IncrementalIntegrator::formTangent(int statFlag)
    int result = 0;
    statusFlag = statFlag;

    if (theAnalysisModel == 0 || theSOE == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING IncrementalIntegrator::formTangent() -";
	opserr << " no AnalysisModel or LinearSOE have been set\n";
	return -1;

    // zero the A matrix of the linearSOE

    // the loops to form and add the tangents are broken into two for 
    // efficiency when performing parallel computations - CHANGE

    // loop through the FE_Elements adding their contributions to the tangent
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &theEles2 = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
    while((elePtr = theEles2()) != 0)     
	if (theSOE->addA(elePtr->getTangent(this),elePtr->getID()) < 0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING IncrementalIntegrator::formTangent -";
	    opserr << " failed in addA for ID " << elePtr->getID();	    
	    result = -3;

    return result;
BandArpackSolver::myMv(int n, double *v, double *result)
    Vector x(v, n);
    Vector y(result,n);

    AnalysisModel *theAnalysisModel = theSOE->theModel;

    // loop over the FE_Elements
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &theEles = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
    while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0) {
      const Vector &b = elePtr->getM_Force(x, 1.0);
      y.Assemble(b, elePtr->getID(), 1.0);

    // loop over the DOF_Groups
    DOF_Group *dofPtr;
    DOF_GrpIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel->getDOFs();
    Integrator *theIntegrator = 0;
    while ((dofPtr = theDofs()) != 0) {
      const Vector &a = dofPtr->getM_Force(x,1.0);      
IncrementalIntegrator::doMv(const Vector &v, Vector &res) {

  int n = v.Size();
  if (isDiagonal == true) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
      res[i] = diagMass[i]*v[i];
    return 0;


  // loop over the FE_Elements
  FE_Element *elePtr;
  FE_EleIter &theEles = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
  while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0) {
    const Vector &b = elePtr->getM_Force(v, 1.0);
    res.Assemble(b, elePtr->getID(), 1.0);

  // loop over the DOF_Groups
  DOF_Group *dofPtr;
  DOF_GrpIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel->getDOFs();
  while ((dofPtr = theDofs()) != 0) {
    const Vector &a = dofPtr->getM_Force(v, 1.0);      
    res.Assemble(a, dofPtr->getID(), 1.0);
  return 0;
Exemple #4
	if (theAnalysisModel == 0 || theSOE == 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING RitzIntegrator::formM -";
		opserr << " no AnalysisModel or EigenSOE has been set\n";
		return -1;

	// the loops to form and add the tangents are broken into two for 
	// efficiency when performing parallel computations

	// loop through the FE_Elements getting them to form the tangent
	// FE_EleIter &theEles1 = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();
	FE_Element *elePtr;

	flagK = 1;

	// while((elePtr = theEles1()) != 0) 
	//     elePtr->formTangent(this);

	// loop through the FE_Elements getting them to add the tangent    
	int result = 0;
	FE_EleIter &theEles2 = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
	while((elePtr = theEles2()) != 0) {     
		if (theSOE->addM(elePtr->getTangent(this), elePtr->getID()) < 0) {
			opserr << "WARNING RitzIntegrator::formM -";
			opserr << " failed in addM for ID " << elePtr->getID();	    
			result = -2;

	DOF_Group *dofPtr;
	DOF_GrpIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel->getDOFs();    
	while((dofPtr = theDofs()) != 0) {
		//   	dofPtr->formTangent(this);
		if (theSOE->addM(dofPtr->getTangent(this),dofPtr->getID()) < 0) {
			opserr << "WARNING RitzIntegrator::formM -";
			opserr << " failed in addM for ID " << dofPtr->getID();	    
			result = -3;

	return result;    
    // loop through the FE_Elements and add the residual
    FE_Element *elePtr;

    int res = 0;    

    FE_EleIter &theEles2 = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
    while((elePtr = theEles2()) != 0) {

	if (theSOE->addB(elePtr->getResidual(this),elePtr->getID()) <0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING IncrementalIntegrator::formElementResidual -";
	    opserr << " failed in addB for ID " << elePtr->getID();
	    res = -2;

    return res;	    
int AlphaOSGeneralized::formElementResidual(void)
    // calculate Residual Force
    AnalysisModel *theModel = this->getAnalysisModel();
    LinearSOE *theSOE = this->getLinearSOE();
    // loop through the FE_Elements and add the residual
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &theEles = theModel->getFEs();
    while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0)  {
        if (theSOE->addB(elePtr->getResidual(this), elePtr->getID()) < 0)  {
            opserr << "WARNING AlphaOSGeneralized::formElementResidual -";
            opserr << " failed in addB for ID " << elePtr->getID();
            return -1;
        if (alphaF < 1.0)  {
            if (statusFlag == CURRENT_TANGENT)  {
                if (theSOE->addB(elePtr->getK_Force(*Ut-*Upt), elePtr->getID(), alphaF-1.0) < 0)  {
                    opserr << "WARNING AlphaOSGeneralized::formElementResidual -";
                    opserr << " failed in addB for ID " << elePtr->getID();
                    return -2;
            } else if (statusFlag == INITIAL_TANGENT)  {
                if (theSOE->addB(elePtr->getKi_Force(*Ut-*Upt), elePtr->getID(), alphaF-1.0) < 0)  {
                    opserr << "WARNING AlphaOSGeneralized::formElementResidual -";
                    opserr << " failed in addB for ID " << elePtr->getID();
                    return -2;

