpty() );

  // empty head
  c->setContent( "\nbody1\n\nbody2\n" );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QVERIFY( c->head().isEmpty() );
  QCOMPARE( c->body(), QByteArray( "body1\n\nbody2\n" ) );

  list << "" << "body1" << "" << "body2";
  c->setContent( list );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QVERIFY( c->head().isEmpty() );
  QCOMPARE( c->body(), QByteArray( "body1\n\nbody2\n" ) );

  // empty body
  c->setContent( "head1\nhead2\n\n" );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QCOMPARE( c->head(), QByteArray( "head1\nhead2\n" ) );
  QVERIFY( c->body().isEmpty() );

  list << "head1" << "head2" << "";
  c->setContent( list );
  QVERIFY( c->hasContent() );
  QCOMPARE( c->head(), QByteArray( "head1\nhead2\n" ) );
  QVERIFY( c->body().isEmpty() );
Exemple #2
void ContentTest::testImplicitMultipartGeneration()
  Content *c1 = new Content();
  c1->contentType()->from7BitString( "text/plain" );
  c1->setBody( "textpart" );

  Content *c2 = new Content();
  c2->contentType()->from7BitString( "text/html" );
  c2->setBody( "htmlpart" );

  c1->addContent( c2 );

  // c1 implicitly converted into a multipart/mixed node.
  QVERIFY( c1->contentType( false ) );
  QCOMPARE( c1->contentType()->mimeType(), QByteArray( "multipart/mixed" ) );
  QVERIFY( c1->body().isEmpty() );

  QCOMPARE( c1->contents().count(), 2 );
  Content *c = c1->contents().at( 0 ); // Former c1.
  QVERIFY( c->contentType( false ) );
  QCOMPARE( c->contentType()->mimeType(), QByteArray( "text/plain" ) );
  QCOMPARE( c->body(), QByteArray( "textpart" ) );

  QCOMPARE( c1->contents().at( 1 ), c2 );

  // Now remove c2. c1 should be converted back to a text/plain content.
  c1->removeContent( c2, false );
  QVERIFY( c1->contents().isEmpty() );
  QVERIFY( c1->contentType( false ) );
  QCOMPARE( c1->contentType()->mimeType(), QByteArray( "text/plain" ) );
  QCOMPARE( c1->body(), QByteArray( "textpart" ) );

  // c2 should not have been touched.
  QVERIFY( c2->contents().isEmpty() );
  QVERIFY( c2->contentType( false ) );
  QCOMPARE( c2->contentType()->mimeType(), QByteArray( "text/html" ) );
  QCOMPARE( c2->body(), QByteArray( "htmlpart" ) );

  // Clean up.
  delete c1;
  delete c2;