void XercesUpdateFactory::completeDeletions(DynamicContext *context) { // e. Finally, for each node marked for deletion by one of the update primitives listed above, let $N be the node that is marked // for deletion, and let $P be its parent node. The following actions are applied: // i. The parent property of $N is set to empty. // ii. If $N is an attribute node, the attributes property of $P is modified to remove $N. // iii. If $N is a non-attribute node, the children property of $P is modified to remove $N. // iv. If $N is an element, attribute, or text node, and $P is an element node, then upd:removeType($P) is invoked. for(DOMNodeSet::iterator i = forDeletion_.begin(); i != forDeletion_.end(); ++i) { DOMNode *domnode = *i; if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { DOMAttr *attr = (DOMAttr*)domnode; DOMElement *owner = attr->getOwnerElement(); if(owner != 0) { owner->removeAttributeNode(attr); removeType(owner); } } else { DOMNode *parent = domnode->getParentNode(); if(parent != 0) { parent->removeChild(domnode); if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE || domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE || domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { removeType(parent); } } } } }
DOMNode* DOMAttrNSImpl::rename(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name) { DOMElement* el = getOwnerElement(); if (el) el->removeAttributeNode(this); setName(namespaceURI, name); if (el) el->setAttributeNodeNS(this); return this; }
DOMNode* DOMAttrImpl::rename(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name) { DOMElement* el = getOwnerElement(); DOMDocumentImpl* doc = (DOMDocumentImpl*)fParent.fOwnerDocument; if (el) el->removeAttributeNode(this); if (!namespaceURI || !*namespaceURI) { fName = doc->getPooledString(name); if (el) el->setAttributeNode(this); // and fire user data NODE_RENAMED event castToNodeImpl(this)->callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_RENAMED, this, this); return this; } else { // create a new AttrNS DOMAttr* newAttr = doc->createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name); // transfer the userData doc->transferUserData(castToNodeImpl(this), castToNodeImpl(newAttr)); // move children to new node DOMNode* child = getFirstChild(); while (child) { removeChild(child); newAttr->appendChild(child); child = getFirstChild(); } // reattach attr to element if (el) el->setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr); // and fire user data NODE_RENAMED event castToNodeImpl(newAttr)->callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_RENAMED, this, newAttr); return newAttr; } }