Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// open the output data stream
	Q3TextStream out(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

	const char* header =
		"Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n"
		"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n"
		"  <HEAD>\n"
		"    <TITLE>ShowEQ Item Display</TITLE>\n"
		"    <style type=\"text/css\">\n"
		"      <!--\n"
		"          table { border: black 2px solid }\n"
		"          td { border: black 1px solid }\n"
		"          th { border: black 1px solid }\n"
		"          span.head { color: black }\n"
		"          span.known1 { color: green }\n"
		"          span.known2 { color: blue }\n"
		"          span.varies { color: purple }\n"
		"          span.unknown { color: red }\n"
		"          b.warning { color: red }\n"
		"      -->\n"
		"    </style>\n"
		"  </HEAD>\n"
		"  <BODY>\n";

	/* Print HTML header */
	out << header;

	const char* footer =
		"  </BODY>\n"

	// number of item to display
	QString itemNumber;

	// should binary data be displayed (default = false)
	bool displayBinaryData = false;

	// should the icon be displayed
	bool displayIcon = DISPLAY_ICONS;

	// CGI Convenience class
	CGI cgiconv;

	// process any CGI data

	// If there are form parameters use them
	if (cgiconv.getParamCount() != 0)
		itemNumber = cgiconv.getParamValue("item");

		if (cgiconv.getParamValue("displayBinary") == "y")
			displayBinaryData = true;
		else if (cgiconv.getParamValue("displayBinary") == "n")
			displayBinaryData = false;

		if (cgiconv.getParamValue("showIcon") == "y")
			displayIcon = true;
		else if (cgiconv.getParamValue("hideIcon") == "y")
			displayIcon = false;
	else if (argc == 2)
		// use argument for item number
		itemNumber = argv[1];

	else if (argc > 2)
		out << "<H1>Error: " << argv[0] << " called with " << argc
			<< " arguments!</H1>\n";
		out << "Format: " << argv[0] << "?<ItemID>\n";
		out << footer;

	if (itemNumber.isNull())
		itemNumber = "";

	// check for browser type
	QString userAgent = cgiconv.getHTTPUserAgent();
	out << "    <!-- Output for UserAgent: " << userAgent << "-->\n";

	// beware Netscape4 style sheet brain death
	bool isNetscape4 = false;
	if ((userAgent.contains("Mozilla/4.") == 1) &&
		(userAgent.contains("MSIE") == 0))
		isNetscape4 = true;

	// display form to allow user to select an item or display the binary data
	out << "    <FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" << cgiconv.getScriptName()
		<< "\">\n";

	if (isNetscape4)
		out << "      <TABLE border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>\n";
		out << "      <TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>\n";

	out <<
		"        <TR><TH>Item ID:</TH><TH>Binary Data</TH><TH>Icon</TH>"
		"<TD><INPUT type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"/></TD></TR>\n"
		"        <TR>\n";

	out << "          <TD><INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"item\" value=\""
		<< itemNumber
		<< "\" size=\"5\"/></TD>\n";

	out <<
		"          <TD>"
		"<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"displayBinary\" value=\"y\"";

	if (displayBinaryData)
		out << " checked";
	out << "/>Display</TD>\n";

	out <<
		"          <TD>";

	if (displayIcon)
		out << "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"hideIcon\" value=\"y\" unchecked>"
		<< "Hide</TD>\n";
		out << "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"hideIcon\" value=\"y\">"
		<< "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"showIcon\" value=\"y\" unchecked>"
		<< "Show</TD>\n";

	// Submission button
	out <<
		"          <TD>"
		"<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\"/></TD>\n";

	out << "        </TR>\n";
	out << "      </TABLE>\n";
	out << "    </FORM>\n";

	// if no item number was passed in, then just return
	if (itemNumber.isEmpty())
		// ask the user to enter an ItemID
		out << "<H1>Please Enter an ItemID!</H1>\n";

