void run(TString runNumber) { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); TString dirIn1 = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/data/"; TString dirIn2 = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/tcal/"; TString dirOut = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/digi/"; TString tdiffParName = "tdiff_" + runNumber + ".dat"; TString inputFileName1 = dirIn2 + runNumber + "_tcal.root"; // name of input file TString parFileName = dirIn1 + "params_" + runNumber + "_raw.root"; // name of parameter file TString outputFileName = dirOut + runNumber + "_digi.root"; // name of output file // Create analysis run ------------------------------------------------------- FairRunAna* run = new FairRunAna(); run->SetInputFile(inputFileName1.Data()); run->SetOutputFile(outputFileName.Data()); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Runtime DataBase info ----------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFileName); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tdiff calibration --------------------------------------------------------- R3BLandTdiff* landTdiff = new R3BLandTdiff("LandTdiff", 1); landTdiff->SetTdiffParName(tdiffParName.Data()); run->AddTask(landTdiff); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------ R3BLandAna* landAna = new R3BLandAna("LandAna", 1); landAna->SetNofBars(100); run->AddTask(landAna); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------- run->Init(); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run ----------------------------------------------------------------------- run->Run(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outputFileName << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFileName << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; }
void AnalysisTaskXi(TString pre = "", int nevts=0, double mom=2.7){ TDatabasePDG::Instance()-> AddParticle("pbarpSystem","pbarpSystem", 1.9, kFALSE, 0.1, 0,"", 88888); //Output File if (pre==""){ TString Path = "/private/puetz/mysimulations/analysis/pbarp_Xiplus_Ximinus/idealtracking/10000_events/"; TString outPath = Path; TString OutputFile = outPath + "analysis_output_test.root"; //Input simulation Files TString inPIDFile = Path + "pid_complete.root"; TString inParFile = Path + "simparams.root"; } else{ TString Path = pre; TString outPath = Path + "_test_"; TString OutputFile = Path + "_analysis_output.root"; //Input simulation Files TString inPIDFile = Path + "_pid_complete.root"; TString inParFile = Path + "_simparams.root"; } TString PIDParFile = TString( gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + "/macro/params/all.par"; //Initialization FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogToFile(kFALSE); FairRunAna* RunAna = new FairRunAna(); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = RunAna->GetRuntimeDb(); RunAna->SetInputFile(inPIDFile); //setup parameter database FairParRootFileIo* parIo = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo->open(inParFile); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIoPID = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIoPID->open(PIDParFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIoPID); rtdb->setOutput(parIo); RunAna->SetOutputFile(OutputFile); // *** HERE OUR TASK GOES! AnalysisTask *anaTask = new AnalysisTask(); anaTask->SetOutPutDir(outPath); anaTask->SetNEvents(nevts); anaTask->SetMom(mom); RunAna->AddTask(anaTask); RunAna->Init(); RunAna->Run(0.,1.); exit(0);
void much_ana(Int_t nEvents=1000){ TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(90000000000); TString script = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_SCRIPT")); TString parDir = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + TString("/parameters"); // Input and output data TString dir = "events/much_anna_omega_8gev_10k/"; // Output directory TString mcFile = dir + "mc.0000.root"; // MC transport file TString parFile = dir + "param.0000.root"; // Parameters file TString globalRecoFile = dir + "global.reco.0000.root"; // File with reconstructed tracks and hits TString analysisFile = dir + "analysis.0000.root"; // Output analysis file TString muchDigiFile = parDir + "/much/much_v12c.digi.root"; // MUCH digi file if (script == "yes") { mcFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_MC_FILE")); parFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_PAR_FILE")); globalRecoFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_GLOBAL_RECO_FILE")); analysisFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_ANALYSIS_FILE")); muchDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_MUCH_DIGI")); } gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/much/muchlibs.C"); muchlibs(); FairRunAna *fRun= new FairRunAna(); fRun->SetInputFile(mcFile); fRun->AddFriend(globalRecoFile); fRun->SetOutputFile(analysisFile); TString muchDigiFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CbmKF* kf = new CbmKF(); CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis* ana = new CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis("DimuonAnalysis", muchDigiFile, 1); ana->SetVerbose(0); ana->SetStsPointsAccQuota(4); ana->SetStsTrueHitQuota(0.7); fRun->AddTask(kf); fRun->AddTask(ana); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(0,nEvents); }
void ana(int iplab = 0, int itype = 0, int brem = 1, int fid=0, int nevts = 10000) { gSystem->Load("libanatda"); gSystem->ListLibraries(); //double plab[3] = {5.513, 8., 12.}; //const char *tt[2] = {"pip_pim","jpsi"}; //const char *cbrem[2] = {"raw","brem"}; //TString inPidFile = Form("output/pid/pbar_p_%s_pi0_plab%3.1f_%d.root", tt[itype], plab[iplab], fid); //TString inParFile = Form("output/par/pbar_p_%s_pi0_plab%3.1f_%d.root", tt[itype], plab[iplab], fid); //TString outFile = Form("test/ana_%s_%s_plab%3.1f_%d.root", tt[itype], cbrem[brem], plab[iplab], fid); //cout << "inPidFile= " << inPidFile << endl; //cout << "inParFile= " << inParFile << endl; //cout << " tt= " << tt[itype] << " Outfile= " << outFile << endl; const char *tt[2] = {"pi0pipm_dpm","pi0jpsi"}; const char *cbrem[2] = {"raw","brem"}; const char *dir = Form("/vol0/panda/work/jpsi_pi0/grid.out/tda/%s/runall.%d.%d", tt[itype], iplab, fid); TString inPidFile = Form("%s/pid_complete.root",dir); TString inParFile = Form("%s/simparams.root",dir); TString outFile = Form("%s/ana_%s.root",dir,cbrem[brem]); cout << "inPidFile= " << inPidFile << endl; cout << "inParFile= " << inParFile << endl; cout << "outFile= " << outFile << endl; // *** initialization FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogToFile(kFALSE); FairRunAna* fRun = new FairRunAna(); fRun->SetInputFile(inPidFile); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIO = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIO->open(inParFile); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIOPid = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIOPid->open((TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/macro/params/all.par").Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIO); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIOPid); rtdb->setOutput(parIO); AnaTda *atda = new AnaTda(iplab, itype, brem); atda->set_verbosity(0); fRun->AddTask(atda); fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(0,nevts); cout << "Done with: " << outFile << endl; }
void event_display() { TString dir = "events/mvd/"; TString mcFile = dir + "mc.0000.root"; // MC transport file TString parFile = dir + "param.0000.root"; // Parameter file gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/littrack/cbmrootlibs.C"); cbmrootlibs(); gSystem->Load("libEve"); gSystem->Load("libEventDisplay"); FairRunAna *run= new FairRunAna(); run->SetInputFile(mcFile); run->SetOutputFile("test.root"); FairEventManager* eventManager= new FairEventManager(); FairMCTracks* mcTracks = new FairMCTracks("Monte-Carlo Tracks"); FairMCPointDraw* richPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("RichPoint", kOrange, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* tofPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("TofPoint", kBlue, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* trdPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("TrdPoint", kTeal, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* muchPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("MuchPoint", kRed, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* ecalPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("EcalPoint", kYellow, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* refPlanePoints = new FairMCPointDraw("RefPlanePoint", kPink, kFullSquare); FairMCPointDraw* stsPoints = new FairMCPointDraw("StsPoint", kCyan, kFullSquare); eventManager->AddTask(mcTracks); eventManager->AddTask(richPoints); eventManager->AddTask(ecalPoints); eventManager->AddTask(tofPoints); eventManager->AddTask(trdPoints); eventManager->AddTask(muchPoints); eventManager->AddTask(refPlanePoints); eventManager->AddTask(stsPoints); // ----- Parameter database -------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eventManager->Init(); }
Int_t califa_test() { // Create a Runtime Database singleton. FairRuntimeDb* db = FairRuntimeDb::instance(); // Create in memory the relevant container R3BCaloCalPar* par = (R3BCaloCalPar*)(db->getContainer("CaloCalPar")); // Set the SQL IO as first input FairParAsciiFileIo* inp = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); TString filename ="ducals.par"; inp->open(filename.Data(),"in"); db->setFirstInput(inp); // Generate a unique RunID FairRunIdGenerator runID; UInt_t runId = runID.generateId(); db->initContainers(runId); // Get the container after initialisation // from the RuntimeDB R3BCaloCalPar* par = (R3BCaloCalPar*)(db->getContainer("CaloCalPar")); // Dump the Parameters cout << endl; cout << "-I- Reading Parameter data from Ascii File: \n" << filename.Data() << endl; cout << endl; par->Print(); cout << endl; // Convert in ROOT format par->setChanged(); Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open("califa_cal_par.root"); db->setOutput(parOut); db->saveOutput(); db->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (db) delete db; return 0; }
void analysis_pbarp_Xi_test(int nevts=0){ TDatabasePDG::Instance()-> AddParticle("pbarpSystem","pbarpSystem", 1.9, kFALSE, 0.1, 0,"", 88888); TStopwatch timer; //Output File TString Path = "/private/puetz/mysimulations/analysis/pbarp_Xiplus_Ximinus/idealtracking/10000_events/"; TString outPath = Path; TString OutputFile = outPath + "analysis_output_test.root"; //Input simulation Files TString inPIDFile = Path + "pid_complete.root"; TString inParFile = Path + "simparams.root"; TString PIDParFile = TString( gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + "/macro/params/all.par"; //Initialization FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogToFile(kFALSE); FairRunAna* RunAna = new FairRunAna(); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = RunAna->GetRuntimeDb(); RunAna->SetInputFile(inPIDFile); //setup parameter database FairParRootFileIo* parIo = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo->open(inParFile); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIoPID = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIoPID->open(PIDParFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIoPID); rtdb->setOutput(parIo); RunAna->SetOutputFile(OutputFile); RunAna->Init(); //*** create tuples RhoTuple * ntpMC = new RhoTuple("ntpMC", "MCTruth info"); RhoTuple * ntpPiMinus = new RhoTuple("ntpPiMinus", "PiMinus info"); RhoTuple * ntpPiPlus = new RhoTuple("ntpPiPlus", "PiPlus info"); RhoTuple * ntpProton = new RhoTuple("ntpProton", "Proton info"); RhoTuple * ntpAntiProton = new RhoTuple("ntpAntiProton", "Antiproton info"); RhoTuple * ntpLambda0 = new RhoTuple("ntpLambda0", "Lambda0 info"); RhoTuple * ntpAntiLambda0 = new RhoTuple("ntpAntiLambda0", "AntiLambda0 info"); RhoTuple * ntpXiMinus = new RhoTuple("ntpXiMinus", "XiMinus info"); RhoTuple * ntpXiPlus = new RhoTuple("ntpXiPlus", "XiPlus info"); RhoTuple * ntpXiSys = new RhoTuple("ntpXiSys", "XiMinus XiPlus system info"); //Create output file TFile *out = TFile::Open(outPath+"output_ana_test.root","RECREATE"); // data reader Object PndAnalysis* theAnalysis = new PndAnalysis(); if (nevts==0) nevts = theAnalysis->GetEntries(); //RhoCandLists for analysis RhoCandList piplus, piminus, lambda0, antiLambda0, proton, antiProton, xiplus, ximinus, xiSys; RhoCandList NotCombinedPiMinus, CombinedPiMinus, CombinedPiPlus, NotCombinedPiPlus; RhoCandList SelectedProton, SelectedAntiProton, SelectedPiMinus, SelectedPiPlus; RhoCandList Lambda0Fit, AntiLambda0Fit, XiMinusFit, XiPlusFit; RhoCandList mclist, all; //Dummy RhoCandidate RhoCandidate * dummyCand = new RhoCandidate(); //***Mass selector double m0_lambda0= TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("Lambda0")->Mass(); cout<<"Mass of Lambda0: "<<m0_lambda0<<endl; RhoMassParticleSelector * lambdaMassSelector = new RhoMassParticleSelector("lambda0", m0_lambda0, 0.3); double m0_Xi = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("Xi-")->Mass(); cout<<"Mass of Xi-: "<<m0_Xi<<endl; RhoMassParticleSelector * xiMassSelector = new RhoMassParticleSelector("Xi-", m0_Xi, 0.3); double m0_pbarpsystem = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pbarpSystem")->Mass(); double pbarmom = 2.7; double p_m0 = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("proton")->Mass(); TLorentzVector ini (0,0, pbarmom, sqrt(p_m0*p_m0+ pbarmom*pbarmom)+p_m0); TVector3 beamBoost = ini.BoostVector(); PndRhoTupleQA qa(theAnalysis, pbarmom); int evt=-1; int index=0; while (theAnalysis->GetEvent() && ++evt<nevts){ if ((evt%100)==0) cout << "evt "<< evt <<endl; cout << "Running event " << evt << endl; //***get MC list and store info theAnalysis->FillList(mclist, "McTruth"); qa.qaMcList("", mclist, ntpMC); ntpMC->DumpData(); //if you want to print the hole MCTree uncomment the following /* for (int j=0;j<mclist.GetLength();++j) { RhoCandidate *mcmother = mclist[j]->TheMother(); // mother of mc particle int muid = (mcmother==0x0) ? -1 : mcmother->GetTrackNumber(); // track ID of mother, if existing cout << "Track "<< mclist[j]->GetTrackNumber()<<" (PDG:"<<mclist[j]->PdgCode() <<") has mother "<<muid; if (mclist[j]->NDaughters()>0) cout <<" and daughter(s) "; for (k=0;k<mclist[j]->NDaughters();++k) cout <<mclist[j]->Daughter(k)->GetTrackNumber()<<" "; cout<<endl; }*/ //***Setup event shape object TString PidSelection = "PidAlgoIdealCharged";//"PidAlgoMvd;PidAlgoStt;PidAlgoDrc"; theAnalysis->FillList(all, "All", PidSelection); PndEventShape evsh(all, ini, 0.05, 0.1); //***Selection with no PID info theAnalysis->FillList(piminus, "PionAllMinus", PidSelection); // theAnalysis->FillList(NotCombinedPiMinus, "PionAllMinus", PidSelection); // theAnalysis->FillList(NotCombinedPiPlus, "PionAllPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(piplus, "PionAllPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(proton, "ProtonAllPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(antiProton, "ProtonAllMinus", PidSelection); for (int pip=0; pip<piplus.GetLength(); ++pip){ ntpPiPlus->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpPiPlus->Column("cand", (Float_t) pip); ntpPiPlus->Column("ncand", (Float_t) piplus.GetLength()); ntpPiPlus->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(piplus[pip])); qa.qaP4("PiPlus_", piplus[pip]->P4(), ntpPiPlus); qa.qaCand("PiPlus_", piplus[pip], ntpPiPlus); jenny::numberOfHitsInSubdetector("PiPlus_", piplus[pip], ntpPiPlus); jenny::tagNHits("PiPlus_", piplus[pip], ntpPiPlus); int tag = jenny::tagHits(piplus[pip]); RhoCandidate * mother_pip = piplus[pip]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother(); int moth_pip = (0x0==mother_pip)? 88888 : mother_pip->PdgCode(); ntpPiPlus->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth_pip); ntpPiPlus->Column("PiPlus_CosTheta", (Float_t) piplus[pip]->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); qa.qaP4("PiPlus_MC_", piplus[pip]->GetMcTruth()->P4(), ntpPiPlus); qa.qaCand("PiPlus_MC_", piplus[pip]->GetMcTruth(), ntpPiPlus); ntpPiPlus->Column("PiPlus_MC_CosTheta", (Float_t) piplus[pip]->GetMcTruth()->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); if(tag==1){ SelectedPiPlus.Append(piplus[pip]); NotCombinedPiPlus.Append(piplus[pip]); } ntpPiPlus->DumpData(); } for (int pim=0; pim<piminus.GetLength(); ++pim){ ntpPiMinus->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpPiMinus->Column("cand", (Float_t) pim); ntpPiMinus->Column("ncand", (Float_t) piminus.GetLength()); ntpPiMinus->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(piminus[pim])); qa.qaP4("piminus_", piminus[pim]->P4(), ntpPiMinus); qa.qaCand("piminus_", piminus[pim], ntpPiMinus); jenny::numberOfHitsInSubdetector("piminus_", piminus[pim], ntpPiMinus); jenny::tagNHits("piminus_", piminus[pim], ntpPiMinus); int tag = jenny::tagHits(piminus[pim]); RhoCandidate * mother_pim = piminus[pim]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother(); int moth_pim = (0x0==mother_pim)? 88888 : mother_pim->PdgCode(); ntpPiMinus->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth_pim); ntpPiMinus->Column("PiMinus_CosTheta", (Float_t) piminus[pim]->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); qa.qaP4("piminus_MC_", piminus[pim]->GetMcTruth()->P4(), ntpPiMinus); qa.qaCand("piminus_MC_", piminus[pim]->GetMcTruth(), ntpPiMinus); ntpPiMinus->Column("piminus_MC_CosTheta", (Float_t) piminus[pim]->GetMcTruth()->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); ntpPiMinus->DumpData(); if(tag==1){ SelectedPiMinus.Append(piminus[pim]); NotCombinedPiMinus.Append(piminus[pim]); } } for (int prot=0; prot<proton.GetLength(); ++prot){ ntpProton->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpProton->Column("cand", (Float_t) prot); ntpProton->Column("ncand", (Float_t) proton.GetLength()); ntpProton->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(proton[prot])); qa.qaP4("proton_", proton[prot]->P4(), ntpProton); qa.qaCand("proton_", proton[prot], ntpProton); jenny::numberOfHitsInSubdetector("proton_", proton[prot], ntpProton); // jenny::tagNHits("proton_", proton[prot], ntpProton); int tag = jenny::tagHits(proton[prot]); RhoCandidate * mother_prot = proton[prot]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother(); int moth_prot = (0x0==mother_prot)? 