Exemple #1
	 * Stats the given file. If <tt>throttleRate</tt> seconds have passed since
	 * the last time stat() was called on this file, then the file will be
	 * re-stat()ted, otherwise the cached stat information will be returned.
	 * @param filename The file to stat.
	 * @param stat A pointer to a stat struct; the retrieved stat information
	 *             will be stored here.
	 * @param throttleRate Tells this CachedFileStat that the file may only
	 *        be statted at most every <tt>throttleRate</tt> seconds.
	 * @return 0 if the stat() call succeeded or if the cached stat information was used;
	 *         -1 if something went wrong while statting the file. In the latter
	 *         case, <tt>errno</tt> will be populated with an appropriate error code.
	 * @throws SystemException Something went wrong while retrieving the
	 *         system time. stat() errors will <em>not</em> result in
	 *         SystemException being thrown.
	 * @throws boost::thread_interrupted
	int stat(const string &filename, struct stat *buf, unsigned int throttleRate = 0) {
		boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(lock);
		EntryMap::iterator it(cache.find(filename));
		EntryPtr entry;
		int ret;
		if (it == cache.end()) {
			// Filename not in cache.
			// If cache is full, remove the least recently used
			// cache entry.
			if (maxSize != 0 && cache.size() == maxSize) {
				EntryList::iterator listEnd(entries.end());
				string filename((*listEnd)->filename);
			// Add to cache as most recently used.
			entry = EntryPtr(new Entry(filename));
			cache[filename] = entries.begin();
		} else {
			// Cache hit.
			entry = *it->second;
			// Mark this cache item as most recently used.
			cache[filename] = entries.begin();
		ret = entry->refresh(throttleRate);
		*buf = entry->info;
		return ret;
Exemple #2
void TastyDataCache::addEntry(const EntryPtr& entry)
    Q_ASSERT(!entry || !entry->parent());

    if (entry)
        _entries.insert(entry->entryId(), entry.data());
void FATArchive::rename(EntryPtr id, const std::string& strNewName)
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_rename
	FATEntry *pFAT = dynamic_cast<FATEntry *>(id.get());

	// Make sure filename is within the allowed limit
	if (
		(this->lenMaxFilename > 0) &&
		(strNewName.length() > this->lenMaxFilename)
	) {
		throw stream::error(createString("maximum filename length is "
			<< this->lenMaxFilename << " chars"));

	this->updateFileName(pFAT, strNewName);
	pFAT->strName = strNewName;
void FATArchive::remove(EntryPtr id)
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_remove
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_remove2
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_remove_insert
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_remove

	// Make sure the caller doesn't try to remove something that doesn't exist!

	FATEntry *pFATDel = dynamic_cast<FATEntry *>(id.get());

	// Remove the file's entry from the FAT

	// Remove the entry from the vector
	VC_ENTRYPTR::iterator itErase = std::find(this->vcFAT.begin(), this->vcFAT.end(), id);
	assert(itErase != this->vcFAT.end());

	// Update the offsets of any files located after this one (since they will
	// all have been shifted back to fill the gap made by the removal.)
		-((stream::delta)pFATDel->storedSize + (stream::delta)pFATDel->lenHeader),

	// Remove the file's data from the archive
	this->psArchive->seekp(pFATDel->iOffset, stream::start);
	this->psArchive->remove(pFATDel->storedSize + pFATDel->lenHeader);

	// Mark it as invalid in case some other code is still holding on to it.
	pFATDel->bValid = false;


size_t ScrollAdapterBase::GetVisibleItems(
    cursespp::ScrollableWindow* window,
    size_t desiredTopIndex,
    std::deque<EntryPtr>& target)
    size_t actualTopIndex = desiredTopIndex;

    /* ensure we have enough data to draw from the specified position
    to the end. if we don't try to back up a bit until we can fill
    the buffer */
    int totalHeight = (int) this->height;
    int entryCount = (int) this->GetEntryCount();

    /* we assume the general case -- we're some where in the middle of the
    list. we'll start from the specified first item and work our way down */
    for (int i = (int) desiredTopIndex; i < entryCount && totalHeight > 0; i++) {
        EntryPtr entry = this->GetEntry(window, i);
        totalHeight -= entry->GetLineCount();

