bool Mapper::getBoundedMap(ethzasl_icp_mapper::GetBoundedMap::Request &req, ethzasl_icp_mapper::GetBoundedMap::Response &res)
	if (!mapPointCloud)
		return false;

	const float max_x = req.topRightCorner.x;
	const float max_y = req.topRightCorner.y;
	const float max_z = req.topRightCorner.z;

	const float min_x = req.bottomLeftCorner.x;
	const float min_y = req.bottomLeftCorner.y;
	const float min_z = req.bottomLeftCorner.z;

	cerr << "min [" << min_x << ", " << min_y << ", " << min_z << "] " << endl;
	cerr << "max [" << max_x << ", " << max_y << ", " << max_z << "] " << endl;

	tf::StampedTransform stampedTr;
	Eigen::Affine3d eigenTr;
	tf::poseMsgToEigen(req.mapCenter, eigenTr);
	Eigen::MatrixXf T = eigenTr.matrix().inverse().cast<float>();
	//const Eigen::MatrixXf T = eigenTr.matrix().cast<float>();

	cerr << "T:" << endl << T << endl;
	T = transformation->correctParameters(T);

	// FIXME: do we need a mutex here?
	const DP centeredPointCloud = transformation->compute(*mapPointCloud, T); 
	DP cutPointCloud = centeredPointCloud.createSimilarEmpty();

	cerr << centeredPointCloud.features.topLeftCorner(3, 10) << endl;
	cerr << T << endl;

	int newPtCount = 0;
	for(int i=0; i < centeredPointCloud.features.cols(); i++)
		const float x = centeredPointCloud.features(0,i);
		const float y = centeredPointCloud.features(1,i);
		const float z = centeredPointCloud.features(2,i);
		if(x < max_x && x > min_x &&
			 y < max_y && y > min_y &&
		   z < max_z && z > min_z 	)
			cutPointCloud.setColFrom(newPtCount, centeredPointCloud, i);

	cerr << "Extract " << newPtCount << " points from the map" << endl;
	cutPointCloud = transformation->compute(cutPointCloud, T.inverse()); 

	// Send the resulting point cloud in ROS format
	res.boundedMap = PointMatcher_ros::pointMatcherCloudToRosMsg<float>(cutPointCloud, mapFrame, ros::Time::now());
	return true;
Exemple #2
TEST(IOTest, loadPLY)
    typedef PointMatcherIO<float> IO;
    std::istringstream is;


    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format binary_big_endian 1.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 2.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 1.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 1.0\n"
        "element vertex 5\n"
        "\n" //empty line
        "property float z\n" // wrong order
        "property float y\n"
        "property float x\n"
        "property float grrrr\n" //unknown property
        "property float nz\n" // wrong order
        "property float ny\n"
        "property float nx\n"
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"
        "\n" //empty line
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11 3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n" // no line break
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"


    DP pointCloud = IO::loadPLY(is);

    // Confirm sizes and dimensions
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features.cols() == 5);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features.rows() == 4);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors.cols() == 5);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors.rows() == 3);

    // Random value check
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features(0, 0) == 1);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features(2, 2) == 3);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors(1, 1) == 22);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors(2, 4) == 33);
