FRunnableThread* FRunnableThread::Create(
	class FRunnable* InRunnable, 
	const TCHAR* ThreadName,
	uint32 InStackSize,
	EThreadPriority InThreadPri, 
	uint64 InThreadAffinityMask)
	FRunnableThread* NewThread = NULL;
	if (FPlatformProcess::SupportsMultithreading())
		// Create a new thread object
		NewThread = FPlatformProcess::CreateRunnableThread();
		if (NewThread)
			// Call the thread's create method
			if (NewThread->CreateInternal(InRunnable,ThreadName,InStackSize,InThreadPri,InThreadAffinityMask) == false)
				// We failed to start the thread correctly so clean up
				delete NewThread;
				NewThread = NULL;
	else if (InRunnable->GetSingleThreadInterface())
		// Create a fake thread when multithreading is disabled.
		NewThread = new FFakeThread();
		if (NewThread->CreateInternal(InRunnable,ThreadName,InStackSize,InThreadPri) == false)
			// We failed to start the thread correctly so clean up
			delete NewThread;
			NewThread = NULL;

	if( NewThread )
		FRunnableThread::GetThreadRegistry().Add( NewThread->GetThreadID(), NewThread );
		FStartupMessages::Get().AddThreadMetadata( FName( *NewThread->GetThreadName() ), NewThread->GetThreadID() );
#endif // STATS

	return NewThread;
