bool ColladaSceneNode::IsAnimated(FCDSceneNode * originalNode)
	for (int t = 0; t < (int)originalNode->GetTransformCount(); ++t)
		FCDTransform * transform = originalNode->GetTransform(t);
		if (transform->IsAnimated()) // process all animations to make CalculateWorldTransform work
			return true;
		if (transform->GetType() == FCDTransform::TRANSLATION)
			FCDTTranslation * translation = dynamic_cast<FCDTTranslation*>(transform);
			if (translation->IsAnimated()) 
				return true;
		}else if (transform->GetType() == FCDTransform::ROTATION)
			FCDTRotation * rotation = dynamic_cast<FCDTRotation*>(transform);
			if (rotation->IsAnimated()) 
				return true;
	return false;
FMMatrix44 ColladaSceneNode::CalculateTransformForTime(FCDSceneNode * originalNode, float32 time)
	FMMatrix44 colladaLocalMatrix;
	colladaLocalMatrix = FMMatrix44::Identity;// = FMMatrix44::Identity(); 
	for (int t = 0; t < (int)originalNode->GetTransformCount(); ++t)
		FCDTransform * transform = originalNode->GetTransform(t);
		if (transform->IsAnimated()) // process all animations to make CalculateWorldTransform work
			FCDAnimated * animated = transform->GetAnimated();
		if (transform->GetType() == FCDTransform::TRANSLATION)
			FCDTTranslation * translation = dynamic_cast<FCDTTranslation*>(transform);
			FMVector3 point = FMVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			point = translation->GetTranslation();
			if (transform->IsAnimated()) 
				FCDAnimationCurve* curve;
				// look for x animation
				curve = transform->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".X");
				if (curve != 0) 
					point.x = curve->Evaluate(time);
				// look for y animation
				curve = transform->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".Y");
				if (curve != 0) 
					point.y = curve->Evaluate(time);
				// look for z animation
				curve = transform->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".Z");
				if (curve != 0) 
					point.z = curve->Evaluate(time);
			colladaLocalMatrix = colladaLocalMatrix * FMMatrix44::TranslationMatrix(point);
		}else if (transform->GetType() == FCDTransform::ROTATION)
			FCDTRotation * rotation = dynamic_cast<FCDTRotation*>(transform);
			FMVector3 axis = FMVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			float angle = 0;
			axis = rotation->GetAxis();
			angle = rotation->GetAngle();
			if (rotation->IsAnimated()) 
				FCDAnimationCurve* curve;
				// look for x animation
				curve = rotation->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".X");
				if (curve != 0) 
					axis.x = curve->Evaluate(time);
				// look for y animation
				curve = rotation->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".Y");
				if (curve != 0) 
					axis.y = curve->Evaluate(time);
				// look for z animation
				curve = rotation->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".Z");
				if (curve != 0) 
					axis.z = curve->Evaluate(time);
							// look for z animation
				curve = rotation->GetAnimated()->FindCurve(".ANGLE");
				if (curve != 0) 
					angle = curve->Evaluate(time);
			colladaLocalMatrix = colladaLocalMatrix * FMMatrix44::AxisRotationMatrix(axis, angle * PI / 180.0f);
			colladaLocalMatrix = colladaLocalMatrix * transform->ToMatrix();
	return colladaLocalMatrix;