Exemple #1
boost::shared_ptr<IMGArchive> File::getIMGArchive() const
	boost::shared_ptr<IMGArchive>* sharedPtr = archivePtr.get();

	if (sharedPtr->get() == NULL) {
		if (path->isIMGPath()) {
			File* parent = getParent();
			delete parent;
		} else {
			FilePath* absPath = path->absolute();
			map<CString, boost::shared_ptr<IMGArchive> >::iterator it
					= IMGArchiveMap.find(absPath->toString());
			delete absPath;

			if (it != IMGArchiveMap.end()) {
				(*sharedPtr) = it->second;
			} else {
				(*sharedPtr) = boost::shared_ptr<IMGArchive>(new IMGArchive(*this));

				FilePath* absPath = path->absolute();
				IMGArchiveMap.insert(pair<CString, boost::shared_ptr<IMGArchive> >(
						absPath->toString(), *sharedPtr));
				delete absPath;

	return *sharedPtr;
Exemple #2
void storeImage(const FilePath& filename, DynamicArray<unsigned char> data,
    unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
    constexpr int CHANNEL_COUNT = 3;

    OutFileStream file(filename.c_str(), OutFileStream::binary);

    if (!file.is_open())
        throw InvalidArgumentException("Cannot open output file: " + filename.toString());

    // Image is vertically flipped
    DynamicArray<unsigned char> data_flip(data.size());

    const unsigned int line_size = width * CHANNEL_COUNT;

    // Vertically flip lines
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
            data_flip.data() + i * line_size,
            data.data() + (height - i - 1) * line_size,

    // Write function
    stbi_write_func* func = [] (void* context, void* data, int size) {
        reinterpret_cast<OutFileStream*>(context)->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);

    // Copy data
    if (!stbi_write_png_to_func(func, &file, width, height, CHANNEL_COUNT, data_flip.data(), 0))
        throw RuntimeException("Unable to write a picture");
	//! The < operator is provided so that CFileList can sort and quickly search the list.
	bool operator <(const FileListItem& other) const
		if (isDirectory != other.isDirectory)
			return isDirectory;

    return StringHelper::isEquale( fullName.toString(), other.fullName.toString(), StringHelper::equaleIgnoreCase );
Exemple #4
//! Searches for a file or folder within the list, returns the index
int FileList::findFile(const FilePath& filename, bool isDirectory) const
	FileListItem entry;
	// we only need fullName to be set for the search
  entry.fullName = StringHelper::replace( filename.toString(), "\\", "/" );
  entry.isDirectory = isDirectory;

	// remove trailing slash
  if( *entry.fullName.toString().rbegin() == '/' )
	  entry.isDirectory = true;		
  entry.fullName = entry.fullName.removeEndSlash();

	if( _d->ignoreCase )
    entry.fullName = StringHelper::localeLower( entry.fullName.toString() );

	if( _d->ignorePaths )
		entry.fullName = entry.fullName.getBasename();

  for( Items::iterator it=_d->files.begin(); it != _d->files.end(); it++ )
	  if( (*it).fullName == entry.fullName )
      return std::distance( _d->files.begin(), it );

  return -1;
Exemple #5
		void LoadProtoPack(proto::Entity& entity, const FilePath& fname) {
			if (fname.isValidPath() && fname.FileExists()) {
				std::fstream input(fname.GetNativePath(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
			else {
				std::cout << "error loading protopack " << fname.toString() << std::endl;
Exemple #6
FileList::FileList( const FilePath& path, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths )
 : _d( new Impl )
	#ifdef _DEBUG
	  setDebugName( "FileList" );
  _d->ignorePaths = ignorePaths;
  _d->path = StringHelper::replace( path.toString(), "\\", "/" );
	_d->ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
Exemple #7
FilePath FileDir::find( const FilePath& fileName ) const
    _OC3_DEBUG_BREAK_IF( !isExist() );
    if( !fileName.toString().size() )
        return "";

    if( fileName.isExist() )
        return fileName;