88888 : mother_prot->PdgCode(); ntpProton->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth_prot); ntpProton->Column("proton_CosTheta", (Float_t) proton[prot]->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); qa.qaP4("proton_MC_", proton[prot]->GetMcTruth()->P4(), ntpProton); qa.qaCand("proton_", proton[prot]->GetMcTruth(), ntpProton); ntpProton->Column("proton_MC_CosTheta", (Float_t) proton[prot]->GetMcTruth()->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); ntpProton->DumpData(); if(tag==1) SelectedProton.Append(proton[prot]); } for (int aProt=0; aProt<antiProton.GetLength(); ++aProt){ ntpAntiProton->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpAntiProton->Column("cand", (Float_t) aProt); ntpAntiProton->Column("ncand", (Float_t) antiProton.GetLength()); ntpAntiProton->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(antiProton[aProt])); qa.qaP4("antiProton_", antiProton[aProt]->P4(), ntpAntiProton); qa.qaCand("antiProton_", antiProton[aProt], ntpAntiProton); jenny::numberOfHitsInSubdetector("antiProton_", antiProton[aProt], ntpAntiProton); // jenny::tagNHits("antiProton_", antiProton[aProt], ntpAntiProton); int tag = jenny::tagHits(antiProton[aProt]); RhoCandidate * mother_aProt = antiProton[aProt]->GetMcTruth()->TheMother(); int moth_aProt = (0x0==mother_aProt)? 88888 : mother_aProt->PdgCode(); ntpAntiProton->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth_aProt); ntpAntiProton->Column("antiProton_CosTheta", (Float_t) antiProton[aProt]->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); qa.qaP4("antiProton_MC_", antiProton[aProt]->GetMcTruth()->P4(), ntpAntiProton); qa.qaCand("antiProton_", antiProton[aProt]->GetMcTruth(), ntpAntiProton); ntpAntiProton->Column("antiProton_MC_CosTheta", (Float_t) antiProton[aProt]->GetMcTruth()->GetMomentum().CosTheta()); ntpAntiProton->DumpData(); if(tag==1) SelectedAntiProton.Append(antiProton[aProt]); } //***Lambda0 -> PiMinus + Proton lambda0.Combine(SelectedPiMinus,SelectedProton); lambda0.Select(lambdaMassSelector); lambda0.SetType(kl0); std::map<int,int> bestVtxFitLambda0, bestMassFitLambda0; bestVtxFitLambda0 = jenny::VertexQaIndex(&lambda0); bestMassFitLambda0 = jenny::MassFitQaIndex(&lambda0, m0_lambda0); for (int j=0; j<lambda0.GetLength(); ++j){ //general info about event ntpLambda0->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpLambda0->Column("cand", (Float_t) j); ntpLambda0->Column("ncand", (Float_t) lambda0.GetLength()); ntpLambda0->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(lambda0[j])); ntpLambda0->Column("Lambda0_Pdg", (Float_t) lambda0[j]->PdgCode()); RhoCandidate * mother = lambda0[j]->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpLambda0->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth); qa.qaP4("Lambda0_", lambda0[j]->P4(), ntpLambda0); qa.qaComp("Lambda0_", lambda0[j], ntpLambda0); // do vertex fit PndKinVtxFitter vertexfitterLambda0 (lambda0[j]); vertexfitterLambda0.Fit(); RhoCandidate * lambda0Fit = lambda0[j]->GetFit(); // store info of vertex fit qa.qaFitter("VtxFit_", &vertexfitterLambda0, ntpLambda0); ntpLambda0->Column("VtxFit_HowGood", (Int_t) bestVtxFitLambda0[j]); qa.qaVtx("VtxFit_", lambda0Fit, ntpLambda0); // differenz to MCTruth qa.qaMcDiff("fvtxMcDiff_", lambda0Fit, ntpLambda0); // do mass fit PndKinFitter massFitterLambda0(lambda0Fit); massFitterLambda0.AddMassConstraint(m0_lambda0); massFitterLambda0.Fit(); RhoCandidate * lambda0Fit_mass = lambda0Fit->GetFit(); qa.qaFitter("MassFit_", &massFitterLambda0, ntpLambda0); ntpLambda0->Column("MassFit_HowGood", (Int_t) bestMassFitLambda0[j]); RhoCandidate * truth = lambda0[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * truthDaughter = lambda0[j]->Daughter(0)->GetMcTruth(); TLorentzVector l; TVector3 dl; if(0x0 != truth){ l = truth->P4(); qa.qaVtx("McTruth_", truth, ntpLambda0); dl = truth->Daughter(0)->Pos(); } else{ qa.qaVtx("McTruth_", dummyCand, ntpLambda0); } jenny::qaP3("McTruth_", dl, ntpLambda0); qa.qaP4("McTruth_", l, ntpLambda0); //*** use for Xi only bestChi2Cand if (bestVtxFitLambda0[j]==1 && bestMassFitLambda0[j]>0){ Lambda0Fit.Append(lambda0Fit); jenny::CombinedList(lambda0Fit, &CombinedPiMinus, -211); } //***information of boosted particle lambda0Fit->Boost(-beamBoost); qa.qaComp("boost_", lambda0Fit, ntpLambda0); ntpLambda0->DumpData(); } jenny::GetNotCombinedList(CombinedPiMinus, &NotCombinedPiMinus); // Lambda0Fit.Cleanup(); CombinedPiMinus.Cleanup(); SelectedPiMinus.Cleanup(); SelectedProton.Cleanup(); // NotCombinedPiMinus.Cleanup(); bestVtxFitLambda0.clear(); bestMassFitLambda0.clear(); //***AntiLambda0 -> PiPlus + AntiProton antiLambda0.Combine(SelectedPiPlus,SelectedAntiProton); antiLambda0.Select(lambdaMassSelector); antiLambda0.SetType(kal0); std::map<int,int> bestVtxFitAntiLambda0, bestMassFitAntiLambda0; bestVtxFitAntiLambda0 = jenny::VertexQaIndex(&antiLambda0); bestMassFitAntiLambda0 = jenny::MassFitQaIndex(&antiLambda0, m0_lambda0); for (int j=0; j<antiLambda0.GetLength(); ++j){ //general info about event ntpAntiLambda0->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("cand", (Float_t) j); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("ncand", (Float_t) antiLambda0.GetLength()); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(antiLambda0[j])); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("AntiLambda0_Pdg", (Float_t) antiLambda0[j]->PdgCode()); RhoCandidate * mother = antiLambda0[j]->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth); qa.qaP4("AntiLambda0_", antiLambda0[j]->P4(), ntpAntiLambda0); qa.qaComp("AntiLambda0_", antiLambda0[j], ntpAntiLambda0); // do vertex fit PndKinVtxFitter vertexfitterAntiLambda0 (antiLambda0[j]); vertexfitterAntiLambda0.Fit(); RhoCandidate * antiLambda0Fit = antiLambda0[j]->GetFit(); // store info of vertex fit qa.qaFitter("VtxFit_", &vertexfitterAntiLambda0, ntpAntiLambda0); qa.qaVtx("VtxFit_", antiLambda0Fit, ntpAntiLambda0); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("VtxFit_HowGood", (Int_t) bestVtxFitAntiLambda0[j]); // do mass fit PndKinFitter massFitterAntiLambda0(antiLambda0Fit); massFitterAntiLambda0.AddMassConstraint(m0_lambda0); massFitterAntiLambda0.Fit(); RhoCandidate * antiLambda0Fit_mass = antiLambda0Fit->GetFit(); qa.qaFitter("MassFit_", &massFitterAntiLambda0, ntpAntiLambda0); ntpAntiLambda0->Column("MassFit_HowGood", (Int_t) bestMassFitAntiLambda0[j]); RhoCandidate * truth = antiLambda0[j]->GetMcTruth(); TLorentzVector l; if(0x0 != truth){ l = truth->P4(); qa.qaVtx("MCTruth_", truth, ntpAntiLambda0); } else{ qa.qaVtx("McTruth_", dummyCand, ntpAntiLambda0); } qa.qaP4("MCTruth_", l, ntpAntiLambda0); //***information of boosted particle antiLambda0Fit->Boost(-beamBoost); qa.qaComp("boost_", antiLambda0Fit, ntpAntiLambda0); if(bestVtxFitAntiLambda0[j]==1 && bestMassFitAntiLambda0[j]>0){ AntiLambda0Fit.Append(antiLambda0Fit); jenny::CombinedList(antiLambda0Fit, &CombinedPiPlus, 211); } ntpAntiLambda0->DumpData(); } jenny::GetNotCombinedList(CombinedPiPlus, &NotCombinedPiPlus); CombinedPiPlus.Cleanup(); SelectedPiPlus.Cleanup(); SelectedAntiProton.Cleanup(); bestVtxFitAntiLambda0.clear(); bestMassFitAntiLambda0.clear(); //*** Xi- -> Lambda0 + Pi- ximinus.Combine(Lambda0Fit, NotCombinedPiMinus); ximinus.Select(xiMassSelector); ximinus.SetType(kXim); std::map<int,int> BestVtxFitXiMinus, BestMassFitXiMinus; BestVtxFitXiMinus = jenny::VertexQaIndex(&ximinus); BestMassFitXiMinus = jenny::MassFitQaIndex(&ximinus, m0_Xi); for (int j=0; j<ximinus.GetLength(); ++j){ //general info about event ntpXiMinus->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpXiMinus->Column("cand", (Float_t) j); ntpXiMinus->Column("ncand", (Float_t) ximinus.GetLength()); ntpXiMinus->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(ximinus[j])); ntpXiMinus->Column("XiMinus_Pdg", (Float_t) ximinus[j]->PdgCode()); RhoCandidate * mother = ximinus[j]->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpXiMinus->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth); qa.qaP4("XiMinus_", ximinus[j]->P4(), ntpXiMinus); qa.qaComp("XiMinus_", ximinus[j], ntpXiMinus); qa.qaPoca("XiMinus_", ximinus[j], ntpXiMinus); // do vertex-fit PndKinVtxFitter vertexfitterXiMinus (ximinus[j]); vertexfitterXiMinus.Fit(); RhoCandidate * ximinusFit = ximinus[j]->GetFit(); // store info of vertex-fit qa.qaFitter("VtxFit_", &vertexfitterXiMinus, ntpXiMinus); ntpXiMinus->Column("VtxFit_HowGood", (Int_t) BestVtxFitXiMinus[j]); qa.qaVtx("VtxFit_", ximinusFit, ntpXiMinus); // qa.Cand("VtxFit_", ximinusFit, ntpXiMinus); // difference to MCTruth qa.qaMcDiff("VtxFit_", ximinusFit, ntpXiMinus); // do mass fit PndKinFitter massFitterXiMinus(ximinusFit); massFitterXiMinus.AddMassConstraint(m0_lambda0); massFitterXiMinus.Fit(); RhoCandidate * ximinusFit_mass = ximinusFit->GetFit(); qa.qaFitter("MassFit_", &massFitterXiMinus, ntpXiMinus); ntpXiMinus->Column("MassFit_HowGood", (Int_t) BestMassFitXiMinus[j]); qa.qaMcDiff("MassFit_", ximinusFit_mass, ntpXiMinus); RhoCandidate * truth = ximinus[j]->GetMcTruth(); TLorentzVector l; if(0x0 != truth){ l = truth->P4(); qa.qaVtx("MCTruth_", truth, ntpXiMinus); } else{ qa.qaVtx("MCTruth_", dummyCand, ntpXiMinus); } qa.qaP4("MCTruth_", l, ntpXiMinus); if (BestVtxFitXiMinus[j]==1 && BestMassFitXiMinus[j]>0){ XiMinusFit.Append(ximinusFit); } //***information of boosted particle ximinusFit->Boost(-beamBoost); qa.qaComp("boost_", ximinusFit, ntpXiMinus); ntpXiMinus->DumpData(); } Lambda0Fit.Cleanup(); NotCombinedPiMinus.Cleanup(); BestVtxFitXiMinus.clear(); BestMassFitXiMinus.clear(); //*** Xi+ -> AntiLambda0 + Pi+ xiplus.Combine(AntiLambda0Fit,piplus); xiplus.Select(xiMassSelector); xiplus.SetType(kaXip); std::map<int,int> BestVtxFitXiPlus, BestMassFitXiPlus; BestVtxFitXiPlus = jenny::VertexQaIndex(&xiplus); BestMassFitXiPlus = jenny::MassFitQaIndex(&xiplus, m0_Xi); for (int j=0; j<xiplus.GetLength(); ++j){ //general info about event ntpXiPlus->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpXiPlus->Column("cand", (Float_t) j); ntpXiPlus->Column("ncand", (Float_t) xiplus.GetLength()); ntpXiPlus->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(xiplus[j])); RhoCandidate * mother = xiplus[j]->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpXiPlus->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth); qa.qaP4("Xiplus_", xiplus[j]->P4(), ntpXiPlus); qa.qaComp("Xiplus_", xiplus[j], ntpXiPlus); // int tag = 0; // int dtag[2] = {0,0}; // // for (int dau=0; dau<xiplus[j]->NDaughters(); dau++){ // // RhoCandidate * daughter = xiplus[j]->Daughter(dau); // if(daughter->IsComposite()){ // int dtag1 = jenny::tagHits(daughter->Daughter(0)); // int dtag2 = jenny::tagHits(daughter->Daughter(1)); // if(dtag1==1 && dtag2==1) dtag[dau]=1; // } // else{ // dtag[dau] = jenny::tagHits(daughter); // } // } // // if(dtag[0]==1 && dtag[1]==1) tag=1; // // ntpXiPlus->Column("XiPlus_HitTag", (Int_t) tag); //******** do vertex-fit PndKinVtxFitter vertexfitterxiplus (xiplus[j]); vertexfitterxiplus.Fit(); RhoCandidate * xiplusFit = xiplus[j]->GetFit(); // store info of vertex-fit qa.qaFitter("VtxFit_", &vertexfitterxiplus, ntpXiPlus); ntpXiPlus->Column("VtxFit_HowGood", (Int_t) BestVtxFitXiPlus[j]); qa.qaVtx("VtxFit_", xiplusFit, ntpXiPlus); // difference to MCTruth qa.qaMcDiff("VtxFit_", xiplusFit, ntpXiPlus); //****** do mass fit PndKinFitter massFitterxiplus(xiplusFit); massFitterxiplus.AddMassConstraint(m0_lambda0); massFitterxiplus.Fit(); RhoCandidate * xiplusFit_mass = xiplusFit->GetFit(); qa.qaFitter("MassFit_", &massFitterxiplus, ntpXiPlus); ntpXiPlus->Column("MassFit_HowGood", (float) BestMassFitXiPlus[j]); qa.qaVtx("MassFit_", xiplusFit_mass, ntpXiPlus); qa.qaMcDiff("MassFit_", xiplusFit_mass, ntpXiPlus); RhoCandidate * truth = xiplus[j]->GetMcTruth(); TLorentzVector l; if(0x0 != truth){ l = truth->P4(); qa.qaVtx("MCTruth_", truth, ntpXiPlus); } else{ qa.qaVtx("MCTruth_", dummyCand, ntpXiPlus); } qa.qaP4("MCTruth_", l, ntpXiPlus); if(BestVtxFitXiPlus[j]==1 && BestMassFitXiPlus[j]>0){ XiPlusFit.Append(xiplusFit); } //***information of boosted particle xiplusFit->Boost(-beamBoost); qa.qaComp("boost_", xiplusFit, ntpXiPlus); ntpXiPlus->DumpData(); } AntiLambda0Fit.Cleanup(); // BestCandAntiLambda0.Cleanup(); BestVtxFitXiPlus.clear(); BestMassFitXiPlus.clear(); //******* Xi+ Xi- System***************************** xiSys.Combine(XiPlusFit, XiMinusFit); xiSys.SetType(88888); for (int syscand=0; syscand<xiSys.GetLength(); ++syscand){ ntpXiSys->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); ntpXiSys->Column("cand", (Float_t) j); ntpXiSys->Column("ncand", (Float_t) ximinus.GetLength()); ntpXiSys->Column("McTruthMatch", (bool) theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(xiSys[syscand])); RhoCandidate * mother = xiSys[syscand]->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpXiSys->Column("Mother", (Float_t) moth); qa.qaP4("XiSys_", xiSys[syscand]->P4(), ntpXiSys); qa.qaComp("XiSys_", xiSys[syscand], ntpXiSys); qa.qaPoca("XiSys_", xiSys[syscand], ntpXiSys); RhoCandidate * truth = xiSys[syscand]->GetMcTruth(); TLorentzVector l; if (truth != 0x0){ // qa.qaComp("McTruth_", truth, ntpXiSys); qa.qaVtx("McTruth_", truth, ntpXiSys); l = truth->P4(); } else{ // qa.qaComp("McTruth_", dummyCand, ntpXiSys); qa.qaVtx("McTruth_", dummyCand, ntpXiSys); } qa.qaP4("McTruth_", l, ntpXiSys); //4C-Fitter PndKinFitter fitter4c (xiSys[syscand]); fitter4c.Add4MomConstraint(ini); fitter4c.Fit(); RhoCandidate * xiSysFit4c = xiSys[syscand]->GetFit(); qa.qaFitter("4CFit_", &fitter4c, ntpXiSys); qa.qaComp("4cFit_", xiSysFit4c, ntpXiSys); qa.qaVtx("4CFit_", xiSysFit4c, ntpXiSys); ntpXiSys->DumpData(); } XiMinusFit.Cleanup(); XiPlusFit.Cleanup(); } //Write output out->cd(); ntpMC -> GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpPiMinus ->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpPiPlus->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpProton->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpAntiProton->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpLambda0->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpAntiLambda0->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpXiMinus->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpXiPlus->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpXiSys->GetInternalTree()->Write(); out->Save(); timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Macro finisched successfully."<<endl; cout<<"Realtime: "<<rtime<<" s, CPU time: "<<ctime<<" s"<<endl; cout<<endl; exit(0); }
void run_litqa(Int_t nEvents = 1000) { TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(90000000000); TString script = TString(gSystem->Getenv("SCRIPT")); TString parDir = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + TString("/parameters"); //gRandom->SetSeed(10); TString dir = "/hera/cbm/users/slebedev/mc/dielectron/sep13/25gev/trd/1.0field/nomvd/rho0/"; TString mcFile = dir + "mc.auau.25gev.centr.00001.root"; TString parFile = dir + "/params.auau.25gev.centr.00001.root"; TString recoFile = dir + "/test.reco.test.auau.25gev.centr.00001.root"; TString qaFile = dir + "/test.litqa.test.auau.25gev.centr.00001.root"; TString delta = "no"; // if "yes" Delta electrons will be embedded TString deltaFile = ""; TList *parFileList = new TList(); TObjString stsDigiFile = parDir + "/sts/sts_v13c_std.digi.par"; // STS digi file TObjString trdDigiFile = parDir + "/trd/trd_v13p_3e.digi.par"; // TRD digi file TObjString tofDigiFile = parDir + "/tof/tof_v13b.digi.par"; // TRD digi file TString stsMatBudgetFileName = parDir + "/sts/sts_matbudget_v13c.root"; // Material budget file for L1 STS tracking TString resultDir = "results_litqa/"; Double_t trdAnnCut = 0.85; Int_t minNofPointsTrd = 6; if (script == "yes") { mcFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("MC_FILE")); parFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("PAR_FILE")); recoFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("RECO_FILE")); qaFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LITQA_FILE")); delta = TString(gSystem->Getenv("DELTA")); deltaFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("DELTA_FILE")); stsDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("STS_DIGI")); trdDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("TRD_DIGI")); tofDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("TOF_DIGI")); resultDir = TString(gSystem->Getenv("RESULT_DIR")); stsMatBudgetFileName = TString(gSystem->Getenv("STS_MATERIAL_BUDGET_FILE")); trdAnnCut = TString(gSystem->Getenv("TRD_ANN_CUT")).Atof(); minNofPointsTrd = TString(gSystem->Getenv("MIN_NOF_POINTS_TRD")).Atof(); } parFileList->Add(&stsDigiFile); parFileList->Add(&trdDigiFile); parFileList->Add(&tofDigiFile); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------- gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/littrack/loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/littrack/determine_setup.C"); // ----- Reconstruction run ------------------------------------------- FairRunAna *run= new FairRunAna(); if (mcFile != "") run->SetInputFile(mcFile); if (recoFile != "") run->AddFriend(recoFile); if (qaFile != "") run->SetOutputFile(qaFile); CbmKF* kalman = new CbmKF(); run->AddTask(kalman); CbmL1* l1 = new CbmL1(); l1->SetMaterialBudgetFileName(stsMatBudgetFileName); run->AddTask(l1); // Reconstruction Qa CbmLitTrackingQa* trackingQa = new CbmLitTrackingQa(); trackingQa->SetMinNofPointsSts(4); trackingQa->SetUseConsecutivePointsInSts(true); trackingQa->SetMinNofPointsTrd(minNofPointsTrd); trackingQa->SetMinNofPointsMuch(10); trackingQa->SetMinNofPointsTof(1); trackingQa->SetQuota(0.7); trackingQa->SetMinNofHitsTrd(minNofPointsTrd); trackingQa->SetMinNofHitsMuch(10); trackingQa->SetVerbose(0); trackingQa->SetMinNofHitsRich(7); trackingQa->SetQuotaRich(0.6); trackingQa->SetPRange(30, 0., 6.); trackingQa->SetOutputDir(std::string(resultDir)); std::vector<std::string> trackCat, richCat; trackCat.push_back("All"); trackCat.push_back("Electron"); richCat.push_back("All"); richCat.push_back("Electron"); richCat.push_back("ElectronReference"); trackingQa->SetTrackCategories(trackCat); trackingQa->SetRingCategories(richCat); trackingQa->SetTrdAnnCut(trdAnnCut); run->AddTask(trackingQa); CbmLitFitQa* fitQa = new CbmLitFitQa(); fitQa->SetMvdMinNofHits(0); fitQa->SetStsMinNofHits(4); fitQa->SetMuchMinNofHits(10); fitQa->SetTrdMinNofHits(minNofPointsTrd); fitQa->SetPRange(30, 0., 3.); fitQa->SetOutputDir(std::string(resultDir)); run->AddTask(fitQa); /* CbmLitClusteringQa* clusteringQa = new CbmLitClusteringQa(); clusteringQa->SetMuchDigiFileName(muchDigiFile.Data()); clusteringQa->SetOutputDir(std::string(resultDir)); run->AddTask(clusteringQa);*/ CbmLitTofQa* tofQa = new CbmLitTofQa(); tofQa->SetOutputDir(std::string(resultDir)); run->AddTask(tofQa); // ----- Parameter database -------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIo2 = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile.Data()); parIo2->open(parFileList, "in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIo2); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); run->Init(); run->Run(0, nEvents); // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl; std::cout << "Output file is " << recoFile << std::endl; std::cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << std::endl; std::cout << "Real time " << timer.RealTime() << " s, CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << " s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Test passed" << std::endl; std::cout << " All ok " << std::endl; }
