Exemple #1
String Utils::GetRelativeTimeFromTimeStamp(DateTime receivedTime)
	DateTime currentTime;
	//DateTime receivedTime;
	String relativeTime;
	int mins = 0;
	int hours = 0;
	int days = 0;

	SystemTime::GetCurrentTime(WALL_TIME, currentTime);
	//receivedTime = Utils::ConvertUtcTimeToStardardTime(timeStamp);

	TimeSpan timeDiff = (currentTime.GetTime() - receivedTime.GetTime());
	days = timeDiff.GetDays();
	hours = timeDiff.GetHours();
	mins = timeDiff.GetMinutes();
	if(days >= 1)
		relativeTime.Format(20, L"%d days ago", days);
	else if (hours > 0)
		relativeTime.Format(20, L"%dhr%dmin ago",hours, mins);

		relativeTime.Format(20, L"%dmin ago", mins);

	return relativeTime;
core::string DateTime::ToString(const DateTime& dt)
	std::ostringstream stream;
	stream << dt.GetDate().GetDay() << mT("/") << dt.GetDate().GetMonth() << mT("/") << dt.GetDate().GetYear();
	stream << "-";
	stream << dt.GetTime().GetHour() << mT(":") << dt.GetTime().GetMinute() << mT(":") << dt.GetTime().GetSecond();
	return stream.str();
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop()
	int result;

	// HACK - reset the matrix after every 100 loops - in case 7219s get confused

	if (loop_count >= MATRIX_RESET_FREQUENCY)
		if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL == 0)
		loop_count = 0;
		loop_count += 1;

	double avgValue;
	int offset;

	// read local sensors
	if (millis() - last_reading_millis >= MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL
		// check if millis has looped back to 0
		|| (millis() < last_reading_millis))
		total_readings += 1;
		// not supported on Galileo2 yet
		//total_cpu_temp += readCPUTemp();
#ifdef USE_BMP085
		bmptemp = bmp.readTemperature();
		total_bmp085_temp += bmptemp;
		bmppress = bmp.readPressure();
		bmppressK = bmppress / (double)1000;
		total_bmp085_pressure += bmppressK;
		Log("bmp085 temp = %.2f press = %.1f\r\n", bmptemp, bmppressK);

#ifdef USE_TH02
		th02temp = TH02.ReadTemperature();
		total_th02_temp += th02temp;
		th02hum = TH02.ReadHumidity();
		total_th02_humidity += th02hum;
		Log("TH02 temp = %.1fC humidity = %.1f%%\r\n", th02temp, th02hum);

		last_reading_millis = millis();

	// read online APIs
	if (weather != nullptr && (millis() - last_weather_millis >= WEATHER_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL
		// check if millis has looped back to 0
		|| (millis() < last_weather_millis)))
		result = weather->GetCurrent();
		Log("weather->GetCurrent returned %d\r\n", result);
		if (result == 0)
			last_weather_millis = millis();

	if (weather != nullptr && (millis() - last_forecast_millis >= FORECAST_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL
		// check if millis has looped back to 0
		|| (millis() < last_forecast_millis)))
		result = weather->GetForecast();
		Log("weather->GetForecast returned %d\r\n", result);
		if (result == 0)
			last_forecast_millis = millis();

	// fill the data buffer with 00s
	//memset(matrixData, 0, sizeof(matrixData));

	// put date and time in buffer
	offset = 0;
	column = 0;

	if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL >= 1)
		// add prefix expected by Arduino code
		offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "D0:");

	// write time to LED matrix
	offset += dt.GetTime(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, false, false);
	// add space
	offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, " ");

	// write date to LED matrix --> uncomment if you want the date to be displayed
	//offset += dt.GetDate(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset);
	// add space
	//offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, " ");

#ifdef USE_BMP085
	// write temperature to LED matrix
	offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%.1fC ", bmptemp);
#ifdef USE_TH02
	offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%.1fC %.1f%% ", th02temp, th02hum);
	offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%sC %s%% ", dht22Temp, dht22Hum);
	// add space
	//offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, " ");
	// write indoor barometer to LED matrix
	//offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%.1fkPa", bmppressK);
	// add space
	//offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, " ");

