Exemple #1
 * FindGRIBMsg() -- Review 12/2002
 * Arthur Taylor / MDL
 *   Jumps through a GRIB2 file looking for a specific message.  Currently
 * that message is determined by msgNum which is in the range of 1..n.
 *   In the future we may be searching based on projection or date.
 *      fp = The current GRIB2 file to look through. (Input)
 *  msgNum = Which message to look for. (Input)
 *  offset = Where in the file the message starts (this is before the
 *           wmo ASCII part if there is one.) (Output)
 *  curMsg = The current # of messages we have looked through. (In/Out) 
 *   An already opened "GRIB2" File
 * RETURNS: int (could use errSprintf())
 *  0 = OK
 * -1 = Problems reading Section 0.
 * -2 = Ran out of file.
 *  11/2002 Arthur Taylor (MDL/RSIS): Created.
 *  12/2002 (TK,AC,TB,&MS): Code Review.
 *   6/2003 Matthew T. Kallio ([email protected]):
 *          "wmo" dimension increased to WMO_HEADER_LEN + 1 (for '\0' char)
 *   8/2003 AAT: Removed dependence on offset and fileLen.
int FindGRIBMsg (DataSource &fp, int msgNum, sInt4 *offset, int *curMsg)
   int cnt;             /* The current message we are looking at. */
   char *buff;          /* Holds the info between records. */
   uInt4 buffLen;       /* Length of info between records. */
   sInt4 sect0[SECT0LEN_WORD]; /* Holds the current Section 0. */
   uInt4 gribLen;       /* Length of the current GRIB message. */
   int version;         /* Which version of GRIB is in this message. */
   int c;               /* Determine if end of the file without fileLen. */
   sInt4 jump;          /* How far to jump to get to past GRIB message. */

   cnt = *curMsg + 1;
   buff = NULL;
   buffLen = 0;
   while ((c = fp.DataSourceFgetc()) != EOF) {
      if (cnt >= msgNum) {
         /* 12/1/2004 version 1.63 forgot to free buff */
         free (buff);
         *curMsg = cnt;
         return 0;
      /* Read section 0 to find gribLen and wmoLen. */
      if (ReadSECT0 (fp, &buff, &buffLen, GRIB_LIMIT, sect0, &gribLen,
                     &version) < 0) {
         preErrSprintf ("Inside FindGRIBMsg\n");
         free (buff);
         return -1;
      myAssert ((version == 1) || (version == 2) || (version == -1));
      /* Continue on to the next grib message. */
      if ((version == 1) || (version == -1)) {
         jump = gribLen - 8;
      } else {
         jump = gribLen - 16;
      fp.DataSourceFseek(jump, SEEK_CUR);
      *offset = *offset + gribLen + buffLen;
   free (buff);
   *curMsg = cnt - 1;
   /* Return -2 since we reached the end of file. This may not be an error
    * (multiple file option). */
   return -2;
   errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file looking for msgNum %d.\n", msgNum);
   errSprintf ("       Current msgNum %d\n", cnt);
Exemple #2
 * GRIB2SectJump() --
 * Arthur Taylor / MDL
 *    To jump past a GRIB2 section.  Reads in secLen and checks that the
 * section is valid.
 *      fp = Opened file pointing to the section in question. (Input/Output)
 * gribLen = The total length of the grib message. (Input)
 *    sect = Which section we think we are reading.
 *           If it is -1, then set it to the section the file says we are
 *           reading (useful for optional sect 2)) (Input/Output).
 *  secLen = The length of this section (Output)
 *    An already opened GRIB2 file pointer, already at section in question.
 * RETURNS: int (could use errSprintf())
 *  0 = Ok.
 * -1 = Ran out of file.
 * -2 = Section was miss-labeled.
 *   3/2003 Arthur Taylor (MDL/RSIS): Created.
 *   8/2003 AAT: Removed dependence on curTot, which was used to compute if
 *          the file should be large enough for the fseek, but didn't check
 *          if it actually was.
 *   May want to put this in degrib2.c
static int GRIB2SectJump (DataSource &fp,
                          CPL_UNUSED sInt4 gribLen, sChar *sect, uInt4 *secLen)
   char sectNum;        /* Validates that we are on the correct section. */
   int c;               /* Check that the fseek is still inside the file. */