    /* however, if the list is short, we can actually draw more items above
    the specified one. let's work our way backwards! */
    if (totalHeight > 0) {

        totalHeight = this->height;
        int i = GetEntryCount() - 1;
        while (i >= 0 && totalHeight >= 0) {
            EntryPtr entry = this->GetEntry(window, i);

            int lines = entry->GetLineCount();
            if (lines > totalHeight) {
                break; /* this Entry won't fit. bail. */

            totalHeight -= lines;

        actualTopIndex = i + 1;

    return actualTopIndex;
void ArchiveTestCase<ClassFactoryT>::ExtractArchive(wxInputStream& in)
    typedef Ptr<EntryT> EntryPtr;
    typedef std::list<EntryPtr> Entries;
    typedef typename Entries::iterator EntryIter;

    auto_ptr<InputStreamT> arc(m_factory->NewStream(in));
    int expectedTotal = m_testEntries.size();
    EntryPtr entry;
    Entries entries;

    if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0)
        OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal);

    while (entry = EntryPtr(arc->GetNextEntry()), entry.get() != NULL) {
        wxString name = entry->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX);

        // provide some context for the error message so that we know which
        // iteration of the loop we were on
        string error_entry((_T(" '") + name + _T("'")).mb_str());
        string error_context(" failed for entry" + error_entry);

        TestEntries::iterator it = m_testEntries.find(name);
            "archive contains an entry that shouldn't be there" + error_entry,
            it != m_testEntries.end());

        const TestEntry& testEntry = *it->second;

        wxDateTime dt = testEntry.GetDateTime();
        if (dt.IsValid())
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("timestamp check" + error_context,
                                   dt == entry->GetDateTime());

        // non-seekable entries are allowed to have GetSize == wxInvalidOffset
        // until the end of the entry's data has been read past
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context,
            testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize() ||
            ((m_options & PipeIn) != 0 && entry->GetSize() == wxInvalidOffset));
            "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context,
            arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize());

        if (name.Last() != _T('/'))
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("!IsDir" + error_context,
            wxCharBuffer buf(testEntry.GetSize() + 1);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Read until Eof" + error_context,
                arc->Read(buf.data(), testEntry.GetSize() + 1).Eof());
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("LastRead check" + error_context,
                arc->LastRead() == testEntry.GetSize());
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("data compare" + error_context,
                !memcmp(buf.data(), testEntry.GetData(), testEntry.GetSize()));
        } else {
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("IsDir" + error_context, entry->IsDir());

        // GetSize() must return the right result in all cases after all the
        // data has been read
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context,
            testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize());
            "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context,
            arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize());

        if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0) {
            OnEntryExtracted(*entry, testEntry, arc.get());
            delete it->second;
        } else {

    // check that the end of the input archive was reached without error

    // for non-seekable streams these data are only guaranteed to be
    // available once the end of the archive has been reached
    if (m_options & PipeIn) {
        for (EntryIter i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) {
            wxString name = (*i)->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX);
            TestEntries::iterator j = m_testEntries.find(name);
            OnEntryExtracted(**i, *j->second);
            delete j->second;
        OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal);
bool FATArchive::isValid(const EntryPtr id) const
	const FATEntry *id2 = dynamic_cast<const FATEntry *>(id.get());
	return ((id2) && (id2->bValid));
void FATArchive::resize(EntryPtr id, stream::len newStoredSize,
	stream::len newRealSize)
	stream::delta iDelta = newStoredSize - id->storedSize;
	FATEntry *pFAT = dynamic_cast<FATEntry *>(id.get());

	stream::len oldStoredSize = pFAT->storedSize;
	stream::len oldRealSize = pFAT->realSize;
	pFAT->storedSize = newStoredSize;
	pFAT->realSize = newRealSize;

	try {
		// Update the FAT with the file's new sizes
		this->updateFileSize(pFAT, iDelta);
	} catch (stream::error) {
		// Undo and abort the resize
		pFAT->storedSize = oldStoredSize;
		pFAT->realSize = oldRealSize;

	// Add or remove the data in the underlying stream
	stream::pos iStart;
	if (iDelta > 0) { // inserting data
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_resize_larger
		iStart = pFAT->iOffset + pFAT->lenHeader + oldStoredSize;
		this->psArchive->seekp(iStart, stream::start);
	} else if (iDelta < 0) { // removing data
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_resize_smaller
		iStart = pFAT->iOffset + pFAT->lenHeader + newStoredSize;
		this->psArchive->seekp(iStart, stream::start);
	} else if (pFAT->realSize == newRealSize) {
		// Not resizing the internal size, and the external/real size
		// hasn't changed either, so nothing to do.