    return 0;
TransientIntegrator::formTangent(int statFlag)
    int result = 0;
    statusFlag = statFlag;

    LinearSOE *theLinSOE = this->getLinearSOE();
    AnalysisModel *theModel = this->getAnalysisModel();
    if (theLinSOE == 0 || theModel == 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING TransientIntegrator::formTangent() ";
	opserr << "no LinearSOE or AnalysisModel has been set\n";
	return -1;
    // the loops to form and add the tangents are broken into two for 
    // efficiency when performing parallel computations

    // loop through the DOF_Groups and add the unbalance
    DOF_GrpIter &theDOFs = theModel->getDOFs();
    DOF_Group *dofPtr;
    while ((dofPtr = theDOFs()) != 0) {
	if (theLinSOE->addA(dofPtr->getTangent(this),dofPtr->getID()) <0) {
	    opserr << "TransientIntegrator::formTangent() - failed to addA:dof\n";
	    result = -1;

    // loop through the FE_Elements getting them to add the tangent    
    FE_EleIter &theEles2 = theModel->getFEs();    
    FE_Element *elePtr;    
    while((elePtr = theEles2()) != 0)     {
	if (theLinSOE->addA(elePtr->getTangent(this),elePtr->getID()) < 0) {
	    opserr << "TransientIntegrator::formTangent() - failed to addA:ele\n";
	    result = -2;

    return result;
DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen(int numMode, bool generalized)
    if (theAnalysisModel == 0 || theEigenSOE == 0) {
      opserr << "WARNING DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() - no EigenSOE has been set\n";
      return -1;

    int result = 0;
    Domain *the_Domain = this->getDomainPtr();

    result = theAnalysisModel->eigenAnalysis(numMode, generalized);

    int stamp = the_Domain->hasDomainChanged();

    if (stamp != domainStamp) {
      domainStamp = stamp;
      result = this->domainChanged();
      if (result < 0) {
	opserr << "DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() - domainChanged failed";
	return -1;

    // zero A and M

    // form K

    FE_EleIter &theEles = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
    FE_Element *elePtr;

    while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0) {
      if (theEigenSOE->addA(elePtr->getTangent(0), elePtr->getID()) < 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() -";
	opserr << " failed in addA for ID " << elePtr->getID();	    
	result = -2;

    // if generalized is true, form M

    if (generalized == true) {
      int result = 0;
      FE_EleIter &theEles2 = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
      while((elePtr = theEles2()) != 0) {     
	if (theEigenSOE->addM(elePtr->getTangent(0), elePtr->getID()) < 0) {
	  opserr << "WARNING DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() -";
	  opserr << " failed in addA for ID " << elePtr->getID();	    
	  result = -2;
      DOF_Group *dofPtr;
      DOF_GrpIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel->getDOFs();    
      while((dofPtr = theDofs()) != 0) {
	if (theEigenSOE->addM(dofPtr->getTangent(0),dofPtr->getID()) < 0) {
	  opserr << "WARNING DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() -";
	  opserr << " failed in addM for ID " << dofPtr->getID();	    
	  result = -3;
    // solve for the eigen values & vectors

    if (theEigenSOE->solve(numMode, generalized) < 0) {
	opserr << "WARNING DirectIntegrationAnalysis::eigen() - EigenSOE failed in solve()\n";
	return -4;

    // now set the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the model

    Vector theEigenvalues(numMode);
    for (int i = 1; i <= numMode; i++) {
      theEigenvalues[i-1] = theEigenSOE->getEigenvalue(i);
      theAnalysisModel->setEigenvector(i, theEigenSOE->getEigenvector(i));
    return 0;
Exemple #9
Graph &
  if (myDOFGraph == 0) {
    int numVertex = this->getNumDOF_Groups();

    //    myDOFGraph = new Graph(numVertex);
    MapOfTaggedObjects *graphStorage = new MapOfTaggedObjects();
    myDOFGraph = new Graph(*graphStorage);