void r3ball_batch(Int_t nEvents = 1, TObjArray& fDetList, TString Target = "LeadTarget", Bool_t fVis=kFALSE, TString fMC="TGeant3", TString fGenerator="box", Bool_t fUserPList= kFALSE, Bool_t fR3BMagnet= kTRUE, Double_t fEnergyP=1.0, Int_t fMult=1, Int_t fGeoVer=5, Double_t fNonUni=1.0 ) { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString r3bdir = dir + "/macros"; TString r3b_geomdir = dir + "/geometry"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",r3b_geomdir.Data()); TString r3b_confdir = dir + "gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",r3b_confdir.Data()); // Output files TString OutFile = "r3bsim.root"; TString ParFile = "r3bpar.root"; // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(fMC.Data()); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(OutFile.Data()); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // R3B Special Physics List in G4 case if ( (fUserPList == kTRUE ) && (fMC.CompareTo("TGeant4") == 0) ){ run->SetUserConfig("g4R3bConfig.C"); run->SetUserCuts("SetR3BCuts.C"); } // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media_r3b.geo"); // Materials // Magnetic field map type Int_t fFieldMap = 0; // Global Transformations //- Two ways for a Volume Rotation are supported //-- 1) Global Rotation (Euler Angles definition) //-- This represent the composition of : first a rotation about Z axis with //-- angle phi, then a rotation with theta about the rotated X axis, and //-- finally a rotation with psi about the new Z axis. Double_t phi,theta,psi; //-- 2) Rotation in Ref. Frame of the Volume //-- Rotation is Using Local Ref. Frame axis angles Double_t thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ; //- Global Translation Lab. frame. Double_t tx,ty,tz; // - Polar angular limits Double_t minTheta=35., maxTheta=55.; // ----- Create R3B geometry -------------------------------------------- //R3B Cave definition FairModule* cave= new R3BCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("r3b_cave.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); //R3B Target definition if (fDetList.FindObject("TARGET") ) { R3BModule* target= new R3BTarget(Target.Data()); // Global Lab. Rotation phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) //target->SetRotAnglesEuler(phi,theta,psi); target->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); target->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); run->AddModule(target); } //R3B Magnet definition if (fDetList.FindObject("ALADIN") ) { fFieldMap = 0; R3BModule* mag = new R3BMagnet("AladinMagnet"); mag->SetGeometryFileName("aladin_v13a.geo.root"); run->AddModule(mag); } //R3B Magnet definition if (fDetList.FindObject("GLAD") ) { fFieldMap = 1; R3BModule* mag = new R3BGladMagnet("GladMagnet"); // Global position of the Module phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) //mag->SetRotAnglesEuler(phi,theta,psi); mag->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); mag->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); run->AddModule(mag); } if (fDetList.FindObject("CRYSTALBALL") ) { //R3B Crystal Calorimeter R3BDetector* xball = new R3BXBall("XBall", kTRUE); xball->SetGeometryFileName("cal_v13a.geo.root"); run->AddModule(xball); } if (fDetList.FindObject("CALIFA") ) { // CALIFA Calorimeter R3BDetector* calo = new R3BCalo("Califa", kTRUE); ((R3BCalo *)calo)->SelectGeometryVersion(10); //Selecting the Non-uniformity of the crystals (1 means +-1% max deviation) ((R3BCalo *)calo)->SetNonUniformity(1.0); calo->SetGeometryFileName("califa_v13_811.geo.root"); run->AddModule(calo); } // Tracker if (fDetList.FindObject("TRACKER") ) { R3BDetector* tra = new R3BTra("Tracker", kTRUE); // Global position of the Module phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) //tra->SetRotAnglesEuler(phi,theta,psi); tra->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); tra->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff Double_t fCutOffSi = 1.0e-06; // Cut-Off -> 10KeV only in Si ((R3BTra*) tra)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSi); run->AddModule(tra); } // DCH drift chambers if (fDetList.FindObject("DCH") ) { R3BDetector* dch = new R3BDch("Dch", kTRUE); ((R3BDch*) dch )->SetHeliumBag(kTRUE); // Global position of the Module phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) //dch->SetRotAnglesEuler(phi,theta,psi); dch->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); dch->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); run->AddModule(dch); } // Tof if (fDetList.FindObject("TOF") ) { R3BDetector* tof = new R3BTof("Tof", kTRUE); // Global position of the Module thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) tof->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); tof->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff Double_t fCutOffSci = 1.0e-05; // Cut-Off -> 10.KeV only in Sci. ((R3BTof*) tof)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSci); run->AddModule(tof); } // mTof if (fDetList.FindObject("MTOF") ) { R3BDetector* mTof = new R3BmTof("mTof", kTRUE); // Global position of the Module phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) //mTof->SetRotAnglesEuler(phi,theta,psi); mTof->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); mTof->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff Double_t fCutOffSci = 1.0e-05; // Cut-Off -> 10.KeV only in Sci. ((R3BmTof*) mTof)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSci); run->AddModule(mTof); } // GFI detector if (fDetList.FindObject("GFI") ) { R3BDetector* gfi = new R3BGfi("Gfi", kTRUE); // Global position of the Module phi = 0.0; // (deg) theta = 0.0; // (deg) psi = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) gfi->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); gfi->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff Double_t fCutOffSci = 1.0e-05; // Cut-Off -> 10.KeV only in Sci. ((R3BGfi*) gfi)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSci); run->AddModule(gfi); } // Land Detector if (fDetList.FindObject("LAND") ) { R3BDetector* land = new R3BLand("Land", kTRUE); land->SetGeometryFileName("land_v12a_10m.geo.root"); run->AddModule(land); } // Chimera if (fDetList.FindObject("CHIMERA") ) { R3BDetector* chim = new R3BChimera("Chimera", kTRUE); chim->SetGeometryFileName("chimera.root"); // Global position of the Module thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 0.0; // (cm) chim->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); chim->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff //Double_t fCutOffSci = 1.0e-05; // Cut-Off -> 10.KeV only in Sci. //((R3BChimera*) chim)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSci); run->AddModule(chim); } // Luminosity detector if (fDetList.FindObject("LUMON") ) { R3BDetector* lumon = new ELILuMon("LuMon", kTRUE); //lumon->SetGeometryFileName("lumon.root"); // Global position of the Module thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Rotation in Ref. Frame. thetaX = 0.0; // (deg) thetaY = 0.0; // (deg) thetaZ = 0.0; // (deg) // Global translation in Lab tx = 0.0; // (cm) ty = 0.0; // (cm) tz = 200.0; // (cm) lumon->SetRotAnglesXYZ(thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ); lumon->SetTranslation(tx,ty,tz); // User defined Energy CutOff //Double_t fCutOffSci = 1.0e-05; // Cut-Off -> 10.KeV only in Sci. //((ELILuMon*) lumon)->SetEnergyCutOff(fCutOffSci); run->AddModule(lumon); } // ----- Create R3B magnetic field ---------------------------------------- Int_t typeOfMagneticField = 0; Int_t fieldScale = 1; Bool_t fVerbose = kFALSE; //NB: <D.B> // If the Global Position of the Magnet is changed // the Field Map has to be transformed accordingly if (fFieldMap == 0) { R3BFieldMap* magField = new R3BFieldMap(typeOfMagneticField,fVerbose); magField->SetPosition(0., 0., 0.); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); if ( fR3BMagnet == kTRUE ) { run->SetField(magField); } else { run->SetField(NULL); } } else if(fFieldMap == 1){ R3BGladFieldMap* magField = new R3BGladFieldMap("R3BGladMap"); magField->SetPosition(0., 0., +350-119.94); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); if ( fR3BMagnet == kTRUE ) { run->SetField(magField); } else { run->SetField(NULL); } } //! end of field map section // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- // 1 - Create the Main API class for the Generator FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); if (fGenerator.CompareTo("box") == 0 ) { // 2- Define the BOX generator Double_t pdgId=211; // pion beam Double_t theta1= 0.; // polar angle distribution Double_t theta2= 7.; Double_t momentum=.8; // 10 GeV/c FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(pdgId, 50); boxGen->SetThetaRange ( theta1, theta2); boxGen->SetPRange (momentum,momentum*2.); boxGen->SetPhiRange (0.,360.); boxGen->SetXYZ(0.0,0.0,-1.5); // add the box generator primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); } if (fGenerator.CompareTo("gammas") == 0 ) { // 2- Define the CALIFA Test gamma generator Double_t pdgId=22; // 22 for gamma emission, 2212 for proton emission Double_t theta1=minTheta; // polar angle distribution: lower edge Double_t theta2=maxTheta; // polar angle distribution: upper edge Double_t momentum=fEnergyP; // GeV/c //Double_t momentum=0.808065; // 0.808065 GeV/c (300MeV Kin Energy for protons) //Double_t momentum=0.31016124; // 0.31016124 GeV/c (50MeV Kin Energy for protons) //Double_t momentum=0.4442972; // 0.4442972 GeV/c (100MeV Kin Energy for protons) //Double_t momentum=0.5509999; // 0.5509999 GeV/c (150MeV Kin Energy for protons) //Double_t momentum=0.64405; // 0.64405 GeV/c (200MeV Kin Energy for protons) Int_t multiplicity = fMult; R3BCALIFATestGenerator* gammasGen = new R3BCALIFATestGenerator(pdgId, multiplicity); gammasGen->SetThetaRange(theta1,theta2); gammasGen->SetCosTheta(); gammasGen->SetPRange(momentum,momentum); gammasGen->SetPhiRange(0.,360.); gammasGen->SetBoxXYZ(-0.1,0.1,-0.1,0.1,-0.1,0.1); gammasGen->SetLorentzBoost(0.8197505718204776); //beta=0.81975 for 700 A MeV // add the gamma generator primGen->AddGenerator(gammasGen); } if (fGenerator.CompareTo("r3b") == 0 ) { R3BSpecificGenerator *pR3bGen = new R3BSpecificGenerator(); // R3bGen properties pR3bGen->SetBeamInteractionFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBeamInteractionFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetRndmFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetRndmEneFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBoostFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetReactionFlag("on"); pR3bGen->SetGammasFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetDecaySchemeFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetDissociationFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBackTrackingFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetSimEmittanceFlag("off"); // R3bGen Parameters pR3bGen->SetBeamEnergy(1.); // Beam Energy in GeV pR3bGen->SetSigmaBeamEnergy(1.e-03); // Sigma(Ebeam) GeV pR3bGen->SetParticleDefinition(2212); // Use Particle Pdg Code pR3bGen->SetEnergyPrim(0.3); // Particle Energy in MeV Int_t fMultiplicity = 50; pR3bGen->SetNumberOfParticles(fMultiplicity); // Mult. // Reaction type // 1: "Elas" // 2: "iso" // 3: "Trans" pR3bGen->SetReactionType("Elas"); // Target type // 1: "LeadTarget" // 2: "Parafin0Deg" // 3: "Parafin45Deg" // 4: "LiH" pR3bGen->SetTargetType(Target.Data()); Double_t thickness = (0.11/2.)/10.; // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetHalfThicknessPara(thickness); // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetThicknessLiH(3.5); // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetRadius(1.); // cm pR3bGen->SetSigmaXInEmittance(1.); //cm pR3bGen->SetSigmaXPrimeInEmittance(0.0001); //cm // Dump the User settings pR3bGen->PrintParameters(); primGen->AddGenerator(pR3bGen); } run->SetGenerator(primGen); //-------Set visualisation flag to true------------------------------------ if (fVis==kTRUE){ run->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); }else{ run->SetStoreTraj(kFALSE); } // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------ Increase nb of step for CALO Int_t nSteps = -15000; gMC->SetMaxNStep(nSteps); // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(ParFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- if (nEvents>0) run->Run(nEvents); // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << OutFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << ParFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; }
void r3blandreco(Int_t nNeutrons, Int_t beamE, Int_t Erel) { Int_t d; if(Erel == 100){ d = 35; } else{ d = 14; } // ----- Files --------------------------------------------------------------- char strDir[] = "."; char str[100]; char str2[100]; sprintf(str, "%1dAMeV.%1dn.%1dkeV.%1dm.root", beamE,nNeutrons, Erel, d); sprintf(str2, "%1dAMeV.%1dkeV.%1dm", beamE, Erel, d); TString inFile = TString(strDir) + "/r3bsim." + TString(str); TString digiFile = TString(strDir) + "/r3bcalibr." + TString(str); TString parFile = TString(strDir) + "/r3bpar." + TString(str); TString calibrFile = TString(strDir) + "/r3bcalibr." + TString(str2) + ".txt"; TString outFile = TString(strDir) + "/r3breco." + TString(str); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Timer --------------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Digitization -------------------------------------------------------- FairRunAna *fRun= new FairRunAna(); fRun->SetInputFile(inFile); fRun->AddFriend(digiFile); fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t beamEnergy; Double_t beamBeta; if(200 == beamE) { beamEnergy=200.; beamBeta=0.5676881; } else if(600 == beamE) { beamEnergy=600.; beamBeta=0.7937626; } else if(1000 == beamE) { beamEnergy=1000.; beamBeta=0.8760237; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Connect the Tracking Task ------------------------------------------- R3BNeutronTracker2D* tracker = new R3BNeutronTracker2D(); tracker->UseBeam(beamEnergy, beamBeta); tracker->ReadCalibrFile(calibrFile.Data()); fRun->AddTask(tracker); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Runtime DataBase info ----------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Number of events to process ----------------------------------------- Int_t nEvents = 10000; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Intialise and run --------------------------------------------------- fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(0, nEvents); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Finish -------------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file writen: " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file writen " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << " s" << endl; cout << endl; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
void run_sim_tpc(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString mcEngine = "TGeant3") { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString geom_dir = dir + "/Detectors/Geometry/"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",geom_dir.Data()); TString tut_configdir = dir + "/Detectors/gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",tut_configdir.Data()); // Output file name char fileout[100]; sprintf(fileout, "AliceO2_%s.tpc.mc_%i_event.root", mcEngine.Data(), nEvents); TString outFile = fileout; // Parameter file name char filepar[100]; sprintf(filepar, "AliceO2_%s.tpc.params_%i.root", mcEngine.Data(), nEvents); TString parFile = filepar; // In general, the following parts need not be touched // Debug option gDebug = 0; // Timer TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // Create simulation run FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(mcEngine); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // Create media run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // Create geometry AliceO2::Passive::Cave* cave = new AliceO2::Passive::Cave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("cave.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); // ===| Add TPC |============================================================ AliceO2::TPC::Detector* tpc = new AliceO2::TPC::Detector("TPC", kTRUE); tpc->SetGeoFileName("TPCGeometry.root"); run->AddModule(tpc); // Create PrimaryGenerator FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(2212, 1); /*protons*/ //boxGen->SetThetaRange(0.0, 90.0); boxGen->SetEtaRange(-0.9,0.9); boxGen->SetPRange(100, 100.01); boxGen->SetPhiRange(0., 360.); boxGen->SetDebug(kTRUE); primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // store track trajectories // run->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); // Initialize simulation run run->Init(); // Runtime database Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // Start run run->Run(nEvents); // run->CreateGeometryFile("geofile_full.root"); // Finish timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; }
