Exemple #1
        void save(Archive &ar, const EncFSConfig &cfg, 
                unsigned int version)
            // version 20 (aka 20100613)
            if (cfg.subVersion == 0)
                ar << make_nvp("version", V6SubVersion);
                ar << make_nvp("version", cfg.subVersion);

            ar << make_nvp("creator", cfg.creator);
            ar << make_nvp("cipherAlg", cfg.cipherIface);
            ar << make_nvp("nameAlg", cfg.nameIface);
            ar << make_nvp("keySize", cfg.keySize);
            ar << make_nvp("blockSize", cfg.blockSize);
            ar << make_nvp("uniqueIV", cfg.uniqueIV);
            ar << make_nvp("chainedNameIV", cfg.chainedNameIV);
            ar << make_nvp("externalIVChaining", cfg.externalIVChaining);
            ar << make_nvp("blockMACBytes", cfg.blockMACBytes);
            ar << make_nvp("blockMACRandBytes", cfg.blockMACRandBytes);
            ar << make_nvp("allowHoles", cfg.allowHoles);

            int encodedSize = cfg.keyData.size();
            ar << make_nvp("encodedKeySize", encodedSize);
            ar << make_nvp("encodedKeyData",
                    serial::make_binary_object(cfg.getKeyData(), encodedSize));

            // version 20080816
            int size = cfg.salt.size();
            ar << make_nvp("saltLen", size);
            ar << make_nvp("saltData",
                    serial::make_binary_object(cfg.getSaltData(), size));
            ar << make_nvp("kdfIterations", cfg.kdfIterations);
            ar << make_nvp("desiredKDFDuration", cfg.desiredKDFDuration);
Exemple #2
static int do_chpasswd(bool useStdin, bool annotate, bool checkOnly, int argc,
                       char **argv) {
  string rootDir = argv[1];
  if (!checkDir(rootDir)) return EXIT_FAILURE;

  EncFSConfig *config = new EncFSConfig;
  ConfigType cfgType = readConfig(rootDir, config);

  if (cfgType == Config_None) {
    cout << _("Unable to load or parse config file\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // instanciate proper cipher
  std::shared_ptr<Cipher> cipher =
      Cipher::New(config->cipherIface, config->keySize);
  if (!cipher) {
    cout << autosprintf(_("Unable to find specified cipher \"%s\"\n"),
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // ask for existing password
  cout << _("Enter current Encfs password\n");
  if (annotate) cerr << "$PROMPT$ passwd" << endl;
  CipherKey userKey = config->getUserKey(useStdin);
  if (!userKey) return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // decode volume key using user key -- at this point we detect an incorrect
  // password if the key checksum does not match (causing readKey to fail).
  CipherKey volumeKey = cipher->readKey(config->getKeyData(), userKey);

  if (!volumeKey) {
    cout << _("Invalid password\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (checkOnly) {
    cout << _("Password is correct\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  // Now, get New user key..
  cout << _("Enter new Encfs password\n");
  // reinitialize salt and iteration count
  config->kdfIterations = 0;  // generate new

  if (useStdin) {
    if (annotate) cerr << "$PROMPT$ new_passwd" << endl;
    userKey = config->getUserKey(true);
  } else
    userKey = config->getNewUserKey();

  // re-encode the volume key using the new user key and write it out..
  int result = EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (userKey) {
    int encodedKeySize = cipher->encodedKeySize();
    unsigned char *keyBuf = new unsigned char[encodedKeySize];

    // encode volume key with new user key
    cipher->writeKey(volumeKey, keyBuf, userKey);

    config->assignKeyData(keyBuf, encodedKeySize);
    delete[] keyBuf;

    if (saveConfig(cfgType, rootDir, config)) {
      // password modified -- changes volume key of filesystem..
      cout << _("Volume Key successfully updated.\n");
      result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } else {
      cout << _("Error saving modified config file.\n");
  } else {
    cout << _("Error creating key\n");


  return result;