bool SignatureSetImporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* OutArgList) { VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL); Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()); ProgressTracker progress(pProgress, "Loading spectral signature library", "spectral", "7B21EE8A-D2E1-4325-BB9F-F4E521BFD5ED"); SignatureSet* pSignatureSet = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<SignatureSet>(Importer::ImportElementArg()); VERIFY(pSignatureSet != NULL); DataDescriptor* pDataDescriptor = pSignatureSet->getDataDescriptor(); VERIFY(pDataDescriptor != NULL); FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDataDescriptor->getFileDescriptor(); VERIFY(pFileDescriptor != NULL); const string& filename = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(); progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("signature set", pSignatureSet->getName()); progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("dataset location", pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation()); // locate the spot in the tree for this dataset try { string expr; vector<string> parts = StringUtilities::split(pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation(), '/'); for (vector<string>::iterator part = parts.begin(); part != parts.end(); ++part) { if (!part->empty()) { expr += "/signature_set[metadata/@name='Name' and metadata/@value='" + *part + "']"; } } expr += "/signature"; loadDoc(filename); DOMXPathResult* pResult = mXml[filename]->query(expr, DOMXPathResult::SNAPSHOT_RESULT_TYPE); VERIFY(pResult != NULL); int nodeTotal = pResult->getSnapshotLength(); for (int nodeNum = 0; nodeNum < nodeTotal; ++nodeNum) { if (isAborted()) {"Aborted file " + pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(), 0, WARNING, true);"User aborted the operation.", 0, ABORT, true); return false; } int percent = static_cast<int>(100.0 * nodeNum / nodeTotal);"Importing signature library", percent, NORMAL); if (!pResult->snapshotItem(nodeNum) || !pResult->isNode()) { continue; } const DOMElement* pElmnt = static_cast<const DOMElement*>(pResult->getNodeValue()); string filename = A(pElmnt->getAttribute(X("filename"))); if (filename.empty() == false) { string path = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getPath(); QString tempFilename = QString::fromStdString(filename); if (tempFilename.startsWith("./") == true) { tempFilename.replace(0, 1, QString::fromStdString(path)); filename = tempFilename.toStdString(); } else { QFileInfo fileInfo(tempFilename); if (fileInfo.isRelative() == true) { filename = path + SLASH + filename; } } } // don't pass progress to importer - the individual signature imports are rapid and passing progress will // cause isAborted() to not function properly. ImporterResource importer("Auto Importer", filename, NULL); if (importer->getPlugIn() == NULL) {"The \"Auto Importer\" is not available and is required to import signature sets.", 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } if (importer->execute()) { vector<DataElement*> elements = importer->getImportedElements(); vector<Signature*> sigs(elements.size(), NULL); for (vector<DataElement*>::iterator element = elements.begin(); element != elements.end(); ++element) { Signature* pSig = dynamic_cast<Signature*>(*element); if (pSig != NULL) { pSignatureSet->insertSignature(pSig); // reparent the signature Service<ModelServices>()->setElementParent(pSig, pSignatureSet); } } } else {"Unable to import signature " + filename, percent, WARNING, true); } } } catch(DOMException &exc) {, 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } SignatureSet* pParent = dynamic_cast<SignatureSet*>(pSignatureSet->getParent()); if (pParent != NULL && pParent->getFilename() == pSignatureSet->getFilename()) { pParent->insertSignature(pSignatureSet); }"Spectral signature library loaded", 100, NORMAL); progress.upALevel(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 5) { cout << currentDateTime() << "Usage: GTTagging.exe video_path flag_roi(1=true, 0=false) flag_load(1=true, 0=false) flag_saveROI(1=true, 0=false)\n"; return 1; } /*serialize_video();*/ string outFilename = "output_video.xml"; serializeVideo(outFilename); removeTrailingSpace(outFilename); path video_path (argv[1]); string video_name = video_path.filename().replace_extension("").string(); cout << "video_path filename: " << video_name << endl; string base_name = video_path.filename().replace_extension("").string(); cout << "base_name: " << base_name << endl; string base_path = video_path.remove_filename().string(); cout << "base_path: " << base_path << endl; ostringstream codebook_paramters_path; codebook_paramters_path << base_path << "\\" << base_name << "_cparameters.dat"; cout << "cparameters filename: " << codebook_paramters_path.str() << endl; ostringstream xml_path; xml_path << base_path << "\\" << base_name << ".xml"; cout << "xml filename: " << xml_path.str() << endl; path gt_xml_path (xml_path.str()); try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); XQillaPlatformUtils::initialize(); } catch (const XMLException& eXerces) { cerr << "Error during Xerces-C initialisation.