Exemple #1
TEST( DrumEvent, Constructor )
    int MAX_TYPE = 3;


    int position               = randomInt( 0, 15 );
    int type                   = randomInt( 0, MAX_TYPE );
    int timbre                 = randomInt( 0, 1 );
    DrumInstrument* instrument = new DrumInstrument();

    DrumEvent* audioEvent = new DrumEvent( position, type, timbre, instrument );

    EXPECT_EQ( position, audioEvent->position )
        << "expected position to equal the value given in constructor";

    EXPECT_EQ( type, audioEvent->getType() )
        << "expected type to equal the value given in constructor";

    EXPECT_EQ( timbre, audioEvent->getTimbre() )
        << "expected timbre to equal the value given in constructor";


    delete audioEvent;
    delete instrument;
Exemple #2
TEST( DrumEvent, GettersSetters )
    int MAX_TYPE = 3;


    int position               = randomInt( 0, 15 );
    int type                   = randomInt( 0, MAX_TYPE );
    int timbre                 = randomInt( 0, 1 );
    DrumInstrument* instrument = new DrumInstrument();

    DrumEvent* audioEvent = new DrumEvent( position, type, timbre, instrument );

    // randomize type values
    type   = randomInt( 0, 3 );
    timbre = randomInt( 0, 1 );

    audioEvent->setType( type );
    audioEvent->setTimbre( timbre );

    EXPECT_EQ( type, audioEvent->getType() )
        << "expected type to equal the value given in the setter";

    EXPECT_EQ( timbre, audioEvent->getTimbre() )
        << "expected timbre to equal the value given in the setter";


    delete audioEvent;
    delete instrument;