void run_sim(Int_t nEvents = 100, TString mcEngine = "TGeant4") { // Output file name TString outFile ="test.root"; // Parameter file name TString parFile="params.root"; // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(mcEngine); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(new FairRootFileSink(outFile)); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create geometry ---------------------------------------------- FairModule* cave= new MyCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("cave.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); FairModule* magnet = new MyMagnet("Magnet"); run->AddModule(magnet); FairModule* pipe = new MyPipe("Pipe"); run->AddModule(pipe); FairDetector* NewDet = new NewDetector("TestDetector", kTRUE); run->AddModule(NewDet); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Magnetic field ------------------------------------------- // Constant Field MyConstField *fMagField = new MyConstField(); fMagField->SetField(0., 20. ,0. ); // values are in kG fMagField->SetFieldRegion(-200, 200,-200, 200, -200, 200); // values are in cm // (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax) run->SetField(fMagField); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); // Add a box generator also to the run FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(13, 5); // 13 = muon; 1 = multipl. boxGen->SetPRange(20,25); // GeV/c boxGen->SetPhiRange(0., 360.); // Azimuth angle range [degree] boxGen->SetThetaRange(0., 90.); // Polar angle in lab system range [degree] boxGen->SetXYZ(0., 0., 0.); // cm primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //---Store the visualiztion info of the tracks, this make the output file very large!! //--- Use it only to display but not for production! run->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); //You can export your ROOT geometry ot a separate file run->CreateGeometryFile("geofile_full.root"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
void run_sim(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString mcEngine = "TGeant3", Int_t fileId = 0) { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString tutdir = dir + "/MQ/9-PixelDetector"; TString tut_geomdir = dir + "/common/geometry"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",tut_geomdir.Data()); TString tut_configdir = dir + "/common/gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",tut_configdir.Data()); TString partName[] = {"pions","eplus","proton"}; Int_t partPdgC[] = { 211, 11, 2212}; Int_t chosenPart = 0; TString outDir = "./"; // Output file name TString outFile; if ( fileId == 0 ) outFile = Form("%s/pixel_%s.mc.root", outDir.Data(), mcEngine.Data()); else outFile = Form("%s/pixel_%s.mc.f%d.root", outDir.Data(), mcEngine.Data(), fileId); // Parameter file name TString parFile = Form("%s/pixel_%s.params.root", outDir.Data(), mcEngine.Data()); // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(mcEngine); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create geometry ---------------------------------------------- FairModule* cave= new FairCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("cave_vacuum.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); Pixel* det = new Pixel("Tut9", kTRUE); det->SetGeometryFileName("pixel.geo"); // det->SetMisalignDetector(kTRUE); run->AddModule(det); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(partPdgC[chosenPart], 5); boxGen->SetPRange(1,2); boxGen->SetThetaRange(0,40); boxGen->SetPhiRange(0,360); // boxGen->SetDebug(kTRUE); primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ run->SetStoreTraj(kFALSE); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); run->CreateGeometryFile("geofile_full.root"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- cout << endl << endl; // Extract the maximal used memory an add is as Dart measurement // This line is filtered by CTest and the value send to CDash FairSystemInfo sysInfo; Float_t maxMemory=sysInfo.GetMaxMemory(); cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"MaxMemory\" type=\"numeric/double\">"; cout << maxMemory; cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl; timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); Float_t cpuUsage=ctime/rtime; cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"CpuLoad\" type=\"numeric/double\">"; cout << cpuUsage; cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished successfully." << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
void run_tutorial4(Int_t nEvents = 10) { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString tutdir = dir + "/Tutorial4"; TString tut_geomdir = dir + "/geometry"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",tut_geomdir.Data()); TString tut_configdir = dir + "/Tutorial4/macros/gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",tut_configdir.Data()); Double_t momentum = 2.; Double_t theta = 2.; TString outDir = "./"; // Output file name TString outFile ="data/testrun.root"; TString parFile ="data/testparams.root"; TList *parFileList = new TList(); TString workDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); paramDir = workDir + "/Tutorial4/macros/parameters/"; TObjString tutDetDigiFile = paramDir + "example.par"; parFileList->Add(&tutDetDigiFile); // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Does not work with automatic loading pf libraries. The info is not in the rootmap file // gLogger->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO"); // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName("TGeant3"); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create geometry ---------------------------------------------- FairModule* cave= new FairCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("cave_vacuum.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); FairTutorialDet4* tutdet = new FairTutorialDet4("TUTDET", kTRUE); tutdet->SetGeometryFileName("tutorial4.root"); tutdet->SetModifyGeometry(kTRUE); run->AddModule(tutdet); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(2212, 1); boxGen->SetThetaRange ( theta, theta+0.1); // boxGen->SetThetaRange ( 0., 0.); boxGen->SetPRange (momentum,momentum+0.01); boxGen->SetPhiRange (0.,360.); boxGen->SetBoxXYZ (-20.,-20.,20.,20., 0.); // boxGen->SetBoxXYZ (0.,0.,0.,0., 0.); // boxGen->SetDebug(kTRUE); primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIn = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); parIn->open(parFileList, "in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIn); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ run->Init(); // -Trajectories Visualization (TGeoManager Only ) // ----------------------------------------------- // Set cuts for storing the trajectpries /* FairTrajFilter* trajFilter = FairTrajFilter::Instance(); trajFilter->SetStepSizeCut(0.01); // 1 cm trajFilter->SetVertexCut(-2000., -2000., 4., 2000., 2000., 100.); trajFilter->SetMomentumCutP(10e-3); // p_lab > 10 MeV trajFilter->SetEnergyCut(0., 1.02); // 0 < Etot < 1.04 GeV trajFilter->SetStorePrimaries(kTRUE); trajFilter->SetStoreSecondaries(kTRUE); */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); run->CreateGeometryFile("data/geofile_full.root"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); delete run; // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; }
void run_sample_data() { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); const Int_t nev = -1; // number of events to read, -1 - untill CTRL+C const Int_t trigger = -1; // 1 - onspill, 2 - offspill. -1 - all TString filename = "sample_data_2.lmd"; TString outputFileName = "output_raw_land.root"; // name of output file const Int_t refresh = 100000; // refresh rate for saving control histograms TString parFileName = "params_raw_land.root"; // name of parameter file const Int_t updateRate = 150000; const Int_t minStats = 10000; // minimum number of entries for TCAL calibration const Int_t nModules = 800; // number of photomultipliers (for TCAL calibration) // Create source with unpackers ---------------------------------------------- TString ntuple_options = "UNPACK:EVENTNO,UNPACK:TRIGGER,RAW"; TString ucesb_dir = getenv("UCESB_DIR"); TString ucesb_path = ucesb_dir + "/../upexps/s438b/s438b"; EXT_STR_h101 ucesb_struct; R3BUcesbSource* source = new R3BUcesbSource(filename, ntuple_options, ucesb_path, &ucesb_struct, sizeof(ucesb_struct)); source->SetMaxEvents(nev); source->AddReader(new R3BUnpackReader((EXT_STR_h101_unpack*)&ucesb_struct.unpack, offsetof(EXT_STR_h101, unpack))); source->AddReader(new R3BNeulandTacquilaReader((EXT_STR_h101_raw_nnp*)&ucesb_struct.nnp, offsetof(EXT_STR_h101, nnp))); source->AddReader(new R3BLosReader((EXT_STR_h101_LOS*)&ucesb_struct.los, offsetof(EXT_STR_h101, los))); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create online run --------------------------------------------------------- FairRunOnline* run = new FairRunOnline(source); run->SetOutputFile(outputFileName.Data()); run->SetRunId(1111); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create ALADIN field map --------------------------------------------------- R3BAladinFieldMap* magField = new R3BAladinFieldMap("AladinMaps"); Double_t fMeasCurrent = 2500.; // I_current [A] magField->SetCurrent(fMeasCurrent); magField->SetScale(1.); run->SetField(magField); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TCAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- R3BNeulandMapped2CalPar* tcalFill = new R3BNeulandMapped2CalPar("TcalFill"); tcalFill->SetUpdateRate(updateRate); tcalFill->SetMinStats(minStats); tcalFill->SetTrigger(trigger); tcalFill->SetNofModules(nModules); run->AddTask(tcalFill); R3BLosMapped2CalPar* losTcalFill = new R3BLosMapped2CalPar("LosTcalFill"); losTcalFill->SetUpdateRate(updateRate); losTcalFill->SetMinStats(minStats); losTcalFill->SetNofModules(1, 4); run->AddTask(losTcalFill); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add analysis task --------------------------------------------------------- R3BNeulandMappedHist* ana = new R3BNeulandMappedHist("LandRawAna", 1); run->AddTask(ana); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------- run->Init(); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runtime data base --------------------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); R3BFieldPar* fieldPar = (R3BFieldPar*)rtdb->getContainer("R3BFieldPar"); fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFileName); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->print(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nev < 0) { run->Run(nev, 0); } else { run->Run(0, nev); } rtdb->saveOutput(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outputFileName << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFileName << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; if(ana->GetNItemsTotal() > 3800) { cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; } delete run; }
void sim(Int_t file_nr=0, Int_t nEvents=1, Int_t s=0, Int_t seed=1){ Char_t filenr[4]; sprintf(filenr,"%04d",file_nr); printf("Filenr: %s\n", filenr); TString signal; if (s!=3312 && s!=3334) signal = "la"; else if (s==3312) signal = "xi"; else if (s==3334) signal = "om"; // ----- Paths and file names -------------------------------------------- TString inDir = gSystem->Getenv("URQMD_INPUT_PATH"); TString inFile = inDir + "/urqmd.auau.25gev.centr." + filenr + ".ftn14"; TString outDir= TString(filenr); outDir+= "/"; gSystem->mkdir(outDir.Data()); TString outFile = outDir+signal+".mc.root"; TString parFile = outDir+signal+".par.root"; // ----- Geometries ----------------------------------------------------- TString caveGeom = "cave.geo"; TString pipeGeom = "pipe_standard.geo"; TString targetGeom = "target_au_250mu.geo"; TString magnetGeom = "magnet_standard.geo"; TString stsGeom = "sts_Standard_s3055AAFK5.SecD.geo"; // ----- Magnetic field ----------------------------------------------- TString fieldMap = "FieldMuonMagnet"; // name of field map Double_t fieldZ = 50.; // field centre z position Double_t fieldScale = 1.; // field scaling factor gDebug = 0; gRandom->SetSeed(seed); // ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------- cout << endl << "=== much_sim.C : Loading libraries ..." << endl; gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/analysis/hyperon/analysislibs.C"); analysislibs(); FairRunSim* fRun = new FairRunSim(); fRun->SetName("TGeant3"); fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile.Data()); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); fRun->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // ----- Create detectors and passive volumes ------------------------- cout << endl << "=== much_sim.C : Create geeometry ..." << endl; if ( caveGeom != "" ) { FairModule* cave = new CbmCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName(caveGeom); fRun->AddModule(cave); cout << " --- " << caveGeom << endl; } if ( pipeGeom != "" ) { FairModule* pipe = new CbmPipe("PIPE"); pipe->SetGeometryFileName(pipeGeom); fRun->AddModule(pipe); cout << " --- " << pipeGeom << endl; } if ( targetGeom != "" ) { FairModule* target = new CbmTarget("Target"); target->SetGeometryFileName(targetGeom); fRun->AddModule(target); cout << " --- " << targetGeom << endl; } if ( magnetGeom != "" ) { FairModule* magnet = new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); magnet->SetGeometryFileName(magnetGeom); fRun->AddModule(magnet); cout << " --- " << magnetGeom << endl; } if ( stsGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* sts = new CbmSts("STS", kTRUE); sts->SetGeometryFileName(stsGeom); cout << " --- " << stsGeom << endl; fRun->AddModule(sts); } // ----- Create magnetic field ---------------------------------------- cout << endl << "=== much_sim.C : Create magnetic field ..." << endl; CbmFieldMap* magField = NULL; if ( fieldMap == "FieldActive" || fieldMap == "FieldIron") magField = new CbmFieldMapSym3(fieldMap); else if ( fieldMap == "FieldAlligator" ) magField = new CbmFieldMapSym2(fieldMap); else if ( fieldMap == "FieldMuonMagnet" ) magField = new CbmFieldMapSym3(fieldMap); else { cout << "===> ERROR: Field map " << fieldMap << " unknown! " << endl; exit; } magField->SetPosition(0., 0., fieldZ); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); fRun->SetField(magField); // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- cout << endl << "=== much_sim.C : Create generators ..." << endl; FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); if (signal=="om"){ delete gRandom; gRandom = new TRandom3(); CbmAnaHypYPtGenerator* gen = new CbmAnaHypYPtGenerator(3334); gen->SetDistributionPt(0.1603); // 6 GeV gen->SetDistributionY(1.277,0.412); // 6 GeV //gen->SetDistributionPt(0.149808); // 25 GeV //gen->SetDistributionY(1.9875,0.546669); // 25 GeV gen->Init(); primGen->AddGenerator(gen); } else if (signal=="xi"){ delete gRandom; gRandom = new TRandom3(); CbmAnaHypYPtGenerator* gen = new CbmAnaHypYPtGenerator(3312); gen->SetDistributionPt(0.1603); // 6 GeV gen->SetDistributionY(1.277,0.412); // 6 GeV //gen->SetDistributionPt(0.154319); // 25 GeV //gen->SetDistributionY(1.98604,0.617173); // 25 GeV gen->Init(); primGen->AddGenerator(gen); } FairUrqmdGenerator* urqmdGen = new FairUrqmdGenerator(inFile.Data()); primGen->AddGenerator(urqmdGen); fRun->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fRun->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CbmFieldPar* fieldPar = (CbmFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("CbmFieldPar"); fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); fieldPar->setInputVersion(fRun->GetRunId(),1); Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); fRun->Run(nEvents); // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "=== sim.C : Macro finished successfully." << endl; cout << "=== sim.C : Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "=== sim.C : Real time used: " << rtime << "s " << endl; cout << "=== sim.C : CPU time used : " << ctime << "s " << endl; cout << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
