void OStream::put(const DataPtr &value)
    write_byte( (Byte8) Data );
    write(value.get(), value.length());
void ToHoudiniGeometryConverter::transferAttribValues(
	const Primitive *primitive, GU_Detail *geo,
	const GA_Range &points, const GA_Range &prims,
	PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation vertexInterpolation,
	PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation primitiveInterpolation,
	PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation pointInterpolation,
	PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation detailInterpolation
) const
	GA_OffsetList offsets;
	if ( prims.isValid() )
		const GA_PrimitiveList &primitives = geo->getPrimitiveList();
		for ( GA_Iterator it=prims.begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
			const GA_Primitive *prim = primitives.get( it.getOffset() );
			size_t numPrimVerts = prim->getVertexCount();
			for ( size_t v=0; v < numPrimVerts; v++ )
				if ( prim->getTypeId() == GEO_PRIMPOLY )
					offsets.append( prim->getVertexOffset( numPrimVerts - 1 - v ) );
					offsets.append( prim->getVertexOffset( v ) );

	GA_Range vertRange( geo->getVertexMap(), offsets );

	UT_String filter( attributeFilterParameter()->getTypedValue() );

	bool convertStandardAttributes = m_convertStandardAttributesParameter->getTypedValue();

	// process all primvars with UV interpretation
	for ( const auto &it : primitive->variables)

		if ( !UT_String( it.first ).multiMatch( filter ) )

		if (const V2fVectorData *uvData = runTimeCast<const V2fVectorData> ( it.second.data.get() ) )
			if ( uvData->getInterpretation() != GeometricData::UV )

			PrimitiveVariable::IndexedView<Imath::V2f> uvIndexedView ( it.second );

			// Houdini prefers a V3f uvw rather than V2f uv,
			// though they advise setting the 3rd component to 0.
			std::vector<Imath::V3f> uvw;
			uvw.reserve( uvIndexedView.size() );
			for ( size_t i=0; i < uvIndexedView.size(); ++i )
				uvw.emplace_back( uvIndexedView[i][0], uvIndexedView[i][1], 0 );

			GA_Range range = vertRange;
			if ( it.second.interpolation == pointInterpolation )
				range = points;

			V3fVectorData::Ptr uvwData = new V3fVectorData( uvw );
			uvwData->setInterpretation( GeometricData::UV );

			ToHoudiniAttribConverterPtr converter = ToHoudiniAttribConverter::create( uvwData.get() );
			converter->convert( it.first, geo, range );
			filter += " ^" + it.first;

 	UT_StringMMPattern attribFilter;
	attribFilter.compile( filter );

	// add the primitive variables to the various GEO_AttribDicts based on interpolation type
	for ( PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator it=primitive->variables.begin() ; it != primitive->variables.end(); it++ )
		if( !primitive->isPrimitiveVariableValid( it->second ) )
			IECore::msg( IECore::MessageHandler::Warning, "ToHoudiniGeometryConverter", "PrimitiveVariable " + it->first + " is invalid. Ignoring." );

		UT_String varName( it->first );
		if ( !varName.multiMatch( attribFilter ) )

		PrimitiveVariable primVar = processPrimitiveVariable( primitive, it->second );

		DataPtr data = nullptr;
		ToHoudiniAttribConverterPtr converter = nullptr;

		if( primVar.indices && primVar.data->typeId() == StringVectorDataTypeId )
			// we want to process the indexed strings rather than the expanded strings
			converter = ToHoudiniAttribConverter::create( primVar.data.get() );
			if( ToHoudiniStringVectorAttribConverter *stringVectorConverter = IECore::runTimeCast<ToHoudiniStringVectorAttribConverter>( converter.get() ) )
				stringVectorConverter->indicesParameter()->setValidatedValue( primVar.indices.get() );
			// all other primitive variables must be expanded
			data = primVar.expandedData();
			converter = ToHoudiniAttribConverter::create( data.get() );

		if ( !converter )

		const std::string name = ( convertStandardAttributes ) ? processPrimitiveVariableName( it->first ) : it->first;

		if ( primVar.interpolation == detailInterpolation )
			// add detail attribs
				converter->convert( name, geo );
			catch ( std::exception &e )
				throw IECore::Exception( "PrimitiveVariable \"" + it->first + "\" could not be converted as a Detail Attrib: " + e.what() );
		else if ( primVar.interpolation == pointInterpolation )


			// add point attribs
			if ( name == "P" )
				// special case for P
				transferP( runTimeCast<const V3fVectorData>( primVar.data.get() ), geo, points );


					GA_RWAttributeRef attrRef = converter->convert( name, geo, points );