\n" << "Xerces exception message: " << UTF8(eXerces.getMessage()) << endl; return 1; } try { if (!exists(gt_xml_path)) { cout << currentDateTime() << "File: " << gt_xml_path << " doesn't exist!" << endl; return 1; } if (!exists(video_path)) { cout << currentDateTime() << "File: " << video_path << " doesn't exist!" << endl; return 1; } cout << currentDateTime() << "Processing " << video_path << " ..." << endl; DOMImplementation* xqillaImplementation = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(X("XPath2 3.0")); DOMLSParser* xmlParser = xqillaImplementation->createLSParser(DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0); DOMConfiguration* dc_parser = xmlParser->getDomConfig(); dc_parser->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true); dc_parser->setParameter(XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, true); dc_parser->setParameter(XMLUni::fgDOMValidate, true); DOMDocument* document = xmlParser->parseURI(xml_path.str().c_str()); if(document == 0) { cerr << "Document not found: " << xml_path.str().c_str() << endl; return 1; } const DOMXPathNSResolver* resolver = document->createNSResolver(document->getDocumentElement()); XQillaNSResolver* xqillaResolver = (XQillaNSResolver*)resolver; xqillaResolver->addNamespaceBinding(X("xs"), X("")); xqillaResolver->addNamespaceBinding(X("fn"), X("")); // Initialize Subsense cv::VideoCapture oVideoInput; cv::Mat oCurrInputFrame, oCurrSegmMask, oCurrReconstrBGImg;[1]); oVideoInput >> oCurrInputFrame; oVideoInput.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,0); // create BGS Subsense object BackgroundSubtractorSuBSENSE oBGSAlg; // copy loadvars flag if (strcmp(argv[3], "1") == 0) { oBGSAlg.loadvars = true; cout << currentDateTime() << "Pre-loading codebook ..." << endl; } else { oBGSAlg.loadvars = false; cout << currentDateTime() << "Building codebook ..." << endl; } // check if open if(!oVideoInput.isOpened() || oCurrInputFrame.empty()) { printf("Could not open video file at '%s'.\n", argv[1]); cv::waitKey(); return -1; } // Initialize Subsense variables oCurrSegmMask.create(oCurrInputFrame.size(),CV_8UC1); oCurrReconstrBGImg.create(oCurrInputFrame.size(),oCurrInputFrame.type()); // Depending on flag_roi load ROI or not cv::Mat R; if (strcmp(argv[2], "1") == 0) { R = cv::imread("ROI.png",CV_8UC1); } else { R = cv::Mat(oCurrInputFrame.size(),CV_8UC1,cv::Scalar_<uchar>(255)); } oBGSAlg.saveCodebookParametersPath(codebook_paramters_path.str()); oBGSAlg.initialize(oCurrInputFrame, R); // create visualization windows /*cv::namedWindow("input",cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::namedWindow("segmentation mask",cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);*/ int xml_roi_counter = 0; int bgs_roi_counter = 0; int frame_counter = 0; //loop through video frames while(1) { try { std::cout << "frame counter = " << frame_counter << std::endl; oVideoInput >> oCurrInputFrame; if(oCurrInputFrame.empty()) break; //Process oBGSAlg(oCurrInputFrame,oCurrSegmMask); //oBGSAlg.getBackgroundImage(oCurrReconstrBGImg); std::vector<F_state_struct> F_states; // TODO Add function to static lib. getRegions(oCurrSegmMask, F_states, pminArea); std::ostringstream object_xpath_expression; object_xpath_expression << "//object[../@id=\""<< frame_counter++ << "\"]"; cout << currentDateTime() << "object_xpath_expression: " << object_xpath_expression.str() << endl; const DOMXPathExpression* parsedExpression = document->createExpression(X(object_xpath_expression.str().c_str()), resolver); DOMXPathResult* iteratorResult = (DOMXPathResult*)parsedExpression->evaluate(document->getDocumentElement(), DOMXPathResult::ITERATOR_RESULT_TYPE, 0); /*ostringstream xml_rois_path; xml_rois_path << base_path << "\\" << base_name << "_xml_rois"; cout << "xml_rois_path filename: " << xml_rois_path.str() << endl; path xml_rois_dir (xml_rois_path.str()); if(!exists(xml_rois_dir)) { if (create_directories(xml_rois_dir)) { cout << currentDateTime() << "xml_rois_dir