void r3ball(Int_t nEvents = 1, TMap* fDetList = NULL, TString Target = "LeadTarget", Bool_t fVis = kFALSE, TString fMC = "TGeant3", TString fGenerator = "box", Bool_t fUserPList = kFALSE, Bool_t fR3BMagnet = kTRUE, Double_t fMeasCurrent = 2000., TString OutFile = "r3bsim.root", TString ParFile = "r3bpar.root", TString InFile = "evt_gen.dat") { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString r3bdir = dir + "/macros"; TString r3b_geomdir = dir + "/geometry"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",r3b_geomdir.Data()); TString r3b_confdir = dir + "gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",r3b_confdir.Data()); // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(fMC.Data()); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(OutFile.Data()); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // R3B Special Physics List in G4 case if ( (fUserPList == kTRUE ) && (fMC.CompareTo("TGeant4") == 0)) { run->SetUserConfig("g4R3bConfig.C"); run->SetUserCuts("SetR3BCuts.C"); } // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media_r3b.geo"); // Materials // Magnetic field map type Int_t fFieldMap = 0; // Global Transformations //- Two ways for a Volume Rotation are supported //-- 1) Global Rotation (Euler Angles definition) //-- This represent the composition of : first a rotation about Z axis with //-- angle phi, then a rotation with theta about the rotated X axis, and //-- finally a rotation with psi about the new Z axis. Double_t phi,theta,psi; //-- 2) Rotation in Ref. Frame of the Volume //-- Rotation is Using Local Ref. Frame axis angles Double_t thetaX,thetaY,thetaZ; //- Global Translation Lab. frame. Double_t tx,ty,tz; // ----- Create R3B geometry -------------------------------------------- //R3B Cave definition FairModule* cave= new R3BCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("r3b_cave.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); //R3B Target definition if (fDetList->FindObject("TARGET") ) { R3BModule* target= new R3BTarget(Target.Data()); target->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("TARGET"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(target); } //R3B SiTracker Cooling definition if (fDetList->FindObject("VACVESSELCOOL") ) { R3BModule* vesselcool= new R3BVacVesselCool(Target.Data()); vesselcool->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("VACVESSELCOOL"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(vesselcool); } //R3B Magnet definition if (fDetList->FindObject("ALADIN") ) { fFieldMap = 0; R3BModule* mag = new R3BMagnet("AladinMagnet"); mag->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("ALADIN"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(mag); } //R3B Magnet definition if (fDetList->FindObject("GLAD") ) { fFieldMap = 1; R3BModule* mag = new R3BGladMagnet("GladMagnet"); mag->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("GLAD"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(mag); } if (fDetList->FindObject("CRYSTALBALL") ) { //R3B Crystal Calorimeter R3BDetector* xball = new R3BXBall("XBall", kTRUE); xball->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("CRYSTALBALL"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(xball); } if (fDetList->FindObject("CALIFA") ) { // CALIFA Calorimeter R3BDetector* calo = new R3BCalo("Califa", kTRUE); ((R3BCalo *)calo)->SelectGeometryVersion(10); //Selecting the Non-uniformity of the crystals (1 means +-1% max deviation) ((R3BCalo *)calo)->SetNonUniformity(1.0); calo->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("CALIFA"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(calo); } // Tracker if (fDetList->FindObject("TRACKER") ) { R3BDetector* tra = new R3BTra("Tracker", kTRUE); tra->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("TRACKER"))->GetString().Data()); tra->SetEnergyCut(1e-4); run->AddModule(tra); } // STaRTrack if (fDetList->FindObject("STaRTrack") ) { R3BDetector* tra = new R3BSTaRTra("STaRTrack", kTRUE); tra->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("STaRTrack"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(tra); } // DCH drift chambers if (fDetList->FindObject("DCH") ) { R3BDetector* dch = new R3BDch("Dch", kTRUE); dch->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("DCH"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(dch); } // Tof if (fDetList->FindObject("TOF") ) { R3BDetector* tof = new R3BTof("Tof", kTRUE); tof->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("TOF"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(tof); } // mTof if (fDetList->FindObject("MTOF") ) { R3BDetector* mTof = new R3BmTof("mTof", kTRUE); mTof->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("MTOF"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(mTof); } // dTof if (fDetList->FindObject("DTOF") ) { R3BDetector* dTof = new R3BdTof("dTof", kTRUE); dTof->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("DTOF"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(dTof); } // GFI detector if (fDetList->FindObject("GFI") ) { R3BDetector* gfi = new R3BGfi("Gfi", kTRUE); gfi->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("GFI"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(gfi); } // Land Detector if (fDetList->FindObject("LAND") ) { R3BDetector* land = new R3BLand("Land", kTRUE); land->SetVerboseLevel(1); land->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("LAND"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(land); } // NeuLand Scintillator Detector if(fDetList->FindObject("SCINTNEULAND")) { R3BDetector* land = new R3BLand("Land", kTRUE); land->SetVerboseLevel(1); land->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("SCINTNEULAND"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(land); } // MFI Detector if(fDetList->FindObject("MFI")) { R3BDetector* mfi = new R3BMfi("Mfi", kTRUE); mfi->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("MFI"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(mfi); } // PSP Detector if(fDetList->FindObject("PSP")) { R3BDetector* psp = new R3BPsp("Psp", kTRUE); psp->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("PSP"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(psp); } // Luminosity detector if (fDetList->FindObject("LUMON") ) { R3BDetector* lumon = new ELILuMon("LuMon", kTRUE); lumon->SetGeometryFileName(((TObjString*)fDetList->GetValue("LUMON"))->GetString().Data()); run->AddModule(lumon); } // ----- Create R3B magnetic field ---------------------------------------- Int_t typeOfMagneticField = 0; Int_t fieldScale = 1; Bool_t fVerbose = kFALSE; //NB: <D.B> // If the Global Position of the Magnet is changed // the Field Map has to be transformed accordingly FairField *magField = NULL; if (fFieldMap == 0) { magField = new R3BAladinFieldMap("AladinMaps"); ((R3BAladinFieldMap*)magField)->SetCurrent(fMeasCurrent); ((R3BAladinFieldMap*)magField)->SetScale(fieldScale); if ( fR3BMagnet == kTRUE ) { run->SetField(magField); } else { run->SetField(NULL); } } else if(fFieldMap == 1){ magField = new R3BGladFieldMap("R3BGladMap"); ((R3BGladFieldMap*)magField)->SetPosition(0., 0., +350-119.94); ((R3BGladFieldMap*)magField)->SetScale(fieldScale); if ( fR3BMagnet == kTRUE ) { run->SetField(magField); } else { run->SetField(NULL); } } //! end of field map section // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- // 1 - Create the Main API class for the Generator FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); if (fGenerator.CompareTo("box") == 0 ) { // 2- Define the BOX generator Int_t pdgId = 211; // pion beam Double32_t theta1 = 0.; // polar angle distribution Double32_t theta2 = 7.; Double32_t momentum = 0.8; FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(pdgId, 50); boxGen->SetThetaRange(theta1, theta2); boxGen->SetPRange(momentum, momentum*2.); boxGen->SetPhiRange(0, 360); boxGen->SetXYZ(0.0, 0.0, -1.5); // boxGen->SetXYZ(0.0, 0.0, -300.); // add the box generator primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); } if (fGenerator.CompareTo("ascii") == 0 ) { R3BAsciiGenerator* gen = new R3BAsciiGenerator((dir+"/input/"+InFile).Data()); primGen->AddGenerator(gen); } if (fGenerator.CompareTo("r3b") == 0 ) { R3BSpecificGenerator *pR3bGen = new R3BSpecificGenerator(); // R3bGen properties pR3bGen->SetBeamInteractionFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBeamInteractionFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetRndmFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetRndmEneFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBoostFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetReactionFlag("on"); pR3bGen->SetGammasFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetDecaySchemeFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetDissociationFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetBackTrackingFlag("off"); pR3bGen->SetSimEmittanceFlag("off"); // R3bGen Parameters pR3bGen->SetBeamEnergy(1.); // Beam Energy in GeV pR3bGen->SetSigmaBeamEnergy(1.e-03); // Sigma(Ebeam) GeV pR3bGen->SetParticleDefinition(2212); // Use Particle Pdg Code pR3bGen->SetEnergyPrim(0.3); // Particle Energy in MeV Int_t fMultiplicity = 50; pR3bGen->SetNumberOfParticles(fMultiplicity); // Mult. // Reaction type // 1: "Elas" // 2: "iso" // 3: "Trans" pR3bGen->SetReactionType("Elas"); // Target type // 1: "LeadTarget" // 2: "Parafin0Deg" // 3: "Parafin45Deg" // 4: "LiH" pR3bGen->SetTargetType(Target.Data()); Double_t thickness = (0.11/2.)/10.; // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetHalfThicknessPara(thickness); // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetThicknessLiH(3.5); // cm pR3bGen->SetTargetRadius(1.); // cm pR3bGen->SetSigmaXInEmittance(1.); //cm pR3bGen->SetSigmaXPrimeInEmittance(0.0001); //cm // Dump the User settings pR3bGen->PrintParameters(); primGen->AddGenerator(pR3bGen); } run->SetGenerator(primGen); //-------Set visualisation flag to true------------------------------------ run->SetStoreTraj(fVis); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogVerbosityLevel("LOW"); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------ Increase nb of step for CALO Int_t nSteps = -15000; gMC->SetMaxNStep(nSteps); // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- R3BFieldPar* fieldPar = (R3BFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("R3BFieldPar"); if(NULL != magField) { fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); } Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(ParFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- if(nEvents > 0) { run->Run(nEvents); } // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << OutFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << ParFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; }
void number_of_particles_leaving_GEM_hits_boxgen(TString pre="", int nevts=0, double mom=4.1){ TDatabasePDG::Instance()-> AddParticle("pbarpSystem","pbarpSystem", 1.9, kFALSE, 0.1, 0,"", 88888); TStopwatch timer; if (pre==""){ //Output File TString OutputFile = "test_analysis_output.root"; TString outPath = ""; //Input simulation Files TString inPIDFile = "pid_complete.root"; TString inParFile = "simparams.root"; } else { //Output File TString outPath = pre + "_"; TString OutputFile = pre + "_test_analysis_output.root"; //Input simulation Files TString inPIDFile = pre + "_pid_complete.root"; TString inParFile = pre + "_simparams.root"; } TString PIDParFile = TString( gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + "/macro/params/all.par"; //Initialization FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogToFile(kFALSE); FairRunAna* RunAna = new FairRunAna(); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = RunAna->GetRuntimeDb(); RunAna->SetInputFile(inPIDFile); //setup parameter database FairParRootFileIo* parIo = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo->open(inParFile); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIoPID = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIoPID->open(PIDParFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIoPID); rtdb->setOutput(parIo); RunAna->SetOutputFile(OutputFile); RunAna->Init(); /************************************************************************* * Create new ntuple and fill them with information ************************************************************************/ //*** create tuples RhoTuple * ntpPiMinus = new RhoTuple("ntpPiMinus", "PiMinus info"); RhoTuple * ntpPiPlus = new RhoTuple("ntpPiPlus", "PiPlus info"); RhoTuple * ntpKaonMinus = new RhoTuple("ntpKaonMinus", "KaonMinus info"); RhoTuple * ntpKaonPlus = new RhoTuple("ntpKaonPlus", "KaonPlus info"); RhoTuple * ntpProton = new RhoTuple("ntpProton", "Proton info"); RhoTuple * ntpAntiProton = new RhoTuple("ntpAntiProton", "Antiproton info"); //Create output file TFile *out = TFile::Open(outPath+"test_output_ana.root","RECREATE"); // data reader Object PndAnalysis* theAnalysis = new PndAnalysis(); if (nevts==0) nevts = theAnalysis->GetEntries(); //RhoCandLists for analysis RhoCandList piplus, piminus, proton, antiproton, kaonminus, kaonplus; RhoCandidate * dummyCand = new RhoCandidate(); //dummy candidate for empty candidate usage double p_m0 = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("proton")->Mass(); TLorentzVector ini (0,0, mom, sqrt(p_m0*p_m0+ mom*mom)+p_m0); TVector3 beamBoost = ini.BoostVector(); PndRhoTupleQA qa(theAnalysis, mom); int evt=-1; while (theAnalysis->GetEvent() && ++evt<nevts){ if ((evt%100)==0) cout << "evt "<< evt <<endl; TString PidSelection = "PidAlgoIdealCharged";//"PidAlgoMvd;PidAlgoStt;PidAlgoDrc"; to change from ideal PID to realistic PID uncomment this! //***Selection with no PID info theAnalysis->FillList(piminus, "PionBestMinus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(piplus, "PionBestPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(kaonminus, "KaonBestMinus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(kaonplus, "KaonBestPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(proton, "ProtonBestPlus", PidSelection); theAnalysis->FillList(antiproton, "ProtonBestMinus", PidSelection); //Get piminus information ntpPiMinus->Column("ev", (Float_t) evt); for (int j=0; j<piminus.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = piminus[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpPiMinus->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(piminus[j]); ntpPiMinus->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(piminus[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpPiMinus->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpPiMinus->DumpData(); //Get PiPlus information ntpPiPlus->Column("ev", (int) evt); for (int j=0; j<piplus.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = piplus[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpPiPlus->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(piplus[j]); ntpPiPlus->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(piplus[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpPiPlus->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpPiPlus->DumpData(); ntpKaonMinus->Column("ev", (int) evt); for (int j=0; j<kaonminus.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = kaonminus[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpKaonMinus->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(kaonminus[j]); ntpKaonMinus->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(kaonminus[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpKaonMinus->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpKaonMinus->DumpData(); ntpKaonPlus->Column("ev", (int) evt); for (int j=0; j<kaonplus.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = kaonplus[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpKaonPlus->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(kaonplus[j]); ntpKaonPlus->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(kaonplus[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpKaonPlus->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpKaonPlus->DumpData(); // Get Proton information ntpProton->Column("ev", (int) evt); for (int j=0; j<proton.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = proton[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpProton->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(proton[j]); ntpProton->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(proton[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpProton->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpProton->DumpData(); // Get Antiproton ntpAntiProton->Column("ev", (int) evt); for (int j=0; j<antiproton.GetLength(); ++j){ //information about the mother and MCTruth Candidate TLorentzVector l; float costheta = -999.; RhoCandidate * truth = antiproton[j]->GetMcTruth(); RhoCandidate * mother; if (truth) mother = truth->TheMother(); int moth = (mother==0x0) ? 88888 : mother->PdgCode(); ntpAntiProton->Column("Mother", (Int_t) moth); bool truthmatch = theAnalysis->McTruthMatch(antiproton[j]); ntpAntiProton->Column("MCTruthMatch", (bool) truthmatch); int gemhit = GemHits(antiproton[j]); int count = 0; if (moth==88888 && gemhit==1 && truthmatch==1) count=1; ntpAntiProton->Column("GemHit", (int) count, 0); } ntpAntiProton->DumpData(); } //Write output out->cd(); ntpPiMinus ->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpPiPlus->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpKaonMinus ->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpKaonPlus->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpProton->GetInternalTree()->Write(); ntpAntiProton->GetInternalTree()->Write(); out->Save(); timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout<<"Macro finisched successfully."<<endl; cout<<"Realtime: "<<rtime<<" s, CPU time: "<<ctime<<" s"<<endl; cout<<endl; exit(0); }