		// close the document
		out << footer;

		return 0;

	// convert the passed in item number to a short
	uint16_t currentItemNr = itemNumber.toShort();

	EQItemDB* itemDB = new EQItemDB;
	QString nameString;
	QString loreString;
	bool hasEntry = false;
	EQItemDBEntry* entry = NULL;

	hasEntry = itemDB->GetItemData(currentItemNr, &entry);

	out << "<H1>Information on ItemID: " << currentItemNr << "</H1>\n";

	if (hasEntry)
		loreString = entry->GetLoreName();
		nameString = entry->GetName();

		if (displayIcon)
			out << "<P><IMG src=\"" << ICON_DIR << entry->GetIconNr()
			<< ".png\" alt=\"Icon: " << entry->GetIconNr() << "\"/></P>";

		if (!nameString.isEmpty())
			out << "<H2>" << nameString << "</H2>\n";
			out << "<P><B>Lore:</B> " << loreString << "<BR></P>\n";
			out << "<H2>Lore: " << loreString << "</H2>\n";

		out << "<P>\n";
		time_t updated = entry->GetUpdated();
		out << "<B>Last Updated:</B> " << ctime(&updated) << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Icon Number:</B> " << entry->GetIconNr() << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Model:</B> " << entry->GetIdFile() << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>ItemType:</B> " << QString::number(entry->GetItemType())
			<< "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Weight:</B> " << (int)entry->GetWeight() << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Flags:</B> ";
		if (entry->IsBook())
			out << " BOOK";
		if (entry->IsContainer())
			out << " CONTAINER";
		if (entry->GetNoDrop() == 0)
			out << " NO-DROP";
		if (entry->GetNoRent() == 0)
			out << " NO-RENT";
		if (entry->GetMagic() == 1)
			out << " MAGIC";
		if (entry->GetLoreFlag())
			out << " LORE";
		else if (entry->GetSummonedFlag())
			out << " SUMMONED";
		else if (entry->GetArtifactFlag())
			out << " ARTIFACT";
		else if (entry->GetPendingLoreFlag())
			out << " PENDING-LORE";

		out << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Size:</B> " << size_name(entry->GetSize()) << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Slots:</B> " << print_slot(entry->GetSlots()) << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Base Price:</B> " << reformatMoney(entry->GetCost())
			<< "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetSTR())
			out << "<B>Str:</B> " << (int)entry->GetSTR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetSTA())
			out << "<B>Sta:</B> " << (int)entry->GetSTA() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetCHA())
			out << "<B>Cha:</B> " << (int)entry->GetCHA() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetDEX())
			out << "<B>Dex:</B> " << (int)entry->GetDEX() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetINT())
			out << "<B>Int:</B> " << (int)entry->GetINT() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetAGI())
			out << "<B>Agi:</B> " << (int)entry->GetAGI() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetWIS())
			out << "<B>Wis:</B> " << (int)entry->GetWIS() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetMR())
			out << "<B>Magic:</B> " << (int)entry->GetMR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetFR())
			out << "<B>Fire:</B> " << (int)entry->GetFR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetCR())
			out << "<B>Cold:</B> " << (int)entry->GetCR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetDR())
			out << "<B>Disease:</B> " << (int)entry->GetDR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetPR())
			out << "<B>Poison:</B> " << (int)entry->GetPR() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetHP())
			out << "<B>HP:</B> " << (int)entry->GetHP() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetMana())
			out << "<B>Mana:</B> " << (int)entry->GetMana() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetAC())
			out << "<B>AC:</B> " << (int)entry->GetAC() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetLight())
			out << "<B>Light:</B> " << (int)entry->GetLight() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetDelay())
			out << "<B>Delay:</B> " << (int)entry->GetDelay() << "<BR>\n";

		if (entry->GetDamage())
			out << "<B>Damage:</B> " << (int)entry->GetDamage() << "<BR>\n";
			QString qsTemp = print_skill (entry->GetSkill());
			out << "<B>Skill:</B> ";