    FilePath finalPath( addEndSlash().toString() + fileName.toString() );
    if( finalPath.isExist() )
        return finalPath;

    return fileName;
Exemple #8
	std::shared_ptr<MD5Mesh> MD5Mesh::Create(const FilePath& fname) {
		auto mesh = std::make_shared<MD5Mesh>();

		if (mesh->Parse()) {
			MeshMap::Set(mesh->GetName(), mesh);
			return mesh;
		spdlog::get("console_log")->warn("[MD5Mesh] Error parsing file {}", fname.toString());

		return nullptr;
Exemple #9
//! flatten a path and file name for example: "/you/me/../." becomes "/you"
FilePath FilePath::flattenFilename( const FilePath& root ) const
  std::string directory = addEndSlash().toString();
  directory = StringHelper::replace( directory, "\\", "/" );
  FilePath dir;
  FilePath subdir;

  int lastpos = 0;
  std::string::size_type pos = 0;
  bool lastWasRealDir=false;

  while( ( pos = directory.find( '/', lastpos) ) != std::string::npos )
    subdir = FilePath( directory.substr(lastpos, pos - lastpos + 1) );

    if( subdir.toString() == "../" )
      if (lastWasRealDir)
        dir = dir.getUpDir();
        dir = dir.getUpDir();
        lastWasRealDir=( dir.toString().size()!=0);
        dir = FilePath( dir.toString() + subdir.toString() );
    else if( subdir.toString() == "/")
      dir = root;
    else if( subdir.toString() != "./" )
      dir = FilePath( dir.toString() + subdir.toString() );

    lastpos = pos + 1;

  return dir;
Exemple #10
//! adds a file or folder
unsigned int FileList::addItem( const FilePath& fullPath, unsigned int offset, unsigned int size, bool isDirectory, unsigned int id )
	FileListItem entry;
	entry.iD   = id ? id : _d->files.size();
	entry.Offset = offset;
	entry.size = size;
  entry.name = StringHelper::replace( fullPath.toString(), "\\", "/" );
	entry.isDirectory = isDirectory;

	// remove trailing slash
	if( *(entry.name.toString().rbegin()) == '/')
		entry.isDirectory = true;
		entry.name = entry.name.removeEndSlash();

	if( _d->ignoreCase)
    entry.name = StringHelper::localeLower( entry.name.toString() );

	entry.fullName = entry.name;

	entry.name = entry.name.getBasename();

	if(_d->ignorePaths )
		entry.fullName = entry.name;

	//os::Printer::log(Path.c_str(), entry.fullName);


	return _d->files.size() - 1;
Exemple #11
bool FilePath::operator==( const FilePath& other ) const
  return toString() == other.toString();
Exemple #12
//! Get the relative filename, relative to the given directory
FilePath FilePath::getRelativePathTo( const FilePath& directory ) const
  if ( toString().empty() || directory.toString().empty() )
    return *this;

  FilePath path1, file, ext;
  getAbsolutePath().splitToDirPathExt( &path1, &file, &ext );
  FilePath path2(directory.getAbsolutePath());
  StringArray list1, list2;

  list1 = StringHelper::split( path1.toString(), "/\\", 2);
  list2 = StringHelper::split( path2.toString(), "/\\", 2);

  unsigned int i=0;
  unsigned int it1=0;
  unsigned int it2=0;

#if defined (_WIN32)
  char partition1 = 0, partition2 = 0;
  FilePath prefix1, prefix2;
  if ( it1 > 0 )
    prefix1 = list1[ it1 ];
  if ( it2 > 0 )
    prefix2 = list2[ it2 ];

  if ( prefix1.toString().size() > 1 && prefix1.toString()[1] == ':' )
    partition1 = StringHelper::localeLower( prefix1.toString()[0] );

  if ( prefix2.toString().size() > 1 && prefix2.toString()[1] == ':' )
    partition2 = StringHelper::localeLower( prefix2.toString()[0] );

  // must have the same prefix or we can't resolve it to a relative filename
  if ( partition1 != partition2 )
    return *this;

  for (; i<list1.size() && i<list2.size() 
#if defined (_WIN32)
    && ( StringHelper::isEquale( list1[ it1 ], list2[ it2 ], StringHelper::equaleIgnoreCase ) )
    && ( list1[ it1 ]== list2[ it2 ] )	
    ; ++i)

  for (; i<list2.size(); ++i)
    path1 = path1.toString() + "../";

  while( it1 != list1.size() )
    path1 = path1.toString() + list1[ it1 ] + "/";

  path1 = path1.toString() + file.toString();
  if( ext.toString().size() )
    path1 = path1.toString() + "." + ext.toString();
  return path1;
Exemple #13
void FilePath::_OsRename( const FilePath& newName )
  ::rename( toString().c_str(), newName.toString().c_str() );