void getLineSliceFields() { typedef typename MappingDesc::SuperCellSize SuperCellSize; const float3_X tmpFloat3(float3_X(float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0))); sliceDataField->getDeviceBuffer().setValue(tmpFloat3); dim3 block(SuperCellSize::toRT().toDim3()); const SubGrid<simDim>& subGrid = Environment<simDim>::get().SubGrid(); // global cell id offset (without guardings!) // returns the global id offset of the "first" border cell on a GPU const DataSpace<simDim> globalCellIdOffset(subGrid.getLocalDomain().offset); // global number of cells for whole simulation: local cells on GPU * GPUs // (assumed same size on each gpu :-/ -> todo: provide interface!) //! \todo create a function for: global number of cells for whole simulation //! const DataSpace<simDim> localNrOfCells(subGrid.getLocalDomain().size); const DataSpace<simDim> globalNrOfCells (subGrid.getGlobalDomain().size); __picKernelArea(kernelLineSliceFields, *cellDescription, AREA) (block) (fieldE->getDeviceDataBox(), fieldB->getDeviceDataBox(), sliceDataField->getDeviceBuffer().getBasePointer(), globalCellIdOffset, globalNrOfCells ); sliceDataField->deviceToHost(); //return sliceDataField->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()[0]; }
void createImage(uint32_t currentStep, VirtualWindow window) { DataConnector &dc = DataConnector::getInstance(); // Data does not need to be synchronized as visualization is // done at the device. FieldB *fieldB = &(dc.getData<FieldB > (FieldB::getName(), true)); FieldE* fieldE = &(dc.getData<FieldE > (FieldE::getName(), true)); FieldJ* fieldJ = &(dc.getData<FieldJ > (FieldJ::getName(), true)); ParticlesType* particles = &(dc.getData<ParticlesType > (particleTag, true)); PMACC_AUTO(simBox, SubGrid<simDim>::getInstance().getSimulationBox()); uint32_t globalOffset = 0; #if(SIMDIM==DIM3) globalOffset = SubGrid<simDim>::getInstance().getSimulationBox().getGlobalOffset()[sliceDim]; #endif typedef MappingDesc::SuperCellSize SuperCellSize; assert(cellDescription != NULL); //create image fields __picKernelArea((kernelPaintFields), *cellDescription, CORE + BORDER) (SuperCellSize::getDataSpace()) (fieldE->getDeviceDataBox(), fieldB->getDeviceDataBox(), fieldJ->getDeviceDataBox(), img->getDeviceBuffer().getDataBox(), transpose, sliceOffset, globalOffset, sliceDim ); // find maximum for img.x()/y and z and return it as float3_X int elements = img->getGridLayout().getDataSpace().productOfComponents(); //Add one dimension access to 2d DataBox typedef DataBoxDim1Access<typename GridBuffer<float3_X, DIM2 >::DataBoxType> D1Box; D1Box d1access(img->getDeviceBuffer().getDataBox(), img->getGridLayout().getDataSpace()); #if (EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL1 == -1 || EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL2 == -1 || EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL3 == -1) //reduce with functor max float3_X max = reduce(nvidia::functors::Max(), d1access, elements); //reduce with functor min //float3_X min = reduce(nvidia::functors::Min(), // d1access, // elements); #if (EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL1 != -1 ) max.x() = float_X(1.0); #endif #if (EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL2 != -1 ) max.y() = float_X(1.0); #endif #if (EM_FIELD_SCALE_CHANNEL3 != -1 ) max.z() = float_X(1.0); #endif //We don't know the superCellSize at compile time // (because of the runtime dimension selection in any analyser), // thus we must use a one dimension kernel and no mapper __cudaKernel(vis_kernels::divideAnyCell)(ceil((double) elements / 256), 256)(d1access, elements, max); #endif // convert channels to RGB __cudaKernel(vis_kernels::channelsToRGB)(ceil((double) elements / 256), 256)(d1access, elements); // add density color channel DataSpace<simDim> blockSize(MappingDesc::SuperCellSize::getDataSpace()); DataSpace<DIM2> blockSize2D(blockSize[transpose.x()], blockSize[transpose.y()]); //create image particles __picKernelArea((kernelPaintParticles3D), *cellDescription, CORE + BORDER) (SuperCellSize::getDataSpace(), blockSize2D.productOfComponents() * sizeof (int)) (particles->getDeviceParticlesBox(), img->getDeviceBuffer().getDataBox(), transpose, sliceOffset, globalOffset, sliceDim ); // send the RGB image back to host img->deviceToHost(); header.update(*cellDescription, window, transpose, currentStep); __getTransactionEvent().waitForFinished(); //wait for copy picture DataSpace<DIM2> size = img->getGridLayout().getDataSpace(); PMACC_AUTO(hostBox, img->getHostBuffer().getDataBox()); if (picongpu::white_box_per_GPU) { hostBox[0 ][0 ] = float3_X(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); hostBox[size.y() - 1 ][0 ] = float3_X(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); hostBox[0 ][size.x() - 1] = float3_X(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); hostBox[size.y() - 1 ][size.x() - 1] = float3_X(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } PMACC_AUTO(resultBox, gather(hostBox, header)); if (isMaster) { output(resultBox.shift(header.window.offset), header.window.size, header); } }