Exemple #1
// A_PainShootSkull
// Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target
void A_PainShootSkull (AActor *self, angle_t angle, const PClass *spawntype, int flags = 0, int limit = -1)
	fixed_t x, y, z;
	AActor *other;
	angle_t an;
	int prestep;

	if (spawntype == NULL) return;
	if (self->DamageType==NAME_Massacre) return;

	// [RH] check to make sure it's not too close to the ceiling
	if (self->z + self->height + 8*FRACUNIT > self->ceilingz)
		if (self->flags & MF_FLOAT)
			self->velz -= 2*FRACUNIT;
			self->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
			self->flags4 |= MF4_VFRICTION;

	// [RH] make this optional
	if (limit == -1 && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_LIMITPAIN))
		limit = 21;

	if (limit)
		// count total number of skulls currently on the level
		// if there are already 21 skulls on the level, don't spit another one
		int count = limit;
		FThinkerIterator iterator (spawntype);
		DThinker *othink;

		while ( (othink = iterator.Next ()) )
			if (--count == 0)

	// okay, there's room for another one
	an = angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	prestep = 4*FRACUNIT +
		3*(self->radius + GetDefaultByType(spawntype)->radius)/2;
	x = self->x + FixedMul (prestep, finecosine[an]);
	y = self->y + FixedMul (prestep, finesine[an]);
	z = self->z + 8*FRACUNIT;
	// Check whether the Lost Soul is being fired through a 1-sided	// phares
	// wall or an impassible line, or a "monsters can't cross" line.//   |
	// If it is, then we don't allow the spawn.						//   V

	FBoundingBox box(MIN(self->x, x), MIN(self->y, y), MAX(self->x, x), MAX(self->y, y));
	FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
	line_t *ld;

	while ((ld = it.Next()))
		if (!(ld->flags & ML_TWOSIDED) ||
			if (!(box.Left()   > ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT]  ||
				  box.Right()  < ld->bbox[BOXLEFT]   ||
				  box.Top()    < ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] ||
				  box.Bottom() > ld->bbox[BOXTOP]))
				if (P_PointOnLineSide(self->x,self->y,ld) != P_PointOnLineSide(x,y,ld))
					return;  // line blocks trajectory				//   ^

	other = Spawn (spawntype, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

	// Check to see if the new Lost Soul's z value is above the
	// ceiling of its new sector, or below the floor. If so, kill it.

	if ((other->z >
         (other->Sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (other->x, other->y) - other->height)) ||
        (other->z < other->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (other->x, other->y)))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_None);//  ^
		return;														//   |
	}																// phares

	// Check for movements.

	if (!P_CheckPosition (other, other->x, other->y))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_None);		

	// [RH] Lost souls hate the same things as their pain elementals
	other->CopyFriendliness (self, !(flags & PAF_NOTARGET));

	if (!(flags & PAF_NOSKULLATTACK))
		A_SkullAttack(other, SKULLSPEED);
Exemple #2
// A_PainShootSkull
// Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target
void A_PainShootSkull (AActor *self, angle_t angle, PClassActor *spawntype, int flags = 0, int limit = -1)
	AActor *other;
	int prestep;

	if (spawntype == NULL) return;
	if (self->DamageType == NAME_Massacre) return;

	// [RH] check to make sure it's not too close to the ceiling
	if (self->Top() + 8*FRACUNIT > self->ceilingz)
		if (self->flags & MF_FLOAT)
			self->velz -= 2*FRACUNIT;
			self->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
			self->flags4 |= MF4_VFRICTION;

	// [RH] make this optional
	if (limit == -1 && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_LIMITPAIN))
		limit = 21;

	if (limit)
		// count total number of skulls currently on the level
		// if there are already 21 skulls on the level, don't spit another one
		int count = limit;
		FThinkerIterator iterator (spawntype);
		DThinker *othink;

		while ( (othink = iterator.Next ()) )
			if (--count == 0)

	// okay, there's room for another one
	prestep = 4*FRACUNIT +
		3*(self->radius + GetDefaultByType(spawntype)->radius)/2;

	// NOTE: The following code contains some advance work for line-to-line portals which is currenty inactive.

	fixedvec2 dist = Vec2Angle(prestep, angle);
	fixedvec3 pos = self->Vec3Offset(dist.x, dist.y, 8 * FRACUNIT, true);
	fixedvec3 src = self->Pos();

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		// Check whether the Lost Soul is being fired through a 1-sided	// phares
		// wall or an impassible line, or a "monsters can't cross" line.//   |
		// If it is, then we don't allow the spawn.						//   V

