bool PropertiesHandler::handleURI(URI& uri)
    if (uri.action != "properties")
        return false;

    MetadataItemPropertiesPanel* parent = dynamic_cast<
    if (!parent)
        return true;
    DatabasePtr db = parent->getObservedObject()->getDatabase();
    if (!db)
        return true;
    NodeType n = getTypeByName(uri.getParam("object_type"));
    MetadataItem* object = db->findByNameAndType(n,
    if (!object)
            _("Cannot find destination object\nThis should never happen."),
            _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
        return true;

    if (uri.getParam("target") == "new_tab")
    else if (uri.getParam("target") == "new")
    return true;
Exemple #2
// find all tables from "tables" which have foreign keys with "table"
// and return them in "list"
bool Table::tablesRelate(const std::vector<wxString>& tables, Table* table,
                          std::vector<ForeignKey>& list)
    // see if "table" references some of the "tables"
    std::vector<ForeignKey> *fks = table->getForeignKeys();
    for (std::vector<ForeignKey>::iterator it = fks->begin(); it != fks->end(); ++it)
        ForeignKey& fk = (*it);
        for (std::vector<wxString>::const_iterator i2 = tables.begin(); i2 != tables.end(); ++i2)
            if ((*i2) == fk.referencedTableM)

    // see if some of the "tables" reference the "table"
    std::vector<Dependency> deplist;
    table->getDependencies(deplist, false);
    for (std::vector<Dependency>::iterator it = deplist.begin(); it != deplist.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it).getType() == ntTable)
            for (std::vector<wxString>::const_iterator i2 = tables.begin(); i2 != tables.end(); ++i2)
                if ((*i2) == (*it).getName_())
                    // find foreign keys for that table
                    DatabasePtr db = table->getDatabase();
                    Table* other_table = dynamic_cast<Table*>(db->findByNameAndType(ntTable, (*i2)));
                    if (!other_table)

                    std::vector<ForeignKey>* fks = other_table->getForeignKeys();
                    for (std::vector<ForeignKey>::iterator it = fks->begin(); it != fks->end(); ++it)
                        ForeignKey& fk = (*it);
                        if (table->getName_() == fk.referencedTableM)
                            break;  // no need for more

    return !list.empty();
Exemple #3
//! ofObject = true   => returns list of objects this object depends on
//! ofObject = false  => returns list of objects that depend on this object
void MetadataItem::getDependencies(std::vector<Dependency>& list,
    bool ofObject)
    DatabasePtr d = getDatabase();

    int mytype = -1;            // map DBH type to RDB$DEPENDENT TYPE
    NodeType dep_types[] = {    ntTable,    ntView,     ntTrigger,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,
                                ntProcedure,ntUnknown,  ntException,ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,
                                ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntGenerator,
    int type_count = sizeof(dep_types)/sizeof(NodeType);
    for (int i = 0; i < type_count; i++)
        if (typeM == dep_types[i])
            mytype = i;
    // system tables should be treated as tables
    if (typeM == ntSysTable)
        mytype = 0;

    int mytype2 = mytype;
    // views count as relations(tables) when other object refer to them
    if (mytype == 1 && !ofObject)
        mytype2 = 0;

    if (typeM == ntUnknown || mytype == -1)
        throw FRError(_("Unsupported type"));
    IBPP::Database& db = d->getIBPPDatabase();
    IBPP::Transaction tr1 = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead);
    IBPP::Statement st1 = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr1);

    wxString o1 = (ofObject ? "DEPENDENT" : "DEPENDED_ON");
    wxString o2 = (ofObject ? "DEPENDED_ON" : "DEPENDENT");
    wxString sql =
        "select RDB$" + o2 + "_TYPE, RDB$" + o2 + "_NAME, RDB$FIELD_NAME \n "
        " from RDB$DEPENDENCIES \n "
        " where RDB$" + o1 + "_TYPE in (?,?) and RDB$" + o1 + "_NAME = ? \n ";
    int params = 1;
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable || typeM == ntView) && ofObject)  // get deps for computed columns
    {                                                       // view needed to bind with generators
        sql += " union  \n"
            " SELECT DISTINCT d.rdb$depended_on_type, d.rdb$depended_on_name, d.rdb$field_name \n"
            " FROM rdb$relation_fields f \n"
            " LEFT JOIN rdb$dependencies d ON d.rdb$dependent_name = f.rdb$field_source \n"
            " WHERE d.rdb$dependent_type = 3 AND f.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";
    if (!ofObject) // find tables that have calculated columns based on "this" object
        sql += "union  \n"
            " SELECT distinct cast(0 as smallint), f.rdb$relation_name, f.rdb$field_name \n"
            " from rdb$relation_fields f \n"
            " left join rdb$dependencies d on d.rdb$dependent_name = f.rdb$field_source \n"
            " where d.rdb$dependent_type = 3 and d.rdb$depended_on_name = ? ";
    // get the exact table and fields for views
    // rdb$dependencies covers deps. for WHERE clauses in SELECTs in VIEW body
    // but we also need mapping for column list in SELECT. These 2 queries cover it:
    if (ofObject && typeM == ntView)
        sql += " union \n"
            " select distinct cast(0 as smallint), vr.RDB$RELATION_NAME, f.RDB$BASE_FIELD \n"
            " from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS f \n"
            " join RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS vr on f.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT = vr.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT \n"
            "   and f.RDB$RELATION_NAME = vr.RDB$VIEW_NAME \n"
            " where f.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";
    // views can depend on other views as well
    // we might need to add procedures here one day when Firebird gains support for it
    if (!ofObject && (typeM == ntView || typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable))
        sql += " union \n"
            " select distinct cast(0 as smallint), f.RDB$RELATION_NAME, f.RDB$BASE_FIELD \n"
            " from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS f \n"
            " join RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS vr on f.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT = vr.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT \n"
            "   and f.RDB$RELATION_NAME = vr.RDB$VIEW_NAME \n"
            " where vr.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";

