Exemple #1
bool LayerImporter::removeGeoNodes(DOMNode* pNode) const
   if (NULL != pNode)
      if (XMLString::equals(pNode->getNodeName(), X("geoVertices")) ||
          XMLString::equals(pNode->getNodeName(), X("geoBox")))
         DOMNode* pParentNode = pNode->getParentNode();
         if (NULL != pParentNode)
      else if (pNode->hasChildNodes())
         DOMNodeList* pChildren = pNode->getChildNodes();
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pChildren->getLength(); ++i)
            DOMNode* pChildNode = pChildren->item(i);

   return true;
void XercesUpdateFactory::completeDeletions(DynamicContext *context)
  //    e. Finally, for each node marked for deletion by one of the update primitives listed above, let $N be the node that is marked
  //       for deletion, and let $P be its parent node. The following actions are applied:
  //          i. The parent property of $N is set to empty.
  //         ii. If $N is an attribute node, the attributes property of $P is modified to remove $N.
  //        iii. If $N is a non-attribute node, the children property of $P is modified to remove $N.
  //         iv. If $N is an element, attribute, or text node, and $P is an element node, then upd:removeType($P) is invoked.

  for(DOMNodeSet::iterator i = forDeletion_.begin(); i != forDeletion_.end(); ++i) {
    DOMNode *domnode = *i;

    if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
      DOMAttr *attr = (DOMAttr*)domnode;
      DOMElement *owner = attr->getOwnerElement();
      if(owner != 0) {
    else {
      DOMNode *parent = domnode->getParentNode();
      if(parent != 0) {
        if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ||
           domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE ||
           domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
Exemple #3
DOMNode* DOMElementImpl::rename(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name)
    DOMDocumentImpl* doc = (DOMDocumentImpl*) fParent.fOwnerDocument;

    if (!namespaceURI || !*namespaceURI) {
        fName = doc->getPooledString(name);

        // and fire user data NODE_RENAMED event
        castToNodeImpl(this)->callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_RENAMED, this, this);

        return this;
    else {

        // create a new ElementNS
        DOMElementNSImpl* newElem = (DOMElementNSImpl*)doc->createElementNS(namespaceURI, name);

        // transfer the userData
        doc->transferUserData(castToNodeImpl(this), castToNodeImpl(newElem));

        // remove old node from parent if any
        DOMNode* parent = getParentNode();
        DOMNode* nextSib = getNextSibling();
        if (parent) {

        // move children to new node
        DOMNode* child = getFirstChild();
        while (child) {
            child = getFirstChild();

        // insert new node where old one was
        if (parent) {
            parent->insertBefore(newElem, nextSib);

        // move specified attributes to new node

        // and fire user data NODE_RENAMED event
        castToNodeImpl(newElem)->callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_RENAMED, this, newElem);

        return newElem;
void Triggerconf::deleteConfigElement (string module, string submodule, string configname)
	if (! existsConfigElement (module, submodule, configname)) return;

	DOMNode* currentSubmodule = selectSubmodule (module, submodule);
	if (currentSubmodule == NULL) return;

	DOMNode* currentConfigElement = selectConfigElement (module, submodule, configname);
	if (currentConfigElement == NULL) return;

	currentSubmodule->removeChild (currentConfigElement);
	currentConfigElement = NULL;

	resetError ();
void Triggerconf::deleteSubmodule (string module, string submodule)
	if (! existsSubmodule (module, submodule)) return;

	DOMNode* currentModule = selectModule (module);
	if (currentModule == NULL) return;

	DOMNode* currentSubmodule = selectSubmodule (module, submodule);
	if (currentSubmodule == NULL) return;

	currentModule->removeChild (currentSubmodule);
	currentSubmodule = NULL;

	resetError ();
Exemple #6
void DOMNodeImpl::setTextContent(const XMLCh* textContent){
    DOMNode *thisNode = castToNode(this);
    switch (thisNode->getNodeType()) 
        case DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE:
        case DOMNode::ENTITY_NODE:
                if (isReadOnly())
                  throw DOMException(DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager);