   if (FREAD_BIG (secLen, sizeof (sInt4), 1, fp) != 1) {
      if (*sect != -1) {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file in Section %d\n", *sect);
      } else {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file in GRIB2SectSkip\n");
      return -1;
   if (fp.DataSourceFread (&sectNum, sizeof (char), 1) != 1) {
      if (*sect != -1) {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file in Section %d\n", *sect);
      } else {
         errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file in GRIB2SectSkip\n");
      return -1;
   if (*sect == -1) {
      *sect = sectNum;
   } else if (sectNum != *sect) {
       errSprintf ("ERROR: Section %d mislabeled\n", *sect);
       return -2;
   /* Since fseek does not give an error if we jump outside the file, we test
    * it by using fgetc / ungetc. */
   fp.DataSourceFseek (*secLen - 5, SEEK_CUR);
   if ((c = fp.DataSourceFgetc()) == EOF) {
       errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file in Section %d\n", *sect);
       return -1;
   } else {
   return 0;
Exemple #3
 * GRIB2Inventory() -- Review 12/2002
 * Arthur Taylor / MDL
 *   Fills out an inventory structure for each GRIB message in a GRIB file,
 * without calling the FORTRAN routines to unpack the message.  It returns
 * the number of messages it found, or a negative number signifying an error.
 * filename = File to do the inventory of. (Input)
 *      Inv = The resultant array of inventories. (Output)
 *   LenInv = Length of the Array Inv (Output)
 *   numMsg = # of messages to inventory (0 = all, 1 = just first) (In)
 *   msgNum = MsgNum to start with, MsgNum of last message (Input/Output)
 *    Opens a GRIB2 file for reading given its filename.
 * RETURNS: int (could use errSprintf())
 * +# = number of GRIB2 messages in the file.
 * -1 = Problems opening file for read.
 * -2 = Problems in section 0
 * -3 = Ran out of file.
 * -4 = Problems Reading in section 1
 * -5 = Problems Reading in section 2 or 3
 * -6 = Problems Reading in section 3
 * -7 = Problems Reading in section 4
 * -8 = Problems Parsing section 4.
 * -9 = Problems Reading in section 5
 * -10 = Problems Reading in section 6
 * -11 = Problems Reading in section 7
 * -12 = Problems inventory'ing a GRIB1 record
 * -13 = Problems inventory'ing a TDLP record
 *   9/2002 Arthur Taylor (MDL/RSIS): Created.
 *  11/2002 AAT: Revised.
 *  12/2002 (TK,AC,TB,&MS): Code Review.
 *   3/2003 AAT: Corrected some satellite type mistakes.
 *   3/2003 AAT: Implemented multiple grid inventories in the same GRIB2
 *          message.
 *   4/2003 AAT: Started adding GRIB1 support
 *   6/2003 Matthew T. Kallio ([email protected]):
 *          "wmo" dimension increased to WMO_HEADER_LEN + 1 (for '\0' char)
 *   7/2003 AAT: Added numMsg so we can quickly find the reference time for
 *          a file by inventorying just the first message.
 *   8/2003 AAT: Adjusted use of GRIB_LIMIT to only affect the first message
 *          after we know we have a GRIB file, we don't want "trailing" bytes
 *          to break the program.
 *   8/2003 AAT: switched fileLen to only be computed for an error message.
 *   8/2003 AAT: curTot no longer serves a purpose.
 *   5/2004 AAT: Added a check for section number 2..8 for the repeated
 *          section (otherwise error)
 *  10/2004 AAT: Added ability to inventory TDLP records.
int GRIB2Inventory (DataSource &fp, inventoryType **Inv, uInt4 *LenInv,
                    int numMsg, int *MsgNum)
   //FileDataSource fp (filename);            /* The opened GRIB2 file. */
   sInt4 offset = 0;    /* Where we are in the file. */
   sInt4 msgNum;        /* Which GRIB2 message we are on. */
   uInt4 gribLen;       /* Length of the current GRIB message. */
   uInt4 secLen;        /* Length of current section. */
   sChar sectNum;       /* Which section we are reading. */
   char *buff;          /* Holds the info between records. */
   uInt4 buffLen;       /* Length of info between records. */
   sInt4 sect0[SECT0LEN_WORD]; /* Holds the current Section 0. */
   char *buffer = NULL; /* Holds a given section. */
   uInt4 bufferLen = 0; /* Size of buffer. */
   inventoryType *inv;  /* Local ptr to Inv to reduce ptr confusion. */
   inventoryType *lastInv; /* Used to point to last inventory record when
                            * there are multiple grids in the same message. */
   wordType word;       /* Used to parse the prodType out of Sect 0. */
   int ans;             /* The return error code of ReadSect0. */
   char *msg;           /* Used to pop messages off the error Stack. */
   int version;         /* Which version of GRIB is in this message. */
   uChar prodType;      /* Which GRIB2 type of product, 0 is meteo, 1 is
                         * hydro, 2 is land, 3 is space, 10 is oceanographic. 
   int grib_limit;      /* How many bytes to look for before the first "GRIB" 
                         * in the file.  If not found, is not a GRIB file. */
   int c;               /* Determine if end of the file without fileLen. */
   sInt4 fileLen;       /* Length of the GRIB2 file. */
   unsigned short int center, subcenter; /* Who produced it. */
   // char *ptr;           /* used to find the file extension. */

