Exemple #1
    void read(const FileNode& fn)

        fn["weights"] >> weights;
        fn["means"] >> means;

        FileNode cfn = fn["covs"];
        FileNodeIterator cfn_it = cfn.begin();
        int i, n = (int)cfn.size();

        for( i = 0; i < n; i++, ++cfn_it )
            (*cfn_it) >> covs[i];

Exemple #2
bool HaarEvaluator::Feature :: read( const FileNode& node )
    FileNode rnode = node[CC_RECTS];
    FileNodeIterator it = rnode.begin(), it_end = rnode.end();

    int ri;
    for( ri = 0; ri < RECT_NUM; ri++ )
        rect[ri].r = Rect();
        rect[ri].weight = 0.f;

    for(ri = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ri++)
        FileNodeIterator it2 = (*it).begin();
        it2 >> rect[ri].r.x >> rect[ri].r.y >>
            rect[ri].r.width >> rect[ri].r.height >> rect[ri].weight;

    tilted = (int)node[CC_TILTED] != 0;
    return true;
bool ChessCalibration::loadExtrinsics() {
	FileStorage fs(calibrationExtrinsicsFilePath, FileStorage::READ);
    if (!fs.isOpened())
        return false;
    found = true;
	fs["rvec"] >> rvec;
  	fs["tvec"] >> tvec;
    FileNode features = fs["features"];
    for(FileNodeIterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); it++) {
        vector<Point2f> cur;
        (*it) >> cur;
    fs["mapping"] >> mapping;
    cout << "Extrinsics loaded from file" << endl;
//    createTransformImageExtrinsicMap(camMat);
//    fs.release();
//    FileStorage fs2(calibrationExtrinsicsFilePath, FileStorage::APPEND);
//    fs2 << "mapping" << mapping;
    return true;
Exemple #4
	void Calibration::load(string filename, bool absolute) {
		FileStorage fs(ofToDataPath(filename, absolute), FileStorage::READ);
		cv::Size imageSize, sensorSize;
		Mat cameraMatrix;
		fs["cameraMatrix"] >> cameraMatrix;
		fs["imageSize_width"] >> imageSize.width;
		fs["imageSize_height"] >> imageSize.height;
		fs["sensorSize_width"] >> sensorSize.width;
		fs["sensorSize_height"] >> sensorSize.height;
		fs["distCoeffs"] >> distCoeffs;
		fs["reprojectionError"] >> reprojectionError;
		FileNode features = fs["features"];
		for(FileNodeIterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); it++) {
			vector<Point2f> cur;
			(*it) >> cur;
		addedImageSize = imageSize;
		distortedIntrinsics.setup(cameraMatrix, imageSize, sensorSize);
/**Reads board info from a file
void BoardConfiguration::readFromFile(cv::FileStorage &fs) throw(cv::Exception) {
    int aux = 0;
    // look for the nmarkers
    if (fs["aruco_bc_nmarkers"].name() != "aruco_bc_nmarkers")
        throw cv::Exception(81818, "BoardConfiguration::readFromFile", "invalid file type", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    fs["aruco_bc_nmarkers"] >> aux;
    fs["aruco_bc_mInfoType"] >> mInfoType;
    cv::FileNode markers = fs["aruco_bc_markers"];
    int i = 0;
    for (FileNodeIterator it = markers.begin(); it != markers.end(); ++it, i++) {
        at(i).id = (*it)["id"];
        FileNode FnCorners = (*it)["corners"];
        for (FileNodeIterator itc = FnCorners.begin(); itc != FnCorners.end(); ++itc) {
            vector< float > coordinates3d;
            (*itc) >> coordinates3d;
            if (coordinates3d.size() != 3)
                throw cv::Exception(81818, "BoardConfiguration::readFromFile", "invalid file type 3", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            cv::Point3f point(coordinates3d[0], coordinates3d[1], coordinates3d[2]);
Exemple #6
int CV_MLBaseTest::read_params( CvFileStorage* __fs )
    FileStorage _fs(__fs, false);
    if( !_fs.isOpened() )
        test_case_count = -1;
        FileNode fn = _fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()["run_params"][modelName];
        test_case_count = (int)fn.size();
        if( test_case_count <= 0 )
            test_case_count = -1;
        if( test_case_count > 0 )
            dataSetNames.resize( test_case_count );
            FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin();
            for( int i = 0; i < test_case_count; i++, ++it )
                dataSetNames[i] = (string)*it;
    return cvtest::TS::OK;;
static bool readStringList( const string& filename, const string& tempFile, vector<string>& l )

/*  // Immediately generate the file name that we will read from
    FileStorage fs(tempFile, FileStorage::WRITE);
    fs << "images" << "[";
    fs << string(filename);
    fs << "]";

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
    if( !fs.isOpened() )
        return false;
    FileNode n = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode();
    if( n.type() != FileNode::SEQ )
        return false;
    FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end();
    for( ; it != it_end; ++it )
    return true;
void CameraCalibration::ReadMonoCalibParams( string &img_xml )

	calib_params = new CalibParams;

    FileStorage fs(img_xml, FileStorage::READ); // Read the settings
    if (!fs.isOpened())
        cout << "Could not open the configuration file: \"" << img_xml << "\"" << endl;

    BoardSize = Size((int)fs["BoardSizeWidth"], (int)fs["BoardSizeHeight"]);
    SquareSize = (float)fs["SquareSize"];

	BoardTexWdith = SquareSize*BoardSize.width;
	BoardTexHeight = SquareSize*BoardSize.height;

    FileNode imgs = fs["Images"];
    for(FileNodeIterator itr = imgs.begin(); itr != imgs.end(); itr++)	
	// Check if all image data have the same size.
	Mat img = imread(calib_params->ImageList.front(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
	ImageSize = Size(img.rows, img.cols);
	for(int i=1; i<calib_params->ImageList.size(); i++)
		img = imread(calib_params->ImageList.at(i), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		assert(ImageSize == Size(img.rows, img.cols));
		ImageSize = Size(img.rows, img.cols);

    NumFrames = calib_params->ImageList.size();


Exemple #9
 * Run tests to make sure that quantization is working.
void runQuantTests()
    ColonyCounter colonyCounter;

    FileStorage fs("samples/tests.yml", FileStorage::READ);

    FileNode features = fs["tests"];
    FileNodeIterator it = features.begin(), it_end = features.end();
    int idx = 0;
    for( ; it != it_end; ++it, idx++ )
        string path;
        (*it)["path"] >> path;

        Mat img = imread("samples/" + path);

        // Find petri img
        Rect petriRect = findPetriRect(img);
        Mat petri = img(petriRect);

        // Preprocess image
        petri = colonyCounter.preprocessImage(petri);

        colonyCounter.testQuantization(petri, quants);

        // Classify image
        Mat debugImg, debugImgq;
        colonyCounter.classifyImage(petri, true, &debugImg);
        colonyCounter.classifyImageQuant(petri, true, &debugImgq, quants);
        imshow("normal", debugImg);
        imshow("quant", debugImgq);
int imageDB::readImgInfoMap(const FileStorage& cvfs, const FileNode& node)

	int img_id;
	imageInfo	img_info;

	FileNodeIterator	it = node.begin();
	while(it != node.end()){
		img_id = (int)(*it)[0];
		img_info.feature_num = (int)(*it)[1];
		img_info.img_size = Size((int)(*it)[2],(int)(*it)[3]);

		// create voteTable
		vector<featureVote>* voteTable = new vector<featureVote>;
		imgVote_map.insert(pair<int,vector<featureVote>*>(img_id, voteTable));


	return 0;
/**Read  this from a file
void Board::readFromFile(string filePath) throw(cv::Exception) {
    cv::FileStorage fs(filePath, cv::FileStorage::READ);
    if (fs["aruco_bo_nmarkers"].name() != "aruco_bo_nmarkers")
        throw cv::Exception(81818, "Board::readFromFile", "invalid file type:", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    int aux = 0;
    // look for the nmarkers
    fs["aruco_bo_nmarkers"] >> aux;
    fs["aruco_bo_rvec"] >> Rvec;
    fs["aruco_bo_tvec"] >> Tvec;

    cv::FileNode markers = fs["aruco_bo_markers"];
    int i = 0;
    for (FileNodeIterator it = markers.begin(); it != markers.end(); ++it, i++) {
        at(i).id = (*it)["id"];
        int ncorners = (*it)["ncorners"];
        FileNode FnCorners = (*it)["corners"];
        int c = 0;
        for (FileNodeIterator itc = FnCorners.begin(); itc != FnCorners.end(); ++itc, c++) {
            vector< float > coordinates2d;
            (*itc) >> coordinates2d;
            if (coordinates2d.size() != 2)
                throw cv::Exception(81818, "Board::readFromFile", "invalid file type 2", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            cv::Point2f point;
            point.x = coordinates2d[0];
            point.y = coordinates2d[1];

void visualize(){
    cout << endl << "Reading: " << endl;
    FileStorage fs("PointCloudFoun.xml ", FileStorage::READ ); //PointCloud_SURF_Foun_1K.xml

    if (fs.isOpened())
        cout<<"File is opened\n";
        cout << "error in opening" << endl;

