Exemple #1
static bool formatChunk(EMUFILE &inf)
	// seek to just after the RIFF header

	// search for a format chunk
	for (;;)
		char chunk_id[4];
		u32  chunk_length;

		inf.fread(chunk_id, 4);
		if (!inf.read_32LE(chunk_length)) return false;

		// if we found a format chunk, excellent!
		if (memcmp(chunk_id, "fmt ", 4) == 0 && chunk_length >= 16)

			// read format chunk
			u16 format_tag;
			u16 channel_count;
			u32 samples_per_second;
			//u32 bytes_per_second   = read32_le(chunk + 8);
			//u16 block_align        = read16_le(chunk + 12);
			u16 bits_per_sample;

			if (inf.read_16LE(format_tag) != 1) return false;
			if (inf.read_16LE(channel_count) != 1) return false;
			if (inf.read_32LE(samples_per_second) != 1) return false;
			if (inf.read_16LE(bits_per_sample) != 1) return false;

			chunk_length -= 16;

			// format_tag must be 1 (WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
			// we only support mono 8bit
			if (format_tag != 1 ||
				channel_count != 1 ||
				bits_per_sample != 8)
					MessageBox(0,"not a valid RIFF WAVE file; must be 8bit mono pcm",0,0);
					return false;

			return true;

	return false;
Exemple #2
static bool dataChunk(EMUFILE &inf)
	bool found = false;

	// seek to just after the RIFF header

	// search for a format chunk
	for (;;)
		char chunk_id[4];
		u32  chunk_length;

		if (inf.eof()) return found;
		if (inf.fread(chunk_id, 4) != 4) return found;
		if (!inf.read_32LE(chunk_length)) return found;

		// if we found a data chunk, excellent!
      if (memcmp(chunk_id, "data", 4) == 0)
		  found = true;
		  u8 *temp = new u8[chunk_length];
		  if (inf.fread(temp,chunk_length) != chunk_length)
			  delete[] temp;
			  return false;
		  delete[] temp;
		  chunk_length = 0;


	return found;