Exemple #1
void OperCFThread::CreateDirectory( FS* fs, FSPath& srcPath, FSPath& destPath, bool processMultipleFolders )
	if ( processMultipleFolders )
		const int DirIndex = srcPath.GetFirstUnmatchedItem( destPath );
		FSPath Path;

		for ( int i = 0; i < destPath.Count(); i++ )
			// get next dir
			Path.PushStr( *destPath.GetItem( i ) );
			int ret_err;

			// try to create dir
			if ( i >= DirIndex && fs->MkDir( Path, 0777, &ret_err, Info() ) )
				// skip "already exists" error
				if ( !fs->IsEEXIST( ret_err ) )
					throw_msg( "%s", fs->StrError( ret_err ).GetUtf8() );
		int ret_err;

		if ( fs->MkDir( destPath, 0777, &ret_err, Info() ) )
			throw_msg( "%s", fs->StrError( ret_err ).GetUtf8() );
Exemple #2
int LoadToTempFile( NCDialogParent* parent, clPtr<FS>* fs, FSPath* path )
	clPtr<FS> TempFs;
	FSPath TempPath;
	const int TempId = CreateWcmTempDir( &TempFs, &TempPath );
	if ( !TempId )
		return 0;

	// append file name to the created temp dir
	FSPath DstPath = TempPath;
	DstPath.Push( CS_UTF8, path->GetItem( path->Count() - 1 )->GetUtf8() );

	LoadFileDataThreadDlg dlg( parent, *fs, *path, TempFs, DstPath );
	dlg.RunNewThread( "Load file", LoadFileDataThreadFunc, &dlg.m_Data );
	if ( !dlg.m_Data.m_Success )
		// cleanup created temp dir
		RemoveWcmTempDir( TempId );
		return 0;
	*fs = TempFs;
	*path = DstPath;
	return TempId;
Exemple #3
bool OperCFThread::DeleteList( FS* fs, FSPath& _path, FSList& list )
	if ( Info()->Stopped() ) { return false; }

	FSPath path = _path;
	int cnt = path.Count();

	for ( FSNode* node = list.First(); node; node = node->next )
		if ( node->extType ) { continue; }

		path.SetItemStr( cnt, node->Name() );

		if ( node->IsDir() && !node->st.IsLnk() )
			if ( !DeleteDir( fs, path ) ) { return false; }

			if ( !RmDir( fs, path ) ) { return false; }


		if ( !DeleteFile( fs, path ) ) { return false; }

	return true;
Exemple #4
void SaveStringList(const char *section, ccollect< carray<char> > &list)
	try {
		SysTextFileOut out;
		FSPath path = configDirPath;
		path.Push(CS_UTF8, carray_cat<char>(section, ".cfg").ptr());
		out.Open( (sys_char_t*)path.GetString(sys_charset_id) );
		for (int i = 0; i<list.count(); i++)
			if (list[i].ptr() && list[i][0])
	} catch (cexception *ex) {
		return ;
Exemple #5
bool DeleteListRecursively( FS* fs, FSPath path, FSList& list )
	const int cnt = path.Count();
	int ret_err;

	for ( FSNode* node = list.First(); node; node = node->next )
		if ( node->extType )

		path.SetItemStr( cnt, node->Name() );

		if ( node->IsDir() && !node->st.IsLnk() )
			if ( !DeleteDirRecursively( fs, path ) )
				return false;
		else if ( fs->Delete( path, &ret_err, nullptr ) != 0 )
			return false;

	return true;
Exemple #6
int FSTmp::Delete(FSPath& path, int* err, FSCInfo* info)
	FSString* dName = path.GetItem(path.Count() - 1);
	FSTmpNode* n = rootDir.findByName(dName);
	if (n == 0)
		return FS::SetError(err, FSTMP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);;
		if (n->nodeType == FSTmpNode::NODE_FILE)
		{ // remove file at base FS
			int ret = baseFS->Delete(n->baseFSPath, err, info);
			if (ret != 0)
				return ret;
		// remove from tmpfs list
		for (auto it = n->parentDir->content.begin(); it != n->parentDir->content.end(); ++it)
			if ((*it).name.Cmp(*dName) == 0)
				return FS::SetError(err, 0);
		return FS::SetError(err, FSTMP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);;
int FSSys::Stat( FSPath& path, FSStat* fsStat, int* err, FSCInfo* info )

