MLPTesting(): c_(&camera_){ static_assert(imgSize_*dx_*dy_<255,"imgSize to large for gradients"); pixel_ = cv::Point2f(patchSize_/2+1,patchSize_/2+1); bearing_ = V3D(patchSize_/2+1,patchSize_/2+1,1); bearing_.normalize(); c_.set_c(pixel_); warp_c_ << 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, -0.2; c_.set_warp_c(warp_c_); warp_nor_ = c_.get_warp_nor(); stat_.localQualityRange_ = 3; stat_.localVisibilityRange_ = 4; stat_.minGlobalQualityRange_ = 5; img1_ = cv::Mat::zeros(imgSize_,imgSize_,CV_8UC1); uint8_t* img_ptr = (uint8_t*); for(int i=0;i<imgSize_;i++){ for(int j=0;j<imgSize_;j++, ++img_ptr){ *img_ptr = i*dy_+j*dx_; } } img2_ = cv::Mat::zeros(imgSize_,imgSize_,CV_8UC1); img_ptr = (uint8_t*); for(int i=0;i<imgSize_;i++){ for(int j=0;j<imgSize_;j++, ++img_ptr){ if(j<imgSize_/2 & i<imgSize_/2){ *img_ptr = 0; } else { *img_ptr = 255; } } } pyr1_.computeFromImage(img1_); pyr2_.computeFromImage(img2_); }
/** \brief Transforms pixel coordinates between two pyramid levels. * * @Note Invalidates camera and bearing vector, since the camera model is not valid for arbitrary image levels. * @param cIn - Input coordinates * @param cOut - Output coordinates * @param l1 - Input pyramid level. * @param l2 - Output pyramid level. * @return the corresponding pixel coordinates on pyramid level l2. */ void levelTranformCoordinates(const FeatureCoordinates& cIn,FeatureCoordinates& cOut,const int l1, const int l2) const{ assert(l1<n_levels && l2<n_levels && l1>=0 && l2>=0); cOut.set_c((centers_[l1]-centers_[l2])*pow(0.5,l2)+cIn.get_c()*pow(0.5,l2-l1)); if(cIn.mpCamera_ != nullptr){ if(cIn.com_warp_c()){ cOut.set_warp_c(cIn.get_warp_c()); } } cOut.camID_ = -1; cOut.mpCamera_ = nullptr; }