    FileNode n = fs["CloudPoint"];

    int row;
    row = (int) (n["rows"]);

    cout << "Row:" << row << endl;

    unsigned int count;

    FileNode nd = n["data"];

    vector< double > pointcloud;

    FileNodeIterator it = nd.begin(), it_end = nd.end(); // Go through the node
    for (; it != it_end; ++it)
        pointcloud.push_back( (double)*it );
        // cout << (double)*it;
        count += 1;

    cout << count/3 <<endl;

    cout << "\n" << pointcloud.size()/3 <<endl;
    // Visualization
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
    std::cout << "Genarating point clouds.\n\n";

    cloud.reset(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pointcloud.size() ; i = i+3)

        if(isnan( pointcloud[i] ) )

        pcl::PointXYZ p;

        p.x = pointcloud[i];
        p.y = pointcloud[i+1];
        p.z = pointcloud[i+2];


    cloud->width = (int) cloud->points.size();
    cloud->height = 1;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->points.size (); ++i)
        std::cerr << "    " << cloud->points[i].x << " " << cloud->points[i].y << " " << cloud->points[i].z << std::endl;

    boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer;
    viewer = customColourVis(cloud);
    while (!viewer->wasStopped ())
        viewer->spinOnce (100);
        boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000));

Exemple #13
    static Fields* parseCascade(const FileNode &root, const float mins, const float maxs, const int totals, const int method)
        static const char *const SC_STAGE_TYPE          = "stageType";
        static const char *const SC_BOOST               = "BOOST";
        static const char *const SC_FEATURE_TYPE        = "featureType";
        static const char *const SC_ICF                 = "ICF";
        static const char *const SC_ORIG_W              = "width";
        static const char *const SC_ORIG_H              = "height";
        static const char *const SC_FEATURE_FORMAT      = "featureFormat";
        static const char *const SC_SHRINKAGE           = "shrinkage";
        static const char *const SC_OCTAVES             = "octaves";
        static const char *const SC_OCT_SCALE           = "scale";
        static const char *const SC_OCT_WEAKS           = "weaks";
        static const char *const SC_TREES               = "trees";
        static const char *const SC_WEAK_THRESHOLD      = "treeThreshold";
        static const char *const SC_FEATURES            = "features";
        static const char *const SC_INTERNAL            = "internalNodes";
        static const char *const SC_LEAF                = "leafValues";
        static const char *const SC_F_CHANNEL           = "channel";
        static const char *const SC_F_RECT              = "rect";

        // only Ada Boost supported
        std::string stageTypeStr = (std::string)root[SC_STAGE_TYPE];
        CV_Assert(stageTypeStr == SC_BOOST);

        // only HOG-like integral channel features supported
        std::string featureTypeStr = (std::string)root[SC_FEATURE_TYPE];
        CV_Assert(featureTypeStr == SC_ICF);

        int origWidth  = (int)root[SC_ORIG_W];
        int origHeight = (int)root[SC_ORIG_H];

        std::string fformat = (std::string)root[SC_FEATURE_FORMAT];
        bool useBoxes = (fformat == "BOX");
        ushort shrinkage = cv::saturate_cast<ushort>((int)root[SC_SHRINKAGE]);

        FileNode fn = root[SC_OCTAVES];
        if (fn.empty()) return 0;

        std::vector<device::Octave>  voctaves;
        std::vector<float>   vstages;
        std::vector<device::Node>    vnodes;
        std::vector<float>   vleaves;

        FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(), it_end = fn.end();
        for (ushort octIndex = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++octIndex)
            FileNode fns = *it;
            float scale = powf(2.f,saturate_cast<float>((int)fns[SC_OCT_SCALE]));
            bool isUPOctave = scale >= 1;

            ushort nweaks = saturate_cast<ushort>((int)fns[SC_OCT_WEAKS]);

            ushort2 size;
            size.x = cvRound(origWidth * scale);
            size.y = cvRound(origHeight * scale);

            device::Octave octave(octIndex, nweaks, shrinkage, size, scale);
            CV_Assert(octave.stages > 0);

            FileNode ffs = fns[SC_FEATURES];
            if (ffs.empty()) return 0;

            std::vector<cv::Rect> feature_rects;
            std::vector<int> feature_channels;

            FileNodeIterator ftrs = ffs.begin(), ftrs_end = ffs.end();
            int feature_offset = 0;
            for (; ftrs != ftrs_end; ++ftrs, ++feature_offset )
                cv::FileNode ftn = (*ftrs)[SC_F_RECT];
                cv::FileNodeIterator r_it = ftn.begin();
                int x = (int)*(r_it++);
                int y = (int)*(r_it++);
                int w = (int)*(r_it++);
                int h = (int)*(r_it++);

                if (useBoxes)
                    if (isUPOctave)
                        w -= x;
                        h -= y;
                    if (!isUPOctave)
                        w += x;
                        h += y;
                feature_rects.push_back(cv::Rect(x, y, w, h));

            fns = fns[SC_TREES];
            if (fn.empty()) return false;

            // for each stage (~ decision tree with H = 2)
            FileNodeIterator st = fns.begin(), st_end = fns.end();
            for (; st != st_end; ++st )
                FileNode octfn = *st;
                float threshold = (float)octfn[SC_WEAK_THRESHOLD];

                FileNode intfns = octfn[SC_INTERNAL];
                FileNodeIterator inIt = intfns.begin(), inIt_end = intfns.end();
                for (; inIt != inIt_end;)
                    inIt +=2;
                    int featureIdx = (int)(*(inIt++));

                    float orig_threshold = (float)(*(inIt++));
                    unsigned int th = saturate_cast<unsigned int>((int)orig_threshold);
                    cv::Rect& r = feature_rects[featureIdx];
                    uchar4 rect;
                    rect.x = saturate_cast<uchar>(r.x);
                    rect.y = saturate_cast<uchar>(r.y);
                    rect.z = saturate_cast<uchar>(r.width);
                    rect.w = saturate_cast<uchar>(r.height);

                    unsigned int channel = saturate_cast<unsigned int>(feature_channels[featureIdx]);
                    vnodes.push_back(device::Node(rect, channel, th));

                intfns = octfn[SC_LEAF];
                inIt = intfns.begin(), inIt_end = intfns.end();
                for (; inIt != inIt_end; ++inIt)

        cv::Mat hoctaves(1, (int) (voctaves.size() * sizeof(device::Octave)), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(voctaves[0]));

        cv::Mat hstages(cv::Mat(vstages).reshape(1,1));

        cv::Mat hnodes(1, (int) (vnodes.size() * sizeof(device::Node)), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(vnodes[0]) );

        cv::Mat hleaves(cv::Mat(vleaves).reshape(1,1));

        Fields* fields = new Fields(mins, maxs, totals, origWidth, origHeight, shrinkage, 0,
            hoctaves, hstages, hnodes, hleaves, method);
        fields->voctaves = voctaves;
        fields->createLevels(DEFAULT_FRAME_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_FRAME_WIDTH);

        return fields;
Exemple #14
    bool fill(const FileNode &root)
        // cascade properties
        static const char *const SC_STAGE_TYPE       = "stageType";
        static const char *const SC_BOOST            = "BOOST";

        static const char *const SC_FEATURE_TYPE     = "featureType";
        static const char *const SC_ICF              = "ICF";

        static const char *const SC_ORIG_W           = "width";
        static const char *const SC_ORIG_H           = "height";

        static const char *const SC_OCTAVES          = "octaves";
        static const char *const SC_TREES            = "trees";
        static const char *const SC_FEATURES         = "features";

        static const char *const SC_INTERNAL         = "internalNodes";
        static const char *const SC_LEAF             = "leafValues";

        static const char *const SC_SHRINKAGE        = "shrinkage";

        static const char *const FEATURE_FORMAT      = "featureFormat";

        // only Ada Boost supported
        std::string stageTypeStr = (string)root[SC_STAGE_TYPE];
        CV_Assert(stageTypeStr == SC_BOOST);

        std::string fformat = (string)root[FEATURE_FORMAT];
        bool useBoxes = (fformat == "BOX");

        // only HOG-like integral channel features supported
        string featureTypeStr = (string)root[SC_FEATURE_TYPE];
        CV_Assert(featureTypeStr == SC_ICF);

        origObjWidth  = (int)root[SC_ORIG_W];
        origObjHeight = (int)root[SC_ORIG_H];

        shrinkage = (int)root[SC_SHRINKAGE];