	if (iDelta != 0) {
		// The internal file size is changing, so adjust the offsets etc. of the
		// rest of the files in the archive, including any open streams.
		this->shiftFiles(pFAT, iStart, iDelta, 0);

		// Resize any open substreams for this file
		for (OPEN_FILES::iterator i = this->openFiles.begin();
			i != this->openFiles.end();
		) {
			if (i->first.get() == pFAT) {
				if (stream::sub_sptr sub = i->second.lock()) {
					// no break, could be multiple opens for same entry
	} // else only realSize changed

FATArchive::EntryPtr FATArchive::insert(const EntryPtr idBeforeThis,
	const std::string& strFilename, stream::pos storedSize, std::string type, int attr
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert2
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_remove_insert
	// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_remove

	// Make sure filename is within the allowed limit
	if (
		(this->lenMaxFilename > 0) &&
		(strFilename.length() > this->lenMaxFilename)
	) {
		throw stream::error(createString("maximum filename length is "
			<< this->lenMaxFilename << " chars"));

	FATEntry *pNewFile = this->createNewFATEntry();
	EntryPtr ep(pNewFile);

	pNewFile->strName = strFilename;
	pNewFile->storedSize = storedSize;
	pNewFile->realSize = storedSize; // default to no filter
	pNewFile->type = type;
	pNewFile->fAttr = attr;
	pNewFile->lenHeader = 0;
	pNewFile->bValid = false; // not yet valid

	// Figure out where the new file is going to go
	const FATEntry *pFATBeforeThis = NULL;
	if (this->isValid(idBeforeThis)) {
		// Insert at idBeforeThis
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_mid
		pFATBeforeThis = dynamic_cast<const FATEntry *>(idBeforeThis.get());
		pNewFile->iOffset = pFATBeforeThis->iOffset;
		pNewFile->iIndex = pFATBeforeThis->iIndex;
	} else {
		// Append to end of archive
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_end
		if (this->vcFAT.size()) {
			const FATEntry *pFATAfterThis = dynamic_cast<const FATEntry *>(this->vcFAT.back().get());
			pNewFile->iOffset = pFATAfterThis->iOffset
				+ pFATAfterThis->lenHeader + pFATAfterThis->storedSize;
			pNewFile->iIndex = pFATAfterThis->iIndex + 1;
		} else {
			// There are no files in the archive
			pNewFile->iOffset = this->offFirstFile;
			pNewFile->iIndex = 0;

	// Add the file's entry from the FAT.  May throw (e.g. filename too long),
	// archive should be left untouched in this case.
	FATEntry *returned = this->preInsertFile(pFATBeforeThis, pNewFile);
	if (returned != pNewFile) {
		pNewFile = returned;

	if (!pNewFile->filter.empty()) {
		// The format handler wants us to apply a filter to this file.

	// Now it's mostly valid.  Really this is here so that it's invalid during
	// preInsertFile(), so any calls in there to shiftFiles() will ignore the
	// new file.  But we're about to call shiftFiles() now, and we need the file
	// to be marked valid otherwise it won't be skipped/ignored.
	pNewFile->bValid = true;

	if (this->isValid(idBeforeThis)) {
		// Update the offsets of any files located after this one (since they will
		// all have been shifted forward to make room for the insert.)
			pNewFile->iOffset + pNewFile->lenHeader,

		// Add the new file to the vector now all the existing offsets have been
		// updated.
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_mid
		VC_ENTRYPTR::iterator itBeforeThis = std::find(this->vcFAT.begin(),
			this->vcFAT.end(), idBeforeThis);
		assert(itBeforeThis != this->vcFAT.end());
		this->vcFAT.insert(itBeforeThis, ep);
	} else {
		// TESTED BY: fmt_grp_duke3d_insert_end