					// mark rest as non-transforming so it doesn't get manipulated once inside Houdini
					if ( name == "rest" || name == "Pref" )


						attrRef.setTypeInfo( GA_TYPE_VOID );


						attrRef.getAttribute()->setNonTransforming( true );


				catch ( std::exception &e )
					throw IECore::Exception( "PrimitiveVariable \"" + it->first + "\" could not be converted as a Point Attrib: " + e.what() );
		else if ( primVar.interpolation == primitiveInterpolation )
			// add primitive attribs
				converter->convert( name, geo, prims );
			catch ( std::exception &e )
				throw IECore::Exception( "PrimitiveVariable \"" + it->first + "\" could not be converted as a Primitive Attrib: " + e.what() );
		else if ( primVar.interpolation == vertexInterpolation )
			// add vertex attribs
				converter->convert( name, geo, vertRange );
			catch ( std::exception &e )
				throw IECore::Exception( "PrimitiveVariable \"" + it->first + "\" could not be converted as a Vertex Attrib: " + e.what() );

	// backwards compatibility with older data
	const StringData *nameData = primitive->blindData()->member<StringData>( "name" );
	if ( nameData && prims.isValid() )
		ToHoudiniStringVectorAttribConverter::convertString( "name", nameData->readable(), geo, prims );
Exemple #3
Imath::Box3f SceneGadget::selectionBound() const
	DataPtr d = m_renderer->command( "gl:queryBound", { { "selection", new BoolData( true ) } } );
	return static_cast<Box3fData *>( d.get() )->readable();
Exemple #4
inline Record::Record (const RecordIdentifier & rid, char * ptr, size_t sz) {
	_id = rid;
	_size = sz;
	_pData = DataPtr (new char[_size] ( ));
	memcpy_s (_pData.get ( ), _size, ptr, _size);
Exemple #5
inline RETCODE Record::GetData (char * & pData) const {
	pData = _pData.get();
Exemple #6
inline char * Page::GetDataRawPtr ( ) const {
	return _pData.get ( ) + sizeof (PageHeader);
Exemple #7
inline RETCODE Page::GetData (char * &  pData) const {
	pData = _pData.get ( ) + sizeof (PageHeader);
Exemple #8
void resamplePrimitiveVariable( const CurvesPrimitive *curves, PrimitiveVariable &primitiveVariable, PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation interpolation )

	if ( interpolation == primitiveVariable.interpolation)

	DataPtr dstData = nullptr;
	DataPtr srcData = nullptr;

	if( primitiveVariable.indices )
		if( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex && ( interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying ) )
			// \todo: fix CurvesVertexToVarying so it works with arbitrary PrimitiveVariables
			// rather than requiring the variables exist on the input CurvesPrimitive.
			throw InvalidArgumentException( "CurvesAlgo::resamplePrimitiveVariable : Resampling indexed Vertex variables to FaceVarying/Varying is not currently supported. Expand indices first." );
		else if( ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying ) && interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex )
			// \todo: fix CurvesVaryingToVertex so it works with arbitrary PrimitiveVariables
			// rather than requiring the variables exist on the input CurvesPrimitive.
			throw InvalidArgumentException( "CurvesAlgo::resamplePrimitiveVariable : Resampling indexed FaceVarying/Varying variables to Vertex is not currently supported. Expand indices first." );
		else if( primitiveVariable.interpolation < interpolation )
			// upsampling can be a resampling of indices
			srcData = primitiveVariable.indices;
		else if( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying && interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying )
			// FaceVarying and Varying are the same for CurvesPrimitives
			srcData = primitiveVariable.indices;
			// downsampling forces index expansion to
			// simplify the algorithms.
			// \todo: allow indices to be maintained.
			srcData = primitiveVariable.expandedData();
			primitiveVariable.indices = nullptr;
		// with no indices we can just resample the data
		srcData = primitiveVariable.data;

	if ( interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Constant )
		Detail::AverageValueFromVector fn;
		dstData = despatchTypedData<Detail::AverageValueFromVector, Detail::IsArithmeticVectorTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
	else if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Constant )
		DataPtr arrayData = Detail::createArrayData(primitiveVariable, curves, interpolation);
		if (arrayData)
			dstData = arrayData;
	else if ( interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Uniform )
		if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex )
			CurvesVertexToUniform fn( curves );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesVertexToUniform, Detail::IsArithmeticVectorTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
		else if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
			CurvesVaryingToUniform fn( curves );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesVaryingToUniform, Detail::IsArithmeticVectorTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
	else if ( interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex )
		if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Uniform )
			CurvesUniformToVertex fn( curves->verticesPerCurve()->readable() );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesUniformToVertex, TypeTraits::IsNumericBasedVectorTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
		else if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
			CurvesVaryingToVertex fn( curves );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesVaryingToVertex, IsPrimitiveEvaluatableTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
	else if ( interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
		if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Uniform )
			CurvesUniformToVarying fn( curves );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesUniformToVarying, TypeTraits::IsNumericBasedVectorTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get()), fn );
		else if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex )
			CurvesVertexToVarying fn( curves );
			dstData = despatchTypedData<CurvesVertexToVarying, IsPrimitiveEvaluatableTypedData>( const_cast< Data * >( srcData.get() ), fn );
		else if ( primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || primitiveVariable.interpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
			dstData = srcData;

