bool GetIKSolutions(EnvironmentBasePtr _penv, Transform Pose, std::vector< std::vector< dReal > > &vsolution){

	ModuleBasePtr _pikfast = RaveCreateModule(_penv,"ikfast");
	RobotBasePtr _probot = _penv->GetRobot(robotname);
	RobotBase::ManipulatorPtr _pmanip = _probot->GetActiveManipulator(); 
	std::vector< std::vector< dReal > > solns;

	stringstream ssin,ssout;
	string iktype = "Transform6D";
	ssin << "LoadIKFastSolver " << _probot->GetName() << " " << iktype;
	if( !_pikfast->SendCommand(ssout,ssin) ) {
		RAVELOG_ERROR("failed to load iksolver\n");
		return false;

	if(_pmanip->FindIKSolutions(IkParameterization(Pose),vsolution,IKFO_CheckEnvCollisions) ) {
		stringstream ss; ss << "solution is: ";
			for(size_t i = 0; i < vsolution.size(); ++i) {
				for(size_t j = 0; j < vsolution[i].size(); ++j){
					ss << vsolution[i][j] << " " ;
				} ss << endl;
		ss << endl;
	else {
		// could fail due to collisions, etc
		return false;
	return true ;
void SetViewer(EnvironmentBasePtr penv, const string& viewername)
    ViewerBasePtr viewer = RaveCreateViewer(penv,viewername);

    // attach it to the environment:

    // finally call the viewer's infinite loop (this is why a separate thread is needed)
    bool showgui = true;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    if( argc < 3 ) {
        RAVELOG_INFO("ikloader robot iktype\n");
        return 1;

    string robotname = argv[1];
    string iktype = argv[2];
    RaveInitialize(true); // start openrave core

    EnvironmentBasePtr penv = RaveCreateEnvironment(); // create the main environment

        // lock the environment to prevent changes
        EnvironmentMutex::scoped_lock lock(penv->GetMutex());
        // load the scene
        RobotBasePtr probot = penv->ReadRobotXMLFile(robotname);
        if( !probot ) {
            return 2;

        ModuleBasePtr pikfast = RaveCreateModule(penv,"ikfast");
        stringstream ssin,ssout;
        ssin << "LoadIKFastSolver " << probot->GetName() << " " << iktype;
        // if necessary, add free inc for degrees of freedom
        //ssin << " " << 0.04f;
        // get the active manipulator
        RobotBase::ManipulatorPtr pmanip = probot->GetActiveManipulator();
        if( !pikfast->SendCommand(ssout,ssin) ) {
            RAVELOG_ERROR("failed to load iksolver\n");
            return 1;

        RAVELOG_INFO("testing random ik\n");
        while(1) {
            Transform trans;
            trans.rot = quatFromAxisAngle(Vector(RaveRandomFloat()-0.5,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5));
            trans.trans = Vector(RaveRandomFloat()-0.5,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5)*2;

            vector<dReal> vsolution;
            if( pmanip->FindIKSolution(IkParameterization(trans),vsolution,IKFO_CheckEnvCollisions) ) {
                stringstream ss; ss << "solution is: ";
                for(size_t i = 0; i < vsolution.size(); ++i) {
                    ss << vsolution[i] << " ";
                ss << endl;
            else {
                // could fail due to collisions, etc

    RaveDestroy(); // destroy
    return 0;