Exemple #1
size_t GetSeekablePacketNumber(FFMS_Track const& Frames, size_t PacketNumber) {
	// Packets don't always have unique PTSes, so we may not be able to
	// uniquely identify the packet we want. This function attempts to find
	// a PTS we can seek to which will let us figure out which packet we're
	// on before we get to the packet we actually wanted

	// MatroskaAudioSource doesn't need this, as it seeks by byte offset
	// rather than PTS. LAVF theoretically can seek by byte offset, but we
	// don't use it as not all demuxers support it and it's broken in some of
	// those that claim to support it

	// However much we might wish to, we can't seek to before packet zero
	if (PacketNumber == 0) return PacketNumber;

	// Desired packet's PTS is unique, so don't do anything
	if (Frames[PacketNumber].PTS != Frames[PacketNumber - 1].PTS &&
		(PacketNumber + 1 == Frames.size() || Frames[PacketNumber].PTS != Frames[PacketNumber + 1].PTS))
		return PacketNumber;

	// When decoding, we only reliably know what packet we're at when the
	// newly parsed packet has a different PTS from the previous one. As such,
	// we walk backwards until we hit a different PTS and then seek to there,
	// so that we can then decode until we hit the PTS group we actually wanted
	// (and thereby know that we're at the first packet in the group rather
	// than whatever the splitter happened to choose)

	// This doesn't work if our desired packet has the same PTS as the first
	// packet, but this scenario should never come up anyway; we permanently
	// cache the decoded results from those packets, so there's no need to ever
	// seek to them
	int64_t PTS = Frames[PacketNumber].PTS;
	while (PacketNumber > 0 && PTS == Frames[PacketNumber].PTS)
	return PacketNumber;
Exemple #2
void FillAP(FFMS_AudioProperties &AP, AVCodecContext *CTX, FFMS_Track &Frames) {
	AP.SampleFormat = static_cast<FFMS_SampleFormat>(CTX->sample_fmt);
	AP.BitsPerSample = av_get_bytes_per_sample(CTX->sample_fmt) * 8;
	AP.Channels = CTX->channels;;
	AP.ChannelLayout = CTX->channel_layout;
	AP.SampleRate = CTX->sample_rate;
	if (Frames.size() > 0) {
		AP.NumSamples = (Frames.back()).SampleStart + (Frames.back()).SampleCount;
		AP.FirstTime = ((Frames.front().PTS * Frames.TB.Num) / (double)Frames.TB.Den) / 1000;
		AP.LastTime = ((Frames.back().PTS * Frames.TB.Num) / (double)Frames.TB.Den) / 1000;