Exemple #1
Opm::checkConsistentArrayDimensions(const EclipseState& es,
                                    const Schedule&     sched,
                                    const ParseContext& ctxt,
                                    ErrorGuard&         guard)
    consistentWellDims(es.runspec().wellDimensions(), sched, ctxt, guard);
Exemple #2
 Setup( const char* path, const ParseContext& parseContext = ParseContext( )) :
     deck( Parser().parseFile( path, parseContext ) ),
     es( deck, parseContext ),
     grid( es.getInputGrid( ) ),
     schedule( deck, grid, es.get3DProperties(), es.runspec().phases(), parseContext),
     summary_config( deck, schedule, es.getTableManager( ), parseContext)
     auto& io_config = es.getIOConfig();
createLogiHead(const EclipseState& es)
    const auto& rspec = es.runspec();
    const auto& wsd   = rspec.wellSegmentDimensions();
    const auto& hystPar = rspec.hysterPar();

    const auto lh = LogiHEAD{}
        .variousParam(false, false, wsd.maxSegmentedWells(), hystPar.active())

    return lh.data();
createInteHead(const EclipseState& es,
               const EclipseGrid&  grid,
               const Schedule&     sched,
               const double        simTime,
               const int           num_solver_steps,
               const int           lookup_step)
    const auto  nwgmax = maxGroupSize(sched, lookup_step);
    const auto  ngmax  = numGroupsInField(sched, lookup_step);
    const auto& rspec  = es.runspec();
    const auto& tdim   = es.getTableManager();
    const auto& rdim   = tdim.getRegdims();

    const auto ih = InteHEAD{}
        .dimensions         (grid.getNXYZ())
        .numActive          (static_cast<int>(grid.getNumActive()))
        .unitConventions    (getUnitConvention(es.getDeckUnitSystem()))
        .wellTableDimensions(getWellTableDims(nwgmax, rspec, sched, lookup_step))
        .calendarDate       (getSimulationTimePoint(sched.posixStartTime(), simTime))
        .activePhases       (getActivePhases(rspec))
             // The numbers below have been determined experimentally to work
             // across a range of reference cases, but are not guaranteed to be
             // universally valid.
        .params_NWELZ       (155, 122, 130, 3) // n{isxz}welz: number of data elements per well in {ISXZ}WELL
        .params_NCON        (25, 40, 58)       // n{isx}conz: number of data elements per completion in ICON
        .params_GRPZ        (getNGRPZ(nwgmax, ngmax, rspec))
             // ncamax: max number of analytical aquifer connections
             // n{isx}aaqz: number of data elements per aquifer in {ISX}AAQ
             // n{isa}caqz: number of data elements per aquifer connection in {ISA}CAQ
        .params_NAAQZ       (1, 18, 24, 10, 7, 2, 4)
        .stepParam          (num_solver_steps, lookup_step)
        .tuningParam        (getTuningPars(sched.getTuning(), lookup_step))
        .wellSegDimensions  (getWellSegDims(rspec, sched, lookup_step))
        .regionDimensions   (getRegDims(tdim, rdim))
        .ngroups            ({ ngmax })
        .variousParam       (201702, 100)  // Output should be compatible with Eclipse 100, 2017.02 version.

    return ih.data();