	if( primitiveVariable.indices )
		primitiveVariable = PrimitiveVariable( interpolation, primitiveVariable.data, runTimeCast<IntVectorData>( dstData ) );
		primitiveVariable = PrimitiveVariable( interpolation, dstData );
void DPXImageWriter::writeImage( const vector<string> &names, const ImagePrimitive *image, const Box2i &dataWindow ) const
	// write the dpx in the standard 10bit log format
	ofstream out;
	if ( !out.is_open() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	/// We'd like RGB to be at the front, in that order, because it seems that not all readers support the channel identifiers!
	vector<string> desiredChannelOrder;
	desiredChannelOrder.push_back( "R" );
	desiredChannelOrder.push_back( "G" );
	desiredChannelOrder.push_back( "B" );

	vector<string> namesCopy = names;
	vector<string> filteredNames;

	for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = desiredChannelOrder.begin(); it != desiredChannelOrder.end(); ++it )
		vector<string>::iterator res = find( namesCopy.begin(), namesCopy.end(), *it );
		if ( res != namesCopy.end() )
			namesCopy.erase( res );
			filteredNames.push_back( *it );

	for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = namesCopy.begin(); it != namesCopy.end(); ++it )
		filteredNames.push_back( *it );

	assert( names.size() == filteredNames.size() );

	Box2i displayWindow = image->getDisplayWindow();

	int displayWidth  = 1 + displayWindow.size().x;
	int displayHeight = 1 + displayWindow.size().y;

	// build the header
	DPXFileInformation fi;
	memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));

	DPXImageInformation ii;
	memset(&ii, 0, sizeof(ii));

	DPXImageOrientation ioi;
	memset(&ioi, 0, sizeof(ioi));

	DPXMotionPictureFilm mpf;
	memset(&mpf, 0, sizeof(mpf));

	DPXTelevisionHeader th;
	memset(&th, 0, sizeof(th));

	fi.magic = asBigEndian<>( 0x53445058 );

	// compute data offsets
	fi.gen_hdr_size = sizeof(fi) + sizeof(ii) + sizeof(ioi);
	fi.gen_hdr_size = asBigEndian<>(fi.gen_hdr_size);

	fi.ind_hdr_size = sizeof(mpf) + sizeof(th);
	fi.ind_hdr_size = asBigEndian<>(fi.ind_hdr_size);

	int header_size = sizeof(fi) + sizeof(ii) + sizeof(ioi) + sizeof(mpf) + sizeof(th);
	fi.image_data_offset = header_size;
	fi.image_data_offset = asBigEndian<>(fi.image_data_offset);

	strcpy((char *) fi.vers, "V2.0");

	strncpy( (char *) fi.file_name, fileName().c_str(), sizeof( fi.file_name ) );

	// compute the current date and time
	boost::posix_time::ptime utc = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();
	boost::gregorian::date date = utc.date();
	boost::posix_time::time_duration time = utc.time_of_day();

	snprintf((char *) fi.create_time,  sizeof( fi.create_time ), "%04d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%s",
	        static_cast<int>( date.year() ),
		static_cast<int>( date.month() ),
		static_cast<int>( date.day() ),

	snprintf((char *) fi.creator, sizeof( fi.creator ), "cortex");
	snprintf((char *) fi.project, sizeof( fi.project ), "cortex");
	snprintf((char *) fi.copyright, sizeof( fi.copyright ), "Unknown");

	ii.orientation = 0;    // left-to-right, top-to-bottom
	ii.element_number = 1;
	ii.pixels_per_line = displayWidth;
	ii.lines_per_image_ele = displayHeight;

	ii.element_number      = asBigEndian<>(ii.element_number);
	ii.pixels_per_line     = asBigEndian<>(ii.pixels_per_line);
	ii.lines_per_image_ele = asBigEndian<>(ii.lines_per_image_ele);

	for (int c = 0; c < 8; ++c)
		DPXImageInformation::_image_element &ie = ii.image_element[c];
		ie.data_sign = 0;

		/// \todo Dcoument these constants
		ie.ref_low_data = 0;
		ie.ref_low_quantity = 0.0;
		ie.ref_high_data = 1023;
		ie.ref_high_quantity = 2.046;

		ie.ref_low_data = asBigEndian<>(ie.ref_low_data);
		ie.ref_low_quantity = asBigEndian<>(ie.ref_low_quantity);
		ie.ref_high_data = asBigEndian<>(ie.ref_high_data);
		ie.ref_high_quantity = asBigEndian<>(ie.ref_high_quantity);