                // Remove all childs
                DOMNode* current = thisNode->getFirstChild();
                while (current != NULL) 
                    current = thisNode->getFirstChild();
                if (textContent != NULL) 
                    // Add textnode containing data
                    current = ((DOMDocumentImpl*)thisNode->getOwnerDocument())->createTextNode(textContent);

        case DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
        case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE:
        case DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
        case DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE:
            if (isReadOnly())
                throw DOMException(DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager);


        case DOMNode::DOCUMENT_NODE:
        case DOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
        case DOMNode::NOTATION_NODE:

            throw DOMException(DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, 0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager);
Exemple #7
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This method assumes that currentNode is an xinclude element and parses
//   it accordingly, acting on what it finds.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XIncludeUtils::doDOMNodeXInclude(DOMNode *xincludeNode, DOMDocument *parsedDocument, XMLEntityHandler* entityResolver){
    bool modifiedNode = false;
    /* the relevant attributes to look for */
    const XMLCh *href = NULL;
    const XMLCh *parse = NULL;
    const XMLCh *xpointer = NULL;
    const XMLCh *encoding = NULL;
    const XMLCh *accept = NULL;
    const XMLCh *acceptlanguage = NULL;
    DOMNode *includeParent = xincludeNode->getParentNode();

    if(xincludeNode->hasAttributes()) {
        /* get all the attributes of the node */
        DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = xincludeNode->getAttributes();
        XMLSize_t nSize = pAttributes->getLength();
        for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<nSize;++i) {
            DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i);
            const XMLCh *attrName = pAttributeNode->getName();
            /* check each attribute against the potential useful names */
            if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeHREFAttrName)){
                href = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrName)){
                parse = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeXPointerAttrName)){
                xpointer = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeEncodingAttrName)){
                encoding = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeAcceptAttrName)){
                accept = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeAcceptLanguageAttrName)){
                acceptlanguage = pAttributeNode->getValue();
            } else {
                /* if any other attribute is in the xi namespace, it's an error */
                const XMLCh *attrNamespaceURI = pAttributeNode->getNamespaceURI();
                if (attrNamespaceURI && XMLString::equals(attrNamespaceURI, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIIncludeNamespaceURI)){
                } else {
                    /* ignore - any other attribute is allowed according to spec,
                       and must be ignored */
    // 3.1 xi:include Element
    // The children property of the xi:include element may include a single xi:fallback element;
    // the appearance of more than one xi:fallback element, an xi:include element,
    // or any other element from the XInclude namespace is a fatal error.
    DOMNode *child;
    DOMElement *fallback = NULL;
    for (child = xincludeNode->getFirstChild(); child != 0; child=child->getNextSibling()){
        if ( isXIFallbackDOMNode(child) ){
            if (fallback != NULL){
                /* fatal error - there are more than one fallback children */
                XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeMultipleFallbackElems,
                    parsedDocument->getDocumentURI(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
                return false;
            fallback = (DOMElement*)child;
        else if(isXIIncludeDOMNode(child) || XMLString::equals(child->getNamespaceURI(), XIncludeUtils::fgXIIIncludeNamespaceURI)) {
            /* fatal error - an xi element different from xi:fallback is a child of xi:include */
            XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeDisallowedChild,
                child->getNodeName(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
            return false;

    if (href == NULL){
        /* this is an unrecoverable error until we have xpointer support -
           if there is an xpointer, the current document is assumed
           however, there is no xpointer support yet */
        XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeNoHref,
            NULL, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
        return false;

    /* set up the accept and accept-language values */
    if (accept != NULL){


    if (parse == NULL){
        /* use the default, as specified */
        parse = XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrXMLValue;

    if (xpointer != NULL){
        /* not supported yet */
        /* Note that finding an xpointer attr along with parse="text" is a Fatal Error
         *  - http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/#include-location */
        XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeXPointerNotSupported,
            NULL, href);
        return false;