#ifdef S_IFLNK
	struct stat st_link;

	if ( lstat( ( char* )path.GetString( sys_charset_id ), &st_link ) )
		SetError( err, errno );
		return -1;

	if ( ( st_link.st_mode & S_IFMT ) == S_IFLNK )
		char buf[1024];
		ssize_t ret = readlink( ( char* )path.GetString( sys_charset_id ), buf, sizeof( buf ) );

		if ( ret >= sizeof( buf ) ) { ret = sizeof( buf ) - 1; }

		if ( ret >= 0 ) { buf[ret] = 0; }
		else { buf[0] = 0; }

		if ( ret >= 0 ) { fsStat->link.Set( sys_charset_id, buf ); }
		fsStat->mode = st_link.st_mode;
		fsStat->size   = st_link.st_size;
		fsStat->mtime  = st_link.st_mtime;
		fsStat->gid = st_link.st_gid;
		fsStat->uid = st_link.st_uid;

		fsStat->dev = st_link.st_dev;
		fsStat->ino = st_link.st_ino;

		return 0;


	struct stat st;

	if ( stat( ( char* )path.GetString( sys_charset_id ), &st ) )
		SetError( err, errno );
		return -1;

	fsStat->mode = st.st_mode;
	fsStat->size   = st.st_size;
	fsStat->mtime  = st.st_mtime;
	fsStat->gid = st.st_gid;
	fsStat->uid = st.st_uid;

	fsStat->dev = st.st_dev;
	fsStat->ino = st.st_ino;

	return 0;
clPtr<FS> clArchPlugin::OpenFS( clPtr<FS> Fs, FSPath& Path ) const
	FSString Uri = Fs->Uri( Path );

	struct archive* Arch = ArchOpen( Uri.GetUtf8() );

	if ( Arch == nullptr )
		return nullptr;

	FSArchNode RootDir;
	RootDir.fsStat.mode = S_IFDIR;

	FSPath NodePath;
	struct archive_entry* entry = archive_entry_new2( Arch );

	int Res;

	while ( ( Res = archive_read_next_header2( Arch, entry ) ) == ARCHIVE_OK )
		NodePath.Set( CS_UTF8, archive_entry_pathname( entry ) );

		FSString* ItemName = NodePath.GetItem( NodePath.Count() - 1 );

		if ( NodePath.Count() == 1 && ( ItemName->IsDot() || ItemName->IsEmpty() ) )
			// skip root dir

		const mode_t Mode = archive_entry_mode( entry );
		const int64_t Size = archive_entry_size( entry );
		RootDir.entryOffset += Size;

		FSStat ItemStat;
		ItemStat.mode = S_ISREG( Mode ) ? Mode : S_IFDIR;
		ItemStat.size = Size;
		ItemStat.m_CreationTime = archive_entry_ctime( entry );
		ItemStat.m_LastAccessTime = archive_entry_atime( entry );
		ItemStat.m_LastWriteTime = archive_entry_mtime( entry );
		ItemStat.m_ChangeTime = ItemStat.m_LastWriteTime;

		FSArchNode* Dir = ArchGetParentDir( &RootDir, NodePath, ItemStat );
		FSArchNode* Item = Dir->Add( FSArchNode( ItemName->GetUtf8(), ItemStat ) );
		if (Item) {
			Item->entryOffset = archive_read_header_position( Arch );

	if ( Res != ARCHIVE_EOF )
		dbg_printf( "Couldn't read archive entry: %s\n", archive_error_string( Arch ) );

	archive_entry_free( entry );
	ArchClose( Arch );

	return new FSArch( RootDir, Uri );
Exemple #9
void FileSystem::chmkdir(FSPath &path)

    for (FSPath::iterator it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); it++)

Exemple #10
void testFS()
    FileSystem fs;
    cout << "\n";
    FSPath pwd = fs.pwdir();
    cout << "\n";
Exemple #11
int FSSys::Rename ( FSPath&  oldpath, FSPath& newpath, int* err,  FSCInfo* info )
	if ( MoveFileW(
	        SysPathStr( _drive, oldpath.GetUnicode( '\\' ) ).data(),
	        SysPathStr( _drive, newpath.GetUnicode( '\\' ) ).data()
	     ) ) { return 0; }