        FileNode fn = root[SC_OCTAVES];
        if (fn.empty()) return false;

        // for each octave
        FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(), it_end = fn.end();
        for (int octIndex = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++octIndex)
            FileNode fns = *it;
            Octave octave(octIndex, cv::Size(origObjWidth, origObjHeight), fns);
            CV_Assert(octave.weaks > 0);

            FileNode ffs = fns[SC_FEATURES];
            if (ffs.empty()) return false;

            fns = fns[SC_TREES];
            if (fn.empty()) return false;

            FileNodeIterator st = fns.begin(), st_end = fns.end();
            for (; st != st_end; ++st )

                fns = (*st)[SC_INTERNAL];
                FileNodeIterator inIt = fns.begin(), inIt_end = fns.end();
                for (; inIt != inIt_end;)
                    nodes.push_back(Node(features.size(), inIt));

                fns = (*st)[SC_LEAF];
                inIt = fns.begin(), inIt_end = fns.end();

                for (; inIt != inIt_end; ++inIt)

            st = ffs.begin(), st_end = ffs.end();
            for (; st != st_end; ++st )
                features.push_back(Feature(*st, useBoxes));

        return true;
Exemple #15
void System3d::readCalibrationXML(string filename)
    if(filename.length() > 5)
        if( filename.substr(filename.length()-4) == ".xml" )
            patternCount = 0;

            cout << "opening file \"" << filename << "\" in progress...";
            FileStorage xmlfile(filename, FileStorage::READ);

            FileNode chessboardNode = xmlfile["chessboard_pattern_parameters"];
            float vertical = (float)chessboardNode["vertical"];
            float horizontal = (float)chessboardNode["horizontal"];

            FileNode IFMcamNode = xmlfile["detected_corners"];
            FileNodeIterator it = IFMcamNode.begin(), it_end = IFMcamNode.end();
            int idx = 0;

            // iterate through a sequence using FileNodeIterator
            for( ; it != it_end; ++it, idx++ )
                vector<Point2f> pts_pmd;
                (*it)["IFMcam_corners"] >> pts_pmd;

                vector<Point2f> pts_web;
                (*it)["webcam_corners"] >> pts_web;

            patternCount = idx;

            // write points coordinates
            cout << "\n*****************************************************\n";
            for(int k=0; k<pmdPoints.size(); k++)
                cout << "pmd feature #" << k << ": ";
                cout << "\n( ";
                for(int i=0; i<pmdPoints[k].size(); i++)
                    cout << pmdPoints[k][i].x << " " << pmdPoints[k][i].y << " || ";
                cout << ")\n";

            // write points coordinates
            cout << "\n*****************************************************\n";
            for(int k=0; k<webcamPoints.size(); k++)
                cout << "web feature #" << k << ": ";
                cout << "\n( ";
                for(int i=0; i<webcamPoints[k].size(); i++)
                    cout << webcamPoints[k][i].x << " " << webcamPoints[k][i].y << " || ";
                cout << ")\n";
        else cout << "Error: wrong file name\n";
int main() {
	//leap motion data
	Controller controller;

	//process variables
	int updateRate;
	int frameAmount; //amount of frame to record
	int counter;
	bool done;
	FileStorage fs;
	vector<string> imagelist;
	FileNode n;
	FileNodeIterator it, it_begin, it_end;
	Size boardSize;
	int64 t1, t2;
	double time;
	Vector slopes_left, slopes_right, position;
	float cameraZ, cameraY, cameraX;

	//behavior options	
	Behaviour behaviour;
	updateRate = 100;
	frameAmount = 20; //amount of frame to record
	counter = 0;
	done = false;
	time = 0;

	behaviour = CheckBehaviour();
	if (behaviour == Quit) return 0;
	else {
		std::cout << "Press 'q' to quit, 'r' to restart (set focus on image window)\n";

	char key = ' ';
	while (key != 'q' && key != 'r') {

		key = waitKey(updateRate); //refresh rate

		//image acquisition
		Frame frame = controller.frame();
		if (!frame.isValid()) {
			//std::cout << "Frame is Invalid" << std::endl;

		ImageList images = frame.images();
		if (images.isEmpty() || images.count() == 1) {
			//std::cout << "imageList.isEmpty()" << std::endl;

		Image imageLeft = images[0];
		Image imageRight = images[1];

		cvImgLeft = Mat(imageLeft.height(), imageLeft.width(), CV_8UC1);
		cvImgRight = Mat(imageRight.height(), imageRight.width(), CV_8UC1);		

		cvImgLeft.data = (unsigned char*)imageLeft.data();
		cvImgRight.data = (unsigned char*)imageRight.data();

		//image output
		imshow("Left image", cvImgLeft);
		imshow("Right image", cvImgRight);

		//behaviour check
		switch (behaviour) {
		case Show_images:
			//do nothing
		case Undistort_images:
			//use Leap Motion distortion map
			UndistortLeap(imageLeft, "Undistorted left image", true);
			UndistortLeap(imageRight, "Undistorted right image", true);
		case Calib_image_recording:
			//record calibration images
			//done = imgSave(cvImgLeft, cvImgRight, frameAmount, counter);
			done = imgSave(UndistortLeap(imageLeft, "Undistorted left image", true), UndistortLeap(imageRight, "Undistorted right image", true), frameAmount, counter);
			if (done) {
				std::cout << "Images for calibration recorded!" <<
					"\nPress 'q' to quit, 'r' to restart (set focus on image window)";
				behaviour = Show_images;
		case Stereo_calibration:
			//read calibration names to list			
			fs.open(calibFileNames, FileStorage::READ);
			n = fs["strings"];                         // Read string sequence - Get node
			if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
				cerr << "strings is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
				behaviour = Show_images;
			it = n.begin();
			it_end = n.end(); // Go through the node
			for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
				cout << (string)*it << endl;

			//provide board size
			boardSize.width = 9;
			boardSize.height = 6;

			//apply calibration, save parameters
			StereoCalibration(imagelist, boardSize, true, true);

			//exit calibration, revert to showing images
			behaviour = Show_images;
		case Hough_circle_transform:
			//apply calibration
			//rectify calibrated images
			//apply threshold
			//Hough circle transform detection
			t1 = getTickCount();
			t2 = getTickCount();
			time = (t2 - t1) / getTickFrequency();
			cout << "\nExecution time (ms): " << time * 1000.0f;
		case Tracking_blobs:
			//simple blob detector			
			t1 = getTickCount();
			t2 = getTickCount();
			time = (t2 - t1) / getTickFrequency();
			cout << "\nExecution time (ms): " << time * 1000.0f;
		case Tracking_contours:
			//blur + contours + enclosing circle			
			t1 = getTickCount();
			t2 = getTickCount();
			time = (t2 - t1) / getTickFrequency();
			cout << "\nExecution time (ms): " << time * 1000.0f;
		case Triangulation:
			//triangulation based on two tracked points and Leap Motion rectify() function
			t1 = getTickCount();

			//get the direction to the centere of object from left and right images
			//since there is only one tracked object, points should correspond
			slopes_left = imageLeft.rectify(GetTrackedPoint(imageLeft));
			slopes_right = imageRight.rectify(GetTrackedPoint(imageRight));

			//Do the triangulation from the rectify() slopes
			//40 mm camera separation
			cameraZ = 40 / (slopes_right.x - slopes_left.x);
			cameraY = cameraZ * slopes_right.y;
			cameraX = cameraZ * slopes_right.x - 20;
			position = Vector(cameraX, -cameraZ, cameraY);

			t2 = getTickCount();
			time = (t2 - t1) / getTickFrequency();
			cout << "\nPosition: " << position;
			cout << "\nExecution time (ms): " << time * 1000.0f;
			//do nothing

	if (key == 'r') {
		goto start;

	return 0;
Exemple #17
int main(int ac, char** av)
  if (ac != 2)
    return 1;

  string filename = av[1];

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);

    cout << "writing images\n";
    fs << "images" << "[";

    fs << "image1.jpg" << "myfi.png" << "baboon.jpg";
    cout << "image1.jpg" << " myfi.png" << " baboon.jpg" << endl;

    fs << "]";

    cout << "writing mats\n";
    Mat R =Mat_<double>::eye(3, 3),T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
    cout << "R = " << R << "\n";
    cout << "T = " << T << "\n";
    fs << "R" << R;
    fs << "T" << T;

    cout << "writing MyData struct\n";
    MyData m(1);
    fs << "mdata" << m;
    cout << m << endl;

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);

    if (!fs.isOpened())
      cerr << "failed to open " << filename << endl;
      return 1;

    FileNode n = fs["images"];
    if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
      cerr << "images is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
      return 1;

    cout << "reading images\n";
    FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end();
    for (; it != it_end; ++it)
      cout << (string)*it << "\n";