    // create a vertex for each dof
    DOF_Group *dofPtr =0;
    DOF_GrpIter &theDOFs = this->getDOFs();
    while ((dofPtr = theDOFs()) != 0) {
      const ID &id = dofPtr->getID();
      int size = id.Size();
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
	int dofTag = id(i);
	if (dofTag >= START_EQN_NUM) {
	  Vertex *vertexPtr = myDOFGraph->getVertexPtr(dofTag);
	  if (vertexPtr == 0) {
	    Vertex *vertexPtr = new Vertex(dofTag, dofTag);      
	    if (vertexPtr == 0) {
	      opserr << "WARNING AnalysisModel::getDOFGraph";
	      opserr << " - Not Enough Memory to create " << i+1 << "th Vertex\n";
	      return *myDOFGraph;
	    if (myDOFGraph->addVertex(vertexPtr, false) == false) {
	      opserr << "WARNING AnalysisModel::getDOFGraph - error adding vertex\n";
	      return *myDOFGraph;
    // now add the edges, by looping over the FE_elements, getting their
    // IDs and adding edges between DOFs for equation numbers >= START_EQN_NUM
    FE_Element *elePtr =0;
    FE_EleIter &eleIter = this->getFEs();
    int cnt = 0;
    while((elePtr = eleIter()) != 0) {
      const ID &id = elePtr->getID();
      int size = id.Size();
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
	int eqn1 = id(i);
	// if eqnNum of DOF is a valid eqn number add an edge
	// to all other DOFs with valid eqn numbers.
	if (eqn1 >=START_EQN_NUM) {
	  for (int j=i+1; j<size; j++) {
	    int eqn2 = id(j);
	    if (eqn2 >=START_EQN_NUM)

  return *myDOFGraph;
Exemple #10
ArpackSolver::myMv(int n, double *v, double *result)
  Vector x(v, n);
  Vector y(result,n);
  bool mDiagonal = theArpackSOE->mDiagonal;

  if (mDiagonal == true) {

    int Msize = theArpackSOE->Msize;
    double *M = theArpackSOE->M;

    /* for output
    DataFileStream dataStream("M.txt");;
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
      dataStream << M[i] << endln;

    if (n <= Msize) {
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
	result[i] = M[i]*v[i];
    } else {
      opserr << "ArpackSolver::myMv() n > Msize!\n";

  } else {


    AnalysisModel *theAnalysisModel = theArpackSOE->theModel;
    // loop over the FE_Elements
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &theEles = theAnalysisModel->getFEs();    
    while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0) {
      const Vector &b = elePtr->getM_Force(x, 1.0);
      y.Assemble(b, elePtr->getID(), 1.0);


    // loop over the DOF_Groups
    DOF_Group *dofPtr;
    DOF_GrpIter &theDofs = theAnalysisModel->getDOFs();
    while ((dofPtr = theDofs()) != 0) {
      const Vector &a = dofPtr->getM_Force(x,1.0);      
      y.Assemble(a, dofPtr->getID(), 1.0);

  // if paallel we have to merge the results
  int processID = theArpackSOE->processID;
  if (processID != -1) {
    Channel **theChannels = theArpackSOE->theChannels;
    int numChannels = theArpackSOE->numChannels;
    if (processID != 0) {
      theChannels[0]->sendVector(0, 0, y);
      theChannels[0]->recvVector(0, 0, y);
    } else {
      Vector other(workArea, n);
      // recv contribution from remote & add
      for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++) {
	y += other;
      // send result back
      for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++) {
Exemple #11
PFEMIntegrator::formSensitivityRHS(int passedGradNumber)
    sensitivityFlag = 1;

    // Set a couple of data members
    gradNumber = passedGradNumber;

    // Get pointer to the SOE
    LinearSOE *theSOE = this->getLinearSOE();

    // Get the analysis model
    AnalysisModel *theModel = this->getAnalysisModel();

    // Randomness in external load (including randomness in time series)
    // Get domain
    Domain *theDomain = theModel->getDomainPtr();

    // Loop through nodes to zero the unbalaced load
    Node *nodePtr;
    NodeIter &theNodeIter = theDomain->getNodes();
    while ((nodePtr = theNodeIter()) != 0)

    // Loop through load patterns to add external load sensitivity
    LoadPattern *loadPatternPtr;
    LoadPatternIter &thePatterns = theDomain->getLoadPatterns();
    double time;
    while((loadPatternPtr = thePatterns()) != 0) {
        time = theDomain->getCurrentTime();

    // Randomness in element/material contributions
    // Loop through FE elements
    FE_Element *elePtr;
    FE_EleIter &theEles = theModel->getFEs();    
    while((elePtr = theEles()) != 0) {
        theSOE->addB(  elePtr->getResidual(this),  elePtr->getID()  );

    // Loop through DOF groups (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS IS DONE LAST!)
    DOF_Group *dofPtr;
    DOF_GrpIter &theDOFs = theModel->getDOFs();
    while((dofPtr = theDOFs()) != 0) {
        theSOE->addB(  dofPtr->getUnbalance(this),  dofPtr->getID()  );

    // Reset the sensitivity flag
    sensitivityFlag = 0;

    return 0;