void ScreenMVCullVisitor::apply(Billboard& node) { bool status = _cullingStatus; bool firstStatus = _firstCullStatus; if(isCulled(node)) { _firstCullStatus = firstStatus; _cullingStatus = status; return; } // push the node's state. StateSet* node_state = node.getStateSet(); if(node_state) pushStateSet(node_state); // traverse any call callbacks and traverse any children. handle_cull_callbacks_and_traverse(node); const Vec3& eye_local = getEyeLocal(); const RefMatrix& modelview = *getModelViewMatrix(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node.getNumDrawables(); ++i) { const Vec3& pos = node.getPosition(i); Drawable* drawable = node.getDrawable(i); // need to modify isCulled to handle the billboard offset. // if (isCulled(drawable->getBound())) continue; if(drawable->getCullCallback()) { if(drawable->getCullCallback()->cull(this,drawable,&_renderInfo) == true) continue; } RefMatrix* billboard_matrix = createOrReuseMatrix(modelview); node.computeMatrix(*billboard_matrix,eye_local,pos); if(_computeNearFar && drawable->getBound().valid()) updateCalculatedNearFar(*billboard_matrix,*drawable,true); float depth = distance(pos,modelview); /* if (_computeNearFar) { if (d<_computed_znear) { if (d<0.0) OSG_NOTIFY(osg::WARN)<<"Alerting billboard handling ="<<d<< std::endl; _computed_znear = d; } if (d>_computed_zfar) _computed_zfar = d; } */ StateSet* stateset = drawable->getStateSet(); if(stateset) pushStateSet(stateset); if(osg::isNaN(depth)) { /*OSG_NOTIFY(osg::NOTICE)<<"CullVisitor::apply(Billboard&) detected NaN,"<<std::endl <<" depth="<<depth<<", pos=("<<pos<<"),"<<std::endl <<" *billboard_matrix="<<*billboard_matrix<<std::endl; OSG_NOTIFY(osg::DEBUG_INFO) << " NodePath:" << std::endl; for (NodePath::const_iterator i = getNodePath().begin(); i != getNodePath().end(); ++i) { OSG_NOTIFY(osg::DEBUG_INFO) << " \"" << (*i)->getName() << "\"" << std::endl; }*/ } else { addDrawableAndDepth(drawable,billboard_matrix,depth); } if(stateset) popStateSet(); } // pop the node's state off the geostate stack. if(node_state) popStateSet(); _firstCullStatus = firstStatus; _cullingStatus = status; }
void ScreenMVCullVisitor::apply(Geode& node) { bool status = _cullingStatus; bool firstStatus = _firstCullStatus; if(isCulled(node)) { _firstCullStatus = firstStatus; _cullingStatus = status; return; } // push the node's state. StateSet* node_state = node.getStateSet(); if(node_state) pushStateSet(node_state); // traverse any call callbacks and traverse any children. handle_cull_callbacks_and_traverse(node); RefMatrix& matrix = *getModelViewMatrix(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node.getNumDrawables(); ++i) { Drawable* drawable = node.getDrawable(i); const BoundingBox &bb = drawable->getBound(); if(drawable->getCullCallback()) { if(drawable->getCullCallback()->cull(this,drawable,&_renderInfo) == true) continue; } //else { if(node.isCullingActive() && isCulled(bb)) continue; } if(_computeNearFar && bb.valid()) { if(!updateCalculatedNearFar(matrix,*drawable,false)) continue; } // need to track how push/pops there are, so we can unravel the stack correctly. unsigned int numPopStateSetRequired = 0; // push the geoset's state on the geostate stack. StateSet* stateset = drawable->getStateSet(); if(stateset) { ++numPopStateSetRequired; pushStateSet(stateset); } CullingSet& cs = getCurrentCullingSet(); if(!cs.getStateFrustumList().empty()) { osg::CullingSet::StateFrustumList& sfl = cs.getStateFrustumList(); for(osg::CullingSet::StateFrustumList::iterator itr = sfl.begin(); itr != sfl.end(); ++itr) { if(itr->second.contains(bb)) { ++numPopStateSetRequired; pushStateSet(itr->first.get()); } } } float depth = bb.valid() ? distance(bb.center(),matrix) : 0.0f; if(osg::isNaN(depth)) { /*OSG_NOTIFY(osg::NOTICE)<<"CullVisitor::apply(Geode&) detected NaN,"<<std::endl <<" depth="<<depth<<", center=("<<bb.center()<<"),"<<std::endl <<" matrix="<<matrix<<std::endl; OSG_NOTIFY(osg::DEBUG_INFO) << " NodePath:" << std::endl; for (NodePath::const_iterator i = getNodePath().begin(); i != getNodePath().end(); ++i) { OSG_NOTIFY(osg::DEBUG_INFO) << " \"" << (*i)->getName() << "\"" << std::endl; }*/ } else { addDrawableAndDepth(drawable,&matrix,depth); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numPopStateSetRequired; ++i) { popStateSet(); } } // pop the node's state off the geostate stack. if(node_state) popStateSet(); _firstCullStatus = firstStatus; _cullingStatus = status; }
bool IntersectVisitor::intersect(Drawable& drawable) { bool hitFlag = false; IntersectState* cis = _intersectStateStack.back().get(); const BoundingBox& bb = drawable.getBound(); for(IntersectState::LineSegmentList::iterator sitr=cis->_segList.begin(); sitr!=cis->_segList.end(); ++sitr) { if (sitr->second->intersect(bb)) { TriangleFunctor<TriangleIntersect> ti; ti.set(*sitr->second); drawable.accept(ti); if (ti._hit) { osg::Geometry* geometry = drawable.asGeometry(); for(TriangleIntersect::TriangleHitList::iterator thitr=ti._thl.begin(); thitr!=ti._thl.end(); ++thitr) { Hit hit; hit._nodePath = _nodePath; hit._matrix = cis->_model_matrix; hit._inverse = cis->_model_inverse; hit._drawable = &drawable; if (_nodePath.empty()) hit._geode = NULL; else hit._geode = dynamic_cast<Geode*>(_nodePath.back()); TriangleHit& triHit = thitr->second; hit._ratio = thitr->first; hit._primitiveIndex = triHit._index; hit._originalLineSegment = sitr->first; hit._localLineSegment = sitr->second; hit._intersectPoint = sitr->second->start()*(1.0f-hit._ratio)+ sitr->second->end()*hit._ratio; hit._intersectNormal = triHit._normal; if (geometry) { osg::Vec3Array* vertices = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(geometry->getVertexArray()); if (vertices) { osg::Vec3* first = &(vertices->front()); if (triHit._v1) hit._vecIndexList.push_back(triHit._v1-first); if (triHit._v2) hit._vecIndexList.push_back(triHit._v2-first); if (triHit._v3) hit._vecIndexList.push_back(triHit._v3-first); } } _segHitList[sitr->first.get()].push_back(hit); std::sort(_segHitList[sitr->first.get()].begin(),_segHitList[sitr->first.get()].end()); hitFlag = true; } } } } return hitFlag; }