    Mat R, T;
    cout << "reading R and T" << endl;

    fs["R"] >> R;
    fs["T"] >> T;

    cout << "R = " << R << "\n";
    cout << "T = " << T << endl;

    MyData m;
    fs["mdata"] >> m;

    cout << "read mdata\n";
    cout << m << endl;

    cout << "attempting to read mdata_b\n";   //Show default behavior for empty matrix
    fs["mdata_b"] >> m;
    cout << "read mdata_b\n";
    cout << m << endl;


  cout << "Try opening " << filename << " to see the serialized data." << endl << endl;

  //read from string
    cout << "Read data from string\n";
    string dataString = 
        "   A: 97\n"
        "   X: 3.1415926535897931e+00\n"
        "   id: mydata1234\n";
    MyData m;
    FileStorage fs(dataString, FileStorage::READ | FileStorage::MEMORY);
    cout << "attempting to read mdata_b from string\n";   //Show default behavior for empty matrix
    fs["mdata"] >> m;
    cout << "read mdata\n";
    cout << m << endl;

  //write to string
    cout << "Write data to string\n";
    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE | FileStorage::MEMORY | FileStorage::FORMAT_YAML);

    cout << "writing MyData struct\n";
    MyData m(1);
    fs << "mdata" << m;
    cout << m << endl;
    string createdString = fs.releaseAndGetString();
    cout << "Created string:\n" << createdString << "\n";

  return 0;
Exemple #18
int main()
//vars for 120 fps
time_duration td, td1;
ptime nextFrameTimestamp, currentFrameTimestamp, initialLoopTimestamp, finalLoopTimestamp;
int delayFound = 0;

//Setting up communication with arduino
HANDLE hSerial;
        cout<<"File not found"<<endl;//serial port does not exist. Inform user.
    cout<<"error :/"<<endl;//some other error occurred. Inform user.

DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
if (!GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
        printf("error getting state\n");
if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
        printf("error setting serial port state\n");
int n=1;
DWORD bytesWritten;

ifstream infile("..//..//..//data.csv");		//Takes input from basic(GUI) for reading patient data and stores in the data.csv file
infile>>patdat;			//reading patients first name
infile>>patdat1;		//reading patients last name
infile>>patdat2;        //reading patients age
infile>>patdat3;        //reading patients gender

//Snippet for reading camera settings from xml file
FileStorage fs;
fs.open("file1.xml", FileStorage::READ);

FileNode q = fs.root();
for (FileNodeIterator current = q.begin(); current != q.end(); current++)
        FileNode item = *current;

        item["Exposure"] >> exposure;
        item["FPS"] >> framerate;
        item["Framewidth"] >> framewidth;
        item["Frameheight"] >> frameheight;
        //cout << exposure << endl;

VideoCapture capture(0);	//Opens the camera of the device connected
VideoCapture capture1(1);

capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, framewidth);
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, exposure);

capture1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, framewidth);
capture1.set(CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, exposure);

capture>>image;			//Extract a frame and store in image matrix.

strcpy(fname, "..//..//Videos//");	//declaring path for storing video
strcat(fname, patdat);		//appending patients first name on the video
strcat(fname, "_");		//appending patients name on the video
strcat(fname, patdat1);		//appending patients last name on the video
strcat(fname, "_");
strcat(fname, patdat2);
strcat(fname, "_");
strcat(fname, patdat3);
strcat(fname, "_");
strcat(fname, "left");

strcpy(fname1, "..//..//Videos//");	//declaring path for storing video
strcat(fname1, patdat);		//appending patients first name on the video
strcat(fname1, "_");		//appending patients name on the video
strcat(fname1, patdat1);		//appending patients last name on the video
strcat(fname1, "_");
strcat(fname1, patdat2);
strcat(fname1, "_");
strcat(fname1, patdat3);
strcat(fname1, "_");
strcat(fname1, "right");
int fps1=20;
/*Define VideoiWriter object for storing the video*/
VideoWriter video(fname,CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'),fps1,cvSize(framewidth, frameheight));  //CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G') is a motion-jpeg codec
VideoWriter video1(fname1,CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'),fps1,cvSize(framewidth, frameheight));

// initialize initial timestamps
nextFrameTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();
currentFrameTimestamp = nextFrameTimestamp;
td = (currentFrameTimestamp - nextFrameTimestamp);
//Starting timer
DWORD start = GetTickCount();

int i=1;
    // wait for X microseconds until 1second/framerate time has passed after previous frame write
	while(td.total_microseconds() < 1000/framerate)
            //determine current elapsed time
			currentFrameTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();
			td = (currentFrameTimestamp - nextFrameTimestamp);

	//	 determine time at start of write
    initialLoopTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();

    Size sz1 = image.size();
    Size sz2 = image1.size();
    Mat im3(sz1.height, sz1.width+sz2.width, CV_8UC3);
    Mat left(im3, Rect(0, 0, sz1.width, sz1.height));
    Mat right(im3, Rect(sz1.width, 0, sz2.width, sz2.height));

    // add 1second/framerate time for next loop pause
	nextFrameTimestamp = nextFrameTimestamp + microsec(1000000/framerate);

	// reset time_duration so while loop engages
	td = (currentFrameTimestamp - nextFrameTimestamp);
    //  cout<< (td) <<" "<<endl;
	//determine and print out delay in ms, should be less than 1000/FPS
	//occasionally, if delay is larger than said value, correction will occur
	//if delay is consistently larger than said value, then CPU is not powerful
	// enough to capture/decompress/record/compress that fast.
	finalLoopTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();
	td1 = (finalLoopTimestamp - initialLoopTimestamp);
	delayFound = td1.total_milliseconds();
	//cout << delayFound << endl;

	//output will be in following format

    key1 = waitKey(100); 	//Capture Keyboard stroke
    if (char(key1) == 32 )
	        break; 		//If you hit ESC key loop will break and code will terminate


DWORD elapsed = GetTickCount() - start;
cout<<"for the "<<i<<"th frame "<<elapsed/1000<<" seconds are required"<<endl;
cout<<"Therefore the framerate is "<<i/(elapsed/1000)<<endl;

WriteFile(hSerial, "s",n, &bytesWritten, NULL);

cout<<"No of bytes written are: "<<bytesWritten<<endl;
cout<<"The test has started"<<endl;
 start = GetTickCount();
cout<<"Time = "<< start;

    // wait for X microseconds until 1second/framerate time has passed after previous frame write
	while(td.total_microseconds() < 1000/framerate)
            //determine current elapsed time
			currentFrameTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();
			td = (currentFrameTimestamp - nextFrameTimestamp);
	//	 determine time at start of write
    initialLoopTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();

    Size sz1 = image.size();
    Size sz2 = image1.size();
    Mat im3(sz1.height, sz1.width+sz2.width, CV_8UC3);
    Mat left(im3, Rect(0, 0, sz1.width, sz1.height));
    Mat right(im3, Rect(sz1.width, 0, sz2.width, sz2.height));

    // add 1second/framerate time for next loop pause
	nextFrameTimestamp = nextFrameTimestamp + microsec(1000000/framerate);

	// reset time_duration so while loop engages
	td = (currentFrameTimestamp - nextFrameTimestamp);
    //  cout<< (td) <<" "<<endl;
	//determine and print out delay in ms, should be less than 1000/FPS
	//occasionally, if delay is larger than said value, correction will occur
	//if delay is consistently larger than said value, then CPU is not powerful
	// enough to capture/decompress/record/compress that fast.
	finalLoopTimestamp = microsec_clock::local_time();
	td1 = (finalLoopTimestamp - initialLoopTimestamp);
	delayFound = td1.total_milliseconds();
	//cout << delayFound << endl;

	//output will be in following format

    // video1<<im3;

	//DWORD dwRead;
    //BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
    //OVERLAPPED osReader = {0};

    // Create the overlapped event. Must be closed before exiting
    // to avoid a handle leak.
    //osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

    //if (osReader.hEvent == NULL)
    // Error creating overlapped event; abort.