			if (qsTemp.find("U0x") == -1)
				out << qsTemp << "<BR>\n";
				out << "Unknown (ID: " << qsTemp << ")<BR>\n";

		if (entry->GetRange())
			out << "<B>Range:</B> " << (int)entry->GetRange() << "<BR>\n";

		if (entry->GetMaterial())
			out << "<B>Material:</B> " << QString::number(entry->GetMaterial(), 16)
				<< " (" << print_material (entry->GetMaterial()) << ")<BR>\n";

			out << "<B>Color:</B> " << QString::number(entry->GetColor(), 16) << "<BR>\n";

			out << ((entry->GetColor())  ?
				(QString("<TABLE><TR><TD bgcolor=\"#%1\">").arg(entry->GetColor(), 6, 16)) :
			("<TABLE><TR><TD bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">"))
				<< "&nbsp;&nbsp;###&nbsp;SAMPLE&nbsp;###&nbsp;&nbsp</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
			out << "<B>Material:</B> 0 (None)<BR>\n";

		if (entry->GetStackable() != -1)
			out << "<B>Stackable:</B> "
			<< ((entry->GetStackable() == 1) ? "yes" : "no?") << "<BR>\n";

		if (entry->GetEffectType() != -1)
			out << "<B>Effect Type:</B> "
			<< entry->GetEffectTypeString() << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetSpellId() != ITEM_SPELLID_NOSPELL)
			out << "<B>Spell Effect:</B> " << spell_name (entry->GetSpellId())
				<< "<BR>\n";
			if (entry->GetLevel())
				out << "<B>Casting Level:</B> " << (int)entry->GetLevel() << "<BR>\n";
			if (entry->GetCharges())
				out << "<B>Charges:</B> ";

				if (entry->GetCharges() == -1)
					out << "Unlimited<BR>\n";
					out << (int)entry->GetCharges() << "<BR>\n";
			if (entry->GetCastTime())
				out << "<B>Casting Time:</B> " << (int)entry->GetCastTime()
				<< "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Class:</B> " << print_classes (entry->GetClasses()) << "<BR>\n";
		out << "<B>Race:</B> " << print_races (entry->GetRaces()) << "<BR>\n";
		if (entry->GetSkillModId())
			out << "<B>Skill Modifier:</B> " << skill_name(entry->GetSkillModId())
			<< " " << (int)entry->GetSkillModPercent() << "% <BR>\n";
		if (entry->IsContainer())
			if (entry->GetNumSlots())
				out << "<B>Container Slots:</B> " << (int)entry->GetNumSlots()
				<< "<BR>\n";
			if (entry->GetSizeCapacity())
				out << "<B>Size Capacity:</B> " << size_name(entry->GetSizeCapacity())
				<< "<BR>\n";
			if (entry->GetWeightReduction())
				out << "<B>% Weight Reduction:</B> " << (int)entry->GetWeightReduction()
				<< "<BR>\n";
		out << "</P>\n";

	int size = 0;

	if (displayBinaryData)
		time_t updated;
		char* rawData = NULL;
		size = itemDB->GetItemRawData(currentItemNr, updated, &rawData);

		if ((size > 0) && (rawData != NULL))
			out << "<P><B>Raw data: (" << size << " octets) last updated: "
				<< ctime(&updated) << "</B></P>\n";
			out << "</P>";
			out << "<PRE>\n";
			printdata (out, size, rawData);
			out << "</PRE>\n";
			delete [] rawData;

	if (!hasEntry && nameString.isEmpty() && loreString.isEmpty() &&
		(size == 0))
		out << "<P>Item " << currentItemNr << " not found</P>\n";

	// close the document with the footer
	out << footer;

	// delete DB entry
	delete entry;

