String8 ProgramCache::generateFragmentShader(const Key& needs) { Formatter fs; if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_EXT) { fs << "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require"; } // default precision is required-ish in fragment shaders fs << "precision mediump float;"; if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_EXT) { fs << "uniform samplerExternalOES sampler;" << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;"; } else if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_2D) { fs << "uniform sampler2D sampler;" << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;"; } else if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_OFF) { fs << "uniform vec4 color;"; } if (needs.hasPlaneAlpha()) { fs << "uniform float alphaPlane;"; } if (needs.hasColorMatrix()) { fs << "uniform mat4 colorMatrix;"; } fs << "void main(void) {" << indent; if (needs.isTexturing()) { fs << "gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, outTexCoords);"; } else { fs << "gl_FragColor = color;"; } if (needs.isOpaque()) { fs << "gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;"; } if (needs.hasPlaneAlpha()) { // modulate the alpha value with planeAlpha if (needs.isPremultiplied()) { // ... and the color too if we're premultiplied fs << "gl_FragColor *= alphaPlane;"; } else { fs << "gl_FragColor.a *= alphaPlane;"; } } if (needs.hasColorMatrix()) { if (!needs.isOpaque() && needs.isPremultiplied()) { // un-premultiply if needed before linearization fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb/gl_FragColor.a;"; } fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = pow(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(2.2));"; fs << "gl_FragColor = colorMatrix*gl_FragColor;"; fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = pow(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));"; if (!needs.isOpaque() && needs.isPremultiplied()) { // and re-premultiply if needed after gamma correction fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb*gl_FragColor.a;"; } } fs << dedent << "}"; return fs.getString(); }
/***************************************************** ** ** PrintoutHelper --- writeHouse ** ******************************************************/ void PrintoutHelper::writeHouse( Table *table, const int &row, const int &line, const int& house, const bool &vedic ) { double len; wxString s; Lang lang; Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); if ( config->useVedicPlanetNames ) s = lang.getBhavaName( house - 1 ); else s.Printf( wxT( "%02d" ), house ); table->setEntry( row, line, s ); len = h->getHouse( house - 1, vedic ); if ( config->useVedicPositions ) table->setEntry( row + 2, line, writer->getPosFormatted( len, false, DEG_PRECISION_SECOND ), false ); else { table->setEntry( row + 2, line, formatter->getLenFormatted( getRasiLen( len ), DEG_PRECISION_MINUTE )); table->setEntry( row + 3, line, writer->getSignName( getRasi( len )), config->useSignSymbols ); } if ( vedic ) { KpData kp = h->getHouseKPLords( house - 1 ); table->setEntry( row + 5, line, writer->getObjectName( kp.lord, TSHORT, true ), config->usePlanetSymbols ); table->setEntry( row + 6, line, writer->getObjectName( kp.sublord, TSHORT, true ), config->usePlanetSymbols ); table->setEntry( row + 7, line, writer->getObjectName( kp.subsublord, TSHORT, true ), config->usePlanetSymbols ); } }
/***************************************************** ** ** TextHelper --- writeAstronomicalData ** ******************************************************/ int TextHelper::writeAstronomicalData() { wxString pname; int p, ret = 0; Calculator *calculator = CalculatorFactory().getCalculator(); Formatter *f = Formatter::get(); Lang lang; vector<int> obs1 = chartprops->getPlanetList(); vector<int> obs; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < obs1.size(); i++ ) { if ( obs1[i] < MAX_EPHEM_OBJECTS ) obs.push_back( obs1[i] ); } if ( show_header ) writer->writeHeader1( _( "Astronomical Positions" )); Table table( 4, obs.size() + 1 ); table.setHeader( 0, _( "Planet" )); table.setHeader( 1, _( "Longitude" )); table.setHeader( 2, _( "Latitute" )); table.setHeader( 3, _( "Speed (deg/day)" )); table.col_line[0] = true; table.col_alignment[0] = Align::Right; table.col_alignment[1] = Align::Right; int line = 1; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++ ) { p = obs[i]; if ( horoscope->getTropicalLength( p ) == 0 ) ret++; pname = writer->getObjectName( p, TLARGE); table.setEntry( 0, line, pname ); table.setEntry( 1, line, writer->getPosFormatted( horoscope->getTropicalLength( p ), horoscope->isRetrograde( p ), DEG_PRECISION_MORE )); if ( p != OASCENDANT && p != OMERIDIAN ) { table.setEntry( 2, line, f->getLatitudeFormatted( horoscope->getLatitude( p ), DEG_PRECISION_MORE )); table.setEntry( 3, line, f->getLenFormatted( horoscope->getSpeed( p ), DEG_PRECISION_MORE )); } line++; } writer->writeTable( table ); Table t2( 2, 5 ); t2.setHeader( 0, _( "Name" )); t2.setHeader( 1, _( "Value" )); writer->writeHeader2( _( "Ayanamsa" )); line = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < NB_AYANAMSAS; i++ ) { t2.setEntry( 0, line, lang.getAyanamsaName( i+1 )); t2.setEntry( 1, line, f->getDegreesFormatted( calculator->calcAyanamsa( horoscope->getJD(), i+1 ), DEG_PRECISION_MORE )); line++; } t2.setEntry( 0, 4, _( "Custom" ) ); t2.setEntry( 1, 4, f->getDegreesFormatted( calculator->calcAyanamsa( horoscope->getJD(), 4 ), DEG_PRECISION_MORE )); writer->writeTable( t2 ); return ret; }
bool EmployeeMenu::search(void) { ui::HelperForm hfForm; std::string employeeCode = hfForm.getSimpleInput("Employee Id"); if( employeeCode.empty()) return false; EmployeeInfo info; try { info = bc::HRManager::getInstance()->searchEmployee(employeeCode); }catch(GeneralException* ge) { mvprintw(15, 1, ge->getMessage().c_str()); mvprintw(20, 3, "Press any key to continue..." ); getch(); return false; } Formatter fm; fm.getFormattedOutput(info); return false; //do not quit from the menu }
int main() { const RegisterDictionary *regdict = RegisterDictionary::dictionary_i386(); SymbolicSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr ops = SymbolicSemantics::RiscOperators::instance(regdict); RegisterStateGenericPtr rstate = RegisterStateGeneric::promote(ops->get_state()->get_register_state()); SValuePtr x; Formatter fmt; fmt.set_line_prefix(" "); // Write all 32 bits of a register std::cout <<"write reg@0+32\n"; RegisterDescriptor r_0_32(x86_regclass_gpr, 0, 0, 32); rstate->writeRegister(r_0_32, ops->undefined_(32), ops.get()); rstate->print(std::cout, fmt); // Write low-order 16 bits of a register std::cout <<"\nwrite reg@0+16\n"; RegisterDescriptor r_0_16(x86_regclass_gpr, 0, 0, 16); rstate->writeRegister(r_0_16, ops->undefined_(16), ops.get()); rstate->print(std::cout, fmt); // Read bits 8-31. Bits [8-15] are from one register and [16-31] are from another std::cout <<"\nread reg@8+24\n"; RegisterDescriptor r_8_24(x86_regclass_gpr, 0, 8, 24); x = rstate->readRegister(r_8_24, ops.get()); std::cout <<" got " <<*x <<"\n"; rstate->print(std::cout, fmt); }
QString AttributeHelper::numericMetadataDetails( const DefinitionInfo& info ) const { QStringList details; int decimal = info.metadata( "decimal" ).toInt(); if ( decimal > 0 ) details.append( tr( "Decimal places: %1" ).arg( decimal ) ); bool strip = info.metadata( "strip" ).toBool(); Formatter formatter; QVariant minValue = info.metadata( "min-value" ); if ( minValue.isValid() ) details.append( tr( "Min. value: %1" ).arg( formatter.convertNumber( minValue.toString(), decimal, strip ) ) ); QVariant maxValue = info.metadata( "max-value" ); if ( maxValue.isValid() ) details.append( tr( "Max. value: %1" ).arg( formatter.convertNumber( maxValue.toString(), decimal, strip ) ) ); if ( strip ) details.append( tr( "Strip zeros" ) ); return details.join( "; " ); }
/***************************************************** ** ** PrintoutHelper --- writeWesternAspectarium ** ******************************************************/ void PrintoutHelper::writeWesternAspectarium( ChartProperties *props, const int &type ) { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); wxString s; AspectExpert expert( h ); list<AspectEvent> al = expert.update( h, props ); int numrows = (int)al.size() / 3; if ( al.size() % 3 ) numrows++; Table table( 12, numrows + 1 ); table.show_grid = false; table.setHeader( 0, _( "Aspect" ), false, 2 ); table.setHeader( 3, _( "Orbis" ) ); table.col_line[2] = true; table.col_line[3] = true; table.setHeader( 4, _( "Aspect" ), false, 2 ); table.setHeader( 7, _( "Orbis" ) ); table.col_line[6] = true; table.col_line[7] = true; table.setHeader( 8, _( "Aspect" ), false, 2 ); table.setHeader( 