    //if (!fWaitingOnRead) {
    // Issue read operation.
    //if (!ReadFile(hSerial, lpBuf, 1, &dwRead, &osReader)) {
    //if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) ;    // read not delayed?
         // Error in communications; report it.
      //   fWaitingOnRead = TRUE;
    //else {
      // read completed immediately
     // ReadFile(hSerial, lpBuf, 1, &dwRead, &osReader);
      //HandleASuccessfulRead(lpBuf, dwRead);
      //cout<<"Arduino-Read: "<<lpBuf[0]<<"  ->"<<"Excitation number"<<lpBuf[0]<<endl;
    elapsed = GetTickCount() - start;
    //cout<<"time elapsed ="<<elapsed/1000<<"secons"<<endl;
    cout<<"time left for test to end = "<<39-(elapsed/1000)<<endl;
    key2 = waitKey(100); 	//Capture Keyboard stroke
    if (char(key2) == 27 || elapsed==39000  )
        cout<<"Test is complete"<<endl;
        break; 		//Ijf you hit ESC key loop will break and code will terminate  || lpBuf[0]=='9'

CloseHandle(hSerial);   //Ending communication with arduino
elapsed = GetTickCount() - start;
cout<<"for the "<<i<<"th frame "<<elapsed/1000<<" seconds are required"<<endl;
cout<<"Therefore the framerate is "<<i/(elapsed/1000)<<endl;


return 0;
Exemple #19
bool s_model::load()
	FileStorage fs;
	fs.open(fname, FileStorage::READ);
		return false;

	FileNode fn;

	fn = fs["ModelName"];
	string nameModel;
		cerr << "Cannot find node ModelName." << endl;
		return false;
	fn >> name;

	// decode the model name. Some names are reserved for specific models
	// If model head is "chsbd", the name should have the format "chsbd_<x>_<y>_<p>". Here <x>, <y> are non-negative integer, <p> is fixed point number.
	if(par_chsbd.parse(name.c_str(), type, pts, edges)){
		for(int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
			pts_deformed[i] = pts[i];
		return true;

	int numPoints;
	fn = fs["NumPoints"];
		cerr << "Cannot find node NumPoints." << endl;
		return false;
	fn >> numPoints;
	int numEdges; 
	fn = fs["NumEdges"];
		cerr << "Cannot find node NumEdges." << endl;
		return false;
	fn >> numEdges;

	int numParts;
	fn = fs["NumParts"];
		cerr << "Cannot find node NumParts" << endl;
	fn >> numParts;

	fn = fs["Points"];
		cerr << "Cannot find node Points." << endl;
		return false;

	char buf[64];
	for(int ip = 0; ip < numPoints; ip++){
		snprintf(buf, 63, "Point%05d", ip);
		FileNode fpt = fn[(const char*)buf];
			cerr << "Cannot find node " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;
		fpt["x"] >> pts[ip].x;
		fpt["y"] >> pts[ip].y;
		fpt["z"] >> pts[ip].z;
		pts_deformed[ip] = pts[ip];

	fn = fs["Edges"];
		cerr << "Cannot find node Edges." << endl;
		return false;

	for(int ie =0; ie < numEdges; ie++){
		snprintf(buf, 63, "Edge%05d", ie);
		FileNode fe = fn[(const char*)buf];
			cerr << "Cannot find node " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;
		fe["s"] >> edges[ie].s;
		fe["e"] >> edges[ie].e;

	fn = fs["Parts"];
	for(int ipart = 0; ipart < numParts; ipart++){
		snprintf(buf, 63, "Part%05d", ipart);
		FileNode fpart = fn[(const char*)buf];
			cerr << "Cannot find part " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;

		FileNode fpts = fpart["pts"];
			cerr << "Cannot find points in " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;

		FileNodeIterator itr = fpts.begin();
		for(; itr != fpts.end(); itr++){
			int val;
			*itr >> val;

		FileNode faxis = fpart["axis"];
			cerr << "Cannot find axis in " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;

		Point3f & axis = parts[ipart].axis;
		faxis["x"] >> axis.x;
		faxis["y"] >> axis.y;
		faxis["z"] >> axis.z;

		FileNode ftrn = fpart["trn"];
			cerr << "Cannot find trn in " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;
		ftrn >> parts[ipart].trn;

		FileNode frot = fpart["rot"];
			cerr << "Cannot find rot in " << buf << "." << endl;
			return false;
		frot >> parts[ipart].rot;

			FileNode forg = fpart["org"];
				cerr << "Cannot find org in " << buf << "." << endl;
				return false;
			forg >> parts[ipart].org;
void TrajectoryFrames::load(const std::string& dirname)
    cout << "TrajectoryFrames::load" << endl;


    vector<string> frameIndices;
    readFrameIndices(dirname, frameIndices);
        cout << "Can not load the data from given directory of the base: " << dirname << endl;


#pragma omp parallel for
    for(size_t i = 0; i < frameIndices.size(); i++)
        Mat image, depth;
        loadFrameData(dirname, frameIndices[i], image, depth);

        Mat mask, objectMask;
        mask = imread(dirname + "/mask_" + frameIndices[i] + ".png", 0);
        objectMask = imread(dirname + "/object_mask_" + frameIndices[i] + ".png", 0);

        Mat normals;
            FileStorage fs(dirname + "/normals_" + frameIndices[i] + ".xml.gz", FileStorage::READ);
            fs["normals"] >> normals;

        Mat pose;
            FileStorage fs(dirname + "/pose" + frameIndices[i] + ".xml.gz", FileStorage::READ);
            fs["pose"] >> pose;

        Ptr<RgbdFrame> frame = new RgbdFrame(image, depth, mask, normals, atoi(frameIndices[i].c_str()));

        frames[i] = frame;
        objectMasks[i] = objectMask;
        poses[i] = pose;

    resumeFrameState = TrajectoryFrames::KEYFRAME;
    frameStates.resize(frames.size(), TrajectoryFrames::KEYFRAME);

    FileStorage fs(dirname + "/poseLinks.xml.gz", FileStorage::READ);
    FileNode fn = fs["poseLinks"];
    FileNodeIterator fnIt = fn.begin(), fnEnd = fn.end();
    for(; fnIt != fnEnd; ++fnIt)
        int srcIndex = -1, dstIndex = -1;
        Mat Rt;
        (*fnIt)["srcIndex"] >> srcIndex;
        (*fnIt)["dstIndex"] >> dstIndex;
        (*fnIt)["Rt"] >> Rt;
        CV_Assert(srcIndex >= 0);
        CV_Assert(dstIndex >= 0);
        keyframePosesLinks.push_back(PosesLink(srcIndex, dstIndex, Rt));
  bool loadGraph(const std::string graph_file)
    LOG(INFO) << "loading graph " << graph_file;
    FileStorage fs; 
    fs.open(graph_file, FileStorage::READ);
    if (!fs.isOpened()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "couldn't open " << graph_file;
      return false;
    FileNode nd = fs["nodes"]; 
    if (nd.type() != FileNode::SEQ) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "no nodes";

      return false;

    for (FileNodeIterator it = nd.begin(); it != nd.end(); ++it) {
      string type_id = (*it)["typeid"];
      string name;
      (*it)["name"] >> name;
      cv::Point loc;
      loc.x = (*it)["loc"][0];
      loc.y = (*it)["loc"][1];
      bool enable;
      (*it)["enable"] >> enable;
      Node* node;
      if (type_id.compare("bm::Webcam") == 0) {
        // TBD make a version of getNode that takes a type_id string
        Webcam* cam_in = getNode<Webcam>(name, loc);
        node = cam_in;

        test_im = cam_in->getImage("out").clone();
        test_im = cv::Scalar(200,200,200);

      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::ScreenCap") == 0) {
        node = getNode<ScreenCap>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::ImageNode") == 0) {
        node = getNode<ImageNode>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Sobel") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Sobel>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::GaussianBlur") == 0) {
        node = getNode<GaussianBlur>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Buffer") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Buffer>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::ImageDir") == 0) {
        node = getNode<ImageDir>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Add") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Add>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Multiply") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Multiply>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::AbsDiff") == 0) {
        node = getNode<AbsDiff>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Greater") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Greater>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Resize") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Resize>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Flip") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Flip>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Rot2D") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Rot2D>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Signal") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Signal>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Saw") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Saw>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Tap") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Tap>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::TapInd") == 0) {
        node = getNode<TapInd>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Bezier") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Bezier>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Random") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Random>(name, loc);
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Mouse") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Mouse>(name, loc);

        input_node = (Mouse*) node;
        if (output_node) {
          input_node->display = output_node->display;
          input_node->win = output_node->win;
          input_node->opcode = output_node->opcode;
      } else if (type_id.compare("bm::Output") == 0) {
        node = getNode<Output>(name, loc);
        output_node = (Output*)node;
        output_node->setup(Config::inst()->out_width, Config::inst()->out_height);
        // TBD need better way to share X11 info- Config probably
        if (input_node) {
          input_node->display = output_node->display;
          input_node->win = output_node->win;
          input_node->opcode = output_node->opcode;
      } else {
        LOG(WARNING) << "unknown node type " << type_id << ", assuming imageNode";
        node = getNode<ImageNode>(name, loc);

      if (dynamic_cast<ImageNode*>(node)) {
        (dynamic_cast<ImageNode*> (node))->setImage("out", test_im);

      if (name == "output") {
        output_node = (Output*)node;
        cv::Mat tmp;
        node->setImage("in", tmp); 

