Exemple #1
    void write_explicit_surface_vtk(const levelset<GridTraitsType, LevelSetTraitsType>& l, const std::string& filename, const DataType& Data, typename LevelSetTraitsType::value_type eps=0.) {
        //this function etracts the surface using the marching cubes algorithm and writes it to the specified file using vtk-file format
        //the parameter eps is forwarded to the surface extraction function

        const int D=GridTraitsType::dimensions;

        Surface<D> s;

        typename GetActivePointType<typename LevelSetTraitsType::size_type, DataType>::result ActivePointList;

        extract(l, s, eps, ActivePointList);

        std::ofstream f(filename.c_str());

        f << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
        f << D << "D Surface" << std::endl;
        f << "ASCII" << std::endl;
        f << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;
        f << "POINTS " << s.Nodes.size() << " float" << std::endl;

        //!print positions
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Nodes.size();i++) {
            for (int j=0;j<D;j++) f << static_cast<float>(s.Nodes[i][j]) << " ";
            if (D==2) f << "0. ";
            f<< std::endl;
        f << "CELLS " << s.Elements.size() << " " << ((D+1)*s.Elements.size()) << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Elements.size();i++) {
            f << D << " ";
            for (int j=0;j<D;j++) f<< s.Elements[i][j] << " ";
            f << std::endl;

        f << "CELL_TYPES " << s.Elements.size() << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Elements.size();i++) {
            f<< ((D==3)?"5":"3") << std::endl;

        //output data
        f << "POINT_DATA " << s.Nodes.size() << std::endl;

        for (int k=0;k<Data.number_of_series();++k) {
            if (Data.get_series_output(k)) {
                f << "SCALARS " << Data.get_series_label(k) << " " << Data.get_series_type(k) << " 1" << std::endl;
                f << "LOOKUP_TABLE default" << std::endl;
                for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Nodes.size();i++) {
                    f << Data.get_series_data(ActivePointList[i],k) << std::endl;

Exemple #2
    void write_explicit_surface_opendx(const levelset<GridTraitsType, LevelSetTraitsType>& l, const std::string& filename, const DataType& Data, typename LevelSetTraitsType::value_type eps=0.) {
        //this function etracts the surface using the marching cubes algorithm and writes it to the specified file using OpenDX-file format
        //the parameter eps is forwarded to the surface extraction function

        const int D=GridTraitsType::dimensions;

        Surface<D> s;

        typename GetActivePointType<typename LevelSetTraitsType::size_type, DataType>::result ActivePointList;

        extract(l, s, eps, ActivePointList);

        std::ofstream f(filename.c_str());

        //!print positions
        f<< "object \"positions\" class array type float rank 1 shape " << D << " items "<< s.Nodes.size() <<" data follows" << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Nodes.size();i++) {
            for (int j=0;j<D;j++) f << static_cast<float>(s.Nodes[i][j]) << " ";
            f<< std::endl;

        //! print connections
        f << "object \"connections\" class array type int rank 1 shape " << D << " items "<< s.Elements.size() <<" data follows" << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Elements.size();i++) {
            for (int j=0;j<D;j++) f<< s.Elements[i][j] << " ";
            f << std::endl;

        if (D==2)
            f << "attribute \"element type\" string \"lines\"" << std::endl;
        else if (D==3)
            f << "attribute \"element type\" string \"triangles\"" << std::endl;
        f << "attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"" << std::endl;

        //output data
        for (int k=0;k<Data.number_of_series();++k) {
            if (Data.get_series_output(k)) {
                f << "object \"" << Data.get_series_label(k) << "_data\" class array type " << Data.get_series_type(k) << " rank 0 items " << s.Nodes.size() << " data follows" << std::endl;
                for (unsigned int i=0;i<s.Nodes.size();i++) {
                    f << Data.get_series_data(ActivePointList[i],k) << std::endl;
                f << "attribute \"dep\" string \"positions\"" << std::endl;

        //! print profile
        f << "object \"profile\" class field" << std::endl;
        f << "  component \"positions\" value \"positions\"" << std::endl;
        f << "  component \"connections\" value \"connections\"" << std::endl;

        for (int k=0;k<Data.number_of_series();++k) {
            if (Data.get_series_output(k)) {
                f << "object \""<< Data.get_series_label(k) << "\" class field" << std::endl;
                f << "  component \"positions\" value \"positions\"" << std::endl;
                f << "  component \"connections\" value \"connections\"" << std::endl;
                f << "  component \"data\" value \"" << Data.get_series_label(k) << "_data\"" << std::endl;

        f << "end" << std::endl;