11, _( "Orbis" ) ); table.col_line[10] = true; int col = 0; int row = 0; for ( list<AspectEvent>::iterator iter = al.begin(); iter != al.end(); iter++ ) { table.setEntry( 4 * col, row + 1, writer->getObjectName( (*iter).planet1, TMEDIUM ), config->usePlanetSymbols ); s = AspectExpert::getAspectSymbol( (*iter).aspectType ); if ( s.IsEmpty()) { s = AspectExpert::getAspectShortDescription( (*iter).aspectType ); table.setEntry( 4 * col + 1, row + 1, s, false ); } else { table.setEntry( 4 * col + 1, row + 1, s, true ); } table.setEntry( 4 * col + 2, row + 1, writer->getObjectName( (*iter).planet2, TMEDIUM ), config->usePlanetSymbols ); table.setEntry( 4 * col + 3, row + 1, formatter->getLenFormatted( (*iter).orbis, DEG_PRECISION_MINUTE ), false ); row++; if ( row >= numrows ) { col++; row = 0; } } writer->writeTable( table, true ); }
/***************************************************** ** ** EphemExpert --- writeDetails ** ******************************************************/ void EphemExpert::writeDetails( Writer *writer ) { int i; wxString s, tz_str, thetime; Lang lang; Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); TzUtil tzu; if ( ! cdetails ) calcDetails(); s.Printf( wxT ( "%s %d" ), (const wxChar*)lang.getMonthName( month-1 ), year ); writer->writeHeader1( s ); int line = 1; int nb_leaps = 0; for ( i = 0; i < nb_days; i++ ) { if ( i > 0 && weekday[i] == 0 ) nb_leaps++; } Table table( 5, nb_days+1+nb_leaps ); table.setHeader( 0, _( "Day" )); table.setHeader( 1, _( "Sidereal Time" )); table.setHeader( 2, _( "Sunrise" )); table.setHeader( 3, _( "Sunset" )); table.setHeader( 4, _( "Tithi (Sunrise)" )); line = 1; for ( i = 0; i < nb_days; i++ ) { // blank line on weekend if ( i > 0 && weekday[i] == 0 ) { for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) table.setHeaderEntry( j, line, wxEmptyString ); line++; } s.Printf( wxT( "%02d %s" ), i+1, (const wxChar*)lang.getWeekdayName( weekday[i] ).Left(2) ); if ( testDayIndexForCurrent( i+1 )) table.setHeaderEntry( 0, line, s ); else table.setEntry( 0, line, s ); table.setEntry( 1, line, formatter->getTimeFormatted( st[i] ) ); TzFormattedDate fd = tzu.getDateFormatted( sunrise[i], isLocaltime ); thetime = fd.timeFormatted; //if ( dstchange ) thetime << wxT( " " ) << fd.timezoneFormatted; table.setEntry( 2, line, thetime ); fd = tzu.getDateFormatted( sunset[i], isLocaltime ); table.setEntry( 3, line, fd.timeFormatted ); table.setEntry( 4, line, lang.getTithiName( tithi[i] )); line++; } writer->writeTable( table ); }
void printDocument(const Formatter& file) { file.printHeader(); file.printTitle(); while (!file.Eof()) { file.printParagraph(); } file.printFooter(); std::cout << std::endl; }
/***************************************************** ** ** GenericTableWriter --- writeObjectLatitude ** ******************************************************/ void GenericTableWriter::writeObjectLatitude( const uint &i0, const TcColumnSet &set ) { table->setHeader( i0, _( "Declination" )); Formatter *f = Formatter::get(); ObjectPosition pos; for ( uint p = 0; p < obs.size(); p++ ) { pos = getObjectPosition( obs[p], set ); table->setEntry( i0, p + 1, f->getLatitudeFormatted( pos.latitude, DEG_PRECISION_SECOND )); } }
virtual void operator()(Formatter& output) { for (sexpr::Node* name_expr = namespace_node->s_expr->first_child; name_expr != 0; name_expr = name_expr->next_sibling) { output.put_id(name_expr->token); if (!is_last(name_expr)) { output.put_str("::"); } } }
/***************************************************** ** ** DasaImpl --- dump ** ******************************************************/ void DasaImpl::dump(wxString &o) { Formatter *f = Formatter::get(); Writer *writer = WriterFactory().getWriter( WRITER_TEXT ); if ( expert->isRasiDasaExpert() ) o << writer->getSignName( lord ); else o << writer->getObjectName( lord,TMEDIUM, true ); o << wxT( " " ) << f->getDateStringFromJD( getStartJD() ) << wxT( " - " ) << f->getDateStringFromJD( getEndJD() ) << Endl; }
/***************************************************** ** ** UranianConjunctionEvent --- write ** ******************************************************/ wxString UranianConjunctionEvent::write( Writer *writer, const bool show_date ) const { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); wxString s; s << writer->getObjectName( p1 ) << writer->getUranianAspectSymbol( type ) << writer->getObjectName( p2 ) << wxT( " " ) << ( ! show_date &&orbis > 0 ? wxT( "-" ) : wxT( " " )); if ( show_date ) s << formatter->getDateStringFromJD( jd ); else s << formatter->getDegreesFormatted( fabs( orbis )); return s; }