      LOG(INFO) << type_id << " " << CLTXT << name << CLVAL << " " 
          << node  << " " << loc << " " << enable << CLNRM;
      int ind;
      (*it)["ind"] >> ind;
      LOG(INFO) << CLTXT << "first pass inputs " << CLVAL << ind << CLNRM << " " << node->name;

      for (int i = 0; i < (*it)["inputs"].size(); i++) {
        int type;
        string port;

        (*it)["inputs"][i]["type"] >> type;
        (*it)["inputs"][i]["name"] >> port;
        LOG(INFO) << "input " << ind << " \"" << node->name
            << "\", type " << type << " " << port;
        // TBD make function for this
        conType con_type = NONE;
        if (type == "ImageNode") con_type = IMAGE;
        if (type == "ImageOut") con_type = IMAGE;
        if (type == "Signal") con_type = SIGNAL;
        if (type == "Buffer") con_type = BUFFER;
        node->setInputPort((conType)type, port, NULL, "");

    // second pass for inputs (the first pass was necessary to create them 
    // all in right order
    LOG(INFO) << "second pass inputs";
    for (FileNodeIterator it = nd.begin(); it != nd.end(); ++it) {
      int ind;
      (*it)["ind"] >> ind;
      LOG(INFO) << "second pass inputs " << ind << " " << CLTXT << all_nodes[ind]->name << CLNRM;
      for (int i = 0; i < (*it)["inputs"].size(); i++) {
        int input_ind;
        int type;
        string port;
        string src_port;
        float value;

        (*it)["inputs"][i]["type"] >> type;
        (*it)["inputs"][i]["name"] >> port;
        (*it)["inputs"][i]["src_ind"] >> input_ind;
        (*it)["inputs"][i]["src_port"] >> src_port;
        (*it)["inputs"][i]["value"] >> value;
        if (input_ind >= 0) {
        LOG(INFO) << "input " 
            << " " << input_ind << ", type " << type << " " << port << " " << input_ind
            << " " << src_port;
          all_nodes[ind]->setInputPort((conType)type, port, all_nodes[input_ind], src_port);
        } // input_ind > 0

        if (type == SIGNAL) {
          all_nodes[ind]->setSignal(port, value);

    } // second input pass

    if (output_node == NULL) {
      LOG(WARNING) << CLWRN << "No output node found, setting it to " 
          << all_nodes[all_nodes.size() - 1]->name << CLNRM;
      // TBD could make sure that this node is an output node
      output_node = (Output*) all_nodes[all_nodes.size() - 1];

    LOG(INFO) << all_nodes.size() << " nodes total";
    //output_node->loc = cv::Point2f(graph.cols - (test_im.cols/2+100), 20);

  } // loadGraph
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//READ camera calibration parameters
    cout << endl << "Reading camera params file: "<< endl;
	const string inputSettingsFile = "camera_cal.yml";
	FileStorage fs;
	fs.open(inputSettingsFile, FileStorage::READ); // Read the settings

	int itNr;
    fs["iterationNr"] >> itNr;
    itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"];
    cout << itNr;
    if (!fs.isOpened())
        cerr << "Failed to open " << inputSettingsFile << endl;
        return 1;

    FileNode n = fs["strings"];                         // Read string sequence - Get node
    /*if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
        cerr << "strings is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
        return 1;

    FileNodeIterator itt = n.begin(), itt_end = n.end(); // Go through the node
    for (; itt != itt_end; ++itt)
        cout << (string)*itt << endl;

    	//int image_width,
    	int image_width,image_height;
        Mat cameraMatrix, distortion_coefficients, rectification_matrix, projection_matrix;

        cout << "Debug" << endl;

        fs["image_width"] >> image_width;                                   
        fs["image_height"] >> image_height;
        fs["camera_matrix"] >> cameraMatrix;                                    // Read cv::Mat
        fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distortion_coefficients;
        fs["rectification_matrix"] >> rectification_matrix;
        fs["projection_matrix"] >> projection_matrix;
        cout << "image_width = " << image_width << endl
             << "image_height = " << image_height << endl
        	 << "cameraMatrix = " << endl << cameraMatrix << endl
        	 << "distortion_coefficients = " << endl << distortion_coefficients << endl
        	 << "rectification_matrix = " << endl << rectification_matrix << endl
        	 << "projection_matrix = " << endl << projection_matrix << endl;
 	///// END READIN GOF YAML FILE ///////////

	ros::init(argc, argv, "image_listener");
	// Create ROS generic subscriber (or publisher)
	ros::NodeHandle nh; 

	// Create OpenCV display window
	cv::namedWindow("Undistorted Image");


	//Initialize ImageTransport instance with NodeHandle
	image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);

	//Subscribe to the camera/image base topic. Call imageCallback when new image arrives, with a queue size of 1.
	image_transport::Subscriber sub=it.subscribe("camera/image_raw", 1,imageCallback);

	//Process image:
	if (cv_ptr->image.rows>60 && cv_ptr->image.cols > 60)

	//Display image in window:
	//cv::imshow("Undistorted Image", cv_ptr->image);
	//cv::imshow("Undistorted Image",imageRect);
	cv::destroyWindow("Undistorted Image");
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
    CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv,
        "{ help h usage ? |      | show this message }"
        "{ image i        |      | (required) path to reference image }"
        "{ model m        |      | (required) path to cascade xml file }"
        "{ data d         |      | (optional) path to video output folder }"
    // Read in the input arguments
    if (parser.has("help")){
        return 0;
    string model(parser.get<string>("model"));
    string output_folder(parser.get<string>("data"));
    string image_ref = (parser.get<string>("image"));
    if (model.empty() || image_ref.empty()){
        return -1;

    // Value for timing
    // You can increase this to have a better visualisation during the generation
    int timing = 1;

    // Value for cols of storing elements
    int cols_prefered = 5;

    // Open the XML model
    FileStorage fs;
    bool model_ok = fs.open(model, FileStorage::READ);
    if (!model_ok){
        cerr << "the cascade file '" << model << "' could not be loaded." << endl;
        return  -1;
    // Get a the required information
    // First decide which feature type we are using
    FileNode cascade = fs["cascade"];
    string feature_type = cascade["featureType"];
    bool haar = false, lbp = false;
    if (feature_type.compare("HAAR") == 0){
        haar = true;
    if (feature_type.compare("LBP") == 0){
        lbp = true;
    if ( feature_type.compare("HAAR") != 0 && feature_type.compare("LBP")){
        cerr << "The model is not an HAAR or LBP feature based model!" << endl;
        cerr << "Please select a model that can be visualized by the software." << endl;
        return -1;

    // We make a visualisation mask - which increases the window to make it at least a bit more visible
    int resize_factor = 10;
    int resize_storage_factor = 10;
    Mat reference_image = imread(image_ref, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE );
    if (reference_image.empty()){
        cerr << "the reference image '" << image_ref << "'' could not be loaded." << endl;
        return -1;
    Mat visualization;
    resize(reference_image, visualization, Size(reference_image.cols * resize_factor, reference_image.rows * resize_factor));

    // First recover for each stage the number of weak features and their index
    // Important since it is NOT sequential when using LBP features
    vector< vector<int> > stage_features;
    FileNode stages = cascade["stages"];
    FileNodeIterator it_stages = stages.begin(), it_stages_end = stages.end();
    int idx = 0;
    for( ; it_stages != it_stages_end; it_stages++, idx++ ){
        vector<int> current_feature_indexes;
        FileNode weak_classifiers = (*it_stages)["weakClassifiers"];
        FileNodeIterator it_weak = weak_classifiers.begin(), it_weak_end = weak_classifiers.end();
        vector<int> values;
        for(int idy = 0; it_weak != it_weak_end; it_weak++, idy++ ){
            (*it_weak)["internalNodes"] >> values;
            current_feature_indexes.push_back( (int)values[2] );

    // If the output option has been chosen than we will store a combined image plane for
    // each stage, containing all weak classifiers for that stage.
    bool draw_planes = false;
    stringstream output_video;
    output_video << output_folder << "model_visualization.avi";
    VideoWriter result_video;
    if( output_folder.compare("") != 0 ){
        draw_planes = true;
        result_video.open(output_video.str(), VideoWriter::fourcc('X','V','I','D'), 15, Size(reference_image.cols * resize_factor, reference_image.rows * resize_factor), false);

        // Grab the corresponding features dimensions and weights
        FileNode features = cascade["features"];
        vector< vector< rect_data > > feature_data;
        FileNodeIterator it_features = features.begin(), it_features_end = features.end();
        for(int idf = 0; it_features != it_features_end; it_features++, idf++ ){
            vector< rect_data > current_feature_rectangles;
            FileNode rectangles = (*it_features)["rects"];
            int nrects = (int)rectangles.size();
            for(int k = 0; k < nrects; k++){
                rect_data current_data;
                FileNode single_rect = rectangles[k];
                current_data.x = (int)single_rect[0];
                current_data.y = (int)single_rect[1];
                current_data.w = (int)single_rect[2];
                current_data.h = (int)single_rect[3];
                current_data.weight = (float)single_rect[4];

