int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::string filename;

    SgProject *project = frontend(argc, argv);
    std::vector<InterproceduralInfo*> ip;

// list < SgNode * >functionDeclarations = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDeclaration);
    NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType functionDeclarations = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDeclaration);

// for (list < SgNode * >::iterator i = functionDeclarations.begin(); i != functionDeclarations.end(); i++)
    for (NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType::iterator i = functionDeclarations.begin(); i != functionDeclarations.end(); i++)
        ControlDependenceGraph *cdg;
        InterproceduralInfo *ipi;

        SgFunctionDeclaration *fD = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*i);

        // SGFunctionDefinition * fDef;
        ROSE_ASSERT(fD != NULL);

        // CI (01/08/2007): A missing function definition is an indicator to a
        // librarycall.
        // * An other possibility would be a programmer-mistake, which we
        // don't treat at this point.  // I assume librarycall
        if (fD->get_definition() == NULL)
            // get the control depenence for this function
            ipi=new InterproceduralInfo(fD);

            ROSE_ASSERT(ipi != NULL);

            // get control dependence for this function defintion
            cdg = new ControlDependenceGraph(fD->get_definition(), ipi);
//						cdg->computeInterproceduralInformation(ipi);
//						cdg->debugCoutNodeList();

// Liao, Feb. 7/2008,
//strip off absolute path to avoid polluting the source tree with generated .dot files
            filename = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName((fD->get_definition()->get_file_info()->get_filenameString ()))
                       + "." +
                       (fD->get_name().getString()) + "";
            cdg->writeDot((char *)filename.c_str());

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        std::string filename;

    SgProject *project = frontend(argc, argv);
                std::vector<InterproceduralInfo*> ip;

    list < SgNode * >functionDeclarations = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDeclaration);

    for (list < SgNode * >::iterator i = functionDeclarations.begin(); i != functionDeclarations.end(); i++)
        ControlDependenceGraph *cdg;
        InterproceduralInfo *ipi;

        SgFunctionDeclaration *fD = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*i);

        // SGFunctionDefinition * fDef;
        ROSE_ASSERT(fD != NULL);

        // CI (01/08/2007): A missing function definition is an indicator to a 
        // librarycall. 
        // * An other possibility would be a programmer-mistake, which we
        // don't treat at this point.  // I assume librarycall
        if (fD->get_definition() == NULL)
            // get the control depenence for this function
                                                ipi=new InterproceduralInfo(fD);

            ROSE_ASSERT(ipi != NULL);

            // get control dependence for this function defintion
            cdg = new ControlDependenceGraph(fD->get_definition(), ipi);
//                                              cdg->debugCoutNodeList();

            filename =
                                                                (fD->get_definition()->get_file_info()->get_filenameString ())
                 + "." +
                (fD->get_name().getString()) + "";
            cdg->writeDot((char *)filename.c_str());