Exemple #1

\brief Sets the message type context to the named message type.
\param[in] Name String containing name of desired message type context.
\param[in] context Pointer to runtime context.
\return Returns dmz::True if the named message type context is found.

dmz::Message::set_type (const String &Name, RuntimeContext *context) {

   Definitions defs (context);

   return defs.lookup_message (Name, *this);
Exemple #2

\brief Sets the message type context to the type specified by the unique handle.
\param[in] TypeHandle Unique handle of a message type context.
\param[in] context Pointer to the runtime context.
\return Returns dmz::True if the message type context is found.

dmz::Message::set_type (const Handle TypeHandle, RuntimeContext *context) {

   Definitions defs (context);

   return defs.lookup_message (TypeHandle, *this);

\brief Converts Config to Message.
\details Defined in dmzRuntimeMessaging.h.
This function converts the named attribute to a dmz::Message. It is assumed that the
last part of the \a Name variable specifies the attribute name. If the String
"type.name" is passed in as \a Name, it will try to find a  config context called
"type" and the attribute "name" stored in the "type" config context.
dmz::Message type = dmz::config_to_message ("dmz.type.name", global, get_plugin_runtime_context (), &_log);
\param[in] Name String containing name of the attribute in the config context to convert.
\param[in] Source Config containing config context to convert.
\param[in] context Pointer to the runtime context.
\param[in] log Pointer to the dmz::Log to use for log reporting.
\return Returns dmz::Message containing the message type. Returns an empty
dmz::Message if the message type is not found.

dmz::config_to_message (
      const String &Name,
      const Config &Source,
      RuntimeContext *context,
      Log *log) {

   Message result;

   String messageTypeName;

   if (Source.lookup_attribute (Name, messageTypeName)) {

      Definitions defs (context);

      if (!defs.lookup_message (messageTypeName, result)) {

         if (log) {

            log->warn << "Message type: " << messageTypeName << " not found" << endl;
      else if (log && !result) {

         log->warn << "Message type: " << messageTypeName
            << " look up returned null type" << endl;
   else if (log) {

      log->warn << "Message type config: " << Source.get_name ()
         << " does not contain attribute: " << Name << endl;

   return result;
main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

   Test test ("dmzRuntimeMessageTest", argc, argv);
   RuntimeContext *context (test.rt.get_context ());

   Config config;

   if (test.validate (
         "Looking up runtime table",
         test.config.lookup_config ("dmz.runtime", config))) {

      runtime_init (config, test.rt.get_context (), &(test.log));

   const String TestTypeName ("testType");
   const String RootTypeName ("rootType");

   Message type;

   Definitions defs (context, &(test.log));

   test.validate (
      "Looking up Message: testType",
      defs.lookup_message (TestTypeName, type));

   test.validate (
      "Message name is set to: testType",
      type.get_name () == TestTypeName);

   test.validate (
      "Message handle is non-zero",
      type.get_handle () != 0);

   Message parent (type.get_parent ());

   test.validate (
      "Fetching parent message type",

   test.validate (
      "Message parent name is set to: rootType",
      parent.get_name () == RootTypeName);

   test.validate (
      "Message parent handle is non-zero",
      parent.get_handle () != 0);

   // null constructor
   Message nullMessage;
   test.validate (
      "Default constructor",
      !nullMessage.get_message_context ());

   // standard constructors
   Message testMessageName ("testType", context);
   test.validate (
      "Constructor with \"Name\" and \"RuntimeContext\" supplied.",
      testMessageName.get_message_context () &&
      !(strcmp (testMessageName.get_name ().get_buffer (), "testType")));
   Message testMessageHandle (testMessageName.get_handle (), context);

   test.validate (
      "Constructor with \"Handle\" and \"RuntimeContext\" supplied.",
      testMessageHandle.get_message_context () &&
      !(strcmp (testMessageHandle.get_name ().get_buffer (), "testType")) &&
      (testMessageHandle == testMessageName));

   Message testMessage (testMessageHandle.get_message_context ());
   test.validate (
      "Constructor with \"MessageContext\" supplied.",
      testMessage.get_message_context () &&
      !(strcmp (testMessage.get_name ().get_buffer (), "testType")) &&
      (testMessage == testMessageName) &&
      (testMessage == testMessageHandle));

