std::unique_ptr<Path> PivotPathPlanner::run(
    MotionInstant startInstant, const MotionCommand* cmd,
    const MotionConstraints& motionConstraints,
    const Geometry2d::ShapeSet* obstacles, std::unique_ptr<Path> prevPath) {
    // TODO implement actual Pivoting
    debugThrow("Unfinished Class");

    EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner escapePlanner;
    EmptyCommand emptyCommand;
    return, &emptyCommand, motionConstraints,
                             obstacles, std::move(prevPath));
TEST(EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner, run) {
    // The robot is at the origin
    MotionInstant startInstant({0, 0}, {0, 0});
    // EmptyCommand cmd;  // "None" command
    std::unique_ptr<MotionCommand> cmd =
        std::make_unique<EmptyCommand>();  // "None" command

    // Add an circle of radius 5 centered at the origin as an obstacle
    ShapeSet obstacles;
    const float circleRadius = 5;
    obstacles.add(std::make_shared<Circle>(Point(0, 0), circleRadius));

    SystemState systemState;

    EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner planner;
    std::vector<DynamicObstacle> dynamicObstacles;
    PlanRequest request(systemState, startInstant, std::move(cmd),
                        RobotConstraints(), nullptr, obstacles,
                        dynamicObstacles, 0);
    auto path =;

    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, path) << "Planner returned null path";

    // Ensure that the path escapes the obstacle
    RJ::Seconds hitTime;
    EXPECT_FALSE(path->hit(obstacles, 0s, &hitTime))
        << "Returned path hits obstacles";

    // Make sure the path's endpoint is close to the original point.  It
    // shouldn't be further than two steps outside of the closest possible
    // point.
    const float stepSize = EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner::stepSize();
    const float pathLength = (path->end().motion.pos - startInstant.pos).mag();
    EXPECT_LE(pathLength, circleRadius + Robot_Radius + stepSize * 2)
        << "Path is longer than it should be";