/***************************************************** ** ** DateInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void DateInputField::formatValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); if ( Validate()) { value = getDoubleValue(); SetValue( formatter->getDateStringFromJD( value )); } else { SetValue( formatter->getDateStringFromJD( value )); } }
/***************************************************** ** ** DegMinSecInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void DegMinSecInputField::formatValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); if ( Validate()) { value = getDoubleValue(); SetValue( formatter->getDegreesFormatted( value, format )); } else { SetValue( formatter->getDegreesFormatted( value, format )); } }
QString AttributeHelper::formatExpression( const DefinitionInfo& info, const QString& value ) const { AttributeType type = toAttributeType( info ); if ( ( type == TextAttribute || type == EnumAttribute || type == UserAttribute ) && value.startsWith( QLatin1String( "[Me]" ) ) ) return QString( "[%1]" ).arg( tr( "Me" ) ); if ( type == DateTimeAttribute && value.startsWith( QLatin1String( "[Today]" ) ) ) return QString( "[%1]%2" ).arg( tr( "Today" ), value.mid( 7 ) ); Formatter formatter; return formatter.convertAttributeValue( info, value, false ); }
void Serialiser::read( Formatter &formatter ) { Array refs = formatter.referencedObjects( refCounter ); for( Array::iterator ri = refs.begin(); ri != refs.end(); ++ri ) referencedValues_.insert( std::make_pair(ri->get().index, ri->get()) ); Primitive root; refCounter = formatter.decode( string(""), root, refCounter ); Map &m = boost::get<Map>( root.value ); for( Map::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++ ) values_[i->first] = i->second; }
/***************************************************** ** ** GenericTableWriter --- write45DegreeLongitude ** ******************************************************/ void GenericTableWriter::write45DegreeLongitude( const uint &colid, const TcColumnSet &set ) { assert( table->getNbCols() >= colid + 1 ); assert( table->getNbRows() > obs.size()); Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); table->setHeader( colid, _( "45 Degree" )); for ( uint p = 0; p < obs.size(); p++ ) { table->setEntry( colid, p + 1, formatter->getLenFormatted( a_red( getObjectPosition( obs[p], set ).longitude, 45.0 ))); if ( IS_EPHEM_OBJECT( obs[p] ) && h->getTropicalLongitude( obs[p] ) == 0 ) table->errorcount++; } }
Document<Formatter>::Document(Formatter& formatter) { _elements.reserve(32); _attributes.reserve(64); _firstRootAttribute = ~0u; // Parse the input formatter, building a tree // of elements and a list of attributes. // We can start with several top-level elements unsigned lastEle = ~0u; unsigned lastAttrib = ~0u; for (;;) { switch (formatter.PeekNext()) { case Formatter::Blob::AttributeName: { Formatter::InteriorSection name, value; if (formatter.TryAttribute(name, value)) { _attributes.push_back(AttributeDesc{name, value, ~0u}); if (lastAttrib != ~0u) { _attributes[lastAttrib]._nextSibling = unsigned(_attributes.size()-1); } else { _firstRootAttribute = unsigned(_attributes.size()-1); } lastAttrib = unsigned(_attributes.size()-1); } } continue; case Formatter::Blob::BeginElement: { auto newEle = ParseElement(formatter); if (newEle == ~0u) break; if (lastEle != ~0u) _elements[lastEle]._nextSibling = newEle; lastEle = newEle; } continue; default: break; } break; } // Sometimes we serialize in some elements as a "Document" // In these cases, there may be more data in the file... // if (formatter.PeekNext() != Formatter::Blob::None) // Throw(FormatException( // "Unexpected trailing characters in StreamDOM", formatter.GetLocation())); }
HtmlText IssueDetailsGenerator::changeLinks( const ChangeEntity& change, HtmlText::Flags flags ) { HtmlText result( flags ); if ( change.stampId() != ) { Formatter formatter; result.appendText( tr( "Last Edited:" ) ); result.appendText( QString::fromUtf8( " %1 — %2" ).arg( formatter.formatDateTime( change.modifiedDate(), true ), change.modifiedUser() ) ); result.appendText( " | " ); } result.createAnchor( QString( "item%1" ).arg( ) ); if ( flags.testFlag( HtmlText::NoInternalLinks ) ) { if ( change.type() == CommentAdded ) result.appendText( tr( "Comment #%1" ).arg( ) ); else result.appendText( tr( "Attachment #%1" ).arg( ) ); } else { if ( change.type() == CommentAdded ) result.appendImageAndText( "comment", tr( "Comment #%1" ).arg( ) ); else result.appendImageAndText( "file-attach", tr( "Attachment #%1" ).arg( ) ); } result.endAnchor(); if ( !flags.testFlag( HtmlText::NoInternalLinks ) ) { if ( change.type() == CommentAdded ) { result.appendText( " | " ); result.appendImageAndTextLink( "comment-reply", tr( "Reply" ), QString( "command://reply-comment/%1" ).arg( ) ); } if ( m_isAdmin || change.createdUserId() == dataManager->currentUserId() ) { result.appendText( " | " ); if ( change.type() == CommentAdded ) result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-modify", tr( "Edit" ), QString( "command://edit-comment/%1" ).arg( ) ); else result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-modify", tr( "Edit" ), QString( "command://edit-file/%1" ).arg( ) ); result.appendText( " | " ); if ( change.type() == CommentAdded ) result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-delete", tr( "Delete" ), QString( "command://delete-comment/%1" ).arg( ) ); else result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-delete", tr( "Delete" ), QString( "command://delete-file/%1" ).arg( ) ); } } return result; }
void IssueDetailsGenerator::writeAttributes( HtmlWriter* writer, const QList<ValueEntity>& values, HtmlText::Flags flags ) { QStringList headers; QList<HtmlText> items; Formatter formatter; for ( int i = 0; i < values.count(); i++ ) { const ValueEntity& value = i ); headers.append( + tr( ":" ) ); QString formattedValue = formatter.convertAttributeValue( value.definition(), value.value(), true ); items.append( HtmlText::parse( HtmlText::convertTabsToSpaces( formattedValue ), flags ) ); } writer->writeInfoList( headers, items, true ); }
void SymbolicMemory::print(std::ostream &out, Formatter &formatter_) const { SymbolicSemantics::Formatter *formatter = dynamic_cast<SymbolicSemantics::Formatter*>(&formatter_); InsnSemanticsExpr::Formatter dflt_expr_formatter; InsnSemanticsExpr::Formatter &expr_formatter = formatter ? formatter->expr_formatter : dflt_expr_formatter; out <<formatter_.get_line_prefix() <<(*mem_ + expr_formatter) <<"\n"; }
/***************************************************** ** ** DateInputField --- getDoubleValue ** ******************************************************/ double DateInputField::getDoubleValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); int day, month, year; if ( Validate()) { if ( formatter->getDateIntsFromString( (const wxChar*)GetValue(), day, month, year )) { JDate date; date.setDate( day, month, year, 0 ); return date.getJD(); } } return value; }
/***************************************************** ** ** DegMinSecInputField --- getDoubleValue ** ******************************************************/ double DegMinSecInputField::getDoubleValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); int deg, min, sec; if ( GetValue().IsEmpty()) return 0.0; const bool b = formatter->getDegreeIntsFromString( (const wxChar*)GetValue(), deg, min, sec ); if ( ! b ) { printf( "DegMinSecInputField::getDoubleValue WARN: invalid string %s\n", str2char( GetValue())); return value; } double v = sec + min * 60 + deg * 3600; return v / 3600.0; }
void ConfigurationChecker::set_banner(Directory & container, Formatter object, const char * type, int id) { Directory * node; char buffer[32]; banner = string(" ") + object.str() + " : "; sprintf(buffer, "id = %d", id); node = container.findChild(OBJECTTREE, type, NULL)->getFirstChild(); while(node != 0 && node->toInteger() != id) node = node->getNext(); if( node != 0 ) { banner += node->getKey() + " (" + buffer + ") "; node = node->findChild("position"); if(node != 0) banner += string("at ") + node->toString(); } else banner += buffer; if(VerboseMessage::getVerbose()) { cout << banner << endl; banner.erase(); } }
String8 ProgramCache::generateVertexShader(const Key& needs) { Formatter vs; if (needs.isTexturing()) { vs << "attribute vec4 texCoords;" << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;"; } vs << "attribute vec4 position;" << "uniform mat4 projection;" << "uniform mat4 texture;" << "void main(void) {" << indent << "gl_Position = projection * position;"; if (needs.isTexturing()) { vs << "outTexCoords = (texture * texCoords).st;"; } vs << dedent << "}"; return vs.getString(); }
