//reads a subset of database determined by memory capacity into a DoublyLinkedList
//subsequently sorts the list, iterates through it to merge entries with duplicate primary fields separated by delim
//and concatenate secondary fields using conn as the separator
//and exports it into a temp file
//returns the count of temporary files
int splitDatabase(string &database, const char delim, const char conn)
    ifstream fin(database);
    ofstream fout;
    int tempFileCount = 0;
    for (char buffer[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; fin.getline(buffer,LINE_BUFFER_SIZE,'\n');)
        static int charsRead;
        static string tempFileName = string("temp") + to_string(tempFileCount++) + ".db";
        static string lineRead = "";
        static DoublyLinkedList<string> lines;

        lineRead += buffer;
        charsRead += fin.gcount();

        //if \n was not found by getline
            lineRead = "";
            if(charsRead > CHARS_ALLOWED_IN_MEMORY || fin.eof())

                for (DoublyLinkedList<string>::iterator iter = lines.begin(), jter = iter.next();
                        !iter.isNull(); iter = jter, jter = iter.next())
                    //if jter is not a null node
                    //and the first field of iter (iter[0] -> iter.find(delim)) is equal to the first field of jter
                    //append the second field of jter to the second field of iter separated by conn
                    //repeat until the first fields differ or jter goes out of the bounds of the list
                    while(!jter.isNull() && (*iter).substr(0,(*iter).find(delim)) == (*jter).substr(0,(*jter).find(delim)))
                        *iter += conn + (*jter).substr((*jter).find(delim)+1);
                    //store iter in the current temporary database file
                    fout << *iter << endl;

                tempFileName = string("temp") + to_string(tempFileCount++) + ".db";
                charsRead = 0;
    return tempFileCount-1;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	cout << "Lista Doblemente Enlazada de Int" << endl;
	DoublyLinkedList<int> l;
	l.insertar(8, 2);
	cout << l;
	cout << endl;
	cout << l;
	cout << endl;
	cout << l.getElemento(2);
	cout << endl;

	cout <<"Inicia el iterador Preincremento"<< endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<int> it = l.begin();
	while (it != l.end()) {
		cout << *it << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<int> itB = l.begin();
	while (itB != l.end()) {
		cout << *(itB++) << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Inicia el iterador Predecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<int> itC = l.rBegin();
	while (itC != l.rEnd()) {
		cout << *itC << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postdecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<int> itD = l.rBegin();
	while (itD != l.rEnd()) {
		cout << *(itD--) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Lista Doblemente Enlazada de Double" << endl;
	DoublyLinkedList<double> lD;
	lD.insertar(89.1, 2);
	cout << lD;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Preincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<double> it1 = lD.begin();
	while (it1 != lD.end()) {
		cout << *it1 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<double> it2 = lD.begin();
	while (it2 != lD.end()) {
		cout << *(it2++) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Predecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<double> it3 = lD.rBegin();
	while (it3 != lD.rEnd()) {
		cout << *it3 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postdecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<double> it4 = lD.rBegin();
	while (it4 != lD.rEnd()) {
		cout << *(it4--) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Lista Doblemente Enlazada de Char" << endl;
	DoublyLinkedList<char> lC;
	lC.insertar('y', 2);
	cout << lC;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Preincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<char> it5 = lC.begin();
	while (it5 != lC.end()) {
		cout << *it5 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<char> it6 = lC.begin();
	while (it6 != lC.end()) {
		cout << *(it6++) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Predecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<char> it7 = lC.rBegin();
	while (it7 != lC.rEnd()) {
		cout << *it7 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postdecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<char> it8 = lC.rBegin();
	while (it8 != lC.rEnd()) {
		cout << *(it8--) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Lista Doblemente Enlazada de Persona" << endl;
	DoublyLinkedList<Persona *> lP;
	lP.insertarFinal(new Persona(1,"Fabian"));
	lP.insertarFinal(new Persona(2, "Gabriela"));
	lP.insertarFinal(new Persona(3, "Laura"));
	lP.insertarInicio(new Persona(5, "Maria"));
	lP.insertar(new Persona(8, "Julio"), 2);

	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Preincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<Persona*> it9 = lP.begin();
	while (it9 != lP.end()) {
		cout << **it9 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postincremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<Persona*> it10 = lP.begin();
	while (it10 != lP.end()) {
		cout << **(it10++) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Predecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<Persona*> it11 = lP.rBegin();
	while (it11 != lP.rEnd()) {
		cout << **it11 << endl;

	cout << "Inicia el iterador Postdecremento" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores posincremento
	Iterador<Persona*> it12 = lP.rBegin();
	while (it12 != lP.rEnd()) {
		cout << **(it12--) << endl;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "Liberar Memoria de cada puntero a persona" << endl;
	// Probar Iteradores
	Iterador<Persona*> it13 = lP.begin();
	while (it13 != lP.end()) {
		delete *(it13++) ;

	return 0;