        // Loop over each possible feature on its index, visualise on the mask and wait a bit,
        // then continue to the next feature.
        // If visualisations should be stored then do the in between calculations
        Mat image_plane;
        Mat metadata = Mat::zeros(150, 1000, CV_8UC1);
        vector< rect_data > current_rects;
        for(int sid = 0; sid < (int)stage_features.size(); sid ++){
                int features_nmbr = (int)stage_features[sid].size();
                int cols = cols_prefered;
                int rows = features_nmbr / cols;
                if( (features_nmbr % cols) > 0){
                image_plane = Mat::zeros(reference_image.rows * resize_storage_factor * rows, reference_image.cols * resize_storage_factor * cols, CV_8UC1);
            for(int fid = 0; fid < (int)stage_features[sid].size(); fid++){
                stringstream meta1, meta2;
                meta1 << "Stage " << sid << " / Feature " << fid;
                meta2 << "Rectangles: ";
                Mat temp_window = visualization.clone();
                Mat temp_metadata = metadata.clone();
                int current_feature_index = stage_features[sid][fid];
                current_rects = feature_data[current_feature_index];
                Mat single_feature = reference_image.clone();
                resize(single_feature, single_feature, Size(), resize_storage_factor, resize_storage_factor);
                for(int i = 0; i < (int)current_rects.size(); i++){
                    rect_data local = current_rects[i];
                        if(local.weight >= 0){
                            rectangle(single_feature, Rect(local.x * resize_storage_factor, local.y * resize_storage_factor, local.w * resize_storage_factor, local.h * resize_storage_factor), Scalar(0), FILLED);
                            rectangle(single_feature, Rect(local.x * resize_storage_factor, local.y * resize_storage_factor, local.w * resize_storage_factor, local.h * resize_storage_factor), Scalar(255), FILLED);
                    Rect part(local.x * resize_factor, local.y * resize_factor, local.w * resize_factor, local.h * resize_factor);
                    meta2 << part << " (w " << local.weight << ") ";
                    if(local.weight >= 0){
                        rectangle(temp_window, part, Scalar(0), FILLED);
                        rectangle(temp_window, part, Scalar(255), FILLED);
                imshow("features", temp_window);
                putText(temp_window, meta1.str(), Point(15,15), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));
                // Copy the feature image if needed
                    single_feature.copyTo(image_plane(Rect(0 + (fid%cols_prefered)*single_feature.cols, 0 + (fid/cols_prefered) * single_feature.rows, single_feature.cols, single_feature.rows)));
                putText(temp_metadata, meta1.str(), Point(15,15), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));
                putText(temp_metadata, meta2.str(), Point(15,40), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));
                imshow("metadata", temp_metadata);
            //Store the stage image if needed
                stringstream save_location;
                save_location << output_folder << "stage_" << sid << ".png";
                imwrite(save_location.str(), image_plane);

        // Grab the corresponding features dimensions and weights
        FileNode features = cascade["features"];
        vector<Rect> feature_data;
        FileNodeIterator it_features = features.begin(), it_features_end = features.end();
        for(int idf = 0; it_features != it_features_end; it_features++, idf++ ){
            FileNode rectangle = (*it_features)["rect"];
            Rect current_feature ((int)rectangle[0], (int)rectangle[1], (int)rectangle[2], (int)rectangle[3]);

        // Loop over each possible feature on its index, visualise on the mask and wait a bit,
        // then continue to the next feature.
        Mat image_plane;
        Mat metadata = Mat::zeros(150, 1000, CV_8UC1);
        for(int sid = 0; sid < (int)stage_features.size(); sid ++){
                int features_nmbr = (int)stage_features[sid].size();
                int cols = cols_prefered;
                int rows = features_nmbr / cols;
                if( (features_nmbr % cols) > 0){
                image_plane = Mat::zeros(reference_image.rows * resize_storage_factor * rows, reference_image.cols * resize_storage_factor * cols, CV_8UC1);
            for(int fid = 0; fid < (int)stage_features[sid].size(); fid++){
                stringstream meta1, meta2;
                meta1 << "Stage " << sid << " / Feature " << fid;
                meta2 << "Rectangle: ";
                Mat temp_window = visualization.clone();
                Mat temp_metadata = metadata.clone();
                int current_feature_index = stage_features[sid][fid];
                Rect current_rect = feature_data[current_feature_index];
                Mat single_feature = reference_image.clone();
                resize(single_feature, single_feature, Size(), resize_storage_factor, resize_storage_factor);

                // VISUALISATION
                // The rectangle is the top left one of a 3x3 block LBP constructor
                Rect resized(current_rect.x * resize_factor, current_rect.y * resize_factor, current_rect.width * resize_factor, current_rect.height * resize_factor);
                meta2 << resized;
                // Top left
                rectangle(temp_window, resized, Scalar(255), 1);
                // Top middle
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + resized.width, resized.y, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Top right
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + 2*resized.width, resized.y, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Middle left
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x, resized.y + resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Middle middle
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + resized.width, resized.y + resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), FILLED);
                // Middle right
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + 2*resized.width, resized.y + resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Bottom left
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x, resized.y + 2*resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Bottom middle
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + resized.width, resized.y + 2*resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                // Bottom right
                rectangle(temp_window, Rect(resized.x + 2*resized.width, resized.y + 2*resized.height, resized.width, resized.height), Scalar(255), 1);

                    Rect resized_inner(current_rect.x * resize_storage_factor, current_rect.y * resize_storage_factor, current_rect.width * resize_storage_factor, current_rect.height * resize_storage_factor);
                    // Top left
                    rectangle(single_feature, resized_inner, Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Top middle
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Top right
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + 2*resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Middle left
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x, resized_inner.y + resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Middle middle
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y + resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), FILLED);
                    // Middle right
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + 2*resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y + resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Bottom left
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x, resized_inner.y + 2*resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Bottom middle
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y + 2*resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);
                    // Bottom right
                    rectangle(single_feature, Rect(resized_inner.x + 2*resized_inner.width, resized_inner.y + 2*resized_inner.height, resized_inner.width, resized_inner.height), Scalar(255), 1);

                    single_feature.copyTo(image_plane(Rect(0 + (fid%cols_prefered)*single_feature.cols, 0 + (fid/cols_prefered) * single_feature.rows, single_feature.cols, single_feature.rows)));

                putText(temp_metadata, meta1.str(), Point(15,15), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));
                putText(temp_metadata, meta2.str(), Point(15,40), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));
                imshow("metadata", temp_metadata);
                imshow("features", temp_window);
                putText(temp_window, meta1.str(), Point(15,15), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255));


            //Store the stage image if needed
                stringstream save_location;
                save_location << output_folder << "stage_" << sid << ".png";
                imwrite(save_location.str(), image_plane);
    return 0;
Exemple #24
bool CascadeClassifier::Data::read(const FileNode &root)
    static const float THRESHOLD_EPS = 1e-5f;

    // load stage params
    String stageTypeStr = (String)root[CC_STAGE_TYPE];
    if( stageTypeStr == CC_BOOST )
        stageType = BOOST;
        return false;

    String featureTypeStr = (String)root[CC_FEATURE_TYPE];
    if( featureTypeStr == CC_HAAR )
        featureType = FeatureEvaluator::HAAR;
    else if( featureTypeStr == CC_LBP )
        featureType = FeatureEvaluator::LBP;
    else if( featureTypeStr == CC_HOG )
        featureType = FeatureEvaluator::HOG;

        return false;

    origWinSize.width = (int)root[CC_WIDTH];
    origWinSize.height = (int)root[CC_HEIGHT];
    CV_Assert( origWinSize.height > 0 && origWinSize.width > 0 );

    isStumpBased = (int)(root[CC_STAGE_PARAMS][CC_MAX_DEPTH]) == 1 ? true : false;

    // load feature params
    FileNode fn = root[CC_FEATURE_PARAMS];
    if( fn.empty() )
        return false;

    ncategories = fn[CC_MAX_CAT_COUNT];
    int subsetSize = (ncategories + 31)/32,
        nodeStep = 3 + ( ncategories>0 ? subsetSize : 1 );

    // load stages
    fn = root[CC_STAGES];
    if( fn.empty() )
        return false;


    FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(), it_end = fn.end();

    for( int si = 0; it != it_end; si++, ++it )
        FileNode fns = *it;
        Stage stage;
        stage.threshold = (float)fns[CC_STAGE_THRESHOLD] - THRESHOLD_EPS;
        fns = fns[CC_WEAK_CLASSIFIERS];
            return false;
        stage.ntrees = (int)fns.size();
        stage.first = (int)classifiers.size();
        classifiers.reserve(stages[si].first + stages[si].ntrees);