	// Insert space for the file's data into the archive.  If there is a header
	// (e.g. embedded FAT) then preInsertFile() will have inserted space for
	// this and written the data, so our insert should start just after the
	// header.
	this->psArchive->seekp(pNewFile->iOffset + pNewFile->lenHeader, stream::start);


	return ep;
Exemple #10
ProcessList::EntryPtr ProcessList::insert(const String & query_, const IAST * ast, Context & query_context)
    EntryPtr res;

    const ClientInfo & client_info = query_context.getClientInfo();
    const Settings & settings = query_context.getSettingsRef();

    if (client_info.current_query_id.empty())
        throw Exception("Query id cannot be empty", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

    bool is_unlimited_query = isUnlimitedQuery(ast);

        std::unique_lock lock(mutex);

        if (!is_unlimited_query && max_size && processes.size() >= max_size)
            auto max_wait_ms = settings.queue_max_wait_ms.totalMilliseconds();

            if (!max_wait_ms || !have_space.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(max_wait_ms), [&]{ return processes.size() < max_size; }))
                throw Exception("Too many simultaneous queries. Maximum: " + toString(max_size), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES);

        /** Why we use current user?
          * Because initial one is passed by client and credentials for it is not verified,
          *  and using initial_user for limits will be insecure.
          * Why we use current_query_id?
          * Because we want to allow distributed queries that will run multiple secondary queries on same server,
          *  like SELECT count() FROM remote('127.0.0.{1,2}', system.numbers)
          *  so they must have different query_ids.

            auto user_process_list = user_to_queries.find(client_info.current_user);

            if (user_process_list != user_to_queries.end())
                if (!is_unlimited_query && settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user
                    && user_process_list->second.queries.size() >= settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user)
                    throw Exception("Too many simultaneous queries for user " + client_info.current_user
                        + ". Current: " + toString(user_process_list->second.queries.size())
                        + ", maximum: " + settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user.toString(),

                auto range = user_process_list->second.queries.equal_range(client_info.current_query_id);
                if (range.first != range.second)
                    if (!settings.replace_running_query)
                        throw Exception("Query with id = " + client_info.current_query_id + " is already running.",

                    /// Ask queries to cancel. They will check this flag.
                    for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
                        it->second->is_killed.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);

        auto process_it = processes.emplace(processes.end(),
            query_, client_info, settings.max_memory_usage, settings.memory_tracker_fault_probability, priorities.insert(settings.priority));

        res = std::make_shared<Entry>(*this, process_it);

        process_it->query_context = &query_context;

        if (!client_info.current_query_id.empty())
            ProcessListForUser & user_process_list = user_to_queries[client_info.current_user];
            user_process_list.queries.emplace(client_info.current_query_id, &res->get());


            /// Limits are only raised (to be more relaxed) or set to something instead of zero,
            ///  because settings for different queries will interfere each other:
            ///  setting from one query effectively sets values for all other queries.

            /// Track memory usage for all simultaneously running queries.
            /// You should specify this value in configuration for default profile,
            ///  not for specific users, sessions or queries,
            ///  because this setting is effectively global.

            /// Track memory usage for all simultaneously running queries from single user.
            user_process_list.user_memory_tracker.setDescription("(for user)");

            /// Actualize thread group info
            if (auto thread_group = CurrentThread::getGroup())
                std::lock_guard lock_thread_group(thread_group->mutex);
                thread_group->query = process_it->query;

                /// Set query-level memory trackers
                thread_group->memory_tracker.setDescription("(for query)");
                if (process_it->memory_tracker_fault_probability)

                /// NOTE: Do not set the limit for thread-level memory tracker since it could show unreal values
                ///  since allocation and deallocation could happen in different threads

                process_it->thread_group = std::move(thread_group);

            if (!user_process_list.user_throttler)
                if (settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_user)
                    user_process_list.user_throttler = std::make_shared<Throttler>(settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_user, total_network_throttler);
                else if (settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users)
                    user_process_list.user_throttler = total_network_throttler;

        if (!total_network_throttler && settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users)
            total_network_throttler = std::make_shared<Throttler>(settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users);

    return res;
Exemple #11
int console_filebrowse_completion(ContextPtr env, char *cmd) {
    LinkList<Entry> files;

    struct stat filestatus;
#if defined (HAVE_DARWIN) || defined (HAVE_FREEBSD)
    struct dirent **filelist;
    struct dirent **filelist;
    char path[MAX_CMDLINE];
    char needle[MAX_CMDLINE];
    bool incomplete = false;

    if(cmd[0] != '/') // path is relative: prefix our location
        snprintf(path, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s/%s", getenv("PWD"), cmd);
    else // path is absolute
        strncpy(path, cmd, MAX_CMDLINE);

    if(stat(path, &filestatus) < 0) {  // no file there?
        int c = 0;
        // parse backwards to the first '/' and zero it,
        // store the word of the right part in needle
        for(c = strlen(path); path[c] != '/' && c > 0; c--) ;
        strncpy(needle, &path[c + 1], MAX_CMDLINE);
        path[c + 1] = '\0';
        incomplete = true;

        if(stat(path, &filestatus) < 0) { // yet no valid file?
            error("error on file completion path %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
            return 0;

