void NavfnWithCostmap::poseCallback(const rm::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& goal) {
    tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose;
  vector<PoseStamped> path;
  rm::PoseStamped start;
  start.header.stamp = global_pose.stamp_;
    start.header.frame_id = global_pose.frame_id_;
    start.pose.position.x = global_pose.getOrigin().x();
    start.pose.position.y = global_pose.getOrigin().y();
    start.pose.position.z = global_pose.getOrigin().z();
    start.pose.orientation.x = global_pose.getRotation().x();
    start.pose.orientation.y = global_pose.getRotation().y();
    start.pose.orientation.z = global_pose.getRotation().z();
    start.pose.orientation.w = global_pose.getRotation().w();
    makePlan(start, *goal, path);
Exemple #2
bool ExploreFrontier::getExplorationGoals(Costmap2DROS& costmap, geometry_msgs::Point start, navfn::NavfnROS* planner, std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose>& goals, double potential_scale, double orientation_scale, double gain_scale)
  planner_ = planner;
  costmapResolution_ = costmap.getResolution();

  if (frontiers_.size() == 0){
    return false;

  //we'll make sure that we set goals for the frontier at least the circumscribed
  //radius away from unknown space
  double goal_stepback = costmap.getCircumscribedRadius();

  WeightedFrontier goal;
  std::vector<WeightedFrontier> weightedFrontiers;
  for (uint i=0; i < frontiers_.size(); i++) {
    Frontier& frontier = frontiers_[i];
    WeightedFrontier weightedFrontier;
    weightedFrontier.frontier = frontier;

    tf::Quaternion bt;
    tf::quaternionMsgToTF(frontier.pose.orientation, bt);

    double distance = 0.0;

    //we'll walk back along the potential function generated by the planner from the frontier point at least the inscribed radius
    while(distance < goal_stepback){
      geometry_msgs::Point check_point = frontier.pose.position;
      check_point.x -= costmapResolution_;
      check_point.y -= costmapResolution_;
      double best_potential = planner->getPointPotential(check_point);
      geometry_msgs::Point best_point = check_point;

      //look at the neighbors of the current point to find the one with the lowest potential
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){
          check_point.x += costmapResolution_;
          double potential = planner->getPointPotential(check_point);

          //check if the potential is better, make sure that we don't check the frontier point itself
          if(potential < best_potential && !(i == 1 && j == 1)){
            best_potential = potential;
            best_point = check_point;
        check_point.x = frontier.pose.position.x - costmapResolution_;
        check_point.y += costmapResolution_;

      //update the frontier position and add to the distance traveled
      frontier.pose.position.x = best_point.x;
      frontier.pose.position.y = best_point.y;
      distance += costmapResolution_;

    //create a line using the vector we stored in the frontier
    //Line l(Point(frontier.pose.position.x, frontier.pose.position.y, frontier.pose.position.z), bt.getAngle());

    //step back the inscribed radius along that line to find a goal point
    //Point t = l.eval(goal_stepback);

    weightedFrontier.frontier.pose.position.x = frontier.pose.position.x;
    weightedFrontier.frontier.pose.position.y = frontier.pose.position.y;
    weightedFrontier.frontier.pose.position.z = frontier.pose.position.z;

    tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_pose;

    //compute the cost of the frontier
    weightedFrontier.cost = potential_scale * getFrontierCost(weightedFrontier.frontier) + orientation_scale * getOrientationChange(weightedFrontier.frontier, robot_pose) - gain_scale * getFrontierGain(weightedFrontier.frontier, costmapResolution_);


  std::sort(weightedFrontiers.begin(), weightedFrontiers.end());
  for (uint i = 0; i < weightedFrontiers.size(); i++) {
  return (goals.size() > 0);