   grib_limit = GRIB_LIMIT;
   if (filename != NULL) {
      //if ((fp = fopen (filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
      //   errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems opening %s for read.", filename);
      //   return -1;
		  //fp = FileDataSource(filename);
      ptr = strrchr (filename, '.');
      if (ptr != NULL) {
         if (strcmp (ptr, ".tar") == 0) {
            grib_limit = 5000;
   } else {
      //fp = stdin; // TODO!!
   msgNum = *MsgNum;

   buff = NULL;
   buffLen = 0;
   while ((c = fp.DataSourceFgetc()) != EOF) {
      // ungetc (c, fp);
      /* msgNum++ done first so any error messages range from 1..n, instead
       * of 0.. n-1. Note msgNum should end up as n not (n-1) */
/* Used when testing inventory of large TDLPack files. */
#ifdef DEBUG
      myAssert (msgNum < 32500L);
      if (msgNum % 10 == 0) {
         printf ("%ld :: %f\n", msgNum, clock () / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
      /* Make it so the second, third, etc messages have no limit to finding
       * the "GRIB" keyword. */
      if (msgNum > 1) {
         grib_limit = -1;
      /* Read in the wmo header and sect0. */
      if (ReadSECT0 (fp, &buff, &buffLen, grib_limit, sect0, &gribLen,
                     &version) < 0) {
         if (msgNum == 1) {
            /* Handle case where we couldn't find 'GRIB' in the message. */
            preErrSprintf ("Inside GRIB2Inventory, Message # %d\n", msgNum);
            free (buffer);
            free (buff);
            //fclose (fp);
            return -2;
         } else {
            /* Handle case where there are trailing bytes. */
            msg = errSprintf (NULL);
            printf ("Warning: Inside GRIB2Inventory, Message # %d\n",
            printf ("%s", msg);
            free (msg);
            /* find out how big the file is. */
            fp.DataSourceFseek (0L, SEEK_END);
            fileLen = static_cast<int>(fp.DataSourceFtell());
            /* fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); */
            printf ("There were %d trailing bytes in the file.\n",
                    fileLen - offset);
            free (buffer);
            free (buff);
            //fclose (fp);
            return msgNum;

      /* Make room for this GRIB message in the inventory list. */
      *LenInv = *LenInv + 1;
      *Inv = (inventoryType *) realloc ((void *) *Inv,
                                        *LenInv * sizeof (inventoryType));
      inv = *Inv + (*LenInv - 1);

      /* Start parsing the message. */
      inv->GribVersion = version;
      inv->msgNum = msgNum;
      inv->subgNum = 0;
      inv->start = offset;
      inv->element = NULL;
      inv->comment = NULL;
      inv->unitName = NULL;
      inv->shortFstLevel = NULL;
      inv->longFstLevel = NULL;

      if (version == 1) {
         if (GRIB1_Inventory (fp, gribLen, inv) != 0) {
            preErrSprintf ("Inside GRIB2Inventory \n");
            free (buffer);
            free (buff);
            //fclose (fp);
            return -12;
      } else if (version == -1) {
         if (TDLP_Inventory (fp, gribLen, inv) != 0) {
            preErrSprintf ("Inside GRIB2Inventory \n");
            free (buffer);
            free (buff);
            //fclose (fp);
            return -13;
      } else {
         word.li = sect0[1];
         prodType = word.buffer[2];