		FBoundingBox box(MIN(src.x, pos.x), MIN(src.y, pos.y), MAX(src.x, pos.x), MAX(src.y, pos.y));
		FBlockLinesIterator it(box);
		line_t *ld;
		bool inportal = false;

		while ((ld = it.Next()))
			if (ld->isLinePortal() && i == 0)
				if (P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(src.x, src.y, ld) == 0 &&
					P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(pos.x, pos.y, ld) == 1)
					// crossed a portal line from front to back, we need to repeat the check on the other side as well.
					inportal = true;
			else if (!(ld->flags & ML_TWOSIDED) ||
				if (!(box.Left() > ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT] ||
					box.Right() < ld->bbox[BOXLEFT] ||
					box.Top() < ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] ||
					box.Bottom() > ld->bbox[BOXTOP]))
					if (P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(src.x, src.y, ld) != P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(pos.x, pos.y, ld))
						return;  // line blocks trajectory				//   ^
		if (!inportal) break;

		// recalculate position and redo the check on the other side of the portal
		pos = self->Vec3Offset(dist.x, dist.y, 8 * FRACUNIT, false);
		src.x = pos.x - dist.x;
		src.y = pos.y - dist.y;


	other = Spawn (spawntype, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

	// Check to see if the new Lost Soul's z value is above the
	// ceiling of its new sector, or below the floor. If so, kill it.

	if ((other->Z() >
         (other->Sector->HighestCeiling(other) - other->height)) ||
        (other->Z() < other->Sector->LowestFloor(other)))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_None);//  ^
		return;														//   |
	}																// phares

	// Check for movements.

	if (!P_CheckPosition (other, other->Pos()))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_None);		

	// [RH] Lost souls hate the same things as their pain elementals
	other->CopyFriendliness (self, !(flags & PAF_NOTARGET));

	if (!(flags & PAF_NOSKULLATTACK))
		A_SkullAttack(other, SKULLSPEED);
// A_PainShootSkull
// Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target
void A_PainShootSkull (AActor *self, angle_t angle)
	fixed_t x, y, z;
	AActor *other;
	angle_t an;
	int prestep;

	// [BC] Spawning of additional lost souls is server-side.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_CLIENT )

	const PClass *spawntype = NULL;

	int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL);
	if (index>=0) 
		spawntype = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]);
	if (spawntype == NULL) spawntype = RUNTIME_CLASS(ALostSoul);

	// [RH] check to make sure it's not too close to the ceiling
	if (self->z + self->height + 8*FRACUNIT > self->ceilingz)
		if (self->flags & MF_FLOAT)
			self->momz -= 2*FRACUNIT;
			self->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
			self->flags4 |= MF4_VFRICTION;

	// [RH] make this optional
	if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_LIMITPAIN)
		// count total number of skulls currently on the level
		// if there are already 20 skulls on the level, don't spit another one
		int count = 20;
		FThinkerIterator iterator (spawntype);
		DThinker *othink;

		while ( (othink = iterator.Next ()) )
			if (--count == 0)

	// okay, there's room for another one
	an = angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	prestep = 4*FRACUNIT +
		3*(self->radius + GetDefaultByType(spawntype)->radius)/2;
	x = self->x + FixedMul (prestep, finecosine[an]);
	y = self->y + FixedMul (prestep, finesine[an]);
	z = self->z + 8*FRACUNIT;
	// Check whether the Lost Soul is being fired through a 1-sided	// phares
	// wall or an impassible line, or a "monsters can't cross" line.//   |
	// If it is, then we don't allow the spawn.						//   V

	if (Check_Sides (self, x, y))

	other = Spawn (spawntype, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

	// [BC] If we're the server, tell clients to spawn the actor.
	if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
		SERVERCOMMANDS_SpawnThing( other );

	// Check to see if the new Lost Soul's z value is above the
	// ceiling of its new sector, or below the floor. If so, kill it.

	if ((other->z >
         (other->Sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (other->x, other->y) - other->height)) ||
        (other->z < other->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (other->x, other->y)))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, 1000000, MOD_UNKNOWN);		//   ^
		return;														//   |
	}																// phares

	// Check for movements.

	if (!P_CheckPosition (other, other->x, other->y))
		// kill it immediately
		P_DamageMobj (other, self, self, 1000000, MOD_UNKNOWN);		

	// [RH] Lost souls hate the same things as their pain elementals
	other->CopyFriendliness (self, true);

	A_SkullAttack (other);