    sql += " order by 1, 2, 3";
    st1->Prepare(wx2std(sql, d->getCharsetConverter()));
    st1->Set(1, mytype);
    st1->Set(2, mytype2);
    for (int i = 0; i < params; i++)
        st1->Set(3 + i, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
    MetadataItem* last = 0;
    Dependency* dep = 0;
    while (st1->Fetch())
        int object_type;
        st1->Get(1, &object_type);
        if (object_type > type_count)   // some system object, not interesting for us
        NodeType t = dep_types[object_type];
        if (t == ntUnknown)             // ditto

        std::string objname_std;
        st1->Get(2, objname_std);
        wxString objname(std2wxIdentifier(objname_std,

        MetadataItem* current = d->findByNameAndType(t, objname);
        if (!current)
            if (t == ntTable) {
                // maybe it's a view masked as table
                current = d->findByNameAndType(ntView, objname);
                // or possibly a system table
                if (!current)
                    current = d->findByNameAndType(ntSysTable, objname);
            if (!ofObject && t == ntTrigger)
                // system trigger dependent of this object indicates possible check constraint on a table
                // that references this object. So, let's check if this trigger is used for check constraint
                // and get that table's name
                IBPP::Statement st2 = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr1);
                    "select r.rdb$relation_name from rdb$relation_constraints r "
                    " join rdb$check_constraints c on r.rdb$constraint_name=c.rdb$constraint_name "
                    " and r.rdb$constraint_type = 'CHECK' where c.rdb$trigger_name = ? "
                st2->Set(1, objname_std);
                if (st2->Fetch()) // table using that trigger found
                    std::string s;
                    st2->Get(1, s);
                    wxString tablecheck(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
                    if (getName_() != tablecheck)    // avoid self-reference
                        current = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable, tablecheck);
            if (!current)
        if (current != last)            // new object
            Dependency de(current);
            dep = &list.back();
            last = current;
        if (!st1->IsNull(3))
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(3, s);
            dep->addField(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));

    // TODO: perhaps this could be moved to Table?
    //       call MetadataItem::getDependencies() and then add this
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable) && ofObject)   // foreign keys of this table + computed columns
        Table *t = dynamic_cast<Table *>(this);
        std::vector<ForeignKey> *f = t->getForeignKeys();
        for (std::vector<ForeignKey>::const_iterator it = f->begin();
            it != f->end(); ++it)
            MetadataItem *table = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable,
            if (!table)
                throw FRError(wxString::Format(_("Table %s not found."),
            Dependency de(table);

        // Add check constraints here (CHECKS are checked via system triggers), example:
        // table1::check( table1.field1 > select max(field2) from table2 )
        // So, table vs any object from this ^^^ select
        // Algorithm: 1.find all system triggers bound to that CHECK constraint
        //            2.find dependencies for those system triggers
        //            3.display those dependencies as deps. of this table
        st1->Prepare("select distinct c.rdb$trigger_name from rdb$relation_constraints r "
            " join rdb$check_constraints c on r.rdb$constraint_name=c.rdb$constraint_name "
            " and r.rdb$constraint_type = 'CHECK' where r.rdb$relation_name= ? "
        st1->Set(1, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
        std::vector<Dependency> tempdep;
        while (st1->Fetch())
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(1, s);
            Trigger t(d->shared_from_this(),
                std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
            t.getDependencies(tempdep, true);
        // remove duplicates, and self-references from "tempdep"
        while (true)
            std::vector<Dependency>::iterator to_remove = tempdep.end();
            for (std::vector<Dependency>::iterator it = tempdep.begin();
                it != tempdep.end(); ++it)
                if ((*it).getDependentObject() == this)
                    to_remove = it;
                to_remove = std::find(it + 1, tempdep.end(), (*it));
                if (to_remove != tempdep.end())
            if (to_remove == tempdep.end())
        list.insert(list.end(), tempdep.begin(), tempdep.end());

    // TODO: perhaps this could be moved to Table?
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable) && !ofObject)  // foreign keys of other tables
            "select r1.rdb$relation_name, i.rdb$field_name "
            " from rdb$relation_constraints r1 "
            " join rdb$ref_constraints c on r1.rdb$constraint_name = c.rdb$constraint_name "
            " join rdb$relation_constraints r2 on c.RDB$CONST_NAME_UQ = r2.rdb$constraint_name "
            " join rdb$index_segments i on r1.rdb$index_name=i.rdb$index_name "
            " where r2.rdb$relation_name=? "
            " and r1.rdb$constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY' "
        st1->Set(1, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
        wxString lasttable;
        Dependency* dep = 0;
        while (st1->Fetch())
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(1, s);
            wxString table_name(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
            st1->Get(2, s);
            wxString field_name(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));

            if (table_name != lasttable)    // new
                MetadataItem* table = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable, table_name);
                if (!table)
                    continue;           // dummy check
                Dependency de(table);
                dep = &list.back();
                lasttable = table_name;
