Exemple #1
FilePaths getLibExtensions()
    FilePaths strs;
    strs.push_back(FilePath("a", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("lib", FP_Ext));
    return strs;
Exemple #2
FilePaths getCppSourceExtensions()
    FilePaths strs;
    strs.push_back(FilePath("c", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("cc", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("c++", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("cpp", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("cxx", FP_Ext));
    return strs;
Exemple #3
FilePaths getCppHeaderExtensions()
    FilePaths strs;
    strs.push_back(FilePath("h", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("hh", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("hpp", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("hxx", FP_Ext));
    strs.push_back(FilePath("inc", FP_Ext));
    return strs;
Exemple #4
bool SimpleFileStore::remove(const std::string& name)
	FilePaths fps = filepath(name);
	bool success = File::remove(fps.inprogress()) | File::remove(fps.deleted()) | File::remove(fps.current());

	boost::filesystem::path path = fps.current();
	path = path.parent_path();
	while (File::remove(path.string()))
		path = path.parent_path();

	return success;
Exemple #5
writestream SimpleFileStore::write(const std::string& name, const std::string& version, unsigned short, unsigned long long offset)
	KeyMetadata md;
	if (md.version.empty())

	uint64_t current = timeFromVersion( mergedVersion(name, true) );
	uint64_t prospective = timeFromVersion(md.version);
	if ( prospective < current || (prospective == current && !md.version.isDeleted()) || md.version.isExpired(EXPIRY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) )
		return writestream();
	// correct versions in the future back to now?

	FilePaths paths = filepath(name);
	string tempname(paths.inprogress());

	FileWriter* writer = new FileWriter(tempname);
	return writestream(writer, md, std::bind(&SimpleFileStore::onWriteComplete, this, name, _1));
Exemple #6
readstream SimpleFileStore::read(const std::string& name, const std::string& version, bool inprogress/*=false*/) const
	// can't read inprogress versions, because I don't want to think about it.
	FilePaths paths = filepath(name);

	KeyMetadata md;
	if (!version.empty())
		if (md.version.compare(mergedVersion(name)) != VectorClock::EQUAL)
			return readstream();
		md.version = mergedVersion(name);

	string filename = md.version.isDeleted()? paths.deleted() : paths.current();
	FileReader* reader = new FileReader(filename);
	if (name.find(MEMBERSHIP_FILE_PREFIX) == 0)
		md.totalCopies = 0;
	return readstream(reader, md);
Exemple #7
void ProjectPackagesDialog::winScanDirectories()
    Package pkg = mProjectPackages.getPackage(
    if(pkg.getPkgName().length() > 0)
        OovString rootDir = getEntry("PackageRootDirEntry");
        FilePaths dirs;
        dirs.push_back(FilePath("/", FP_Dir));
        dirs.push_back(FilePath("/Program Files", FP_Dir));
        OovString dir = findMatchingDir(dirs, rootDir);
            // move to project packages.
        setEntry("PackageRootDirEntry", pkg.getRootDir());
        Gui::messageBox("Select a package to scan", GTK_MESSAGE_INFO);
Exemple #8
std::vector<std::string> SimpleFileStore::versions(const std::string& name, bool inprogress/*=false*/) const
	std::vector<std::string> versions;

	FilePaths paths = filepath(name);
	if ( File::exists(paths.current()) )
		versions.push_back( lookupVersion(paths.current()).toString() );

	if ( File::exists(paths.deleted()) )
		versions.push_back( lookupVersion(paths.deleted(), true).toString() );

	if ( inprogress && File::exists(paths.inprogress()) )
		versions.push_back( lookupVersion(paths.inprogress()).toString() );

	return versions;
Exemple #9
bool SimpleFileStore::onDeleteComplete(const std::string& name, KeyMetadata& md)
	FilePaths paths = filepath(name);
	if ( !testIfVersionGreater(md.version, paths.current()) )
		return false;

	unsigned long long currentDigest = removeIfExists(paths.deleted(), true);
	if ( !File::set_modified_time(paths.inprogress(), timeFromVersion(md.version)) || !File::rename(paths.inprogress(), paths.deleted()) )
		return false;

	md.digest ^= removeIfExists(paths.current());
	md.digest ^= currentDigest;
	return true;
Exemple #10
void Skybox::InitializePresets(Renderer* pRenderer, const Settings::Rendering& renderSettings)
	const std::string extension = ".hdr";
	const std::string BRDFLUTTextureFileName = "BRDFIntegrationLUT";
	const std::string BRDFLUTTextureFilePath = EnvironmentMap::sTextureCacheDirectory + BRDFLUTTextureFileName + extension;
	const bool bUseCache = Engine::GetSettings().bCacheEnvironmentMapsOnDisk && DirectoryUtil::FileExists(BRDFLUTTextureFilePath);

		EnvironmentMap::sBRDFIntegrationLUTTexture = pRenderer->CreateHDRTexture(BRDFLUTTextureFileName + extension, EnvironmentMap::sTextureCacheDirectory);
		Texture LUTTexture = EnvironmentMap::CreateBRDFIntegralLUTTexture();
		EnvironmentMap::sBRDFIntegrationLUTTexture = LUTTexture._id;

		if (Engine::GetSettings().bCacheEnvironmentMapsOnDisk)
			pRenderer->SaveTextureToDisk(EnvironmentMap::sBRDFIntegrationLUTTexture, BRDFLUTTextureFilePath, false);

		// todo: we can unload shaders / render targets here

	// Cubemap Skyboxes
	{	// NIGHTSKY		
		// #AsyncLoad: Mutex DEVICE

		const bool bEquirectangular = false;
		const auto offsetIter = s_filePaths.begin() + ECubeMapPresets::NIGHT_SKY;
		const FilePaths filePaths = FilePaths(offsetIter, offsetIter + 6);
		TextureID skydomeTex = pRenderer->CreateCubemapFromFaceTextures(filePaths, false);
		//Skybox::SetPreset(ECubeMapPresets::NIGHT_SKY, std::move(Skybox(pRenderer, skydomeTex, bEquirectangular)));
		s_Presets[ECubeMapPresets::NIGHT_SKY] = Skybox(pRenderer, skydomeTex, bEquirectangular);
	if (renderSettings.bEnableEnvironmentLighting)
		// HDR / IBL - Equirectangular Skyboxes
		const bool bEquirectangular = true;

		EnvironmentMapFileNames files;

		const std::vector<EEnvironmentMapPresets> presets = 
			EEnvironmentMapPresets::BARCELONA     ,
			EEnvironmentMapPresets::MILKYWAY	  ,
		std::for_each(RANGE(presets), [&](auto preset)
			const auto rootAndFilesPair = GetsIBLFiles(preset);
			s_Presets[preset] = Skybox(pRenderer, bEquirectangular);
			s_Presets[preset].Initialize(rootAndFilesPair.second, rootAndFilesPair.first);
Exemple #11
void Skybox::InitializePresets_Async(Renderer* pRenderer, const Settings::Rendering& renderSettings)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(Engine::mLoadRenderingMutex);
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(Engine::mLoadRenderingMutex);
		Texture LUTTexture = EnvironmentMap::CreateBRDFIntegralLUTTexture();
		EnvironmentMap::sBRDFIntegrationLUTTexture = LUTTexture._id;

	// Cubemap Skyboxes
	{	// NIGHTSKY		
		// #AsyncLoad: Mutex DEVICE

		const bool bEquirectangular = false;
		const auto offsetIter = s_filePaths.begin() + ECubeMapPresets::NIGHT_SKY;
		const FilePaths filePaths = FilePaths(offsetIter, offsetIter + 6);

		TextureID skydomeTex = -1;
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(Engine::mLoadRenderingMutex);
			skydomeTex = pRenderer->CreateCubemapFromFaceTextures(filePaths, false);
		s_Presets[ECubeMapPresets::NIGHT_SKY] = Skybox(pRenderer, skydomeTex, bEquirectangular);

	if (renderSettings.bEnableEnvironmentLighting)
		// HDR / IBL - Equirectangular Skyboxes
		const std::string sIBLDirectory = Renderer::sHDRTextureRoot + std::string("sIBL/");
		const bool bEquirectangular = true;

		EnvironmentMapFileNames files;

		const std::vector<EEnvironmentMapPresets> presets =
			EEnvironmentMapPresets::BARCELONA     ,
			EEnvironmentMapPresets::MILKYWAY	  ,

		if (renderSettings.bPreLoadEnvironmentMaps)
			std::for_each(RANGE(presets), [&](auto preset)
				const auto rootAndFilesPair = GetsIBLFiles(preset);
					s_Presets[preset] = Skybox(pRenderer, bEquirectangular);
					s_Presets[preset].Initialize(rootAndFilesPair.second, rootAndFilesPair.first);
			auto& preset = presets.back();
			const auto rootAndFilesPair = GetsIBLFiles(preset);
				s_Presets[preset] = Skybox(pRenderer, bEquirectangular);
				s_Presets[preset].Initialize(rootAndFilesPair.second, rootAndFilesPair.first);
void VoronoiDustGridStructure::setupSelfBefore()
    Log* log = find<Log>();

    // Determine an appropriate set of particles and construct the Voronoi mesh
    switch (_distribution)
    case Uniform:
            if (_numParticles < 10) throw FATALERROR("The number of particles should be at least 10");
            vector<Vec> rv(_numParticles);
            for (int m=0; m<_numParticles; m++)
                rv[m] = _random->position(extent());
            log->info("Computing Voronoi tesselation for " + QString::number(_numParticles)
                      + " uniformly distributed random particles...");
            _mesh = new VoronoiMesh(rv, extent());
    case CentralPeak:
            if (_numParticles < 10) throw FATALERROR("The number of particles should be at least 10");
            const int a = 1000;                     // steepness of the peak; the central 1/a portion is NOT covered
            const double rscale = extent().rmax().norm();
            vector<Vec> rv(_numParticles);
            for (int m=1; m<_numParticles; m++)     // skip first particle so that it remains (0,0,0)
                while (true)
                    double r = rscale * pow(1./a, _random->uniform());   // random distribution according to 1/x
                    Direction k = _random->direction();
                    Position p = Position(r,k);
                    if (extent().contains(p))       // discard any points outside of the domain
                        rv[m] = p;
            log->info("Computing Voronoi tesselation for " + QString::number(_numParticles)
                      + " random particles distributed in a central peak...");
            _mesh = new VoronoiMesh(rv, extent());
    case DustDensity:
            if (_numParticles < 10) throw FATALERROR("The number of particles should be at least 10");
            DustDistribution* dd = find<DustDistribution>();
            vector<Vec> rv(_numParticles);
            for (int m=0; m<_numParticles; m++)
                while (true)
                    Position p = dd->generatePosition();
                    if (extent().contains(p))       // discard any points outside of the domain
                        rv[m] = p;
            log->info("Computing Voronoi tesselation for " + QString::number(_numParticles)
                      + " random particles distributed according to dust density...");
            _mesh = new VoronoiMesh(rv, extent());
    case DustTesselation:
            VoronoiMeshInterface* vmi = find<DustDistribution>()->interface<VoronoiMeshInterface>();
            if (!vmi) throw FATALERROR("Can't retrieve Voronoi mesh from this dust distribution");
            _mesh = vmi->mesh();
            _meshOwned = false;
            log->info("Using Voronoi tesselation from dust distribution with " + QString::number(_mesh->Ncells())
                      + " particles...");
    case SPHParticles:
            DustParticleInterface* dpi = find<DustDistribution>()->interface<DustParticleInterface>();
            if (!dpi) throw FATALERROR("Can't retrieve particle locations from this dust distribution");
            log->info("Computing Voronoi tesselation for " + QString::number(dpi->numParticles())
                      + " dust distribution particles...");
            _mesh = new VoronoiMesh(dpi, extent());
    case File:
            if (!_meshfile) throw FATALERROR("File containing particle locations is not defined");
            log->info("Computing Voronoi tesselation for particles loaded from file " + _meshfile->filename() + "...");
            _mesh = new VoronoiMesh(_meshfile, QList<int>(), extent());
        throw FATALERROR("Unknown distribution type");

    // Communicate the number of dust cells to the base class
    _Ncells = _mesh->Ncells();

    // Log statistics on the cell neighbors
    double avgNeighbors;
    int minNeighbors, maxNeighbors;
    _mesh->neighborStatistics(avgNeighbors, minNeighbors, maxNeighbors);
    log->info("Computed Voronoi tesselation with " + QString::number(_Ncells) + " cells:");
    log->info("  Average number of neighbors per cell: " + QString::number(avgNeighbors,'f',1));
    log->info("  Minimum number of neighbors per cell: " + QString::number(minNeighbors));
    log->info("  Maximum number of neighbors per cell: " + QString::number(maxNeighbors));

    // Log statistics on the block lists
    int nblocks = _mesh->Nblocks();
    double avgRefsPerBlock;
    int minRefsPerBlock, maxRefsPerBlock;
    _mesh->blockStatistics(avgRefsPerBlock, minRefsPerBlock, maxRefsPerBlock);
    log->info("Created grid to accelerate which-cell operations:");
    log->info("  Number of cells                  : " + QString::number(_Ncells));
    log->info("  Number of blocks                 : " + QString::number(nblocks*nblocks*nblocks) +
              " (" + QString::number(nblocks) + " in each dimension)");
    log->info("  Average number of cells per block: " + QString::number(avgRefsPerBlock,'f',1));
    log->info("  Minimum number of cells per block: " + QString::number(minRefsPerBlock));
    log->info("  Maximum number of cells per block: " + QString::number(maxRefsPerBlock));

    // Log statistics on the search trees
    double avgRefsPerTree;
    int nTrees, minRefsPerTree, maxRefsPerTree;
    _mesh->treeStatistics(nTrees, avgRefsPerTree, minRefsPerTree, maxRefsPerTree);
    log->info("Created search trees to accelerate which-cell operations:");
    log->info("  Number of trees                  : " + QString::number(nTrees) +
              " (" + QString::number(100.*nTrees/(nblocks*nblocks*nblocks),'f',1) + "% of blocks)");
    log->info("  Average number of cells per tree : " + QString::number(avgRefsPerTree,'f',1));
    log->info("  Minimum number of cells per tree : " + QString::number(minRefsPerTree));
    log->info("  Maximum number of cells per tree : " + QString::number(maxRefsPerTree));

    // If requested, output the plot files (we have to reconstruct the Voronoi tesselation...)
    if (writeGrid())
        setWriteGrid(false);    // keep the base class from overwriting our plot files

        Units* units = find<Units>();
        FilePaths* filepaths = find<FilePaths>();

        // create the plot files
        QString name = filepaths->output("ds_grid");
        DustGridPlotFile plotxy(name+"xy.dat",log,units);
        DustGridPlotFile plotxz(name+"xz.dat",log,units);
        DustGridPlotFile plotyz(name+"yz.dat",log,units);
        DustGridPlotFile plotxyz(name+"xyz.dat",log,units);

        // load all particles in a Voro container
        int nb = max(3, min(1000, static_cast<int>(pow(_Ncells/5.,1./3.)) ));
        voro::container con(xmin(), xmax(), ymin(), ymax(), zmin(), zmax(), nb, nb, nb, false,false,false, 8);
        for (int m=0; m<_Ncells; m++)
            Vec r = _mesh->particlePosition(m);
            con.put(m, r.x(),r.y(),r.z());

        // loop over all Voro cells
        voro::c_loop_all loop(con);
        if (loop.start()) do
            // Compute the cell
            voro::voronoicell fullcell;
            con.compute_cell(fullcell, loop);

            // Get the edges of the cell
            double x,y,z;
            vector<double> coords;
            fullcell.vertices(x,y,z, coords);
            vector<int> indices;

            // Write the edges of the cell to the plot files
            Box bounds = _mesh->extent(loop.pid());
            if (bounds.zmin()<=0 && bounds.zmax()>=0) plotxy.writePolyhedron(coords, indices);
            if (bounds.ymin()<=0 && bounds.ymax()>=0) plotxz.writePolyhedron(coords, indices);
            if (bounds.xmin()<=0 && bounds.xmax()>=0) plotyz.writePolyhedron(coords, indices);
            if (loop.pid() <= 1000) plotxyz.writePolyhedron(coords, indices);
        while (loop.inc());
Exemple #13
FilePaths getJavaSourceExtensions()
    FilePaths strs;
    strs.push_back(FilePath("java", FP_Ext));
    return strs;