	SetError( err, GetLastError() );
	return -1;
Exemple #12
int FSSys::Rename ( FSPath&  oldpath, FSPath& newpath, int* err,  FSCInfo* info )
	if ( rename( ( char* ) oldpath.GetString( sys_charset_id, '/' ), ( char* ) newpath.GetString( sys_charset_id, '/' ) ) )
		SetError( err, errno );
		return -1;

	return 0;
int FSSftp::OpenCreate  ( FSPath& path, bool overwrite, int mode, int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	MutexLock lock( &mutex );
	int ret = CheckSession( err, info );

	if ( ret ) { return ret; }

	if ( !overwrite )
		   заебался выяснять почему sftp_open  с  O_EXCL выдает "generc error" при наличии файла, а не EEXIST какой нибудь
		   поэтому встанил эту дурацкую проверку на наличие
		sftp_attributes a = sftp_lstat( sftpSession, ( char* ) path.GetString( _operParam.charset, '/' ) );

		if ( a )
			sftp_attributes_free( a ); //!!!

			if ( err ) { *err = SSH_FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS; }

			return -1;

	int n = 0;

	for ( ; n < MAX_FILES; n++ )
		if ( !fileTable[n] ) { break; }

	if ( n >= MAX_FILES )
		if ( err ) { *err = SSH_INTERROR_OUTOF; }

		return -1;

	sftp_file f = sftp_open( sftpSession, ( char* ) path.GetString( _operParam.charset, '/' ),
	                         O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | ( overwrite ? O_TRUNC : O_EXCL ),
	                         mode );

	if ( !f )
		if ( err ) { *err = sftp_get_error( sftpSession ); }

		return -1;

	fileTable[n] = f;

	return n;
Exemple #14
int FSTmp::MkDir(FSPath& path, int mode, int* err, FSCInfo* info)
	FSPath parentPath;
	parentPath.Copy(path, path.Count() - 1);
	FSTmpNode* parent = rootDir.findByFsPath(&parentPath);
	if (!parent)
		return SetError(err, FSTMP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
	FSTmpNode* parentDir = parent;
	FSTmpNode fsTmpNode(path.GetItem(path.Count() - 1)->GetUnicode(), parentDir);
	return SetError(err, 0);
Exemple #15
static void stripPathFromLastItem(FSPath& path)
	FSString* lastItem = path.GetItem(path.Count() - 1);
	if (lastItem)
		const unicode_t* lastU = lastItem->GetUnicode();
		const unicode_t* lastDelim = unicode_strrchr(lastU, DIR_SPLITTER);
		if (lastDelim != 0)
			path.SetItemStr(path.Count() - 1,FSString(lastDelim + 1));
Exemple #16
int FSSys::Stat( FSPath& path, FSStat* fsStat, int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	if ( _drive >= 0 && path.Count() == 1 || _drive == -1 && path.Count() == 3 )
		//pseudo stat
		fsStat->size = 0;
		fsStat->dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
		fsStat->mode = S_IFDIR;
		fsStat->mtime = 0;
		fsStat->mode |= 0664;
		return 0;

	HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileW( SysPathStr( _drive, path.GetUnicode() ).data(), &ent );

	if ( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		SetError( err, GetLastError() );
		return -1;

		fsStat->size = ( seek_t( ent.nFileSizeHigh ) << 32 ) + ent.nFileSizeLow;
		fsStat->dwFileAttributes = ent.dwFileAttributes;
		fsStat->mtime = ent.ftLastWriteTime;

		if ( ent.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
			fsStat->mode = S_IFDIR;
			fsStat->mode = S_IFREG;

		fsStat->mode |= 0664;
		FindClose( handle );
		return 0;
	catch ( ... )
		FindClose( handle );

	SetError( err, 50 );
	return -1;
Exemple #17
FSPath FileSystem::pwdir()
    FSPath pwd;
    char path[255] = {0};
    getcwd(path, sizeof(path));

    for (char *token = strtok(path, "/"); token != NULL; )
        token = strtok(NULL, "/");