    /* set up the href according to what has gone before */
    XIncludeLocation hrefLoc(href);
    XIncludeLocation relativeLocation(href);
    const XMLCh *includeBase = xincludeNode->getBaseURI();
    if (includeBase != NULL){

    if (getBaseAttrValue(xincludeNode) != NULL){

    /*  Take the relevant action - we need to retrieve the target as a whole before
        we can know if it was successful or not, therefore the do* methods do
        not modify the parsedDocument. Swapping the results in is left to the
        caller (i.e. here) */
    DOMText *includedText = NULL;
    DOMDocument *includedDoc = NULL;
    if (XMLString::equals(parse, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrXMLValue)){
        /* including a XML element */
        includedDoc = doXIncludeXMLFileDOM(hrefLoc.getLocation(), relativeLocation.getLocation(), xincludeNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
    } else if (XMLString::equals(parse, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrTextValue)){
        /* including a text value */
        includedText = doXIncludeTEXTFileDOM(hrefLoc.getLocation(), relativeLocation.getLocation(), encoding, xincludeNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
    } else {
        /* invalid parse attribute value - fatal error according to the specification */
        XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeInvalidParseVal,
            parse, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
        return false;

    RefVectorOf<DOMNode> delayedProcessing(12,false);
    if (includedDoc == NULL && includedText == NULL){
        /* there was an error - this is now a resource error
           let's see if there is a fallback */
        XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeIncludeFailedResourceError,
            hrefLoc.getLocation(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());

        if (includeParent == NULL){
            includeParent = parsedDocument;

        // we could be getting errors trying to insert elements at the root of the document, so we should use replaceChild;
        // in order to handle multiple nodes, add them to a document fragment and use that to replace the original node
        if (fallback){
            /* baseURI fixups - see http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/#base for details. */
            XMLUri parentURI(includeParent->getBaseURI());
            XMLUri includedURI(fallback->getBaseURI());

            if (fallback->hasChildNodes()){
                DOMDocumentFragment* frag = parsedDocument->createDocumentFragment();
                DOMNode *child = fallback->getFirstChild();
                /* add the content of the fallback element, and remove the fallback elem itself */
                for ( ; child != NULL ; child=child->getNextSibling()){
                    if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE){
                    DOMNode *newNode = parsedDocument->importNode(child, true);
                    /* if the paths differ we need to add a base attribute */
                    if (newNode->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && !XMLString::equals(parentURI.getPath(), includedURI.getPath())){
                        if (getBaseAttrValue(newNode) == NULL){
                            /* need to calculate the proper path difference to get the relativePath */
                            ((DOMElement*)newNode)->setAttribute(fgXIBaseAttrName, getBaseAttrValue(fallback->getParentNode()));
                        } else {
                            /* the included node has base of its own which takes precedence */
                            XIncludeLocation xil(getBaseAttrValue(newNode));
                            if (getBaseAttrValue(fallback->getParentNode()) != NULL){
                                /* prepend any specific base modification of the xinclude node */
                            ((DOMElement*)newNode)->setAttribute(fgXIBaseAttrName, xil.getLocation());
                    DOMNode *newChild = frag->appendChild(newNode);
                    // don't process the node now, wait until it is placed in the final position
                    //parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(newChild, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
                includeParent->replaceChild(frag, xincludeNode);

                for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<delayedProcessing.size();i++)
                    DOMNode* childNode=delayedProcessing.elementAt(i);
                    parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(childNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
                modifiedNode = true;
            } else {
                /* empty fallback element - simply remove it! */
                modifiedNode = true;
        } else {
            XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeIncludeFailedNoFallback,
                parsedDocument->getDocumentURI(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
            return false;
    } else {
        if (includedDoc){
            /* record the successful include while we process the children */