created!" << endl; } else { cout << currentDateTime() << "Cannot create xml_rois_dir!" << endl; return 1; } }*/ ostringstream bgs_rois_path; bgs_rois_path << base_path << "\\" << base_name << "_bgs_rois"; cout << "bgs_rois_path filename: " << bgs_rois_path.str() << endl; path bgs_rois_dir (bgs_rois_path.str()); if(!exists(bgs_rois_dir)) { if (create_directories(bgs_rois_dir)) { cout << currentDateTime() << "bgs_rois_dir created!" << endl; } else { cout << currentDateTime() << "Cannot create bgs_rois_dir!" << endl; return 1; } } int i = 0; while(iteratorResult->iterateNext()) { if(iteratorResult->isNode()) { DOMNode* n (iteratorResult->getNodeValue ()); char * localName = XMLString::transcode(n->getLocalName()); //cout << currentDateTime() << "Localname: " << localName << endl; DOMElement* resultElement = dynamic_cast<DOMElement*>(n); if(strcmp( localName, "object") == 0) { object* o = new object (*resultElement); int w = o->w().get(); int h = o->h().get(); int x = o->x().get(); int y = o->y().get(); cout << currentDateTime() << "fish_species: " << o->fish_species().get() << endl; cout << currentDateTime() << "h: " << h << endl; cout << currentDateTime() << "w: " << w << endl; cout << currentDateTime() << "x: " << x << endl; cout << currentDateTime() << "y: " << y << endl; try { ostringstream fish_specie_path; fish_specie_path << base_path << "\\" << o->fish_species().get(); cout << "fish_specie_path filename: " << fish_specie_path.str() << endl; path fish_specie_dir (fish_specie_path.str()); if(!exists(fish_specie_dir)) { if (create_directories(fish_specie_dir)) { cout << currentDateTime() << "bgs_rois_dir created!" << endl; } else { cout << currentDateTime() << "Cannot create fish_specie_dir!" << endl; return 1; } } std::cout << "XML ROI: " << x << " , " << y << " , " << x+w << " , " << y+h << std::endl; Rect xml_roi_rectangle = Rect(Point(x, y), Point(x+w, y+h)); Mat xmlROI, xmlROI_bg; Mat xmlROIMask = oCurrSegmMask(xml_roi_rectangle); xml_roi_counter++; oCurrInputFrame(xml_roi_rectangle).copyTo(xmlROI_bg); sprintf(printf_buffer, "%s\\%s_roi%04d_bg.png", fish_specie_path.str().c_str(), base_name, xml_roi_counter); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saving to: " << printf_buffer << endl; imwrite(printf_buffer, xmlROI_bg); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saved..." << endl; oCurrInputFrame(xml_roi_rectangle).copyTo(xmlROI, xmlROIMask); sprintf(printf_buffer, "%s\\%s_roi%04d.png\0", fish_specie_path.str().c_str(), base_name, xml_roi_counter); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saving to: " << printf_buffer << endl; imwrite(printf_buffer, xmlROI); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saved..." << endl; //rectangle( oCurrInputFrame, Point(x, y), Point(x+w, y+h), Scalar( 255, 9, 0 ), +3, 4 ); } catch (exception& e) { cout << "Error: " << e.what() << '\n'; } } } } for(int i=0; i<F_states.size(); i++) { std::cout << "BGS ROI: " << << " , " << << " , " << << " , " << << std::endl; Rect bgs_roi_rectangle = Rect(Point(,, Point(,; Mat bgsROI, bgsROI_bg; Mat bgsROIMask = oCurrSegmMask(bgs_roi_rectangle); bgs_roi_counter++; oCurrInputFrame(bgs_roi_rectangle).copyTo(bgsROI_bg); sprintf(printf_buffer, "%s\\roi%04d_bg.png", bgs_rois_path.str().c_str(), bgs_roi_counter); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saving to: " << printf_buffer << endl; imwrite(printf_buffer, bgsROI_bg); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saved..." << endl; oCurrInputFrame(bgs_roi_rectangle).copyTo(bgsROI, bgsROIMask); sprintf(printf_buffer, "%s\\roi%04d.png\0", bgs_rois_path.str().c_str(), bgs_roi_counter); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saving to: " << printf_buffer << endl; imwrite(printf_buffer, bgsROI); cout << currentDateTime() << "Saved..." << endl; //rectangle( oCurrInputFrame, Point(,, Point(,, Scalar( 0, 55, 255 ), +3, 4 ); } //Background Subtraction Visualization /*imshow("input",oCurrInputFrame); imshow("segmentation mask",oCurrSegmMask);*/ //imshow("reconstructed background",oCurrReconstrBGImg); /*if(cv::waitKey(1)==27) break;*/ //Save subsense codebooks and parameters if (strcmp(argv[4], "1") == 0) { oBGSAlg.saveVariables(); } } catch(DOMXPathException &e) { cerr << "DOMXPathException: " << UTF8(e.msg) << endl; return 1; } catch(DOMException &e) { cerr << "DOMException: " << UTF8(e.getMessage()) << endl; return 1; } } } catch (const filesystem_error& ex) { cout << currentDateTime() << ex.what() << '\n'; } XQillaPlatformUtils::terminate(); XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate(); return 0; }