    return pwd;
Exemple #18
bool OperCFThread::Copy(FS *srcFs, FSPath &__srcPath, FSList *list, FS *destFs, FSPath &__destPath, cstrhash<bool,unicode_t> &resList)
	if (list->Count()<=0) return true;
	FSPath srcPath = __srcPath; int srcPos = srcPath.Count();
	FSPath destPath = __destPath; int destPos = destPath.Count();
	FSStat st;
	int ret_error;
	int res = destFs->Stat(__destPath, &st, &ret_error, Info());
	if (res == -2) return false;
	if (res && !destFs->IsENOENT(ret_error))
		RedMessage( _LT("Can't copy to:\n"), destFs->Uri(destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk, destFs->StrError(ret_error).GetUtf8());
		return false;
	bool exist = (res == 0);
	if (list->Count()>1)
		//если файлов >1 то копировать можно только в каталог
		if (!exist) {
			RedMessage( _LT("Can't copy files, destination is not found:\n"), destFs->Uri(__destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk);
			return false;
		if (!st.IsDir()) 
			RedMessage( _LT("Destination is not directory:\n"), destFs->Uri(__destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk);
			return false;
		for (FSNode *node = list->First(); node; node = node->next)
			if (Info()->Stopped()) return false;
			srcPath.SetItemStr(srcPos, node->Name());
			destPath.SetItemStr(destPos, node->Name());
			if (!CopyNode(srcFs, srcPath, node, destFs, destPath, false)) return false;
			resList[node->Name().GetUnicode()] = true;
	} else {
		// 1 element

		if (exist && st.IsDir())
			destPath.SetItemStr(destPos, list->First()->Name());
		srcPath.SetItemStr(srcPos, list->First()->Name());
		if (!CopyNode(srcFs, srcPath, list->First(), destFs, destPath, false)) return false;
		resList[list->First()->Name().GetUnicode()] = true;
	return true;
Exemple #19
int FSTmp::RmDir(FSPath& path, int* err, FSCInfo* info)
	FSTmpNode* n = rootDir.findByFsPath(&path);
	FSString* dirName = path.GetItem(path.Count() - 1);

	for (auto it = n->parentDir->content.begin(); it != n->parentDir->content.end(); ++it)
		if ((*it).name.Cmp(*dirName) == 0)
			return FS::SetError(err, 0);
	return FS::SetError(err, FSTMP_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
Exemple #20
void FSPath::Copy(const FSPath& a, int elementCount)
	cacheCs = -2;
	if (elementCount<0 || elementCount>a.Count())
		elementCount = a.Count();

	for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
		FSString s;

Exemple #21
bool OperCFThread::Move(FS *srcFs, FSPath &__srcPath, FSList *list, FS *destFs, FSPath &__destPath)
	if (list->Count()<=0) return true;
	FSPath srcPath = __srcPath; int srcPos = srcPath.Count();
	FSPath destPath = __destPath; int destPos = destPath.Count();
	FSStat st;
	int ret_error;
	int r = destFs->Stat(__destPath, &st, &ret_error, Info());
	if (r == -2) return false;

	if (list->Count()>1)
		//если файлов >1 то копировать можно только в каталог
		if (r) {
			RedMessage( _LT("Can't move files, bad destination directory:\n"), destFs->Uri(__destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk, destFs->StrError(ret_error).GetUtf8());
			return false;
		if (!st.IsDir()) 
			RedMessage( _LT("Destination is not directory:\n"), destFs->Uri(__destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk);
			return false;
		for (FSNode *node = list->First(); node; node = node->next)
			srcPath.SetItemStr(srcPos, node->Name());
			destPath.SetItemStr(destPos, node->Name());
//printf("MOVE '%s'\n", srcPath.GetUtf8());			
			if (!MoveNode(srcFs, srcPath, node, destFs, destPath)) return false;
	} else {
		// 1 element

		if (r && !destFs->IsENOENT(ret_error))
			RedMessage( _LT("Can't move to:\n"), destFs->Uri(destPath).GetUtf8(), bOk, destFs->StrError(ret_error).GetUtf8());
			return false;

		if (!r && st.IsDir())
			destPath.SetItemStr(destPos, list->First()->Name());
		FSNode *node = list->First();
		srcPath.SetItemStr(srcPos, list->First()->Name());
		if (!MoveNode(srcFs, srcPath, list->First(), destFs, destPath)) return false;
	return true;
Exemple #22
void WcmConfig::Save( NCWin* nc )
	if ( nc )
		leftPanelPath = new_char_str( nc->GetLeftPanel()->GetPath().GetUtf8() );
		rightPanelPath = new_char_str( nc->GetRightPanel()->GetPath().GetUtf8() );
		crect Rect = nc->ScreenRect();
		windowX = Rect.top;
		windowY = Rect.left;
		windowWidth = Rect.Width();
		windowHeight = Rect.Height();
#ifdef _WIN32
	for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++)
		Node &node = mapList[i];
		if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0)
			RegWriteInt(node.section, node.name, *node.ptr.pBool);
		if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0)
			RegWriteInt(node.section, node.name, *node.ptr.pInt);
		if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0)
			RegWriteString(node.section, node.name, node.ptr.pStr->ptr());
	IniHash hash;
	FSPath path = configDirPath;
	path.Push(CS_UTF8, "config");