    } else { // we have a file!

            return 1;  // is a regular file!

        // is it a directory? then append the trailing slash
        if(S_ISDIR(filestatus.st_mode)) {
            int c = strlen(path);
            if(path[c - 1] != '/') {
                path[c] = '/';
                path[c + 1] = '\0';

        strncpy(cmd, path, MAX_CMDLINE);

    func("file completion: %s", cmd);
    // at this point in path there should be something valid
    int found = scandir
                    (path, &filelist,
                    filebrowse_completion_selector, alphasort);

    if(found < 0) {
        error("filebrowse_completion: scandir: %s", strerror(errno));
        return 0;

    for(int c = found - 1; c > 0; c--) { // insert each entry found in a linklist
        EntryPtr e = MakeShared<Entry>(filelist[c]->d_name);

    int c = 0; // counter for entries found

    if(incomplete) {
        // list all files in directory *path starting with *needle
        // Find completions
        EntryPtr exactEntry;
        LinkList<Entry> retList;
        std::string cmdString(needle);
        std::transform(cmdString.begin(), cmdString.end(), cmdString.begin(), ::tolower);
        std::copy_if(files.begin(), files.end(), retList.begin(), [&] (EntryPtr entry) {
                         std::string name = entry->getName();
                         std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
                         if(name == cmdString) {
                             exactEntry = entry;
                         return name.compare(cmdString) == 0;

        c = retList.size();
        if(exactEntry != NULL) {
            snprintf(cmd, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s%s", path, exactEntry->getName().c_str());
        } else {
            notice("list of %s* files in %s:", needle, path);
            std::for_each(retList.begin(), retList.end(), [&] (EntryPtr entry) {
                              ::act(" %s", entry->getName().c_str());
    } else {
        // list all entries
        notice("list of all files in %s:", path);
        std::for_each(files.begin(), files.end(), [&] (EntryPtr e) {
                          ::act("%s", e->getName().c_str());

ImagePtr Image_TilesetFroms::openImage(const EntryPtr& id)
	ImageEntry *fat = dynamic_cast<ImageEntry *>(id.get());
	return fat->item.image;
void ScrollAdapterBase::DrawPage(ScrollableWindow* scrollable, size_t index, ScrollPosition& result) {
    WINDOW* window = scrollable->GetContent();

    if (!scrollable->IsVisible() || !window || this->height == 0 || this->width == 0 || this->GetEntryCount() == 0) {

    if (index >= GetEntryCount()) {
        index = GetEntryCount() - 1;

    std::deque<EntryPtr> visible;
    size_t topIndex = GetVisibleItems(scrollable, index, visible);

    size_t drawnLines = 0;

    for (size_t e = 0; e < visible.size(); e++) {
        EntryPtr entry = visible.at(e);
        size_t count = entry->GetLineCount();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < count && drawnLines < this->height; i++) {
            Color attrs = Color::Default;

            if (this->decorator) {
                attrs = this->decorator(scrollable, topIndex + e, i, entry);

            if (attrs == -1) {
                attrs = entry->GetAttrs(i);

            if (attrs != -1) {
                wattron(window, attrs);

            std::string line = entry->GetLine(i);
            size_t len = u8cols(line);

            /* pad with empty spaces to the end of the line. this allows us to
            do highlight rows. this should probably be configurable. */

            int remain = this->width - len;
            if (remain > 0) {
                line += std::string(remain, ' ');

            /* string is padded above, we don't need a \n */

            checked_wprintw(window, "%s", line.c_str());

            if (attrs != -1) {
                wattroff(window, attrs);


    result.visibleEntryCount = visible.size();
    result.firstVisibleEntryIndex = topIndex;
    result.lineCount = drawnLines;
    result.totalEntries = GetEntryCount();