emc_complete(Int_t nEvents = 10, Float_t mom = 1., Int_t charge = 1, TString phys_list, Bool_t full_panda, TString out_dat, TString out_par){ TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gDebug=0; // Load basic libraries // If it does not work, please check the path of the libs and put it by hands gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C"); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); rootlogon(); basiclibs(); //gSystem->ListLibraries(); FairRunSim *fRun = new FairRunSim(); // set the MC version used // ------------------------ Bool_t G3 = strncmp(phys_list.Data(),"G3_",3)==0; cout << "Setting up MC engine to " << (G3?"TGeant3":"TGeant4") << " with " << (full_panda?"full PANDA":"EMCal only")<< endl; fRun->SetName(G3?"TGeant3":"TGeant4"); fRun->SetOutputFile(out_dat); /**Get the run time data base for this session and set the needed input*/ FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); /**Set the digitization parameters */ TString emcDigiFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); emcDigiFile += "/macro/params/emc.par"; FairParAsciiFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIo1->open(emcDigiFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); /**Parameters created for this simulation goes to the out put*/ Bool_t kParameterMerged=kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* output=new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); output->open(out_par); rtdb->setOutput(output); // Set Material file Name //----------------------- fRun->SetMaterials("media_pnd.geo"); // Create and add detectors //------------------------- FairModule *Cave= new PndCave("CAVE"); Cave->SetGeometryFileName("pndcave.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Cave); if (full_panda) { //------------------------- Magnet ----------------- FairModule *Magnet= new PndMagnet("MAGNET"); //Magnet->SetGeometryFileName("FullSolenoid_V842.root"); Magnet->SetGeometryFileName("FullSuperconductingSolenoid_v831.root"); fRun->AddModule(Magnet); FairModule *Dipole= new PndMagnet("MAGNET"); Dipole->SetGeometryFileName("dipole.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Dipole); //------------------------- Pipe ----------------- FairModule *Pipe= new PndPipe("PIPE"); Pipe->SetGeometryFileName("beampipe_201112.root"); fRun->AddModule(Pipe); //------------------------- STT ----------------- FairDetector *Stt= new PndStt("STT", kTRUE); Stt->SetGeometryFileName("straws_skewed_blocks_35cm_pipe.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Stt); //------------------------- MVD ----------------- FairDetector *Mvd = new PndMvdDetector("MVD", kTRUE); Mvd->SetGeometryFileName("Mvd-2.1_FullVersion.root"); fRun->AddModule(Mvd); //------------------------- GEM ----------------- FairDetector *Gem = new PndGemDetector("GEM", kTRUE); Gem->SetGeometryFileName("gem_3Stations.root"); fRun->AddModule(Gem); } //------------------------- EMC ----------------- PndEmc *Emc = new PndEmc("EMC",kTRUE); Emc->SetGeometryVersion(1); Emc->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddModule(Emc); if (full_panda) { //------------------------- SCITIL ----------------- FairDetector *SciT = new PndSciT("SCIT",kTRUE); SciT->SetGeometryFileName("barrel-SciTil_07022013.root"); fRun->AddModule(SciT); //------------------------- DRC ----------------- PndDrc *Drc = new PndDrc("DIRC", kTRUE); Drc->SetGeometryFileName("dirc_l0_p0_updated.root"); Drc->SetRunCherenkov(kFALSE); fRun->AddModule(Drc); //------------------------- DISC ----------------- PndDsk* Dsk = new PndDsk("DSK", kTRUE); Dsk->SetStoreCerenkovs(kFALSE); Dsk->SetStoreTrackPoints(kFALSE); fRun->AddModule(Dsk); //------------------------- MDT ----------------- PndMdt *Muo = new PndMdt("MDT",kTRUE); Muo->SetBarrel("fast"); Muo->SetEndcap("fast"); Muo->SetMuonFilter("fast"); Muo->SetForward("fast"); Muo->SetMdtMagnet(kTRUE); Muo->SetMdtMFIron(kTRUE); fRun->AddModule(Muo); //------------------------- FTS ----------------- FairDetector *Fts= new PndFts("FTS", kTRUE); Fts->SetGeometryFileName("fts.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Fts); //------------------------- FTOF ----------------- FairDetector *FTof = new PndFtof("FTOF",kTRUE); FTof->SetGeometryFileName("ftofwall.root"); fRun->AddModule(FTof); //------------------------- RICH ---------------- FairDetector *Rich= new PndRich("RICH",kFALSE); Rich->SetGeometryFileName("rich_v2.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Rich); } // Create and Set Event Generator //------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); fRun->SetGenerator(primGen); // Box Generator. first number: PDG particle code: 2nd number: particle multiplicity per event FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(charge*211, 1); // 13 = muon // 1 = multipl. // 211 = pi+ // -211 = pi- boxGen->SetPRange(mom,mom); // GeV/c // boxGen->SetPtRange(1.,1.); // GeV/c boxGen->SetPhiRange(0., 360.); // Azimuth angle range [degree] boxGen->SetThetaRange(85., 95.); // Polar angle in lab system range [degree] - restrict to small rapidity boxGen->SetXYZ(0., 0., 0.); // vertex coordinates [mm] primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); fRun->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); // to store particle trajectories fRun->SetBeamMom(15); //---------------------Create and Set the Field(s)---------- PndMultiField *fField= new PndMultiField("FULL"); fRun->SetField(fField); //----------- Add Hit producer task to the simulation ------ PndEmcHitProducer* emcHitProd = new PndEmcHitProducer(); emcHitProd->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddTask(emcHitProd); PndEmcHitsToWaveform* emcHitsToWaveform= new PndEmcHitsToWaveform(0); PndEmcWaveformToDigi* emcWaveformToDigi=new PndEmcWaveformToDigi(0); //emcHitsToWaveform->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); //emcWaveformToDigi->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddTask(emcHitsToWaveform); // full digitization fRun->AddTask(emcWaveformToDigi); // full digitization PndEmcMakeCluster* emcMakeCluster= new PndEmcMakeCluster(0); //emcMakeCluster->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddTask(emcMakeCluster); PndEmcHdrFiller* emcHdrFiller = new PndEmcHdrFiller(); fRun->AddTask(emcHdrFiller); // ECM header PndEmcMakeBump* emcMakeBump= new PndEmcMakeBump(); //emcMakeBump->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddTask(emcMakeBump); PndEmcMakeRecoHit* emcMakeRecoHit= new PndEmcMakeRecoHit(); fRun->AddTask(emcMakeRecoHit); /**Initialize the session*/ fRun->Init(); PndEmcMapper *emcMap = PndEmcMapper::Init(1); /**After initialization now we can save the field parameters */ PndMultiFieldPar* Par = (PndMultiFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("PndMultiFieldPar"); if (fField) { Par->SetParameters(fField); } Par->setInputVersion(fRun->GetRunId(),1); Par->setChanged(); /**All parameters are initialized and ready to be saved*/ rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // Transport nEvents // ----------------- fRun->Run(nEvents); timer.Stop(); printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n",timer.RealTime(),timer.CpuTime()); }
void much_reco(){ Int_t nEvents=10; TString dir = "data/"; TString mcFile = dir + "mc.root"; TString stsRecoFile = dir + "sts.reco.0.root"; TString outFile = dir + "much.reco.0.root"; TString parFile = dir + "param.root"; TString digiFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); digiFile += "/parameters/much/much_v11a.digi.root"; TChain* mcFileChain = new TChain("cbmsim"); mcFileChain->AddFile(dir+"/mc.root"); Int_t iVerbose = 2; gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/much/muchlibs.C"); muchlibs(); FairRunAna *fRun= new FairRunAna(); fRun->SetInputFile(mcFile); fRun->AddFriend(stsRecoFile); fRun->SetOutputFile(outFile); // --- MuCh digitizer ---------------------------------------------------- CbmMuchDigitizeAdvancedGem* digitize = new CbmMuchDigitizeAdvancedGem("MuchDigitizeAdvancedGem", digiFile, iVerbose); digitize->SetSpotRadius(0.05); digitize->SetQMaximum(500000); digitize->SetNADCChannels(256); digitize->SetMeanGasGain(17000); digitize->SetDeadTime(500); // ns digitize->SetDTime(4); // ns fRun->AddTask(digitize); CbmMuchFindHitsAdvancedGem* findHits = new CbmMuchFindHitsAdvancedGem("MuchFindHitsAdvancedGem", digiFile, iVerbose); findHits->SetAlgorithm(3); fRun->AddTask(findHits); CbmLitFindGlobalTracks* finder = new CbmLitFindGlobalTracks(); finder->SetTrackingType("branch"); finder->SetMergerType("nearest_hit"); fRun->AddTask(finder); CbmMuchMatchTracks* muchMatchTracks = new CbmMuchMatchTracks(); fRun->AddTask(muchMatchTracks); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); fRun->Init(); fRun->Run(0,nEvents); return; }
// Macro created 20/09/2006 by S.Spataro // It creates a geant simulation file for emc run_sim_tpc_dpm(Int_t nEvents=10, Float_t mom = 3.6772, Int_t mode =1, UInt_t seed=0){ gRandom->SetSeed(seed); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gDebug=0; // Load basic libraries // If it does not work, please check the path of the libs and put it by hands gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C"); rootlogon(); TString digiFile = "all.par"; TString parFile = "dpm_params_tpc.root"; TString mcMode = "TGeant3"; FairRunSim *fRun = new FairRunSim(); // set the MC version used // ------------------------ fRun->SetName(mcMode); fRun->SetOutputFile("dpm_points_tpc.root"); // Set the parameters //------------------------------- TString allDigiFile = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); allDigiFile += "/macro/params/"; allDigiFile += digiFile; FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIo1->open(allDigiFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); Bool_t kParameterMerged=kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* output=new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); output->open(parFile); rtdb->setOutput(output); // Set Material file Name //----------------------- fRun->SetMaterials("media_pnd.geo"); // Create and add detectors //------------------------- FairModule *Cave= new PndCave("CAVE"); Cave->SetGeometryFileName("pndcave.geo"); fRun->AddModule(Cave); FairModule *Magnet= new PndMagnet("MAGNET"); //Magnet->SetGeometryFileName("FullSolenoid_V842.root"); Magnet->SetGeometryFileName("FullSuperconductingSolenoid_v831.root"); fRun->AddModule(Magnet); FairModule *Pipe= new PndPipe("PIPE"); fRun->AddModule(Pipe); PndTpcDetector *Tpc = new PndTpcDetector("TPC", kTRUE); Tpc->SetGeometryFileName("TPC_V1.1.root"); //new ROOT geometry if(mcMode=="TGeant3") Tpc->SetAliMC(); fRun->AddModule(Tpc); FairDetector *Mvd = new PndMvdDetector("MVD", kTRUE); Mvd->SetGeometryFileName("Mvd-2.1_FullVersion.root"); fRun->AddModule(Mvd); PndEmc *Emc = new PndEmc("EMC",kFALSE); Emc->SetGeometryVersion(19); Emc->SetStorageOfData(kFALSE); fRun->AddModule(Emc); //PndMdt *Muo = new PndMdt("MDT",kTRUE); //Muo->SetMdtMagnet(kTRUE); // Muo->SetMdtMFIron(kFALSE); //Muo->SetMdtCoil(kTRUE); //Muo->SetBarrel("muon_TS_barrel_strip_v1_noGeo.root"); //Muo->SetEndcap("muon_TS_endcap_strip_v1_noGeo.root"); //Muo->SetForward("muon_Forward_strip_v1_noGeo.root"); //Muo->SetMuonFilter("muon_MuonFilter_strip_v1_noGeo.root"); //fRun->AddModule(Muo); FairDetector *Gem = new PndGemDetector("GEM", kTRUE); Gem->SetGeometryFileName("gem_3Stations.root"); fRun->AddModule(Gem); PndDsk* Dsk = new PndDsk("DSK", kFALSE); Dsk->SetGeometryFileName("dsk.root"); Dsk->SetStoreCerenkovs(kFALSE); Dsk->SetStoreTrackPoints(kFALSE); fRun->AddModule(Dsk); PndDrc *Drc = new PndDrc("DIRC", kFALSE); Drc->SetGeometryFileName("dirc_l0_p0.root"); Drc->SetRunCherenkov(kFALSE); // for fast sim Cherenkov -> kFALSE fRun->AddModule(Drc); // Create and Set Event Generator //------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); primGen->SetTarget(0., 0.5/2.355); primGen->SmearVertexZ(kTRUE); primGen->SmearGausVertexZ(kTRUE); primGen->SetBeam(0., 0., 0.1, 0.1); primGen->SmearVertexXY(kTRUE); fRun->SetGenerator(primGen); PndDpmDirect *dpmGen = new PndDpmDirect(mom,mode, gRandom->GetSeed()); primGen->AddGenerator(dpmGen); // Create and Set Magnetic Field //------------------------------- fRun->SetBeamMom(mom); PndMultiField *fField= new PndMultiField("FULL"); fRun->SetField(fField); /**Initialize the session*/ fRun->Init(); rtdb->setOutput(output); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // Transport nEvents // ----------------- fRun->Run(nEvents); timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n",rtime,ctime); }
void run(TString runNumber) { TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); const Int_t nModules = 200; TString dirIn1 = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/data/"; TString dirIn2 = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/tcal/"; TString dirOut = "/Volumes/Data/kresan/s438/tcal/"; TString inputFileName1 = dirIn1 + runNumber + "_tcal.root"; // name of input file TString inputFileName2 = dirIn2 + runNumber + "_tcal_1.root"; // name of input file TString parFileName = dirIn1 + "params_" + runNumber + "_tcal.root"; // name of parameter file TString outputFileName = dirOut + runNumber + "_tcal_temp.root"; // name of output file // Create analysis run ------------------------------------------------------- Int_t nFiles; if (0 == runNumber.CompareTo("r122")) { nFiles = 22; } else if (0 == runNumber.CompareTo("r126")) { nFiles = 2; } // Create analysis run ------------------------------------------------------- FairRunAna* run = new FairRunAna(); run->SetInputFile(inputFileName1.Data()); run->AddFriend(inputFileName2.Data()); for (Int_t i = 1; i < nFiles; i++) { inputFileName1 = dirIn1 + runNumber + "_tcal_"; inputFileName1 += i; inputFileName1 += ".root"; run->AddFile(inputFileName1.Data()); } run->SetOutputFile(outputFileName.Data()); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Runtime DataBase info ----------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFileName); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); // Set the SQL IO as second input FairParTSQLIo* inp = new FairParTSQLIo(); inp->SetVerbosity(1); inp->open(); rtdb->setFirstInput(inp); rtdb->saveOutput(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Time calibration ---------------------------------------------------------- R3BLandTcal* landTcal = new R3BLandTcal("LandTcal", 1); landTcal->SetNofModules(nModules, 40); run->AddTask(landTcal); R3BLosTcal* losTcal = new R3BLosTcal("LosTcal", 1); losTcal->SetNofModules(20); run->AddTask(losTcal); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------- run->Init(); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run ----------------------------------------------------------------------- run->Run(0, 100000); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outputFileName << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFileName << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; }
void tut_ana_mclist(int nevts=0) { // *** some variables int i=0,j=0, k=0, l=0; TString OutFile="output.root"; // *** the files coming from the simulation TString inPidFile = "pid_complete.root"; // this file contains the PndPidCandidates and McTruth TString inParFile = "simparams.root"; gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); // *** PID table with selection thresholds; can be modified by the user TString pidParFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"))+"/macro/params/all.par"; // *** initialization FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogToFile(kFALSE); FairRunAna* fRun = new FairRunAna(); FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); fRun->SetInputFile(inPidFile); // *** setup parameter database FairParRootFileIo* parIO = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIO->open(inParFile); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIOPid = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIOPid->open(pidParFile.Data(),"in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIO); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIOPid); rtdb->setOutput(parIO); fRun->SetOutputFile(OutFile); fRun->Init(); // // Now the analysis stuff comes... // // *** the data reader object PndAnalysis* theAnalysis = new PndAnalysis(); if (nevts==0) nevts= theAnalysis->GetEntries(); // *** RhoCandLists for the analysis RhoCandList mctruth; // *** // the event loop // *** while (theAnalysis->GetEvent() && i++<nevts) { cout<<"****** Evt " << i << endl; // *** the MC Truth objects theAnalysis->FillList(mctruth,"McTruth"); // // Print MC Truth list with mother-daughter relations // for (j=0;j<mctruth.GetLength();++j) { RhoCandidate *mcmother = mctruth[j]->TheMother(); int muid = -1; if (mcmother) muid = mcmother->GetTrackNumber(); cout << "Track "<< mctruth[j]->GetTrackNumber()<<" (PDG:"<<mctruth[j]->PdgCode() <<") has mother "<<muid; if (mctruth[j]->NDaughters()>0) cout <<" and daughter(s) "; for (k=0;k<mctruth[j]->NDaughters();++k) cout <<mctruth[j]->Daughter(k)->GetTrackNumber()<<" "; cout<<endl; } cout <<endl; } }
void run_sim(Int_t gen=1, Int_t nEvents = 1, Int_t fileNum = 100) { TString rootVersion = "feb16"; const char* setup = "sis100_electron"; TString sfileNum = ""; sfileNum += fileNum; // ======================================================================== // Adjust this part according to your requirements // ----- Paths and file names -------------------------------------------- TString inDir = "/hera/cbm/users/klochkov/cbm/data/input/au10au/shield/test_10k/"; TString inFile = inDir + "au10au_" + sfileNum + ".root"; TString outDir = "/hera/cbm/users/klochkov/cbm/data/au10au_10k_test_1/"; TString outFile = outDir + "sim/mc_" + sfileNum + ".root"; TString parFile = outDir + "sim/params_" + sfileNum + ".root"; TString geoFileNamePsd = outDir + "geo/psd_geo_xy_" + sfileNum + ".txt"; TString geoFileName = outDir + "geo/geofile_" + sfileNum + ".root"; TString SourceDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString setupFile = SourceDir + "/geometry/setup/sis100_electron_setup.C"; //TODO TString setupFunct = setup; setupFunct += "_setup()"; gROOT->LoadMacro(setupFile); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(setupFunct); // Function needed for CTest runtime dependency // TString depFile = Remove_CTest_Dependency_File(outDir, "run_sim" , setup); // --- Logger settings ---------------------------------------------------- TString logLevel = "INFO"; // "DEBUG"; TString logVerbosity = "LOW"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // --- Define the target geometry ----------------------------------------- // // The target is not part of the setup, since one and the same setup can // and will be used with different targets. // The target is constructed as a tube in z direction with the specified // diameter (in x and y) and thickness (in z). It will be placed at the // specified position as daughter volume of the volume present there. It is // in the responsibility of the user that no overlaps or extrusions are // created by the placement of the target. // TString targetElement = "Gold"; Double_t targetThickness = 0.025; // full thickness in cm Double_t targetDiameter = 2.5; // diameter in cm Double_t targetPosX = 0.; // target x position in global c.s. [cm] Double_t targetPosY = 0.; // target y position in global c.s. [cm] Double_t targetPosZ = 0.; // target z position in global c.s. [cm] Double_t targetRotY = 0.; // target rotation angle around the y axis [deg] // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // --- Define the creation of the primary vertex ------------------------ // // By default, the primary vertex point is sampled from a Gaussian // distribution in both x and y with the specified beam profile width, // and from a flat distribution in z over the extension of the target. // By setting the respective flags to kFALSE, the primary vertex will always // at the (0., 0.) in x and y and in the z centre of the target, respectively. // Bool_t smearVertexXY = kTRUE; Bool_t smearVertexZ = kTRUE; Double_t beamWidthX = 1.; // Gaussian sigma of the beam profile in x [cm] Double_t beamWidthY = 1.; // Gaussian sigma of the beam profile in y [cm] // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== cout << "[INFO ] Setup: " << setup << endl; // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName("TGeant4"); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file run->SetGenerateRunInfo(kTRUE); // Create FairRunInfo file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Logger settings ---------------------------------------------- gLogger->SetLogScreenLevel(logLevel.Data()); gLogger->SetLogVerbosityLevel(logVerbosity.Data()); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create detectors and passive volumes ------------------------- if ( caveGeom != "" ) { FairModule* cave = new CbmCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName(caveGeom); run->AddModule(cave); } if ( pipeGeom != "" ) { FairModule* pipe = new CbmPipe("PIPE"); pipe->SetGeometryFileName(pipeGeom); run->AddModule(pipe); } // --- Target CbmTarget* target = new CbmTarget(targetElement.Data(), targetThickness, targetDiameter); target->SetPosition(targetPosX, targetPosY, targetPosZ); target->SetRotation(targetRotY); run->AddModule(target); if ( magnetGeom != "" ) { FairModule* magnet = new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); magnet->SetGeometryFileName(magnetGeom); run->AddModule(magnet); } if ( platformGeom != "" ) { FairModule* platform = new CbmPlatform("PLATFORM"); platform->SetGeometryFileName(platformGeom); run->AddModule(platform); } if ( mvdGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* mvd = new CbmMvd("MVD", kTRUE); mvd->SetGeometryFileName(mvdGeom); mvd->SetMotherVolume("pipevac1"); run->AddModule(mvd); } if ( stsGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* sts = new CbmStsMC(kTRUE); sts->SetGeometryFileName(stsGeom); run->AddModule(sts); } if ( richGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* rich = new CbmRich("RICH", kTRUE); rich->SetGeometryFileName(richGeom); run->AddModule(rich); } if ( muchGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* much = new CbmMuch("MUCH", kTRUE); much->SetGeometryFileName(muchGeom); run->AddModule(much); } if ( shieldGeom != "" ) { FairModule* shield = new CbmShield("SHIELD"); shield->SetGeometryFileName(shieldGeom); run->AddModule(shield); } if ( trdGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* trd = new CbmTrd("TRD",kTRUE ); trd->SetGeometryFileName(trdGeom); run->AddModule(trd); } if ( tofGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* tof = new CbmTof("TOF", kTRUE); tof->SetGeometryFileName(tofGeom); run->AddModule(tof); } if ( ecalGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* ecal = new CbmEcal("ECAL", kTRUE, ecalGeom.Data()); run->AddModule(ecal); } // if ( psdGeom != "" ) { TString geoFileNamePsd = outDir + "geo/psd_geo_xy_" + sfileNum + ".txt"; cout << "Constructing PSD" << endl; // CbmPsdv1* psd= new CbmPsdv1("PSD", kTRUE); CbmPsdTest* psd= new CbmPsdTest("PSD", kTRUE); psd->SetZposition(psdZpos); // in cm psd->SetXshift(psdXpos); // in cm psd->SetGeoFile(geoFileNamePsd); psd->SetHoleSize(6); run->AddModule(psd); // } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create magnetic field ---------------------------------------- CbmFieldMap* magField = NULL; if ( 2 == fieldSymType ) { magField = new CbmFieldMapSym2(fieldMap); } else if ( 3 == fieldSymType ) { magField = new CbmFieldMapSym3(fieldMap); } magField->SetPosition(0., 0., fieldZ); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); run->SetField(magField); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); // --- Uniform distribution of event plane angle // primGen->SetEventPlane(0., 2. * TMath::Pi()); //TODO (ask Vitaly) check event plane // --- Get target parameters Double_t tX = 0.; Double_t tY = 0.; Double_t tZ = 0.; Double_t tDz = 0.; if ( target ) { target->GetPosition(tX, tY, tZ); tDz = target->GetThickness(); } primGen->SetTarget(tZ, tDz); primGen->SetBeam(0., 0., beamWidthX, beamWidthY); primGen->SmearGausVertexXY(smearVertexXY); primGen->SmearVertexZ(smearVertexZ); // // TODO: Currently, there is no guaranteed consistency of the beam profile // and the transversal target dimension, i.e., that the sampled primary // vertex falls into the target volume. This would require changes // in the FairPrimaryGenerator class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Use the CbmUnigenGenrator for the input if (gen == 0) { CbmUnigenGenerator* urqmdGen = new CbmUnigenGenerator(inFile); urqmdGen->SetEventPlane(-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()); primGen->AddGenerator(urqmdGen); } if (gen == 1) { CbmShieldGeneratorNew* shieldGen = new CbmShieldGeneratorNew (inFile); primGen->AddGenerator(shieldGen); } run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Visualisation of trajectories (TGeoManager Only) // Switch this on if you want to visualise tracks in the event display. // This is normally switch off, because of the huge files created // when it is switched on. run->SetStoreTraj(kFALSE); // ----- Run initialisation ------------------------------------------- run->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Set cuts for storing the trajectories. // Switch this on only if trajectories are stored. // Choose this cuts according to your needs, but be aware // that the file size of the output file depends on these cuts FairTrajFilter* trajFilter = FairTrajFilter::Instance(); if ( trajFilter ) { trajFilter->SetStepSizeCut(0.01); // 1 cm trajFilter->SetVertexCut(-2000., -2000., 4., 2000., 2000., 100.); trajFilter->SetMomentumCutP(10e-3); // p_lab > 10 MeV trajFilter->SetEnergyCut(0., 1.02); // 0 < Etot < 1.04 GeV trajFilter->SetStorePrimaries(kTRUE); trajFilter->SetStoreSecondaries(kTRUE); } // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- CbmFieldPar* fieldPar = (CbmFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("CbmFieldPar"); fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); fieldPar->setInputVersion(run->GetRunId(),1); Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ run->CreateGeometryFile(geoFileName); // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl; std::cout << "Output file is " << outFile << std::endl; std::cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << std::endl; std::cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << std::endl << std::endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::cout << " Test passed" << std::endl; std::cout << " All ok " << std::endl; // Function needed for CTest runtime dependency // Generate_CTest_Dependency_File(depFile); }
void global_reco(Int_t nEvents = 100, Int_t seed = 555) { gRandom->SetSeed(seed); TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(90000000000); TString script = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_SCRIPT")); TString parDir = TString(gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR")) + TString("/parameters"); // Input and output data TString dir = "events/much_anna_omega_8gev_10k/"; // Output directory TString mcFile = dir + "mc.0000.root"; // MC transport file TString parFile = dir + "param.0000.root"; // Parameters file TString globalRecoFile = dir + "global.reco.0000.root"; // Output file with reconstructed tracks and hits // Digi files TList* parFileList = new TList(); TObjString stsDigiFile = parDir + "/sts/sts_v12b_std.digi.par"; // STS digi file TObjString trdDigiFile = parDir + "/trd/trd_v13g.digi.par"; // TRD digi file TString muchDigiFile = parDir + "/much/much_v12c.digi.root"; // MUCH digi file TString stsMatBudgetFile = parDir + "/sts/sts_matbudget_v12b.root"; TObjString tofDigiFile = parDir + "/tof/tof_v13b.digi.par";// TOF digi file // Reconstruction parameters TString globalTrackingType = "nn"; // Global tracking type TString trdHitProducerType = "smearing"; // TRD hit producer type: smearing, digi, clustering TString muchHitProducerType = "advanced"; // MUCH hit producer type: simple, advanced if (script == "yes") { mcFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_MC_FILE")); parFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_PAR_FILE")); globalRecoFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_GLOBAL_RECO_FILE")); stsDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_STS_DIGI")); trdDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_TRD_DIGI")); muchDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_MUCH_DIGI")); tofDigiFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_TOF_DIGI")); stsMatBudgetFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_STS_MAT_BUDGET_FILE")); } parFileList->Add(&stsDigiFile); parFileList->Add(&trdDigiFile); parFileList->Add(&tofDigiFile); Int_t iVerbose = 1; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/littrack/loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); FairRunAna *run = new FairRunAna(); run->SetInputFile(mcFile); run->SetOutputFile(globalRecoFile); // ----- STS ------------------------------------------------- Double_t threshold = 4; Double_t noiseWidth = 0.01; Int_t nofBits = 12; Double_t ElectronsPerAdc = 10.; Double_t StripDeadTime = 0.1; CbmStsDigitize* stsDigitize = new CbmStsDigitize("STS Digitiser", iVerbose); stsDigitize->SetRealisticResponse(); stsDigitize->SetFrontThreshold(threshold); stsDigitize->SetBackThreshold(threshold); stsDigitize->SetFrontNoiseWidth(noiseWidth); stsDigitize->SetBackNoiseWidth(noiseWidth); stsDigitize->SetFrontNofBits(nofBits); stsDigitize->SetBackNofBits(nofBits); stsDigitize->SetFrontNofElPerAdc(ElectronsPerAdc); stsDigitize->SetBackNofElPerAdc(ElectronsPerAdc); stsDigitize->SetStripDeadTime(StripDeadTime); run->AddTask(stsDigitize); FairTask* stsClusterFinder = new CbmStsClusterFinder("STS Cluster Finder",iVerbose); run->AddTask(stsClusterFinder); FairTask* stsFindHits = new CbmStsFindHits("STS Hit Finder", iVerbose); run->AddTask(stsFindHits); FairTask* stsMatchHits = new CbmStsMatchHits("STS Hit Matcher", iVerbose); run->AddTask(stsMatchHits); FairTask* kalman = new CbmKF(); run->AddTask(kalman); CbmL1* l1 = new CbmL1(); //l1->SetExtrapolateToTheEndOfSTS(true); l1->SetMaterialBudgetFileName(stsMatBudgetFile); run->AddTask(l1); CbmStsTrackFinder* trackFinder = new CbmL1StsTrackFinder(); FairTask* findTracks = new CbmStsFindTracks(iVerbose, trackFinder); run->AddTask(findTracks); FairTask* stsMatchTracks = new CbmStsMatchTracks("STSMatchTracks", iVerbose); run->AddTask(stsMatchTracks); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (IsMuch(parFile)) { // -------- MUCH digitization ------------ CbmMuchDigitizeGem* digitize = new CbmMuchDigitizeGem(muchDigiFile.Data()); if (muchHitProducerType == "simple") { digitize->SetAlgorithm(0); } else if (muchHitProducerType == "advanced") { digitize->SetAlgorithm(1); } run->AddTask(digitize); CbmMuchFindHitsGem* findHits = new CbmMuchFindHitsGem(muchDigiFile.Data()); run->AddTask(findHits); CbmMuchDigitizeStraws* strawDigitize = new CbmMuchDigitizeStraws("MuchDigitizeStraws", muchDigiFile.Data(), iVerbose); run->AddTask(strawDigitize); CbmMuchFindHitsStraws* strawFindHits = new CbmMuchFindHitsStraws("MuchFindHitsStraws", muchDigiFile.Data(), iVerbose); strawFindHits->SetMerge(1); run->AddTask(strawFindHits); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- } if (IsTrd(parFile)) { // ----- TRD reconstruction----------------------------------------- // Update of the values for the radiator F.U. 17.08.07 Int_t trdNFoils = 130; // number of polyetylene foils Float_t trdDFoils = 0.0013; // thickness of 1 foil [cm] Float_t trdDGap = 0.02; // thickness of gap between foils [cm] Bool_t simpleTR = kTRUE; // use fast and simple version for TR production CbmTrdRadiator *radiator = new CbmTrdRadiator(simpleTR, trdNFoils, trdDFoils, trdDGap); if (trdHitProducerType == "smearing") { CbmTrdHitProducerSmearing* trdHitProd = new CbmTrdHitProducerSmearing(radiator); trdHitProd->SetUseDigiPar(false); run->AddTask(trdHitProd); } else if (trdHitProducerType == "digi") { CbmTrdDigitizer* trdDigitizer = new CbmTrdDigitizer(radiator); run->AddTask(trdDigitizer); CbmTrdHitProducerDigi* trdHitProd = new CbmTrdHitProducerDigi(); run->AddTask(trdHitProd); } else if (trdHitProducerType == "clustering") { // ----- TRD clustering ----- CbmTrdDigitizerPRF* trdClustering = new CbmTrdDigitizerPRF("TRD Clusterizer", "TRD task", radiator, false, true); run->AddTask(trdClustering); CbmTrdClusterFinderFast* trdClusterfindingfast = new CbmTrdClusterFinderFast(true, true, false, 5.0e-7); run->AddTask(trdClusterfindingfast); CbmTrdHitProducerCluster* trdClusterHitProducer = new CbmTrdHitProducerCluster(); run->AddTask(trdClusterHitProducer); // ----- End TRD Clustering ----- } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } if (IsTof(parFile)) { // ------ TOF hits -------------------------------------------------------- CbmTofHitProducerNew* tofHitProd = new CbmTofHitProducerNew("TOF HitProducerNew",iVerbose); tofHitProd->SetInitFromAscii(kFALSE); run->AddTask(tofHitProd); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } // ------ Global track reconstruction ------------------------------------- CbmLitFindGlobalTracks* finder = new CbmLitFindGlobalTracks(); //CbmLitFindGlobalTracksParallel* finder = new CbmLitFindGlobalTracksParallel(); // Tracking method to be used // "branch" - branching tracking // "nn" - nearest neighbor tracking // "nn_parallel" - nearest neighbor parallel tracking finder->SetTrackingType(std::string(globalTrackingType)); // Hit-to-track merger method to be used // "nearest_hit" - assigns nearest hit to the track finder->SetMergerType("nearest_hit"); run->AddTask(finder); if (IsTrd(parFile)) { CbmTrdMatchTracks* trdMatchTracks = new CbmTrdMatchTracks(); run->AddTask(trdMatchTracks); } if (IsMuch(parFile)) { CbmMuchMatchTracks* muchMatchTracks = new CbmMuchMatchTracks(); run->AddTask(muchMatchTracks); } // ----- Primary vertex finding -------------------------------------- CbmPrimaryVertexFinder* pvFinder = new CbmPVFinderKF(); CbmFindPrimaryVertex* findVertex = new CbmFindPrimaryVertex(pvFinder); run->AddTask(findVertex); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Parameter database -------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); FairParAsciiFileIo* parIo2 = new FairParAsciiFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile.Data()); parIo2->open(parFileList, "in"); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setSecondInput(parIo2); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Initialize and run -------------------------------------------- run->Init(); run->Run(0, nEvents); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); cout << "Macro finished successfully." << endl; cout << "Test passed"<< endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; cout << "Output file is " << globalRecoFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << timer.RealTime() << " s, CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << " s" << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
void run_digi_Fi4() { // ----- Files --------------------------------------------------------------- TString inFile = "sim2.root"; TString parFile = "par2.root"; TString outFile = "hits2.root"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Timer --------------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Digitization -------------------------------------------------------- FairRunAna* run = new FairRunAna(); run->SetInputFile(inFile); run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Connect the Digitization Task --------------------------------------- /*R3BCalifaCrystalCal2Hit* califa_digitizer = new R3BCalifaCrystalCal2Hit(); run->AddTask(califa_digitizer); // mTOF R3BmTofDigitizer* mtof_digitizer = new R3BmTofDigitizer(); run->AddTask(mtof_digitizer); // STaRTrack R3BSTaRTraHitFinder* tra_digitizer = new R3BSTaRTraHitFinder(); run->AddTask(tra_digitizer); // MFI R3BMfiDigitizer* mfi_digitizer = new R3BMfiDigitizer(); run->AddTask(mfi_digitizer); // PSP R3BPspDigitizer* psp_digitizer = new R3BPspDigitizer(); run->AddTask(psp_digitizer);*/ // Fi4,5,6 R3BFi4Digitizer* Fi4_digitizer = new R3BFi4Digitizer(0.001,0.01,1); run->AddTask(Fi4_digitizer); // sfi R3BsfiDigitizer* sfi_digitizer = new R3BsfiDigitizer(0.001,0.01); run->AddTask(sfi_digitizer); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Runtime DataBase info ----------------------------------------------- FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo(); parIo1->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setFirstInput(parIo1); rtdb->setOutput(parIo1); rtdb->saveOutput(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Intialise and run --------------------------------------------------- run->Init(); run->Run(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----- Finish -------------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file writen: " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file writen " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << " s" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; cout << " Digitization successful." << endl; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveGeoManager(); }