	for (int i = 0; i<mapList.count(); i++)
		Node &node = mapList[i];
		if (node.type == MT_BOOL && node.ptr.pBool != 0)
			hash.SetBoolValue(node.section, node.name, *node.ptr.pBool);
		if (node.type == MT_INT && node.ptr.pInt != 0)
			hash.SetIntValue(node.section, node.name, *node.ptr.pInt);
		if (node.type == MT_STR && node.ptr.pStr != 0)
			hash.SetStrValue(node.section, node.name, node.ptr.pStr->ptr());
Exemple #23
void OperDirCalcThread::Calc()
	MutexLock lock( Node().GetMutex() );

	if ( !Node().Data() ) { return; }

	OperDirCalcData* CalcData = ( OperDirCalcData* )Node().Data();

	clPtr<FS> fs = CalcData->dirFs;
	FSPath path =  CalcData->_path;
	clPtr<FSList> list = CalcData->dirList;

	lock.Unlock(); //!!!

	//dbg_printf("OperDirCalcThread::Calc list data:");
	//for (FSNode* node = list->First(); node; node = node->next)
	//	dbg_printf("%s\n", node->name.GetUtf8());
	if (list->Count() == 0)
	{ // then calculate current dir size
		CalcDir(fs.Ptr(), path);
	{ // list is not empty: calculate size of objects in the list
		int cnt = path.Count();

		for (FSNode* node = list->First(); node; node = node->next)
			path.SetItemStr(cnt, node->Name()); //-V595

			bool IsDir = node->IsDir() && !node->st.IsLnk();

			if ( IsDir )
				int64_t Size = CalcDir( fs.Ptr(), path);

				if ( Size >= 0 && node && node->originNode ) { node->originNode->st.size = Size; }
				CalcData->sumSize += node->st.size;
Exemple #24
bool FSTmp::AddNode(FSPath& srcPath, FSNode* fsNode, FSPath& destPath)
	FSPath parentDir = destPath;
	//dbg_printf("FSTmp::AddNode srcPath.Count()=%d, parentDir.Count()=%d\n", srcPath.Count(), parentDir.Count());
	//srcPath.dbg_printf("FSTmp::AddNode srcPath=");
	//destPath.dbg_printf("FSTmp::AddNode destPath=");

	FSTmpNode* dn = rootDir.findByFsPath(&parentDir);
	if (!dn || dn->nodeType != FSTmpNode::NODE_DIR)
		return false;
	FSTmpNode fsTmpNode(&srcPath, &fsNode->st, dn);
	return dn->Add(&fsTmpNode);
int FSSftp::SetFileTime ( FSPath& path, FSTime aTime, FSTime mTime, int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	MutexLock lock( &mutex );

	int ret = CheckSession( err, info );

	if ( ret ) { return ret; }

	struct timeval tv[2];

	tv[0].tv_sec  = aTime;

	tv[0].tv_usec = 0;

	tv[1].tv_sec  = mTime;

	tv[1].tv_usec = 0;

	if ( sftp_utimes( sftpSession, ( char* )path.GetString( _operParam.charset ), tv ) )
		if ( err ) { *err = sftp_get_error( sftpSession ); }

		return -1;

	return 0;
Exemple #26
int FSSys::OpenRead  ( FSPath& path, int flags, int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	int shareFlags = 0;

	if ( flags & FS::SHARE_READ ) { shareFlags |= FILE_SHARE_READ; }

	if ( flags & FS::SHARE_WRITE ) { shareFlags |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE; }

	HANDLE h = CreateFileW( SysPathStr( _drive, path.GetUnicode( '\\' ) ).data(), GENERIC_READ, shareFlags, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );

	//file_open(SysPathStr(_drive, path.GetUnicode('\\')).ptr());
		SetError( err, GetLastError() );
		return -1;

	int fd = handles.New();
	HANDLE* p = this->handles.Handle( fd );

	if ( !p )
		CloseHandle( h );
		return -1;

