Exemple #1
float PhaseEstimator::EvaluateParameters(vector<BasecallerRead *>& useful_reads, DPTreephaser& treephaser, const float *parameters, const bool usePIDNorm)
  float try_cf = parameters[0];
  float try_ie = parameters[1];
  float try_dr = parameters[2];
  if (try_cf < 0 or try_ie < 0 or try_dr < 0 or try_cf > 0.04 or try_ie > 0.04 or try_dr > 0.01)
    return 1e10;

  treephaser.SetModelParameters(try_cf, try_ie, try_dr);

  float metric = 0;
  for (vector<BasecallerRead *>::iterator read = useful_reads.begin(); read != useful_reads.end(); ++read) {

    treephaser.Simulate(**read, 120);
    float normalizer = (usePIDNorm ? treephaser.PIDNormalize(**read, 8, 100) : treephaser.Normalize(**read, 20, 100));

    for (unsigned int flow = 20; flow < 100 and flow < (*read)->raw_measurements.size(); flow++) {
      if ((*read)->raw_measurements[flow] > 1.2)
      float delta = (*read)->raw_measurements[flow] - (*read)->prediction[flow] * normalizer;
      metric += delta * delta;

  return isnan(metric) ? 1e10 : metric;
Exemple #2
float PhaseEstimator::EvaluateParameters(vector<BasecallerRead *>& useful_reads, DPTreephaser& treephaser, const float *parameters)
  float try_cf = parameters[0];
  float try_ie = parameters[1];
  float try_dr = parameters[2];
  if (try_cf < 0 or try_ie < 0 or try_dr < 0 or try_cf > 0.04 or try_ie > 0.04 or try_dr > 0.01)
    return 1e10;

  treephaser.SetModelParameters(try_cf, try_ie, try_dr);

  float metric = 0;
  for (vector<BasecallerRead *>::iterator read = useful_reads.begin(); read != useful_reads.end(); ++read) {

    // Simulate phasing parameter
    treephaser.Simulate(**read, phasing_end_flow_+20);

    // Optionally determine optimal normalization for this parameter set?
    if (norm_during_param_eval_)
      NormalizeBasecallerRead(treephaser, **read, phasing_start_flow_, phasing_end_flow_);

    // Determine squared distance penalty for this parameter set
    for (int flow = phasing_start_flow_; flow < phasing_end_flow_ and flow < (int)(*read)->raw_measurements.size(); ++flow) {
      if ((*read)->raw_measurements[flow] > inclusion_threshold_)
      // Keep key normalized raw measurements as a constant and normalize predictions towards key normalized values
      float delta = ((*read)->normalized_measurements[flow] - (*read)->prediction[flow]) * (*read)->multiplicative_correction[flow];
      metric += delta * delta;

  return isnan(metric) ? 1e10 : metric;
int HypothesisEvaluator::EvaluateOneHypothesis(DPTreephaser &working_treephaser, BasecallerRead &current_hypothesis, int applyNormalization) {

  int last_incorporating_flow = LastIncorporatingFlow(current_hypothesis);

  // Simulate sequence
  working_treephaser.Simulate(current_hypothesis, nFlows);

  // Adaptively normalize each hypothesis
  if (applyNormalization>0) {
    int window_size= 50;
    int steps = last_incorporating_flow / window_size;
    working_treephaser.WindowedNormalize(current_hypothesis, steps, window_size);

  // Solver simulates beginning of the read and then fills in the remaining clipped bases
  working_treephaser.Solve(current_hypothesis, nFlows, last_incorporating_flow);
  /*cout << "Solved sequence of length: " << hypothesesReadsVector[r].sequence.size() << " ;nFlows = " << nFlows << endl;
  cout << "Total read: ";
  for (int i=0; i<hypothesesReadsVector[r].sequence.size(); i++)
   cout << hypothesesReadsVector[r].sequence[i];
  cout << endl;*/