bool FWorldTileModel::ShouldBeVisible(FBox EditableArea) const
	// Always loaded levels always visible
	if (IsAlwaysLoaded() || IsRootTile())
		return true;

	FBox LevelBBox = GetLevelBounds();

	// Visible if level has no valid bounds
	if (!LevelBBox.IsValid)
		return true;

	// Visible if level bounds inside editable area
	if (EditableArea.IsInsideXY(LevelBBox))
		return true;
	// Visible if level bounds bigger than editable area and intersects that area
	if ((LevelBBox.GetExtent().X >= EditableArea.GetExtent().X || 
		 LevelBBox.GetExtent().Y >= EditableArea.GetExtent().Y) &&
		return true;

	return false;
void UEnvQueryGenerator_PathingGrid::GenerateItems(FEnvQueryInstance& QueryInstance) const
	const ARecastNavMesh* NavMesh = FEQSHelpers::FindNavMeshForQuery(QueryInstance);
	if (NavMesh == NULL) 

	float PathDistanceValue = 0.0f;
	float DensityValue = 0.0f;
	bool bFromContextValue = true;
	if (!QueryInstance.GetParamValue(MaxPathDistance, PathDistanceValue, TEXT("MaxPathDistance")) ||
		!QueryInstance.GetParamValue(Density, DensityValue, TEXT("Density")) ||
		!QueryInstance.GetParamValue(PathFromContext, bFromContextValue, TEXT("PathFromContext")))

	const int32 ItemCount = FPlatformMath::TruncToInt((PathDistanceValue * 2.0f / DensityValue) + 1);
	const int32 ItemCountHalf = ItemCount / 2;

	TArray<FVector> ContextLocations;
	QueryInstance.PrepareContext(GenerateAround, ContextLocations);
	QueryInstance.ReserveItemData(ItemCountHalf * ItemCountHalf * ContextLocations.Num());

	TArray<NavNodeRef> NavNodeRefs;

	int32 DataOffset = 0;
	for (int32 ContextIndex = 0; ContextIndex < ContextLocations.Num(); ContextIndex++)
		// find all node refs in pathing distance
		FBox AllowedBounds;
		FindNodeRefsInPathDistance(NavMesh, ContextLocations[ContextIndex], PathDistanceValue, bFromContextValue, NavNodeRefs, AllowedBounds);

		// cast 2D grid on generated node refs
		for (int32 IndexX = 0; IndexX < ItemCount; ++IndexX)
			for (int32 IndexY = 0; IndexY < ItemCount; ++IndexY)
				const FVector TestPoint = ContextLocations[ContextIndex] - FVector(DensityValue * (IndexX - ItemCountHalf), DensityValue * (IndexY - ItemCountHalf), 0);
				if (!AllowedBounds.IsInsideXY(TestPoint))

				// trace line on navmesh, and process all hits with collected node refs
				TArray<FNavLocation> Hits;
				NavMesh->ProjectPointMulti(TestPoint, Hits, FVector::ZeroVector, AllowedBounds.Min.Z, AllowedBounds.Max.Z);

				for (int32 HitIndex = 0; HitIndex < Hits.Num(); HitIndex++)
					if (IsNavLocationInPathDistance(NavMesh, Hits[HitIndex], NavNodeRefs))
						// store generated point

#endif // WITH_RECAST