void run_sim() { TString transport = "TGeant4"; Bool_t userPList = kFALSE; // option for TGeant4 TString outFile = "sim.root"; TString parFile = "par.root"; Bool_t magnet = kTRUE; Float_t fieldScale = -0.68; TString generator1 = "box"; TString generator2 = "ascii"; TString generator3 = "r3b"; TString generator = generator1; TString inputFile = ""; Int_t nEvents = 1; Bool_t storeTrajectories = kTRUE; Int_t randomSeed = 335566; // 0 for time-dependent random numbers // Target type TString target1 = "LeadTarget"; TString target2 = "Para"; TString target3 = "Para45"; TString target4 = "LiH"; TString targetType = target4; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stable part ------------------------------------------------------------ TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(transport); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile.Data()); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // R3B Special Physics List in G4 case if ((userPList == kTRUE) && (transport.CompareTo("TGeant4") == 0)) { run->SetUserConfig("g4R3bConfig.C"); run->SetUserCuts("SetCuts.C"); } // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media_r3b.geo"); // Materials // ----- Create R3B geometry -------------------------------------------- // R3B Cave definition FairModule* cave = new R3BCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("r3b_cave.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); // To skip the detector comment out the line with: run->AddModule(... // Target run->AddModule(new R3BTarget(targetType, "target_" + targetType + ".geo.root")); // GLAD //run->AddModule(new R3BGladMagnet("glad_v17_flange.geo.root")); // GLAD should not be moved or rotated // PSP run->AddModule(new R3BPsp("psp_v13a.geo.root", {}, -221., -89., 94.1)); // R3B SiTracker Cooling definition //run->AddModule(new R3BVacVesselCool(targetType, "vacvessel_v14a.geo.root")); // STaRTrack //run->AddModule(new R3BSTaRTra("startra_v16-300_2layers.geo.root", { 0., 0., 20. })); // CALIFA R3BCalifa* califa = new R3BCalifa("califa_10_v8.11.geo.root"); califa->SelectGeometryVersion(10); // Selecting the Non-uniformity of the crystals (1 means +-1% max deviation) califa->SetNonUniformity(1.0); //run->AddModule(califa); // Tof //run->AddModule(new R3BTof("tof_v17a.geo.root", { -417.359574, 2.400000, 960.777114 }, { "", -90., +31., 90. })); // mTof run->AddModule(new R3BmTof("mtof_v17a.geo.root", { -155.824045, 0.523976, 761.870346 }, { "", -90., +16.7, 90. })); // MFI //run->AddModule(new R3BMfi("mfi_v17a.geo.root", { -63.82, 0., 520.25 }, { "", 90., +13.5, 90. })); // s412 // NeuLAND // run->AddModule(new R3BNeuland("neuland_test.geo.root", { 0., 0., 1400. + 12 * 5. })); // ----- Create R3B magnetic field ---------------------------------------- // NB: <D.B> // If the Global Position of the Magnet is changed // the Field Map has to be transformed accordingly R3BGladFieldMap* magField = new R3BGladFieldMap("R3BGladMap"); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); if (magnet == kTRUE) { run->SetField(magField); } else { run->SetField(NULL); } // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- // 1 - Create the Main API class for the Generator FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); if (generator.CompareTo("box") == 0) { FairIonGenerator* boxGen = new FairIonGenerator(50, 128, 50, 1, 0., 0., 1.3, 0., 0., 0.); primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); } if (generator.CompareTo("ascii") == 0) { R3BAsciiGenerator* gen = new R3BAsciiGenerator((dir + "/input/" + inputFile).Data()); primGen->AddGenerator(gen); } run->SetGenerator(primGen); run->SetStoreTraj(storeTrajectories); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogVerbosityLevel("LOW"); FairLogger::GetLogger()->SetLogScreenLevel("INFO"); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); TVirtualMC::GetMC()->SetRandom(new TRandom3(randomSeed)); // ------ Increase nb of step for CALO Int_t nSteps = -15000; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->SetMaxNStep(nSteps); // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- R3BFieldPar* fieldPar = (R3BFieldPar*)rtdb->getContainer("R3BFieldPar"); if (NULL != magField) { fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); } Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- if (nEvents > 0) { run->Run(nEvents); } // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; // Snap a picture of the geometry // If this crashes, set "OpenGL.SavePicturesViaFBO: no" in your .rootrc /*gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE); gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw("ogl"); TGLViewer* v = (TGLViewer*)gPad->GetViewer3D(); v->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kOutline); v->RequestDraw(); v->SavePicture("run_sim-side.png"); v->SetPerspectiveCamera(TGLViewer::kCameraPerspXOZ, 25., 0, 0, -90. * TMath::DegToRad(), 0. * TMath::DegToRad()); v->SavePicture("run_sim-top.png");*/ }
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2014 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH * * * * This software is distributed under the terms of the * * GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3 (LGPL) version 3, * * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE" * ********************************************************************************/ void run_tutorial1_mesh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString mcEngine = "TGeant3") { TString dir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); TString tutdir = dir + "/Tutorial1"; TString tut_geomdir = dir + "/geometry"; gSystem->Setenv("GEOMPATH",tut_geomdir.Data()); TString tut_configdir = dir + "/gconfig"; gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_DIR",tut_configdir.Data()); TString partName[] = {"pions","eplus","proton"}; Int_t partPdgC[] = { 211, 11, 2212}; Int_t chosenPart = 0; Double_t momentum = 2.; Double_t theta = 0.; TString outDir = "./"; // Output file name TString outFile = Form("%s/tutorial1_mesh%s_%s.mc_p%1.3f_t%1.0f_n%d.root", outDir.Data(), mcEngine.Data(), partName[chosenPart].Data(), momentum, theta, nEvents); // Parameter file name TString parFile = Form("%s/tutorial1_mesh%s_%s.params_p%1.3f_t%1.0f_n%d.root", outDir.Data(), mcEngine.Data(), partName[chosenPart].Data(), momentum, theta, nEvents); // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName(mcEngine); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create geometry ---------------------------------------------- FairModule* cave= new FairCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName("cave_vacuum.geo"); run->AddModule(cave); FairDetector* tutdet = new FairTutorialDet1("TUTDET", kTRUE); tutdet->SetGeometryFileName("double_sector.geo"); run->AddModule(tutdet); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); FairBoxGenerator* boxGen = new FairBoxGenerator(partPdgC[chosenPart], 1); boxGen->SetThetaRange ( theta, theta+0.01); boxGen->SetPRange (momentum,momentum+0.01); boxGen->SetPhiRange (0.,360.); boxGen->SetDebug(kTRUE); primGen->AddGenerator(boxGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ run->SetStoreTraj(kFALSE); // to store particle trajectories run->SetRadGridRegister(kTRUE); // activate RadGridManager // define two example meshs for dosimetry FairMesh* aMesh1 = new FairMesh("test1"); aMesh1->SetX(-40,40,200); aMesh1->SetY(-40,40,200); aMesh1->SetZ(5.2,5.4,1); FairMesh* aMesh2 = new FairMesh("test2"); aMesh2->SetX(-20,20,20); aMesh2->SetY(-20,20,20); aMesh2->SetZ(-5.0,5.0,1); aMesh1->print(); aMesh2->print(); run->AddMesh( aMesh1 ); run->AddMesh( aMesh2 ); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- cout << endl << endl; // Extract the maximal used memory an add is as Dart measurement // This line is filtered by CTest and the value send to CDash FairSystemInfo sysInfo; Float_t maxMemory=sysInfo.GetMaxMemory(); cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"MaxMemory\" type=\"numeric/double\">"; cout << maxMemory; cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl; timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); Float_t cpuUsage=ctime/rtime; cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"CpuLoad\" type=\"numeric/double\">"; cout << cpuUsage; cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished successfully." << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
void run_CbmIonGenerator(Int_t nEvents = 1) { // ======================================================================== // Adjust this part according to your requirements // Input file //TString inPath = "/d/cbm03/urqmd/auau/25gev/centr/"; //TString inFile = inPath + "urqmd.auau.25gev.centr.0000.ftn14"; // Output file TString outFile = Form("sts.mc.root",nEvents); // Parameter file TString parFile = Form("params.root",nEvents); // Cave geometry TString caveGeom = "cave.geo"; // Target geometry TString targetGeom = "target_au_250mu.geo"; // Beam pipe geometry TString pipeGeom = "pipe_standard.geo"; // Magnet geometry and field map TString magnetGeom = "passive/magnet_v09e.geo"; TString fieldMap = "field_v10e"; Double_t fieldZ = 50.; // z position of field centre Double_t fieldScale = 1.; // field scaling factor // MVD geometry TString mvdGeom = "mvd/mvd_v07a.geo"; // STS geometry TString stsGeom = "sts/sts_v11a.geo"; //STS geometry for the same z position of all sensors //TString stsGeom = "sts_same_z.geo"; targetGeom = ""; magnetGeom = ""; stsGeom = ""; mvdGeom = ""; // In general, the following parts need not be touched // ======================================================================== // ---- Debug option ------------------------------------------------- gDebug = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Timer -------------------------------------------------------- TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ---- Load libraries ------------------------------------------------- gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); gSystem->Load("libGeoBase"); gSystem->Load("libParBase"); gSystem->Load("libBase"); gSystem->Load("libCbmBase"); gSystem->Load("libCbmData"); gSystem->Load("libField"); gSystem->Load("libGen"); gSystem->Load("libPassive"); gSystem->Load("libMvd"); gSystem->Load("libSts"); gSystem->Load("libCbmGenerators"); // for CbmIonGenerator // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create simulation run ---------------------------------------- FairRunSim* run = new FairRunSim(); run->SetName("TGeant3"); // Transport engine run->SetOutputFile(outFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create media ------------------------------------------------- run->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create geometry ---------------------------------------------- FairModule* cave= new CbmCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName(caveGeom); run->AddModule(cave); FairModule* pipe= new CbmPipe("PIPE"); pipe->SetGeometryFileName(pipeGeom); run->AddModule(pipe); if( targetGeom != "") { FairModule* target= new CbmTarget("Target"); target->SetGeometryFileName(targetGeom); run->AddModule(target); } if( magnetGeom != "") { FairModule* magnet= new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); magnet->SetGeometryFileName(magnetGeom); run->AddModule(magnet); } if( mvdGeom != ""){ FairDetector* mvd= new CbmMvd("MVD", kTRUE); mvd->SetGeometryFileName(mvdGeom); run->AddModule(mvd); } if( stsGeom != "") { FairDetector* sts= new CbmSts("STS", kTRUE); sts->SetGeometryFileName(stsGeom); run->AddModule(sts); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create magnetic field ---------------------------------------- if(magnetGeom!="") { CbmFieldMap* magField = new CbmFieldMapSym2(fieldMap); magField->SetPosition(0., 0., fieldZ); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); run->SetField(magField); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create PrimaryGenerator -------------------------------------- FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); //FairUrqmdGenerator* urqmdGen = new FairUrqmdGenerator(inFile); //primGen->AddGenerator(urqmdGen); // CbmIonGenerator - check in Load libraries: gSystem->Load("libCbmGenerators"); Int_t nions=10; // number of ions/event cout<<"@@@@@> CbmIonGenerator is ON with "<<nions<<" ion(s)/event !!!"<<endl; Int_t z=79, a=197, q=79; // Au-ion Double_t p=8.; // in AGeV/c Double_t vz=-0.0126; // in cm - z-pos. of vertex Double_t meanX=0.3; // in cm - spatial distr. (XOY) Double_t meanY=-0.2; // in cm Double_t sigmaX = 0.078; // in cm - spatial distr. (XOY) Double_t sigmaY = 0.032; // in cm Double_t sigmatX = 0.00117885; // in rad (Px/P) - angular distr. (mean=0) Double_t sigmatY = 0.00094955; // in rad (Py/P) // Parameters of the trapezoid are set with respect to mean of Gaussian, NOT necesseraly in absolute coordinates. // x1 < x2 < 0 < x3 < x4 Double_t x1=-0.10452, x2=-0.06942, x3=0.06942, x4=0.10452; // in cm - trapezoid distr. Double_t y1=-0.04448, y2=-0.02688, y3=0.02688, y4=0.04448; // in cm Double_t tX1=-0.00157966, tX2=-0.001049177, tX3=0.001049177, tX4=0.00157966; // in rad Double_t tY1=-0.00131987, tY2=-0.000797622, tY3=0.000797622, tY4=0.00131987; // in rad // CbmIonGenerator *IonGen = new CbmIonGenerator(z, a, q, nions, p, sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmatX, sigmatY); // CbmIonGenerator *IonGen = new CbmIonGenerator(z, a, q, nions, p, sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmatX, sigmatY, meanX, meanY, vz); CbmIonGenerator *IonGen = new CbmIonGenerator(z, a, q, nions, p, sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmatX, sigmatY, meanX, meanY, vz, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, tX1, tX2, tX3, tX4, tY1, tY2, tY3, tY4); primGen->AddGenerator(IonGen); run->SetGenerator(primGen); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // run->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); // ----- Initialize simulation run ------------------------------------ run->Init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- if(magnetGeom!="") { CbmFieldPar* fieldPar = (CbmFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("CbmFieldPar"); fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); fieldPar->setInputVersion(run->GetRunId(),1); } Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- run->Run(nEvents); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //run->CreateGeometryFile("data/geofile_full.root"); // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl; cout << "Output file is " << outFile << endl; cout << "Parameter file is " << parFile << endl; cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cout << " Test passed" << endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; exit(0); }
void global_sim(Int_t nEvents = 10, Int_t seed = 555) { gRandom->SetSeed(seed); TString script = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_SCRIPT")); // Files // TString urqmdFile = "/Users/andrey/Development/cbm/d/urqmd/auau/25gev/centr/urqmd.auau.25gev.centr.0000.ftn14"; // input UrQMD file TString urqmdFile = "../../input/urqmd.auau.25gev.centr.0000.ftn14"; // input UrQMD file TString dir = "data/"; // Directory for output simulation files TString mcFile = dir + "mc.0000.root"; //MC file name TString parFile = dir + "param.0000.root"; //Parameter file name // Geometry TString caveGeom = "cave.geo"; TString targetGeom = "target_au_250mu.geo"; TString pipeGeom = "pipe_standard.geo"; TString stsGeom = "sts/sts_v12b.geo.root"; TString richGeom = "rich/rich_v08a.geo"; TString tofGeom = "tof/tof_V13b.geo"; TString fieldMap = "field_v12a"; TString magnetGeom = "passive/magnet_v12a.geo"; // If SCRIPT environment variable is set to "yes", i.e. macro is run via script if (script == "yes") { urqmdFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_URQMD_FILE")); mcFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_MC_FILE")); parFile = TString(gSystem->Getenv("LIT_PAR_FILE")); } // ----- Magnetic field ----------------------------------------------- Double_t fieldZ = 50.; // field center z position Double_t fieldScale = 1.; // field scaling factor TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/macro/littrack/loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); FairRunSim* fRun = new FairRunSim(); fRun->SetName("TGeant3"); // Transport engine fRun->SetOutputFile(mcFile); // Output file FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb(); fRun->SetMaterials("media.geo"); // Materials // fRun->SetStoreTraj(kTRUE); if ( caveGeom != "" ) { FairModule* cave = new CbmCave("CAVE"); cave->SetGeometryFileName(caveGeom); fRun->AddModule(cave); cout << " --- " << caveGeom << endl; } if ( pipeGeom != "" ) { FairModule* pipe = new CbmPipe("PIPE"); pipe->SetGeometryFileName(pipeGeom); fRun->AddModule(pipe); cout << " --- " << pipeGeom << endl; } if ( targetGeom != "" ) { FairModule* target = new CbmTarget("Target"); target->SetGeometryFileName(targetGeom); fRun->AddModule(target); cout << " --- " << targetGeom << endl; } if ( magnetGeom != "" ) { FairModule* magnet = new CbmMagnet("MAGNET"); magnet->SetGeometryFileName(magnetGeom); fRun->AddModule(magnet); cout << " --- " << magnetGeom << endl; } if ( stsGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* sts = new CbmSts("STS", kTRUE); sts->SetGeometryFileName(stsGeom); fRun->AddModule(sts); cout << " --- " << stsGeom << endl; } if ( richGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* rich = new CbmRich("RICH", kTRUE); rich->SetGeometryFileName(richGeom); fRun->AddModule(rich); } if ( tofGeom != "" ) { FairDetector* tof = new CbmTof("TOF", kTRUE); tof->SetGeometryFileName(tofGeom); fRun->AddModule(tof); cout << " --- " << tofGeom << endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Create magnetic field ---------------------------------------- CbmFieldMap* magField = new CbmFieldMapSym2(fieldMap); magField->SetPosition(0., 0., fieldZ); magField->SetScale(fieldScale); fRun->SetField(magField); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CbmMCEventHeader* mcHeader = new CbmMCEventHeader(); fRun->SetMCEventHeader(mcHeader); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator(); // CbmUnigenGenerator* urqmdGen = new CbmUnigenGenerator(urqmdFile); CbmUrqmdGenerator* urqmdGen = new CbmUrqmdGenerator(urqmdFile); primGen->AddGenerator(urqmdGen); fRun->SetGenerator(primGen); fRun->Init(); // ----- Runtime database --------------------------------------------- CbmFieldPar* fieldPar = (CbmFieldPar*) rtdb->getContainer("CbmFieldPar"); fieldPar->SetParameters(magField); fieldPar->setChanged(); fieldPar->setInputVersion(fRun->GetRunId(),1); Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE; FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged); parOut->open(parFile.Data()); rtdb->setOutput(parOut); rtdb->saveOutput(); rtdb->print(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Start run ---------------------------------------------------- fRun->Run(nEvents); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ----- Finish ------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime(); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Macro finished successfully." << endl; cout << "Test passed"<< endl; cout << " All ok " << endl; cout << "Output file is " << mcFile << endl; cout << "Real time used: " << rtime << "s " << endl; cout << "CPU time used : " << ctime << "s " << endl << endl << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ }