bool DataManager::saveMap(Map map) { FileUtil util; util.addMapping(map); bool res = saveDatabaseTimeRecord(map); return res; }
void kill(OSCommandLine *oscommandline, OSnl2OS* nl2OS) { FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; fileUtil = new FileUtil(); std::string osplOutput = ""; OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL; try { if (oscommandline->serviceLocation != "") { osagent = new OSSolverAgent(oscommandline->serviceLocation); if (oscommandline->osol == "") { // we need to construct the OSoL OSOption *osOption = NULL; osOption = new OSOption(); // get a jobId if necessary if (oscommandline->jobID == "") throw ErrorClass("there is no JobID"); //set the jobID osOption->setJobID( oscommandline->jobID); // now read the osOption object into a string OSoLWriter *osolWriter = NULL; osolWriter = new OSoLWriter(); oscommandline->osol = osolWriter->writeOSoL( osOption); delete osOption; osOption = NULL; delete osolWriter; osolWriter = NULL; } osplOutput = osagent->kill(oscommandline->osol); if (oscommandline->osplOutputFile != "") fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osplOutputFile, osplOutput); else osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_summary, osplOutput); delete osagent; osagent = NULL; } else { delete osagent; osagent = NULL; throw ErrorClass("please specify service location (url)"); } delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS); if (osagent != NULL) delete osagent; osagent = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } }//end kill
/** Deal with the OSrL output generated by the call to one of the service methods */ void reportResults(OSCommandLine *oscommandline, std::string osrl, OSnl2OS* nl2OS) { ostringstream outStr; if (oscommandline->osrlFile == "") oscommandline->osrlFile = oscommandline->nlFile + ".osrl"; FileUtil* fileUtil = new FileUtil(); fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osrlFile, osrl); if (oscommandline->browser != "") { std::string str = oscommandline->browser + " " + oscommandline->osrlFile; const char *ch = &str[0]; std::system(ch); } // now put solution back to ampl OSosrl2ampl *solWriter = new OSosrl2ampl(); try { std::cout << osrl << std::endl << std::endl; // fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osrlFile, osrl); std::string::size_type pos1 = osrl.find( "error"); if(pos1 == std::string::npos) { OSrLReader *osrlreader = new OSrLReader(); OSResult *osresult = osrlreader->readOSrL( osrl); solWriter->writeSolFile(osrl, nl2OS->getASL("asl"), oscommandline->nlFile + ".sol"); delete osrlreader; osrlreader = NULL; } else // there was an error { osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_error, osrl); solWriter->writeSolFile(osrl, nl2OS->getASL("asl"), oscommandline->nlFile + ".sol"); } if (fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } catch(const ErrorClass& eclass) { outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << "There was an error parsing the OSrL string" << endl << eclass.errormsg << endl << endl; osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_debug, outStr.str()); if (fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } }// reportResults
void InvertedIndex::load(){ FileUtil util; invertedIndexMap["000"] = util.readNonPositionalInvertedIndex("OUTPUT/inv_index/index.inv.000"); invertedIndexMap["001"] = util.readNonPositionalInvertedIndex("OUTPUT/inv_index/index.inv.001"); invertedIndexMap["002"] = util.readNonPositionalInvertedIndex("OUTPUT/inv_index/index.inv.002"); invertedIndexMap["003"] = util.readNonPositionalInvertedIndex("OUTPUT/inv_index/index.inv.003"); invertedIndexMap["004"] = util.readNonPositionalInvertedIndex("OUTPUT/inv_index/index.inv.004"); }
int main(int argC, char* argV[]) { WindowsErrorPopupBlocker(); FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; const char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator(); std::string osilFileNameWithPath; std::string osilFileName; std::string osil; std::string uploadResult; std::string actualServer; /* Replace this URL as needed */ std::string defaultServer = ""; try{ if( argC == 1 || argC > 3 || argV[1] == "-?") throw ErrorClass( "usage: OSFileUpload <filename> [<serverURL>]"); fileUtil = new FileUtil(); time_t start, finish, tmp; osilFileNameWithPath = argV[ 1]; std::cout << "FILE NAME = " << argV[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "Read the file into a string" << std::endl; osil = fileUtil->getFileAsString( osilFileNameWithPath.c_str() ); OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL; if (argC == 2) actualServer = defaultServer; else actualServer = argV[2]; osagent = new OSSolverAgent(actualServer); // strip off just the file name // modify to into a file C:filename int index = osilFileNameWithPath.find_last_of( dirsep); int slength = osilFileNameWithPath.size(); osilFileName = osilFileNameWithPath.substr( index + 1, slength) ; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Place remote synchronous call" << std::endl; start = time( &tmp); uploadResult = osagent->fileUpload(osilFileName, osil); finish = time( &tmp); std::cout << "File Upload took (seconds): "<< difftime(finish, start) << std::endl; std::cout << uploadResult << std::endl; if(fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; return 0; } catch( const ErrorClass& eclass){ std::cout << eclass.errormsg << std::endl; if(fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; return 0; } }
/** * Handle the getLocalPath message. */ void MessageHandler::handleFileGetLocalPath( WebViewMessage& message) { FileUtil fileUtil; MAUtil::String path = fileUtil.getLocalPath(); if (0 == path.length()) { replyNull(message); } else { replyString(message, path); } }
/** * Handle the file write message. */ void MessageHandler::handleFileWrite(WebViewMessage& message) { FileUtil fileUtil; bool success = fileUtil.writeTextToFile( message.getParam("filePath"), message.getParam("data")); if (success) { replyBoolean(message, true); } else { replyString(message, false); } }
/** * Handle the file read message. */ void MessageHandler::handleFileRead(WebViewMessage& message) { FileUtil fileUtil; MAUtil::String inText; bool success = fileUtil.readTextFromFile( message.getParam("filePath"), inText); if (success) { replyString(message, inText); } else { replyNull(message); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { WindowsErrorPopupBlocker(); std::ostringstream outStr; OSnl2OS *nl2OS = new OSnl2OS(); OSiLReader* osilreader = new OSiLReader(); FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; ostringstream echo_cl; // initialize the command line structure OSCommandLine *oscommandline;// = new OSCommandLine(); OSCommandLineReader *oscommandlinereader = new OSCommandLineReader(); DefaultSolver *solverType = NULL; char* stub = NULL; if (argc > 0) stub = argv[1]; // getting the OSAmplClient_options into a std::string is a bit of a pain... char* temp = getenv("OSAmplClient_options"); ostringstream temp2; std::string amplclient_options; if (temp != NULL) { temp2 << temp; amplclient_options = temp2.str(); std::cout << amplclient_options << std::endl; } else // amplclient_options = ""; amplclient_options = "serviceMethod retrieve serviceLocation printLevel 4 jobID gus-10-apr-2013-0001"; // this output must be held in abeyance until the command line // has been processed and printLevel has been set... #ifndef NDEBUG echo_cl << "HERE ARE THE AMPLCLIENT OPTIONS "; echo_cl << amplclient_options; echo_cl << endl << endl; echo_cl << "Try to open file "; echo_cl << stub << ".nl"; echo_cl << endl; #endif // Now read the command line try { oscommandline = oscommandlinereader->readCommandLine(amplclient_options); } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS); delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; return 1; } if (stub) oscommandline->nlFile = stub; /** Deal with action items: -printLevel, -logFile, -filePrintLevel, --help, --version **/ try { outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << std::endl << "using print level " << oscommandline->printLevel << " for stdout" << std::endl; if (oscommandline->printLevel != DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LEVEL) { osoutput->SetPrintLevel("stdout", (ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL)oscommandline->printLevel); #ifndef NDEBUG osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_trace, echo_cl.str()); #endif osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_info, outStr.str()); } #ifndef NDEBUG else { osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_trace, echo_cl.str()); osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_debug, outStr.str()); } #endif if (oscommandline->logFile != "") { int status = osoutput->AddChannel(oscommandline->logFile); switch(status) { case 0: osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_info, "Added channel " + oscommandline->logFile); break; case 1: osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_info, "Output channel " + oscommandline->logFile + " previously defined"); break; default: throw ErrorClass("Could not add output channel " + oscommandline->logFile); }//end switch outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << std::endl << "using print level " << oscommandline->filePrintLevel; outStr << " for " << oscommandline->logFile << std::endl; if (oscommandline->filePrintLevel != DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LEVEL) { osoutput->SetPrintLevel(oscommandline->logFile, (ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL)oscommandline->filePrintLevel); } else { osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_debug, outStr.str()); } } if (oscommandline->invokeHelp == true) { outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << std::endl << std::endl << get_help() << std::endl; osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_always, outStr.str()); delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; return 0; } if (oscommandline->writeVersion == true) { outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << std::endl << std::endl << OSgetVersionInfo() << std::endl; osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_always, outStr.str()); delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; return 0; } } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS); delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; return 1; } #ifndef NDEBUG outStr.str(""); outStr.clear(); outStr << "HERE ARE THE OPTION VALUES:" << endl; if(oscommandline->configFile != "") outStr << "Config file = " << oscommandline->configFile << endl; if(oscommandline->osilFile != "") outStr << "OSiL file = " << oscommandline->osilFile << endl; if(oscommandline->osolFile != "") outStr << "OSoL file = " << oscommandline->osolFile << endl; if(oscommandline->osrlFile != "") outStr << "OSrL file = " << oscommandline->osrlFile << endl; //if(oscommandline->insListFile != "") outStr << "Instruction List file = " << oscommandline->insListFile << endl; if(oscommandline->osplInputFile != "") outStr << "OSpL Input file = " << oscommandline->osplInputFile << endl; if(oscommandline->serviceMethod != "") outStr << "Service Method = " << oscommandline->serviceMethod << endl; if(oscommandline->mpsFile != "") outStr << "MPS File Name = " << oscommandline->mpsFile << endl; if(oscommandline->nlFile != "") outStr << "NL File Name = " << oscommandline->nlFile << endl; if(oscommandline->gamsControlFile != "") outStr << "gams Control File Name = " << oscommandline->gamsControlFile << endl; if(oscommandline->browser != "") outStr << "Browser Value = " << oscommandline->browser << endl; if(oscommandline->solverName != "") outStr << "Selected Solver = " << oscommandline->solverName << endl; if(oscommandline->serviceLocation != "") outStr << "Service Location = " << oscommandline->serviceLocation << endl; if(oscommandline->jobID != "") outStr << "Job ID = " << oscommandline->jobID << endl; if(oscommandline->printModel) outStr << "print model prior to solve/send" << endl; if(oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString != "") outStr << "print model row " << oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString << " prior to solve/send" << endl; outStr << "print level for stdout: " << oscommandline->printLevel << endl; if(oscommandline->logFile != "") { outStr << "also send output to " << oscommandline->logFile << endl; outStr << "print level for file output: " << oscommandline->filePrintLevel << endl; } osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_debug, outStr.str()); #endif //convert solver name to lower case so there is no ambiguity unsigned int k; for (k = 0; k < oscommandline->solverName.length(); k++) { oscommandline->solverName[k] = (char)tolower(oscommandline->solverName[k]); } // now call the correct serviceMethod // solve is the default if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "") oscommandline->serviceMethod = "solve"; try { // for local use only the solve method is available if (oscommandline->serviceLocation == "") if (oscommandline->serviceMethod != "solve") throw ErrorClass("No serviceLocation given. Only \'solve\' is available locally."); if (oscommandline->serviceMethod[0] == 's') { // for solve or send commands we must have an instance if (oscommandline->osil == "") { if (!findInstance(oscommandline, nl2OS)) throw ErrorClass("No instance could be found"); } // write out the model or portion thereof, if directed by the user if (oscommandline->printModel == true) { if (oscommandline->osinstance == NULL) { oscommandline->osinstance = osilreader->readOSiL(oscommandline->osil); } osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_always, oscommandline->osinstance->printModel()); } else if (oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString != "") { if (oscommandline->osinstance == NULL) { oscommandline->osinstance = osilreader->readOSiL(oscommandline->osil); } doPrintRow(oscommandline->osinstance, oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString); } // write the instance to an OSiL file, if directed by the user if (oscommandline->osilOutputFile != "") { fileUtil = new FileUtil(); if (oscommandline->osil == "") { OSiLWriter* osilwriter = new OSiLWriter(); oscommandline->osil = osilwriter->writeOSiL(oscommandline->osinstance); delete osilwriter; osilwriter = NULL; } fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osilOutputFile, oscommandline->osil); delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } // write the solver options to an OSoL file, if directed by the user if (oscommandline->osolOutputFile != "") { fileUtil = new FileUtil(); if (oscommandline->osol != "" && oscommandline->osoption == NULL) fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osolOutputFile, oscommandline->osol); else { if (oscommandline->osoption == NULL) oscommandline->osoption = new OSOption(); OSoLWriter* osolwriter = new OSoLWriter(); fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osolOutputFile, osolwriter->writeOSoL(oscommandline->osoption)); delete osolwriter; osolwriter = NULL; } delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } // if no serviceLocation was given, do a local solve if (oscommandline->serviceLocation == "") { std::string osrl; if (oscommandline->osinstance != NULL) if (oscommandline->osoption != NULL) osrl = runSolver(oscommandline->solverName, oscommandline->osoption, oscommandline->osinstance); else osrl = runSolver(oscommandline->solverName, oscommandline->osol, oscommandline->osinstance); else if (oscommandline->osoption != NULL) osrl = runSolver(oscommandline->solverName, oscommandline->osoption, oscommandline->osil); else osrl = runSolver(oscommandline->solverName, oscommandline->osol, oscommandline->osil); reportResults(oscommandline, osrl, nl2OS); } // remote solve or send else { if (oscommandline->serviceMethod[1] == 'e') send(oscommandline, nl2OS); else solve(oscommandline, nl2OS); } } else //call one of the other methods { switch (oscommandline->serviceMethod[0]) { case 'g': getJobID(oscommandline, nl2OS); break; case 'r': retrieve(oscommandline, nl2OS); break; case 'k': if (oscommandline->serviceMethod[1] == 'i') kill(oscommandline, nl2OS); else knock(oscommandline, nl2OS); break; default: break; } } // garbage collection if (osilreader != NULL) delete osilreader; oscommandline->osinstance = NULL; osilreader = NULL; delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; if (nl2OS != NULL) delete nl2OS; nl2OS = NULL; return 0; } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS); if (osilreader != NULL) delete osilreader; oscommandline->osinstance = NULL; osilreader = NULL; delete oscommandlinereader; oscommandlinereader = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; if (nl2OS != NULL) delete nl2OS; nl2OS = NULL; return 1; } }// end of main()
bool callServiceMethod(OSCommandLine* oscommandline) { FileUtil *fileUtil = new FileUtil(); try { bool result; OSServiceMethods *osservicemethods; osservicemethods = new OSServiceMethods(oscommandline); if (oscommandline->printModel) oscommandline->osinstance->printModel(); if (oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString != "") oscommandline->osinstance->printModel(atoi((oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString).c_str())); result = osservicemethods->executeServiceMethod(oscommandline); // deal with the output if (result == false) throw ErrorClass(osservicemethods->resultString); else { if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "getJobID") { std::cout << "The job ID generated by the system is:" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << osservicemethods->resultString << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Be sure to make a record of this job ID for later." << std::endl; std::cout << "You will need it to retrieve the job or inquire into its status." << std::endl; } else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "solve" || oscommandline->serviceMethod == "retrieve") { if (oscommandline->osrlFile != "") { fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osrlFile, osservicemethods->resultString); if (oscommandline->browser != "") { std::string str = oscommandline->browser + " " + oscommandline->osrlFile; const char *ch = &str[0]; std::system(ch); } std::cout << "\nSolve command executed. Please see " << oscommandline->osrlFile << " for results." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << osservicemethods->resultString << std::endl; } } else if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "kill" || oscommandline->serviceMethod == "knock") { if (oscommandline->osplOutputFile != "") { fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osplOutputFile, osservicemethods->resultString); } else { std::cout << osservicemethods->resultString << std::endl; } } } return 0; } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { OSResult *osresult = NULL; OSrLWriter *osrlwriter = NULL; osrlwriter = new OSrLWriter(); osresult = new OSResult(); osresult->setGeneralMessage(eclass.errormsg); osresult->setGeneralStatusType("error"); std::string osrl = osrlwriter->writeOSrL(osresult); if (oscommandline->osrlFile != "") { fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osrlFile, osrl); if (oscommandline->browser != "") { std::string str = oscommandline->browser + " " + oscommandline->osrlFile; const char *ch = &str[0]; std::system(ch); } } else { std::cout << osrl << std::endl; } //catch garbage collection delete osresult; osresult = NULL; delete osrlwriter; osrlwriter = NULL; delete oscommandline; oscommandline = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; return 1; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { WindowsErrorPopupBlocker(); char *stub; // set AMPL structures ASL *asl; asl = ASL_alloc(ASL_read_fg); stub = argv[1]; jac0dim((char*)stub, (fint)strlen(stub)); OSnl2osil *nl2osil = NULL; std::ostringstream outStr; std::cout << OSAmplClientVersionInfo(); std::string osss; outStr << stub << " " << getenv("OSAmplClient_options"); osss = outStr.str(); #ifdef DEBUG_AMPL_CLIENT std::cout << "Input String = " << osss << std::endl; #endif FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; OSCommandLine *oscommandline; oscommandline = new OSCommandLine(); OSCommandLineReader *clreader; clreader = new OSCommandLineReader(); //parse the command line items into a CommandLine object try { oscommandline = clreader->readCommandLine(osss); if (oscommandline->serviceMethod == "") oscommandline->serviceMethod = "solve"; oscommandline->convertSolverNametoLowerCase(); } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { OSResult *osresult = NULL; osresult = new OSResult(); osresult->setGeneralMessage(eclass.errormsg); osresult->setGeneralStatusType("error"); OSrLWriter *osrlwriter = NULL; osrlwriter = new OSrLWriter(); std::string osrl = osrlwriter->writeOSrL(osresult); if (oscommandline->osrlFile != "") { fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osrlFile, osrl); if (oscommandline->browser != "") { std::string str = oscommandline->browser + " " + oscommandline->osrlFile; const char *ch = &str[0]; std::system(ch); } } else { std::cout << osrl << std::endl; } //catch garbage collection delete osresult; osresult = NULL; delete osrlwriter; osrlwriter = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; delete oscommandline; oscommandline = NULL; delete clreader; clreader = NULL; return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG_AMPL_CLIENT std::cout << oscommandline->list_options() << std::endl; #endif // deal with "action items": help, quit, listOptions if (oscommandline->quit || oscommandline->invokeHelp || oscommandline->writeVersion || oscommandline->listOptions) { if (oscommandline->invokeHelp) std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << get_AmplClient_help() << std::endl; if (oscommandline->listOptions) std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << oscommandline->list_options() << std::endl; delete oscommandline; oscommandline = NULL; return 0; } // call service method bool result = callServiceMethod(oscommandline); if (result == true) return 0; else return 1; }
void knock(OSCommandLine *oscommandline, OSnl2OS* nl2OS) { std::string osplOutput = ""; OSSolverAgent* osagent = NULL; FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; fileUtil = new FileUtil(); try { if (oscommandline->serviceLocation != "") { osagent = new OSSolverAgent(oscommandline->serviceLocation); // if no OSpL file was given, make a default one if (oscommandline->osplInput == "") { std::ostringstream temp; temp << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" << "<ospl xmlns=\"\"\n" << " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" << " xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n" << " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\n" << "\">\n"<< " <processHeader>\n" << " <request action=\"getAll\"/>\n" << " </processHeader>\n" << " <processData/>\n" << "</ospl>\n"; oscommandline->osplInput = temp.str(); } // if a jobID was given on the command line, use it if(oscommandline->jobID != "") { OSOption *osOption = NULL; if (oscommandline->osol == "") { osOption = new OSOption(); } else { OSoLReader *osolReader = new OSoLReader(); try { osOption = osolReader->readOSoL(oscommandline->osol); delete osolReader; osolReader = NULL; } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { if (osolReader != NULL) delete osolReader; osolReader = NULL; throw ErrorClass(eclass.errormsg); } } osOption->setJobID( oscommandline->jobID); OSoLWriter *osolWriter = new OSoLWriter(); oscommandline->osol = osolWriter->writeOSoL( osOption); delete osOption; osOption = NULL; delete osolWriter; osolWriter = NULL; } osplOutput = osagent->knock(oscommandline->osplInput, oscommandline->osol); if (oscommandline->osplOutputFile != "") fileUtil->writeFileFromString(oscommandline->osplOutputFile, osplOutput); else osoutput->OSPrint(ENUM_OUTPUT_AREA_main, ENUM_OUTPUT_LEVEL_error, osplOutput); delete osagent; } else { delete osagent; throw ErrorClass("please specify service location (url)"); } delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } catch (const ErrorClass& eclass) { reportErrors(oscommandline, eclass.errormsg, nl2OS); if (osagent != NULL) delete osagent; osagent = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; } }//end knock
int main( ){ WindowsErrorPopupBlocker(); // test OS code samples here FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; fileUtil = new FileUtil(); const char dirsep = CoinFindDirSeparator(); // Set directory containing mps data files. std::string dataDir; dataDir = dirsep == '/' ? "../data/" : "..\\data\\"; cout << "Start Building the Model" << endl; try{ // get the p0033 problem std::string osilFileName; osilFileName = dataDir + "p0033.osil"; std::cout << "Try to read a sample file" << std::endl; std::cout << "The file is: " ; std::cout << osilFileName << std::endl; std::string osil = fileUtil->getFileAsString( osilFileName.c_str() ); OSiLReader *osilreader = NULL; osilreader = new OSiLReader(); OSInstance *osinstance; osinstance = osilreader->readOSiL( osil); // done writing the model cout << "Done writing the Model" << endl; // now solve the model CoinSolver *solver = NULL; solver = new CoinSolver(); solver->sSolverName ="cbc"; solver->osinstance = osinstance; solver->buildSolverInstance(); solver->osiSolver->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintTry); solver->osiSolver->initialSolve(); cout << "Here is the initial objective value " << solver->osiSolver->getObjValue() << endl; CglKnapsackCover cover; CglSimpleRounding round; CglGomory gomory; CbcModel *model = new CbcModel( *solver->osiSolver); //model->setBestObjectiveValue(4000); model->setMaximumNodes(100000); // model->addCutGenerator(&gomory, 1, "Gomory"); model->addCutGenerator(&cover, 1, "Cover"); model->addCutGenerator(&round, 1, "Round"); model->branchAndBound(); // now create a result object OSResult *osresult = new OSResult(); // if we are throw an exception if the problem is nonlinear double *x = NULL; double *y = NULL; double *z = NULL; //int i = 0; std::string *rcost = NULL; // resultHeader infomration if(osresult->setServiceName("Solved with Coin Solver: " + solver->sSolverName) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setServiceName"); if(osresult->setInstanceName( solver->osinstance->getInstanceName()) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setInstanceName"); if(osresult->setVariableNumber( solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber()) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setVariableNumer"); if(osresult->setObjectiveNumber( 1) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setObjectiveNumber"); if(osresult->setConstraintNumber( solver->osinstance->getConstraintNumber()) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setConstraintNumber"); if(osresult->setSolutionNumber( 1) != true) throw ErrorClass("OSResult error: setSolutionNumer"); int solIdx = 0; std::string description = ""; osresult->setGeneralStatusType("success"); std::cout << "PROVEN OPTIMAL " << model->isProvenOptimal() << std::endl; int i; if (model->isProvenOptimal() == 1){ osresult->setSolutionStatus(solIdx, "optimal", description); /* Retrieve the solution */ x = new double[solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber() ]; y = new double[solver->osinstance->getConstraintNumber() ]; z = new double[1]; rcost = new std::string[ solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber()]; // *(z + 0) = model->getObjValue(); osresult->setObjectiveValuesDense(solIdx, z); for(i=0; i < solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber(); i++){ *(x + i) = model->getColSolution()[i]; } osresult->setPrimalVariableValuesDense(solIdx, x ); //if( solver->sSolverName.find( "symphony") == std::string::npos){ for(i=0; i < solver->osinstance->getConstraintNumber(); i++){ *(y + i) = model->getRowPrice()[ i]; } osresult->setDualVariableValuesDense(solIdx, y); // // now put the reduced costs into the osrl int numberOfOtherVariableResult = 1; int otherIdx = 0; // first set the number of Other Variable Results osresult->setNumberOfOtherVariableResults(solIdx, numberOfOtherVariableResult); std::ostringstream outStr; int numberOfVar = solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber(); for(i=0; i < numberOfVar; i++){ outStr << model->getReducedCost()[ i]; rcost[ i] = outStr.str(); outStr.str(""); } osresult->setAnOtherVariableResultDense(solIdx, otherIdx, "reduced costs", "", "the variable reduced costs", rcost); // end of settiing reduced costs } else{ if(solver->osiSolver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible() == true) osresult->setSolutionStatus(solIdx, "infeasible", description); else if(solver->osiSolver->isProvenDualInfeasible() == true) osresult->setSolutionStatus(solIdx, "dualinfeasible", description); else osresult->setSolutionStatus(solIdx, "other", description); } OSrLWriter *osrlwriter = new OSrLWriter(); std::cout << osrlwriter->writeOSrL( osresult) << std::endl; if(solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber() > 0){ delete[] x; x = NULL; } if(solver->osinstance->getConstraintNumber()) delete[] y; y = NULL; delete[] z; z = NULL; if(solver->osinstance->getVariableNumber() > 0){ delete[] rcost; rcost = NULL; } // do garbage collection delete osresult; osresult = NULL; delete osrlwriter; osrlwriter = NULL; delete solver; solver = NULL; delete osilreader; osilreader = NULL; delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; delete model; model = NULL; cout << "Done with garbage collection" << endl; return 0; } catch(const ErrorClass& eclass){ delete fileUtil; std::cout << eclass.errormsg << std::endl; return 0; } }// end main
int run() { int sockfd, new_fd; // listen on sock_fd, new connection on new_fd struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p; struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; // connector's address information socklen_t sin_size; struct sigaction sa; int yes=1; char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; int rv,numbytes; char inputBuffer[400]; CommandLine cl; FileUtil util; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // use my IP if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, PORT, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv)); return 1; } // loop through all the results and bind to the first we can for(p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("server: socket"); continue; } if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); exit(1); } if (bind(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sockfd); perror("server: bind"); continue; } break; } if (p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "server: failed to bind\n"); return 2; } freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // all done with this structure if (listen(sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } sa.sa_handler = sigchld_handler; // reap all dead processes sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == -1) { perror("sigaction"); exit(1); } printf("server: waiting for connections...\n"); while(1) { // main accept() loop sin_size = sizeof their_addr; new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &sin_size); if (new_fd == -1) { perror("accept"); continue; } // numbytes = recv(new_fd, inputBuffer, sizeof inputBuffer, 0); inputBuffer[numbytes] = '\0'; std::string inpbf(inputBuffer); //printf("input received:%d and %s \n",numbytes,inputBuffer); //printf("input is:%s \n",inputBuffer[0]); std::string inputdata=" "; //cout<<"input:"<<inpbf<<endl; string::const_iterator start, end; boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what; boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default; //get input from incoming request here regex expr_ref("(GET)(\\s+)(\\/)(query=)(.*?)(\\s+)"); start = inpbf.begin(); end = inpbf.end(); while (boost::regex_search(start, end, what, expr_ref, flags)) { inputdata = what[5]; break; } cout<<"input:"<<inputdata<<endl; //input fetch code ends inet_ntop(their_addr.ss_family, get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *)&their_addr), s, sizeof s); printf("server: got connection from %s\n", s); std::string op; std::string response; list<size_t> qresp; if(inputdata.length()>0){ qresp = cl.runQueryWeb(inputdata); response = "data"; }else{ response = "empty"; } std::string html_inner_content; std::string html_end_content; std::string title = "this is title"; std::string link = "file path is here"; std::string description = "description should have come here"; std::string css = "<style type=\"text/css\">ol,ul,li{border:0;margin:0;padding:0}h3,.med{font-size:medium;font-weight:400}body{color:#222}li.head,li.g,body,html,.std,.c h2,#mbEnd h2,h1{font-size:small;font-family:arial,sans-serif}li.g{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:20px}ol li{list-style:none}li{line-height:1.2}#res h3.r{display:block;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.vsc{display:inline-block;position:relative;width:100%}#ires h3,#res h3,#tads h3,#tadsb h3,#mbEnd h3{font-size:medium}.sl,.r{display:inline;font-weight:400;margin:0}.s{max-width:42em;color:#222}div{display:block}.kv,.kvs{display:block;margin-bottom:2px}.f,.f a:link,.m,.c h2,#mbEnd h2,#tads h2,#tadsb h2,#tadsto h2,.descbox{color:#666}.st,.ac{line-height:1.24}.a,cite,cite a:link,cite a:visited,.cite,.cite:link,#mbEnd cite b,#tads cite b,#tadsb cite b,#tadsto cite b,#ans > i,.bc a:link{color:#093;font-style:normal}a:link,.w,.q:active,.q:visited,.tbotu{color:#12C;cursor:pointer}</style>"; vector<std::string> outputList; op="<html><head><title>Falcon Search Engine</title>" + css + "</head><body><h2>Falcon Search Engine - Team Mango</h2><form name=\"input\" action=\"http://localhost:8888\" method=\"post\" id=\"input\">Query: <input type=\"text\" id=\"queryId\" name=\"query\" value=\"query here\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" /></form><ol>"; BOOST_FOREACH(size_t t, qresp){ html_inner_content="<li class=\"g\"><div class=\"vsc\"><h3 class=\"r\"><a href=\"#\">" + util.getStringValue(t) + "</a></h3><div class=\"s\"><div class=\"f kv\"><cite>" + cl.tutil.fileMap[util.getStringValue(t)] + "</cite></div><span class=\"st\">" + description + "</span></div></div></li>"; op = op + html_inner_content; } op = op+ "</ol></body></html>"; if (!fork()) { // this is the child process close(sockfd); // child doesn't need the listener if (send(new_fd,op.c_str() , op.length(), 0) == -1) perror("send"); close(new_fd); exit(0); } close(new_fd); // parent doesn't need this }
OSServiceMethods::OSServiceMethods(OSCommandLine *oscommandline): resultString("") { #ifdef DEBUG_OSSERVICEMETHODS cout << "Inside the OSServiceMethods Constructor" << endl; #endif FileUtil *fileUtil = NULL; OSiLReader *osilreader = NULL; OSoLReader *osolreader = NULL; OSiLWriter *osilwriter = NULL; OSoLWriter *osolwriter = NULL; OSmps2osil *mps2osil = NULL; #ifdef COIN_HAS_ASL // OSnl2os *nl2os = NULL; OSnl2osil *nl2osil = NULL; #endif #ifdef COIN_HAS_GAMSUTILS OSgams2os *gams2os = NULL; #endif try { fileUtil = new FileUtil(); /** Prepare the OSInstance and OSOption objects if needed. * The objects are needed if * 1. any output is based on the instance ((i.e, printModel, * printRow or osilOutputFile is specified) OR * 2. a solve/send command is based on input other than OSiL format */ if ( (oscommandline->printModel || oscommandline->printRowNumberAsString != "" || oscommandline->osilOutputFile != "") || ((oscommandline->serviceMethod[0] = 's') && (oscommandline->osilFile == ""))) { /** Search for an instance in the following order * 1. osil file * 2. non-proprietary formats (only MPS for now) * 3. proprietary formats (AMPL nl, GAMS dat, etc.) */ if (oscommandline->osilFile != "") { osilreader = new OSiLReader(); oscommandline->osil = fileUtil->getFileAsString( (oscommandline->osilFile).c_str()); oscommandline->osinstance = osilreader->readOSiL(oscommandline->osil); if (oscommandline->osolFile != "") { oscommandline->osol = fileUtil->getFileAsString( (oscommandline->osolFile).c_str()); osolreader = new OSoLReader(); oscommandline->osoption = osolreader->readOSoL(oscommandline->osol); } } else if (oscommandline->mpsFile != "") { mps2osil = new OSmps2osil(oscommandline->mpsFile); mps2osil->createOSInstance(); oscommandline->osinstance = mps2osil->osinstance; if (oscommandline->osolFile != "") { oscommandline->osol = fileUtil->getFileAsString( (oscommandline->osolFile).c_str()); osolreader = new OSoLReader(); oscommandline->osoption = osolreader->readOSoL(oscommandline->osol); } } else if (oscommandline->nlFile != "") { #ifdef COIN_HAS_ASL // nl2os = new OSnl2os(oscommandline); // nl2os->createOSObjects(); // osinstance = nl2os->osinstance; // osoption = nl2os->osoption; nl2osil = new OSnl2osil(oscommandline->nlFile); nl2osil->createOSInstance(); oscommandline->osinstance = nl2osil->osinstance; #else throw ErrorClass( "nl file specified locally but ASL not present"); #endif } else if (oscommandline->gamsControlFile != "") { #ifdef COIN_HAS_GAMSUTILS gams2os = new OSgams2os(oscommandline); gams2os->createOSObjects(); osinstance = gams2os->osinstance; osoption = gams2os->osoption; #else throw ErrorClass( "a Gams Control specified locally but GAMSIP not present"); #endif } else { if (oscommandline->osolFile != "" && oscommandline->serviceLocation != "") { oscommandline->osol = fileUtil->getFileAsString( (oscommandline->osolFile).c_str()); osolreader = new OSoLReader(); oscommandline->osoption = osolreader->readOSoL(oscommandline->osol); if (oscommandline->solverName != "") oscommandline->osoption->setSolverToInvoke(oscommandline->solverName); } if (oscommandline->osol.find( "<instanceLocation") == std::string::npos) throw ErrorClass( "Error: no optimization instance found"); } // Make sure the solver name is recorded properly if (oscommandline->solverName != "") { if (oscommandline->osol == "" && oscommandline->osolFile != "") oscommandline->osol = fileUtil->getFileAsString( (oscommandline->osolFile).c_str()); oscommandline->osoption->setSolverToInvoke(oscommandline->solverName); } // convert OS objects to strings if necessary if (oscommandline->serviceLocation != "" && oscommandline->osil == "") { osilwriter= new OSiLWriter(); oscommandline->osil = osilwriter->writeOSiL(oscommandline->osinstance); } if (oscommandline->serviceLocation != "" && oscommandline->osoption != NULL) { osolwriter= new OSoLWriter(); oscommandline->osol = osolwriter->writeOSoL(oscommandline->osoption); } } // cleanup if (fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; if (osilreader != NULL) delete osilreader; osilreader = NULL; if (osolreader != NULL) delete osolreader; osolreader = NULL; if (osilwriter != NULL) delete osilwriter; osilwriter = NULL; if (osolwriter != NULL) delete osolwriter; osolwriter = NULL; if (mps2osil != NULL) delete mps2osil; mps2osil = NULL; #ifdef COIN_HAS_ASL // if (nl2os != NULL) delete nl2os; // nl2os = NULL; if (nl2osil != NULL) delete nl2osil; nl2osil = NULL; #endif #ifdef COIN_HAS_GAMSUTILS if (gams2os != NULL) delete gams2os; gams2os = NULL; #endif } catch(const ErrorClass& eclass) { if (fileUtil != NULL) delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; if (osilreader != NULL) delete osilreader; osilreader = NULL; if (osolreader != NULL) delete osolreader; osolreader = NULL; if (osilwriter != NULL) delete osilwriter; osilwriter = NULL; if (osolwriter != NULL) delete osolwriter; osolwriter = NULL; if (mps2osil != NULL) delete mps2osil; mps2osil = NULL; #ifdef COIN_HAS_ASL if (nl2osil != NULL) delete nl2osil; nl2osil = NULL; #endif #ifdef COIN_HAS_GAMSUTILS if (gams2os != NULL) delete gams2os; gams2os = NULL; #endif throw ErrorClass(eclass.errormsg); } }//end nonstandard OSServiceMethods constructor
Map DataManager::map(Task* task) { FileUtil util; Map result = util.readMapping(task, _projects, _tasks); return result; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Select between GUI and console mode. bool console = false; bool help = false; for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) { csString s(argv[i]); if(s.CompareNoCase("--console") || s.CompareNoCase("-console") || s.CompareNoCase("--switch") || s.CompareNoCase("-switch") || s.CompareNoCase("--repair") || s.CompareNoCase("-repair")) { console = true; } else if(s.CompareNoCase("--help") || s.CompareNoCase("-help")) { help = true; } } if(help) { // Create new string array to make sure --help is there. const char** argvs = new const char*[argc+1]; for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) { argvs[i] = argv[i]; } argvs[argc] = "--help"; // Set up CS psUpdater* updater = new psUpdater(argc+1, argvs); // Convert args to an array of csString. csStringArray args; for(int i=0; i<argc+1; i++) { args.Push(argvs[i]); } // Initialize updater engine. UpdaterEngine* engine = new UpdaterEngine(args, updater->GetObjectRegistry(), "pslaunch"); printf("PlaneShift Updater Version %1.2f for %s.\n" "Launcher and updater for Planeshift\n\n" "pslaunch [--help] [--console] [--repair] [--switch]\n\n" "--help Displays this help dialog\n" "--console Run updater without the GUI\n" "--switch Switch active updater mirror\n" "--repair Check for any problems and prompt to repair them\n", UPDATER_VERSION, engine->GetConfig()->GetCurrentConfig()->GetPlatform()); // Terminate updater! delete argvs; delete engine; delete updater; engine = NULL; updater = NULL; } else if(console) { // Create new string array to make sure --console is there. const char** argvs = new const char*[argc+1]; for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) { argvs[i] = argv[i]; } argvs[argc] = "--console"; // Set up CS psUpdater* updater = new psUpdater(argc+1, argvs); // Convert args to an array of csString. csStringArray args; for(int i=0; i<argc+1; i++) { args.Push(argvs[i]); } // Initialize updater engine. UpdaterEngine* engine = new UpdaterEngine(args, updater->GetObjectRegistry(), "pslaunch"); printf("\nPlaneShift Updater Version %1.2f for %s.\n\n", UPDATER_VERSION, engine->GetConfig()->GetCurrentConfig()->GetPlatform()); // Run the update process! updater->RunUpdate(engine); // Maybe this fixes a bug. fflush(stdout); if(!engine->GetConfig()->IsSelfUpdating()) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(NDEBUG) printf("\nUpdater finished!\n"); #else printf("\nUpdater finished, press enter to exit.\n"); getchar(); #endif } // Terminate updater! delete argvs; delete engine; delete updater; engine = NULL; updater = NULL; } else { bool exitApp = false; while(!exitApp) { // Set up CS iObjectRegistry* object_reg = csInitializer::CreateEnvironment (argc, argv); if(!object_reg) { printf("Object Reg failed to Init!\n"); exit(1); } // Request needed plugins for updater. csInitializer::SetupConfigManager(object_reg, LAUNCHER_CONFIG_FILENAME); csInitializer::RequestPlugins(object_reg, CS_REQUEST_VFS, CS_REQUEST_END); // Convert args to an array of csString. csStringArray args; for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) { args.Push(argv[i]); } // Mount the VFS paths. csRef<iVFS> vfs = csQueryRegistry<iVFS>(object_reg); if (!vfs->Mount ("/planeshift/", "$^")) { printf("Failed to mount /planeshift!\n"); return false; } // Set config path. csRef<iConfigManager> configManager = csQueryRegistry<iConfigManager> (object_reg); csString configPath = csGetPlatformConfigPath("PlaneShift"); configPath.ReplaceAll("/.crystalspace/", "/."); configPath = configManager->GetStr("PlaneShift.UserConfigPath", configPath); // Check that the path exists, else attempt to create it. FileUtil* fileUtil = new FileUtil(vfs); csRef<FileStat> filestat = fileUtil->StatFile(configPath); if (!filestat.IsValid() && CS_MKDIR(configPath) < 0) { printf("Could not create required %s directory!\n", configPath.GetData()); return false; } filestat.Invalidate(); delete fileUtil; fileUtil = NULL; // Mount config path. if (!vfs->Mount("/planeshift/userdata", configPath + "$/")) { printf("Could not mount %s as /planeshift/userdata!\n", configPath.GetData()); return false; } // Init thread communication structure. InfoShare *infoShare = new InfoShare(); infoShare->SetPerformUpdate(false); infoShare->SetUpdateNeeded(false); // Initialize updater engine. csRef<UpdaterEngine> engine; engine.AttachNew(new UpdaterEngine(args, object_reg, "pslaunch", infoShare)); // If we're self updating, continue self update. if(engine->GetConfig()->IsSelfUpdating()) { exitApp = engine->SelfUpdate(engine->GetConfig()->IsSelfUpdating()); } // Set to true by GUI if we have to launch the client. bool execPSClient = false; // If we don't have to exit the app, create updater thread and run the GUI. if(!exitApp) { // Start up updater. csRef<Thread> updaterThread; updaterThread.AttachNew(new Thread(engine)); updaterThread->Start(); // Request needed plugins for GUI. csInitializer::RequestPlugins(object_reg, CS_REQUEST_FONTSERVER, CS_REQUEST_IMAGELOADER, CS_REQUEST_OPENGL3D, CS_REQUEST_END); // Start GUI. psLauncherGUI* gui = new psLauncherGUI(object_reg, infoShare, &execPSClient); gui->Run(); // Free GUI. delete gui; } // Set to exit app. exitApp = true; // Clean up everything else. engine.Invalidate(); delete infoShare; configManager.Invalidate(); vfs.Invalidate(); csInitializer::DestroyApplication(object_reg); if (execPSClient) { // Execute psclient process. #ifdef CS_PLATFORM_WIN32 // Info for CreateProcess. STARTUPINFO siStartupInfo; DWORD dwExitCode; PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcessInfo; memset(&siStartupInfo, 0, sizeof(siStartupInfo)); memset(&piProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(piProcessInfo)); siStartupInfo.cb = sizeof(siStartupInfo); csString commandLine = "psclient.exe"; for(int i=1; i<argc; ++i) { commandLine.AppendFmt(" %s", argv[i]); } if(CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR)commandLine.GetData(), 0, 0, false, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, 0, 0, &siStartupInfo, &piProcessInfo)) { GetExitCodeProcess(piProcessInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode); while (dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { csSleep(1000); GetExitCodeProcess(piProcessInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode); } exitApp = dwExitCode ? 0 : !0; CloseHandle(piProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(piProcessInfo.hThread); } else printf("Failed to launch psclient!\n"); #else if(fork() == 0) { #ifdef CS_PLATFORM_MACOSX char* nargv[argc+2]; char* name = "/usr/bin/open"; char* psc = ""; nargv[0] = name; nargv[1] = psc; for(int i=2; i<argc+1; ++i) { nargv[i] = argv[i-1]; } nargv[argc+1] = (char*)0; execv("/usr/bin/open", nargv); #else char* nargv[argc+1]; char* name = const_cast<char*>("./psclient"); nargv[0] = name; for(int i=1; i<argc; ++i) { nargv[i] = argv[i]; } nargv[argc] = (char*)0; execv("./psclient", nargv); #endif } else { int status; wait(&status); exitApp = (status == 0); } #endif } else { exitApp = true; } } } return 0; }