Exemple #1
// Returns a weapon type index given its name. Returns -1
// if a weapon type is not found.
weapontype_t E_WeaponNumForName(const char *name)
   weaponinfo_t *info = nullptr;
   weapontype_t ret   = -1;

   if((info = e_WeaponNameHash.objectForKey(name)))
      ret = info->id;

   return ret;
Exemple #2
// MetaKey
// If the given key string is already interned, the metakey_t structure that
// stores it will be returned. If not, it will be added to the collection of
// keys and hashed by name.
static metakey_t &MetaKey(const char *key)
   metakey_t *keyObj;

   // Do we already have this key?
   if(!(keyObj = metaKeyHash.objectForKey(key)))
      keyObj = &metaKeys.addNew();
      keyObj->key     = estrdup(key);
      keyObj->index   = metaKeys.getLength() - 1;
      keyObj->unmodHC = ENCStringHashKey::HashCode(key);

      // hash it
      metaKeyHash.addObject(keyObj, keyObj->unmodHC);

   return *keyObj;
Exemple #3
// ManagedDirectory::AddManagedDir
// Adds a new managed wad directory. Returns the new directory object.
ManagedDirectory *ManagedDirectory::AddManagedDir(const char *filename)
    ManagedDirectory *newdir = NULL;

    // make sure there isn't one by this name already
        return NULL;

    newdir = new ManagedDirectory;

    newdir->name = estrdup(filename);

    // set type information
    newdir->setType(WadDirectory::MANAGED); // mark as managed

    // add it to the hash table

    return newdir;
Exemple #4
// MetaKey
// If the given key string is already interned, the metakey_t structure that
// stores it will be returned. If not, it will be added to the collection of
// keys and hashed by name.
static metakey_t &MetaKey(const char *key)
   metakey_t *keyObj;
   unsigned int unmodHC = ENCStringHashKey::HashCode(key);

   // Do we already have this key?
   if(!(keyObj = metaKeyHash.objectForKey(key, unmodHC)))
      keyObj = estructalloc(metakey_t, 1);

      // add it to the list

      keyObj->key     = estrdup(key);
      keyObj->index   = metaKeys.getLength() - 1;
      keyObj->unmodHC = unmodHC;

      // check for table overload, and hash it
      metaKeyHash.addObject(keyObj, keyObj->unmodHC);

   return *keyObj;
Exemple #5
// Obtain a weaponinfo_t structure by name.
weaponinfo_t *E_WeaponForDEHNum(const int dehnum)
   return e_WeaponDehHash.objectForKey(dehnum);
Exemple #6
// Obtain a weaponinfo_t structure by name.
weaponinfo_t *E_WeaponForName(const char *name)
   return e_WeaponNameHash.objectForKey(name);
Exemple #7
// Obtain a weaponinfo_t structure for its ID number.
weaponinfo_t *E_WeaponForID(const int id)
   return e_WeaponIDHash.objectForKey(id);
Exemple #8
ManagedDirectory *ManagedDirectory::DirectoryForName(const char *filename)
    return w_dirhash.objectForKey(filename);