	*p = h;
	return fd;
int FSSftp::SetFileTime ( FSPath& path, FSTime aTime, FSTime mTime, int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	MutexLock lock( &mutex );
	int ret = CheckSession( err, info );

	if ( ret ) { return ret; }

	attr.atime = aTime;
	attr.mtime = mTime;

		int ret;
		WHILE_EAGAIN_( ret, libssh2_sftp_setstat( sftpSession, ( char* )path.GetString( _operParam.charset, '/' ), &attr ) );
		CheckSFTP( ret );
	catch ( int e )
		if ( err ) { *err = e; }

		return ( e == -2 ) ? -2 : -1;

	return 0;
clPtr<FS> ParzeFtpURI( const unicode_t* uri, FSPath& path, clPtr<FS>* checkFS, int count )
	path.Set( rootPathStr );

	if ( !uri[0] ) { return clPtr<FS>(); }

	FSFtpParam param;

	const unicode_t* userDelimiter = FindFirstChar( uri, '@' );

	if ( *userDelimiter )
		param.user = FSString( CS_UNICODE, uri, userDelimiter - uri ).GetUnicode();
		uri = userDelimiter + 1;
		param.anonymous = false;
		param.anonymous = true;

	const unicode_t* host_port_End = FindFirstChar( uri, '/' );
	const unicode_t* host_End = FindFirstChar( uri, ':' );

	FSString host( CS_UNICODE, uri, ( ( host_End < host_port_End ) ? host_End :  host_port_End )  - uri );

	int port  = 0;

	for ( const unicode_t* s = host_End + 1; s < host_port_End; s++ )
		if ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ) { port = port * 10 + ( *s - '0' ); }
		else { break; }

	if ( port > 0 && port < 65536 ) { param.port = port; }

	param.server = host.GetUnicode();

	uri = host_port_End;

	FSString link = uri;

	if ( !ParzeLink( path, link ) ) { return clPtr<FS>(); }

	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		if ( checkFS[i].Ptr() && checkFS[i]->Type() == FS::FTP )
			FSFtp* p = ( FSFtp* )checkFS[i].Ptr();
			FSFtpParam checkParam;
			p->GetParam( &checkParam );

			if (  !CmpStr<const unicode_t>( param.server.Data(), checkParam.server.Data() ) &&
			      ( param.anonymous == checkParam.anonymous && ( param.anonymous || !CmpStr<const unicode_t>( param.user.Data(), checkParam.user.Data() ) ) ) &&
			      param.port == checkParam.port )
				return checkFS[i];

	return new FSFtp( &param );
clPtr<FS> ParzeSmbURI( const unicode_t* uri, FSPath& path, clPtr<FS>* checkFS, int count )
	path.Set( rootPathStr );

	if ( !uri[0] ) { return new FSSmb(); }

	FSSmbParam param;

	const unicode_t* userDelimiter = FindFirstChar( uri, '@' );

	if ( *userDelimiter )
		FSString s( CS_UNICODE, uri, userDelimiter - uri );
		SetString( const_cast<char*>( param.user ), sizeof( param.user ), s.GetUtf8() );
		uri = userDelimiter + 1;

	const unicode_t* hostEnd = FindFirstChar( uri, '/' );
	FSString host( CS_UNICODE, uri, hostEnd - uri );
	SetString( const_cast<char*>( param.server ), sizeof( param.server ), host.GetUtf8() );

	uri = hostEnd;

	FSString link = uri;

	if ( !ParzeLink( path, link ) ) { return clPtr<FS>(); }

	return new FSSmb( &param );
Exemple #30
int FSSys::OpenCreate   ( FSPath& path, bool overwrite, int mode, int flags,  int* err, FSCInfo* info )
	DWORD shareMode = 0;
	DWORD creationDisposition = ( overwrite ) ? CREATE_ALWAYS  : CREATE_NEW;

	HANDLE h = CreateFileW( SysPathStr( _drive, path.GetUnicode( '\\' ) ).data(), diseredAccess, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, creationDisposition, 0, 0 );

		SetError( err, GetLastError() );
		return -1;

	int fd = handles.New();
	HANDLE* p = this->handles.Handle( fd );

	if ( !p )
		CloseHandle( h );
		return -1;

	*p = h;
	return fd;