        FileNodeIterator it1 = fns.begin(), it1_end = fns.end();
        for( ; it1 != it1_end; ++it1 ) // weak trees
            FileNode fnw = *it1;
            FileNode internalNodes = fnw[CC_INTERNAL_NODES];
            FileNode leafValues = fnw[CC_LEAF_VALUES];
            if( internalNodes.empty() || leafValues.empty() )
                return false;

            DTree tree;
            tree.nodeCount = (int)internalNodes.size()/nodeStep;

            nodes.reserve(nodes.size() + tree.nodeCount);
            leaves.reserve(leaves.size() + leafValues.size());
            if( subsetSize > 0 )
                subsets.reserve(subsets.size() + tree.nodeCount*subsetSize);

            FileNodeIterator internalNodesIter = internalNodes.begin(), internalNodesEnd = internalNodes.end();

            for( ; internalNodesIter != internalNodesEnd; ) // nodes
                DTreeNode node;
                node.left = (int)*internalNodesIter; ++internalNodesIter;
                node.right = (int)*internalNodesIter; ++internalNodesIter;
                node.featureIdx = (int)*internalNodesIter; ++internalNodesIter;
                if( subsetSize > 0 )
                    for( int j = 0; j < subsetSize; j++, ++internalNodesIter )
                    node.threshold = 0.f;
                    node.threshold = (float)*internalNodesIter; ++internalNodesIter;

            internalNodesIter = leafValues.begin(), internalNodesEnd = leafValues.end();

            for( ; internalNodesIter != internalNodesEnd; ++internalNodesIter ) // leaves

    return true;
Exemple #25
int main(int ac, char** av)
  if (ac != 2)
    return 1;

  string filename = av[1];

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);

    cout << "writing images\n";
    fs << "images" << "[";

    fs << "image1.jpg" << "myfi.png" << "baboon.jpg";
    cout << "image1.jpg" << " myfi.png" << " baboon.jpg" << endl;

    fs << "]";

    cout << "writing mats\n";
    Mat R =Mat_<double>::eye(3, 3),T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
    cout << "R = " << R << "\n";
    cout << "T = " << T << "\n";
    fs << "R" << R;
    fs << "T" << T;

    cout << "writing MyData struct\n";
    MyData m(1);
    fs << "mdata" << m;
    cout << m << endl;

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);

    if (!fs.isOpened())
      cerr << "failed to open " << filename << endl;
      return 1;

    FileNode n = fs["images"];
    if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
      cerr << "images is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
      return 1;

    cout << "reading images\n";
    FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end();
    for (; it != it_end; ++it)
      cout << (string)*it << "\n";

    Mat R, T;
    cout << "reading R and T" << endl;

    fs["R"] >> R;
    fs["T"] >> T;

    cout << "R = " << R << "\n";
    cout << "T = " << T << endl;

    MyData m;
    fs["mdata"] >> m;

    cout << "read mdata\n";
    cout << m << endl;

    cout << "attempting to read mdata_b\n";   //Show default behavior for empty matrix
    fs["mdata_b"] >> m;
    cout << "read mdata_b\n";
    cout << m << endl;


  cout << "Try opening " << filename << " to see the serialized data." << endl;

  return 0;
int main(int ac, char** av)
    if (ac != 2)
        return 1;

    string filename = av[1];
    { //write
        Mat R = Mat_<uchar>::eye(3, 3),
            T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
        MyData m(1);

        FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);

        fs << "iterationNr" << 100;
        fs << "strings" << "[";                              // text - string sequence
        fs << "image1.jpg" << "Awesomeness" << "../data/baboon.jpg";
        fs << "]";                                           // close sequence

        fs << "Mapping";                              // text - mapping
        fs << "{" << "One" << 1;
        fs <<        "Two" << 2 << "}";

        fs << "R" << R;                                      // cv::Mat
        fs << "T" << T;

        fs << "MyData" << m;                                // your own data structures

        fs.release();                                       // explicit close
        cout << "Write Done." << endl;

        cout << endl << "Reading: " << endl;
        FileStorage fs;
        fs.open(filename, FileStorage::READ);

        int itNr;
        //fs["iterationNr"] >> itNr;
        itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"];
        cout << itNr;
        if (!fs.isOpened())
            cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << endl;
            return 1;

        FileNode n = fs["strings"];                         // Read string sequence - Get node
        if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
            cerr << "strings is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
            return 1;

        FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end(); // Go through the node
        for (; it != it_end; ++it)
            cout << (string)*it << endl;

        n = fs["Mapping"];                                // Read mappings from a sequence
        cout << "Two  " << (int)(n["Two"]) << "; ";
        cout << "One  " << (int)(n["One"]) << endl << endl;

        MyData m;
        Mat R, T;

        fs["R"] >> R;                                      // Read cv::Mat
        fs["T"] >> T;
        fs["MyData"] >> m;                                 // Read your own structure_

        cout << endl
            << "R = " << R << endl;
        cout << "T = " << T << endl << endl;
        cout << "MyData = " << endl << m << endl << endl;

        //Show default behavior for non existing nodes
        cout << "Attempt to read NonExisting (should initialize the data structure with its default).";
        fs["NonExisting"] >> m;
        cout << endl << "NonExisting = " << endl << m << endl;

    cout << endl
        << "Tip: Open up " << filename << " with a text editor to see the serialized data." << endl;

    return 0;
Exemple #27
int main(int argc, char ** argv)

    const string commandLineKeys = "{h|help|false|show help and exit}"
                                   "{c|config||.xml or .yml file containing detector "
                                   "configuration parameters, i.e. features to used "
                                   "and thier parameters, classifier type "
                                   "and params of the training algorithm, "
                                   "general detection parameters}"
                                   "{|pos||path to annotation with positive examples}"
                                   "{|posname|annotation|name of the positive annotation file node to read from}"
                                   "{|neg||path to annotation with negative examples}"
                                   "{|negname|annotation|name of the negative annotation file node to read from}"
                                   "{|dump||prefix of files to save dataset to}"
                                   "{|rand|50|number of random samples to draw from each negative image}"
                                   "{|bi|3|number of bootstrap iterations}"
                                   "{|samples|0|number of samples to draw from all false detections at each iteration. All false positives are used by default}"
                                   "{|mirror|true|use horizontaly flip positives for training}"
                                   "{|mem|0|preallocate memory for specified "
                                   "number of samples in the dataset. "
                                   "If more samples are needed dataset resize "
                                   "is performed that may lead to additional memory usage}"
                                   "{|seed||seed to initialize RNG}";
    CommandLineParser cmdParser(argc, argv, commandLineKeys.c_str());
    if (cmdParser.get<bool>("help"))
        return 0;

    if (cmdParser.get<string>("seed") == "")
        theRNG() = RNG(time(0));
        theRNG() = RNG(cmdParser.get<uint64>("seed"));
    cout << "rng state: " << theRNG().state << endl;

    FileStorage config(cmdParser.get<string>("config"), FileStorage::READ);

    // read detection parameters
    DetectionParams detectorParams;
    FileNode detectorParamsFn = config["detector_params"];
    if (detectorParamsFn.empty())
        cout << "Error. detection_params tag is missed in cofig file" << endl;
        return 2;
    cout << "reading general detector parameters..." << flush;
    detectorParamsFn >> detectorParams;
    cout << "done" << endl;

    // configure feature descriptors
    Features features;
    FileNode featuresFn = config["features"];
    for (FileNodeIterator i = featuresFn.begin(); i != featuresFn.end(); ++i)
        FileNode featureType = (*i)["name"];
        string featureName;
        featureType >> featureName;
        Ptr<Feature> feature = Algorithm::create<Feature>(featureName);
        cout << featureName << " feature is used" << endl;

    // configure classifier
    FileNode classifierFn = config["classifier"];
    FileNode classifierType = classifierFn["name"];
    string classifierName;
    classifierType >> classifierName;
    Ptr<Classifier> classifier = Algorithm::create<Classifier>(classifierName);
    cout << classifierName << " classifier is used" << endl;
    string classifierModelFile = classifierFn["modelFileName"];
    string classifierModelName = classifierFn["modelName"];

    // configure nonmaximum suppressor
    FileNode nmsFn = config["nonmaximum_suppressor"];
    Ptr<NonMaximumSuppressor> nms = 0;
    if (!nmsFn.empty())
        FileNode nmsType = nmsFn["name"];
        string nmsName;
        nmsType >> nmsName;
        nms = Algorithm::create<NonMaximumSuppressor>(nmsName);
        cout << nmsName << " nonmaximum suppressor is used" << endl;