   // copy constructor
   Message copyOfTestMessage (testMessage);
   test.validate (
      "Copy Constructor.",
      copyOfTestMessage.get_message_context () &&
      !(strcmp (copyOfTestMessage.get_name ().get_buffer (), "testType")) &&
      (copyOfTestMessage == testMessage) &&
      (copyOfTestMessage == testMessageName) &&
      (copyOfTestMessage == testMessageHandle));

   // operators

   Message sameType (testMessage);
   Message differentType ("rootType", context);

   // == operator
   test.validate (
      "== operator",
      (testMessage == sameType) &&
      !(testMessage == differentType));

   // != operator
   test.validate (
      "!= operator",
      !(testMessage != sameType) &&
      (testMessage != differentType));

   // ! operator
   Message anotherType;
   test.validate (
      "! operator",
      (!anotherType) &&

   // = operator
   anotherType = testMessage;
   test.validate (
      "Assignment operator",
      (testMessage == anotherType));

   // validate set_type

   anotherType = differentType;
   test.validate (
      (testMessage != anotherType) &&
      anotherType.set_type (testMessage.get_handle (), context) &&
      (testMessage == anotherType));

   // is_of_type and is_of_exact_type

   Message testMessageRoot ("rootType", context);
   Message testMessageTest ("testType", context);

   test.validate (
      testMessageRoot.is_of_type (testMessageRoot) &&
      !testMessageRoot.is_of_type (testMessageTest) &&
      testMessageTest.is_of_type (testMessageRoot) &&
      testMessageTest.is_of_type (testMessageTest));

   test.validate (
      testMessageRoot.is_of_exact_type (testMessageRoot) &&
      !testMessageRoot.is_of_exact_type (testMessageTest) &&
      !testMessageTest.is_of_exact_type (testMessageRoot) &&
      testMessageTest.is_of_exact_type (testMessageTest));

   // get and set functions

   test.validate (
      !strcmp (testMessageRoot.get_name ().get_buffer (), "rootType") &&
      !strcmp (testMessageTest.get_name ().get_buffer (), "testType"));

   test.validate (
      !nullMessage.get_handle () &&
      testMessage.get_handle ());

   testMessage = testMessageTest.get_parent ();
   test.validate (
      (testMessage == testMessageRoot));

   testMessage = testMessageTest;
   test.validate (
      (testMessage != testMessageRoot) &&
      testMessage.become_parent () &&
      (testMessage == testMessageRoot));

   return test.result ();
// Plugin Interface
dmz::QtPluginAppUpdater::update_plugin_state (
    const PluginStateEnum State,
    const UInt32 Level) {

    if (State == PluginStateInit) {

    else if (State == PluginStateStart) {

        RuntimeContext *context (get_plugin_runtime_context ());
        Definitions defs (context, &_log);

        Message message;

        if (defs.lookup_message (_updateMessageName, message)) {

            const Data *data (message.get_monostate ());
            if (data) {
                data->lookup_boolean (_valueAttrHandle, 0, _updateFlag);

        if (defs.lookup_message (_channelMessageName, message)) {

            const Data *data (message.get_monostate ());
            if (data) {
                data->lookup_string (_valueAttrHandle, 0, _releaseChannel);

        if (_forceUpdate || _updateFlag) {

            if (!_netManager) {
                _netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager (this);

            if (_netManager) {

                if (_mainWindowModule && !_updateDialog) {

                    _updateDialog = new QDialog (
                        _mainWindowModule ? _mainWindowModule->get_qt_main_window () : 0);

                    _ui.setupUi (_updateDialog);

                    connect (
                        _ui.downloadButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
                        this, SLOT (_slot_download_start ()));

                    connect (
                        _ui.laterButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
                        this, SLOT (_slot_download_cancel ()));

                    connect (
                        _ui.finishedButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
                        this, SLOT (_slot_handle_downloaded_file ()));

                _check_for_update ();
    else if (State == PluginStateStop) {

    else if (State == PluginStateShutdown) {