            DOMDocumentFragment* frag = parsedDocument->createDocumentFragment();
            /* need to import the document prolog here */
            DOMNode *child = includedDoc->getFirstChild();
            for (; child != NULL; child = child->getNextSibling()) {
                if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
                // check for NOTATION or ENTITY clash
                if(child->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && includedDoc->getDoctype()!=NULL) {
                    DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = child->getAttributes();
                    XMLSize_t nSize = pAttributes->getLength();
                    for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<nSize;++i) {
                        DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i);
                        const DOMTypeInfo * typeInfo=pAttributeNode->getSchemaTypeInfo();
                        if(typeInfo && XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeNamespace(), XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName)) {
                            if(XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeName(), XMLUni::fgNotationString)) {
                                const XMLCh* notationName=pAttributeNode->getNodeValue();
                                DOMNotation* notat=(DOMNotation*)includedDoc->getDoctype()->getNotations()->getNamedItem(notationName);
                                // ensure we have a DTD
                                    parsedDocument->insertBefore(parsedDocument->createDocumentType(parsedDocument->getDocumentElement()->getNodeName(), NULL,NULL), parsedDocument->getFirstChild());
                                DOMNotation* myNotation=(DOMNotation*)parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getNotations()->getNamedItem(notationName);
                                    // it's missing, add it
                                    parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getNotations()->setNamedItem(parsedDocument->importNode(notat, true));
                                else if(XMLString::equals(myNotation->getPublicId(), notat->getPublicId()) &&
                                        XMLString::equals(myNotation->getSystemId(), notat->getSystemId()) &&
                                        XMLString::equals(myNotation->getBaseURI(), notat->getBaseURI()))
                                    // it's duplicate, ignore it
                                    // it's a conflict, report it
                                    XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeConflictingNotation,
                                        notationName, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
                            else if(XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeName(), XMLUni::fgEntityString)) {
                                const XMLCh* entityName=pAttributeNode->getNodeValue();
                                DOMEntity* ent=(DOMEntity*)includedDoc->getDoctype()->getEntities()->getNamedItem(entityName);
                                // ensure we have a DTD
                                    parsedDocument->insertBefore(parsedDocument->createDocumentType(parsedDocument->getDocumentElement()->getNodeName(), NULL,NULL), parsedDocument->getFirstChild());
                                DOMEntity* myEnt=(DOMEntity*)parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getEntities()->getNamedItem(entityName);
                                    // it's missing, add it
                                    parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getEntities()->setNamedItem(parsedDocument->importNode(ent, true));
                                else if(XMLString::equals(myEnt->getPublicId(), ent->getPublicId()) &&
                                        XMLString::equals(myEnt->getSystemId(), ent->getSystemId()) &&
                                        XMLString::equals(myEnt->getBaseURI(), ent->getBaseURI()))
                                    // it's duplicate, ignore it
                                    // it's a conflict, report it
                                    XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeConflictingEntity,
                                        entityName, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI());
                DOMNode *newNode = parsedDocument->importNode(child, true);
                DOMNode *newChild = frag->appendChild(newNode);
                // don't process the node now, wait until it is placed in the final position
                //parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(newChild, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
            includeParent->replaceChild(frag, xincludeNode);

            for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<delayedProcessing.size();i++)
                DOMNode* childNode=delayedProcessing.elementAt(i);
                parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(childNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver);
            modifiedNode = true;
        } else if (includedText){
            includeParent->replaceChild(includedText, xincludeNode);
            modifiedNode = true;

    if (includedDoc)

    return modifiedNode;
Exemple #8
void DeltaApplyEngine::ApplyOperation(DOMNode *operationNode) {
	XMLCh dStr[2];
	XMLCh iStr[2];
	XMLCh uStr[2];
	XMLCh adStr[3];
	XMLCh aiStr[3];
	XMLCh auStr[3];
	XMLCh renameRootStr[11];
	XMLString::transcode("d", dStr, 1);
	XMLString::transcode("i", iStr, 1);
	XMLString::transcode("u", uStr, 1);
	XMLString::transcode("ad", adStr, 2);
	XMLString::transcode("ai", aiStr, 2);
	XMLString::transcode("au", auStr, 2);
	XMLString::transcode("renameRoot", renameRootStr, 10);
	XMLCh tempStr[6];
	if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), dStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        d(elete)\n"));
		bool move = false ;
		XMLString::transcode("move", tempStr, 5);
		DOMNode* moveAttr = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr) ;
		XMLString::transcode("yes", tempStr, 5);
		if ((moveAttr!=NULL) && (XMLString::equals(moveAttr->getNodeValue(),tempStr))) {
			move = true;