/************************************************************** *** ** MaitreyaTextclient --- setLocation *** ***************************************************************/ void setLocation( wxString s ) { const char MINUS = '-'; Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); double lon = 0.0, lat = 0.0, tz = 0.0; wxString name; wxStringTokenizer t( s, wxT( " " )); if ( t.HasMoreTokens()) name = t.GetNextToken(); if ( t.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString slong = t.GetNextToken(); bool negative = false; if ( slong.GetChar( 0 ) == '-' ) { negative = true; slong = slong.AfterFirst( MINUS ); } if ( ! formatter->parseDegreeString( slong, lon, 180.0 )) { fatalError( "cannot parse longitude string " + slong ); } if ( negative ) lon *= -1; printf( "long token %s value %f\n", str2char( slong ), lon ); } if ( t.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString slat = t.GetNextToken(); bool negative = false; if ( slat.GetChar( 0 ) == '-' ) { negative = true; slat = slat.AfterFirst( MINUS ); } if ( ! formatter->parseDegreeString( slat, lat, 90.0 )) { fatalError( "cannot parse latitude string " + slat ); } if ( negative ) lat *= -1; printf( "lat token %s value %f\n", str2char( slat ), lat ); } if ( t.HasMoreTokens()) tz = myatof( t.GetNextToken()); dataset.setLocation( name, lon, lat, tz, 0.0 ); printf( "set Location name %s longitude %f latitude %f tz %f\n", str2char( name ), lon, lat, tz ); }
HtmlText IssueDetailsGenerator::formatFile( const FileEntity& file, HtmlText::Flags flags ) { HtmlText result( flags ); result.appendLink(, QString( "attachment://%1" ).arg( ) ); result.appendText( " (" ); Formatter formatter; result.appendText( formatter.formatSize( file.size() ) ); result.appendText( ")" ); if ( !file.description().isEmpty() ) { result.appendText( QString::fromUtf8( " — " ) ); result.appendParsed( file.description() ); } return result; }
void format_entity(const Formatter& f, const Entity& e, const bool empty_out_content = false) { const auto fn(f.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name()); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Formatting: '" << << "' with '" << fn << "'"; const auto ctx(factory_.make(; const auto fp(ctx.formatter_properties()); const auto i(fp.find(fn)); if (i == fp.end()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_properties_not_found << fn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( workflow_error(formatter_properties_not_found + fn)); } const auto is_formatter_enabled(i->second.enabled()); if (!is_formatter_enabled) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Formatter not enabled for type."; return; } auto file(f.format(ctx, e)); if (empty_out_content) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Emptying out content."; file.content().clear(); } files_.push_front(file); if (!file.overwrite()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Filename: " << file.path().generic_string(); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Content: " << (file.content().empty() ? "<empty>" : file.content()); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Finished formatting: '" << << "'"; } else { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Not dumping file contents to log " << "(overwrite is false)."; } }
HtmlText IssueDetailsGenerator::descriptionLinks( const DescriptionEntity& description, HtmlText::Flags flags ) { HtmlText result( flags ); Formatter formatter; result.appendText( tr( "Last Edited:" ) ); result.appendText( QString::fromUtf8( " %1 — %2" ).arg( formatter.formatDateTime( description.modifiedDate(), true ), description.modifiedUser() ) ); if ( !flags.testFlag( HtmlText::NoInternalLinks ) ) { result.appendText( " | " ); result.appendImageAndTextLink( "comment-reply", tr( "Reply" ), "command://reply-description/" ); if ( m_isOwner || m_isAdmin ) { result.appendText( " | " ); result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-modify", tr( "Edit" ), "command://edit-description/" ); result.appendText( " | " ); result.appendImageAndTextLink( "edit-delete", tr( "Delete" ), "command://delete-description/" ); } } return result; }