		/// \todo Dcoument these constants
		ie.transfer = 1;
		ie.packing =  asBigEndian<short>( 1 );
		ie.bit_size = 10;
		ie.descriptor = 50;

		ie.data_offset = fi.image_data_offset;

	ioi.x_offset = 0;
	ioi.y_offset = 0;

	// Write the header
	int image_data_size = sizeof( unsigned int ) * displayWidth * displayHeight;
	fi.file_size = header_size + image_data_size;

	fi.file_size = asBigEndian<>(fi.file_size);

	out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fi),  sizeof(fi));
	if ( out.fail() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ii),  sizeof(ii));
	if ( out.fail() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ioi), sizeof(ioi));
	if ( out.fail() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&mpf), sizeof(mpf));
	if ( out.fail() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&th),  sizeof(th));
	if ( out.fail() )
		throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );

	// write the data
	vector<unsigned int> imageBuffer( displayWidth*displayHeight, 0 );

	int offset = 0;
	vector<string>::const_iterator i = filteredNames.begin();
	while (i != filteredNames.end())
		if (!(*i == "R" || *i == "G" || *i == "B"))
			msg( Msg::Warning, "DPXImageWriter::write", format( "Channel \"%s\" was not encoded." ) % *i );

		int bpp = 10;
		unsigned int shift = (32 - bpp) - (offset*bpp);

		assert( image->variables.find( *i ) != image->variables.end() );
		DataPtr dataContainer = image->variables.find( *i )->second.data;
		assert( dataContainer );

		ChannelConverter converter( *i, image, dataWindow, shift, imageBuffer );

		>( dataContainer.get(), converter );


	// write the buffer
	for (int i = 0; i < displayWidth * displayHeight; ++i)
		imageBuffer[i] = asBigEndian<>(imageBuffer[i]);
		out.write( (const char *) (&imageBuffer[i]), sizeof(unsigned int) );
		if ( out.fail() )
			throw IOException( "DPXImageWriter: Error writing to " + fileName() );
Exemple #10
MStatus ImageFile::open( MString pathName, MImageFileInfo* info )
	ImagePrimitivePtr image;
	ImageReaderPtr reader;

		reader = runTimeCast<ImageReader>( Reader::create( pathName.asChar() ) );
		if (!reader)
			return MS::kFailure;

		image = runTimeCast< ImagePrimitive >( reader->read() );
		if (!image)
			return MS::kFailure;

		if (!reader->isComplete())
			return MS::kFailure;
	catch ( std::exception &e )
		return MS::kFailure;

	m_width = image->getDataWindow().size().x + 1;
	m_height = image->getDataWindow().size().y + 1;

	std::vector<std::string> channelNames;
	image->channelNames( channelNames );

	if ( std::find( channelNames.begin(), channelNames.end(), "R" ) == channelNames.end()
		|| std::find( channelNames.begin(), channelNames.end(), "G" ) == channelNames.end()
		|| std::find( channelNames.begin(), channelNames.end(), "B" ) == channelNames.end() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	m_numChannels = 3;
	if ( std::find( channelNames.begin(), channelNames.end(), "A" ) != channelNames.end() )
		m_numChannels = 4;

	assert( m_numChannels == 3 || m_numChannels == 4 );


		ChannelConverter converter;
		converter.m_pathName = pathName.asChar();

		DataPtr rData = image->variables["R"].data;
		if (! rData )
			return MS::kFailure;

		converter.m_channelName = "R";
		m_rData = despatchTypedData<
			>( rData.get(), converter );

		DataPtr gData = image->variables["G"].data;
		if (! gData )
			return MS::kFailure;

		converter.m_channelName = "G";
		m_gData = despatchTypedData<
			>( gData.get(), converter );

		DataPtr bData = image->variables["B"].data;
		if (! bData )
			return MS::kFailure;

		converter.m_channelName = "B";
		m_bData = despatchTypedData<
			>( bData.get(), converter );

		if ( m_numChannels == 4 )
			DataPtr aData = image->variables["A"].data;
			if (! aData )
				return MS::kFailure;

			converter.m_channelName = "A";
			m_aData = despatchTypedData<
			>( aData.get(), converter );

	catch ( std::exception &e )
		MGlobal::displayError( e.what() );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if (info)
		info->width( m_width );
		info->height( m_height );

		info->channels( m_numChannels );
		info->numberOfImages( 1 );

		info->imageType( MImageFileInfo::kImageTypeColor );
		info->pixelType( MImage::kFloat  );
		info->hardwareType( MImageFileInfo::kHwTexture2D  );

	return MS::kSuccess;