	// shutdown the ItemDB instance

	// delete the ItemDB instance
	delete itemDB;

	return 0;
Exemple #2
int listRecords(EQItemDB* itemDB, uint16_t itemNr, QString search)
  // Display what is being done
  printf("Listing item(s)");
  if (!search.isEmpty())
    printf(" with names containing '%s'", (const char*)search);
  if (itemNr != 0)
    printf(" with item #%d", itemNr);

  // print the header
  printf("Item#  Name  (Info)\n");
  printf("-----  -------------------------------------------\n");

  // retrieve an iterator over the LORE_DB
  EQItemDBIterator* it = new EQItemDBIterator(itemDB, EQItemDB::DATA_DB);

  // if unsuccessful then can't do any more
  if (it == NULL)
    printf ("Warning: No DataBase");
    return -1;

  bool hasNext = true;  
  uint16_t currentItemNr;
  uint16_t nextItemNr;
  QString nameString;
  QString loreString;
  bool hasEntry = false;
  EQItemDBEntry* entry = NULL;
  int counter = 0;

  QString info;

  // retrieve the first number
  hasNext = it->GetFirstItemNumber(&nextItemNr);
  // iterate until there isn't a next item number
  while (hasNext)
    // delete the entry from the last go around
    delete entry;

    // fill the entry with a NULL just in case
    //    entry = NULL;

    // the next item number is now the current item number
    currentItemNr = nextItemNr;

    // retrieve entry from iterator, since it is on the data database
    hasEntry = it->GetItemData(&entry);

    // attempt to retrieve a new next item number
    hasNext = it->GetNextItemNumber(&nextItemNr);

    if ((itemNr != 0) && (itemNr != currentItemNr))

    // attempt to retrieve the item name and lore
    loreString = entry->GetLoreName();
    nameString = entry->GetName();

    // A search strin was specified
    if (!search.isEmpty())
      if ((loreString.find(search, 0, false) == -1) &&
	  (nameString.find(search, 0, false) == -1))


    printf("%5d  ", currentItemNr);

    // only display a name if we have the item name
    if (!nameString.isEmpty())
      printf ("%s ", 
              (const char*)nameString);
      printf("%s ",
	     (const char*)loreString);
    info = "";

    // if we have more data for this item, print it
    if (hasEntry)
      if (entry->IsBook())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "BOOK";
      if (entry->IsContainer())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "CONTAINER";
      if (entry->GetNoDrop()==0)
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
        info += "NO-DROP";
      if (entry->GetNoSave()==0)
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
        info += "NO-SAVE ";
      if (entry->GetMagic()==1)
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
        info += "MAGIC";
      if (loreString[0] == '*')
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
        info +="LORE";

      if (entry->GetAC())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "AC: " + QString::number(entry->GetAC());

      if (entry->GetDamage())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "Dmg: " + QString::number(entry->GetDamage());

      if (entry->GetDelay())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "Dly: " + QString::number(entry->GetDelay());

      if (entry->GetRange())
	if (!info.isEmpty())
	  info += ", ";
	info += "Rng: " + QString::number(entry->GetRange());

      if (entry->IsContainer())
	if (entry->GetNumSlots())
	  if (!info.isEmpty())
	    info += ", ";
	  info += "Slots: " + QString::number(entry->GetNumSlots());

	if (entry->GetSizeCapacity())
	  if (!info.isEmpty())
	    info += ", ";
	  info += "Cap: " + size_name(entry->GetSizeCapacity());

	if (entry->GetWeightReduction())
	  if (!info.isEmpty())
	    info += ", ";
	  info += "Rdc: " + 
	    QString::number(entry->GetWeightReduction()) + "%";

    if (!info.isEmpty())
      printf("(%s)", (const char*)info);

    // increment counter;
    counter ++;

  // delete the last entry since it won't get deleted at the top of the loop
  delete entry;

  // delete the iterator
  delete it;

  printf("Found %d records\n", counter);

  return 0;