	// write current weather from Weather Underground API
	//TODO - check weather->lastreading time and skip if out-of-date
	if (weather != nullptr)

		offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "Out %dC ", weather->TempC);
		if (weather->TempC != weather->TempFeelsLikeC)
			offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "Feels Like %dC ", weather->TempFeelsLikeC);
		if (weather->WindKPH > 5)
			offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "Wind %d kph", weather->WindKPH);
	if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL >= 1)
		Log("Writing to serial %s\n", matrixData);
		//HACK - seems that Serial.println isn't sending a CR, causing Arduino to hang
		matrixData[offset] = '\n';
		matrixData[offset + 1] = 0x00;


	// NOTE: the 2nd part of this if statement  -- millis < last_upload_millis -- checks if the millisecond 
	// counter has looped around to 0 (which occurs every 70 days)
	if (!(cosmAPIKey.empty() || cosmFeed.empty()))
		if (millis() - last_upload_millis >= COSM_UPLOAD_INTERVAL || (millis() < last_upload_millis))
			if (total_readings > 0)

				// not supported on Galileo 2 yet
				//avgValue = total_cpu_temp / (double)total_readings;

				//cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmCPUTempDatastream.c_str(), avgValue);
#ifdef USE_BMP085
				avgValue = total_bmp085_temp / (double)total_readings;
				cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmTempDatastream.c_str(), avgValue);

				avgValue = total_bmp085_pressure / (double)total_readings;
				cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmPressureDatastream.c_str(), avgValue);
				//TEST - record outside pressure for comparison
				cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), "PressureOutdoors", weather->PressureMB);
				total_bmp085_pressure = 0;
				total_bmp085_temp = 0;
#ifdef USE_TH02
				avgValue = total_th02_temp / (double)total_readings;
				cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmTempDatastream.c_str(), avgValue);

				avgValue = total_th02_humidity / (double)total_readings;
				cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmHumidityDatastream.c_str(), avgValue);
				total_th02_humidity = 0;
				total_th02_temp = 0;
				if (strlen(dht22Temp) > 0)
					cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmTempDatastream.c_str(), stof(dht22Temp));

				if (strlen(dht22Hum) > 0)
					cosm.SendToCosm(cosmAPIKey.c_str(), stoi(cosmFeed), cosmHumidityDatastream.c_str(), stof(dht22Hum));
				total_readings = 0;
				total_cpu_temp = 0;
				last_upload_millis = millis();
	if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL == 1)
		// wait 20 seconds for the Arduino to do its thing
	else if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL == 0)
		// wait 1 seconds before scrolling
		// scroll until the last column is visible 
		column = column - (8 * matrixCount);
		for (int i = 0; i < column; i++)
			m.shiftLeft(false, false);

		// delay before clearing the display

	if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL == 2)
		// write the next forecast to the 2nd display
		if (weather != nullptr)
			if (!weather->ForecastDays[next_forecast].empty())
				offset = sprintf_s(matrixData, MATRIX_DATA_LEN, "D0:Forecast %s - ", weather->ForecastDays[next_forecast].c_str());
				// forecast can be wordy, so truncate it if necessary
				offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%s", weather->Forecasts[next_forecast].substr(0, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset - 2).c_str());

				Log("Writing to serial1 %s\n", matrixData);
				//HACK - seems that Serial.println isn't sending a CR, causing Arduino to hang
				matrixData[offset] = '\n';
				matrixData[offset + 1] = 0x00;

				// advance to next day - its forecast will be displayed the next time through
				next_forecast += 1;
				if (next_forecast >= weather->numDaysForecast)
					next_forecast = 0;

				// give displays time to scroll before moving on

		// every 5th time through the loop, display the forecast
		if (loop_count % 20 == 1 && weather != nullptr)
			for (int day = 0; day < 3; day++)

				if (!weather->ForecastDays[day].empty())
					offset = sprintf_s(matrixData, MATRIX_DATA_LEN, "D0:Forecast %s - ", weather->ForecastDays[day].c_str());
					// forecast can be wordy, so truncate it if necessary
					offset += sprintf_s(matrixData + offset, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset, "%s", weather->Forecasts[day].substr(0, MATRIX_DATA_LEN - offset - 2).c_str());
					if (WRITE_TO_SERIAL == 1)
						Log("Writing to serial %s\n", matrixData);
						//HACK - seems that Serial.println isn't sending a CR, causing Arduino to hang
						matrixData[offset] = '\n';
						matrixData[offset + 1] = 0x00;
						int delayTime = offset / 4;
						// give Arduino time to read data before moving onto next day
						//TODO - have Arduino send feedback when it has scrolled through all of the text
						delay(delayTime * 1000);

					//	m.clear();
					//	printString(matrixData);