         /* Read section 1 into buffer. */
         sectNum = 1;
         if (GRIB2SectToBuffer (fp, gribLen, &sectNum, &secLen, &bufferLen,
                                &buffer) != 0) {
            errSprintf ("ERROR: Problems with section 1\n");
            free (buffer);
            free (buff);
            //fclose (fp);
            return -4;
         /* Parse the interesting data out of sect 1. */
         InventoryParseTime (buffer + 13 - 5, &(inv->refTime));
         MEMCPY_BIG (&center, buffer + 6 - 5, sizeof (short int));
         MEMCPY_BIG (&subcenter, buffer + 8 - 5, sizeof (short int));

         sectNum = 2;
         do {
            /* Look at sections 2 to 7 */
            if ((ans = GRIB2Inventory2to7 (sectNum, fp, gribLen, &bufferLen,
                                           &buffer, inv, prodType, center,
                                           subcenter)) != 0) {
               //fclose (fp);
               free (buffer);
               free (buff);
               return ans;
            /* Try to read section 8. If it is "7777" = 926365495 regardless
             * of endian'ness then we have a simple message, otherwise it is
             * complex, and we need to read more. */
            if (FREAD_BIG (&secLen, sizeof (sInt4), 1, fp) != 1) {
               errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file looking for Sect 8.\n");
               free (buffer);
               free (buff);
               // fclose (fp);
               return -4;
            if (secLen == 926365495L) {
               sectNum = 8;
            } else {
               if (fp.DataSourceFread (&sectNum, sizeof (char), 1) != 1) {
                  errSprintf ("ERROR: Ran out of file looking for "
                  free (buffer);
                  free (buff);
                  //fclose (fp);
                  return -4;
               if ((sectNum < 2) || (sectNum > 7)) {
                  errSprintf ("ERROR (GRIB2Inventory): Couldn't find the end"
                              " of message\n");
                  errSprintf ("and it doesn't appear to repeat sections.\n");
                  errSprintf ("so it is probably an ASCII / binary bug\n");
                  free (buffer);
                  free (buff);
                  //fclose (fp);
                  return -4;
               fp.DataSourceFseek (-5, SEEK_CUR);
               /* Make room for the next part of this GRIB message in the
                * inventory list.  This is for when we have sub-grids. */
               *LenInv = *LenInv + 1;
               *Inv = (inventoryType *) realloc ((void *) *Inv,
                                                 *LenInv *
                                                 sizeof (inventoryType));
               inv = *Inv + (*LenInv - 1);
               lastInv = *Inv + (*LenInv - 2);

               inv->GribVersion = version;
               inv->msgNum = msgNum;
               inv->subgNum = lastInv->subgNum + 1;
               inv->start = offset;
               inv->element = NULL;
               inv->comment = NULL;
               inv->unitName = NULL;
               inv->shortFstLevel = NULL;
               inv->longFstLevel = NULL;

               word.li = sect0[1];
               prodType = word.buffer[2];
               inv->refTime = lastInv->refTime;
         } while (sectNum != 8);

      /* added to inventory either first msgNum messages, or all messages */
      if (numMsg == msgNum) {
      /* Continue on to the next GRIB2 message. */
      if (version == -1) {
         /* TDLPack uses 4 bytes for FORTRAN record size, then another 8
          * bytes for the size of the record (so FORTRAN can see it), then
          * the data rounded up to an 8 byte boundary, then a trailing 4
          * bytes for a final FORTRAN record size.  However it only stores
          * in_ the gribLen the non-rounded amount, so we need to take care
          * of the rounding, and the trailing 4 bytes here. */
         offset += buffLen + ((sInt4) ceil (gribLen / 8.0)) * 8 + 4;
      } else {
         offset += buffLen + gribLen;
      fp.DataSourceFseek (offset, SEEK_SET);
   free (buffer);
   free (buff);
   //fclose (fp);
   *MsgNum = msgNum;
   return msgNum;