// Dump
// Dump the contents of this DWARFDebugInfo object as has been parsed
// and/or modified after it has been parsed.
void DWARFDebugInfo::Dump(Stream *s, const uint32_t die_offset,
                          const uint32_t recurse_depth) {
  DumpInfo dumpInfo(s, die_offset, recurse_depth);

  s->PutCString("Dumping .debug_info section from internal representation\n");

  CompileUnitColl::const_iterator pos;
  uint32_t curr_depth = 0;
  for (pos = m_compile_units.begin(); pos != m_compile_units.end(); ++pos) {
    DWARFCompileUnit *cu = pos->get();
    DumpCallback(m_dwarf2Data, cu, NULL, 0, curr_depth, &dumpInfo);

    const DWARFDIE die = cu->DIE();
    if (die)
      die.Dump(s, recurse_depth);