		XMLString::transcode("xm", tempStr, 5);
		char *xidmapStr = XMLString::transcode(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());		
		if (move) {
			XidMap_Parser parse(xidmapStr) ;
			XID_t myXid = parse.getRootXID();
			Subtree_MoveFrom( myXid );
		else {
			Subtree_Delete(xidmapStr) ;

	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(),iStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        i(nsert)\n"));

		bool move = false ;
		XMLString::transcode("move", tempStr, 5);
		DOMNode* moveAttr = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr) ;
		XMLString::transcode("yes", tempStr, 5);
		if ( (moveAttr!=NULL) && (XMLString::equals( moveAttr->getNodeValue(), tempStr ))) {
			move = true;
		XMLString::transcode("pos", tempStr, 5);
		DOMNode *n = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr);
		int position = XyInt(n->getNodeValue());

		XMLString::transcode("par", tempStr, 5);
		n = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr);
		XID_t parentXID = (XID_t)(int)XyInt(n->getNodeValue());

		XMLString::transcode("xm", tempStr, 5);
		char *xidmapStr = XMLString::transcode(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());
		if (move) {
			XidMap_Parser parse(xidmapStr) ;
			XID_t myXid = parse.getRootXID();

			Subtree_MoveTo( myXid, parentXID, position );
		else {
			DOMNode* insertRoot ;
			// get data to insert
			if (operationNode->hasChildNodes()) insertRoot = operationNode->getFirstChild() ;
			else THROW_AWAY(("insert operator element contains no data"));
			Subtree_Insert( insertRoot, parentXID, position, xidmapStr ) ;

	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), uStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        u(pdate)\n"));
		XMLString::transcode("oldxm", tempStr, 5);
		char *xidmapStr = XMLString::transcode(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());
		XidMap_Parser parse(xidmapStr) ;
		XID_t nodeXID = parse.getRootXID();
		TextNode_Update( nodeXID, operationNode);

	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), adStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        a(ttribute) d(elete)\n"));
		XMLString::transcode("xid", tempStr, 5);
		XID_t nodeXID = (XID_t)(int)XyInt(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());

		XMLString::transcode("a", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* attr = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		Attribute_Delete( nodeXID, attr );
	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), aiStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        a(ttribute) i(nsert)\n"));
		XMLString::transcode("xid", tempStr, 5);
		XID_t nodeXID = (XID_t)(int)XyInt(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());
		XMLString::transcode("a", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* attr = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		XMLString::transcode("v", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* value = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		Attribute_Insert( nodeXID, attr, value );
	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), auStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        a(ttribute) u(pdate)\n"));
		XMLString::transcode("xid", tempStr, 5);
		XID_t nodeXID = (XID_t)(int)XyInt(operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue());
		XMLString::transcode("a", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* attr = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		XMLString::transcode("nv", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* value = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		Attribute_Update( nodeXID, attr, value );
	else if (XMLString::equals(operationNode->getLocalName(), renameRootStr)) {
		vddprintf(("        renameRoot\n"));
		DOMNode *root = xiddoc->getDocumentElement();
		XID_t rootXID = xiddoc->getXidMap().getXIDbyNode(root);
		XMLString::transcode("to", tempStr, 5);
        const XMLCh* newrootName = operationNode->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(tempStr)->getNodeValue() ;
		DOMElement* newroot = xiddoc->createElement(newrootName);

		DOMNode* child = root->getFirstChild();
		while(child!=NULL) {
			child = root->getFirstChild();
		DOMNamedNodeMap *attributes = root->getAttributes();
		for(unsigned int i=0;i<attributes->getLength();i++) {
			DOMNode *an = attributes->item(i);
			newroot->setAttribute(an->getNodeName(), an->getNodeValue());
		xiddoc->getXidMap().registerNode(newroot, rootXID);