void SideEffectAnalysis::getEffects(FunctionEffects &ApplyEffects, FullApplySite FAS) {
  assert(ApplyEffects.ParamEffects.size() == 0 &&
         "Not using a new ApplyEffects?");

  // Is this a call to a semantics function?
  ArraySemanticsCall ASC(FAS.getInstruction());
  if (ASC && ASC.hasSelf()) {
    if (getSemanticEffects(ApplyEffects, ASC))

  if (SILFunction *SingleCallee = FAS.getReferencedFunction()) {
    // Does the function have any @effects?
    if (getDefinedEffects(ApplyEffects, SingleCallee))

  auto Callees = BCA->getCalleeList(FAS);
  if (!Callees.allCalleesVisible() ||
      // @callee_owned function calls implicitly release the context, which
      // may call deinits of boxed values.
      // TODO: be less conservative about what destructors might be called.
      FAS.getOrigCalleeType()->isCalleeConsumed()) {

  // We can see all the callees. So we just merge the effects from all of
  // them.
  for (auto *Callee : Callees) {
    const FunctionEffects &CalleeFE = getEffects(Callee);
/// Checks if a generic callee and caller have compatible layout constraints.
static bool isCallerAndCalleeLayoutConstraintsCompatible(FullApplySite AI) {
  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  auto CalleeSig = Callee->getLoweredFunctionType()->getGenericSignature();
  auto AISubs = AI.getSubstitutionMap();

  SmallVector<GenericTypeParamType *, 4> SubstParams;
  CalleeSig->forEachParam([&](GenericTypeParamType *Param, bool Canonical) {
    if (Canonical)

  for (auto Param : SubstParams) {
    // Map the parameter into context
    auto ContextTy = Callee->mapTypeIntoContext(Param->getCanonicalType());
    auto Archetype = ContextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!Archetype)
    auto Layout = Archetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!Layout)
    // The generic parameter has a layout constraint.
    // Check that the substitution has the same constraint.
    auto AIReplacement = Type(Param).subst(AISubs);
    auto AIArchetype = AIReplacement->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!AIArchetype)
      return false;
    auto AILayout = AIArchetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!AILayout)
      return false;
    if (AILayout != Layout)
      return false;
  return true;
/// Checks if a generic callee and caller have compatible layout constraints.
static bool isCallerAndCalleeLayoutConstraintsCompatible(FullApplySite AI) {
  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  auto CalleeSig = Callee->getLoweredFunctionType()->getGenericSignature();
  auto SubstParams = CalleeSig->getSubstitutableParams();
  auto AISubs = AI.getSubstitutionMap();
  for (auto idx : indices(SubstParams)) {
    auto Param = SubstParams[idx];
    // Map the parameter into context
    auto ContextTy = Callee->mapTypeIntoContext(Param->getCanonicalType());
    auto Archetype = ContextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!Archetype)
    auto Layout = Archetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!Layout)
    // The generic parameter has a layout constraint.
    // Check that the substitution has the same constraint.
    auto AIReplacement = Type(Param).subst(AISubs);
    auto AIArchetype = AIReplacement->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!AIArchetype)
      return false;
    auto AILayout = AIArchetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!AILayout)
      return false;
    if (AILayout != Layout)
      return false;
  return true;
Exemple #4
/// Could this operand to an apply escape that function by being
/// stored or returned?
static bool applyArgumentEscapes(FullApplySite Apply, Operand *O) {
  SILFunction *F = Apply.getReferencedFunction();
  // If we cannot examine the function body, assume the worst.
  if (!F || F->empty())
    return true;

  // Check the uses of the operand, but do not recurse down into other
  // apply instructions.
  auto calleeArg = F->getArgument(Apply.getCalleeArgIndex(*O));
  return partialApplyEscapes(calleeArg, /* examineApply = */ false);
// Returns true if the callee contains a partial apply instruction,
// whose substitutions list would contain opened existentials after
// inlining.
static bool calleeHasPartialApplyWithOpenedExistentials(FullApplySite AI) {
  if (!AI.hasSubstitutions())
    return false;

  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  auto Subs = AI.getSubstitutions();

  // Bail if there are no open existentials in the list of substitutions.
  bool HasNoOpenedExistentials = true;
  for (auto Sub : Subs) {
    if (Sub.getReplacement()->hasOpenedExistential()) {
      HasNoOpenedExistentials = false;

  if (HasNoOpenedExistentials)
    return false;

  auto SubsMap = Callee->getLoweredFunctionType()

  for (auto &BB : *Callee) {
    for (auto &I : BB) {
      if (auto PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(&I)) {
        auto PAISubs = PAI->getSubstitutions();
        if (PAISubs.empty())

        // Check if any of substitutions would contain open existentials
        // after inlining.
        auto PAISubMap = PAI->getOrigCalleeType()
        PAISubMap = PAISubMap.subst(SubsMap);
        if (PAISubMap.hasOpenedExistential())
          return true;

  return false;
Exemple #6
// Summarize the callee side effects of a call instruction using this
// FunctionSideEffects object without analyzing the callee function bodies or
// scheduling the callees for bottom-up propagation.
// Return true if this call-site's effects are summarized without visiting the
// callee.
bool FunctionSideEffects::summarizeCall(FullApplySite fullApply) {
  assert(ParamEffects.empty() && "Expect uninitialized effects.");

  // Is this a call to a semantics function?
  if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(fullApply.getInstruction())) {
    ArraySemanticsCall ASC(apply);
    if (ASC && ASC.hasSelf()) {
      if (setSemanticEffects(ASC))
        return true;

  if (SILFunction *SingleCallee = fullApply.getReferencedFunction()) {
    // Does the function have any @effects?
    if (setDefinedEffects(SingleCallee))
      return true;
  return false;
// Returns true if a given apply site should be skipped during the
// early inlining pass.
// NOTE: Add here the checks for any specific @_semantics/@_effects
// attributes causing a given callee to be excluded from the inlining
// during the early inlining pass.
static bool shouldSkipApplyDuringEarlyInlining(FullApplySite AI) {
  // Add here the checks for any specific @_semantics attributes that need
  // to be skipped during the early inlining pass.
  ArraySemanticsCall ASC(AI.getInstruction());
  if (ASC && !ASC.canInlineEarly())
    return true;

  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  if (!Callee)
    return false;

  if (Callee->hasSemanticsAttr("self_no_escaping_closure") ||
    return true;

  // Add here the checks for any specific @_effects attributes that need
  // to be skipped during the early inlining pass.
  if (Callee->hasEffectsKind())
    return true;

  return false;
/// Return true if inlining this call site is profitable.
bool SILPerformanceInliner::isProfitableToInline(FullApplySite AI,
                                              unsigned loopDepthOfAI,
                                              DominanceAnalysis *DA,
                                              SILLoopAnalysis *LA,
                                              ConstantTracker &callerTracker,
                                              unsigned &NumCallerBlocks) {
  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();

  if (Callee->getInlineStrategy() == AlwaysInline)
    return true;
  ConstantTracker constTracker(Callee, &callerTracker, AI);
  DominanceInfo *DT = DA->get(Callee);
  SILLoopInfo *LI = LA->get(Callee);

  DominanceOrder domOrder(&Callee->front(), DT, Callee->size());
  // Calculate the inlining cost of the callee.
  unsigned CalleeCost = 0;
  unsigned Benefit = InlineCostThreshold > 0 ? InlineCostThreshold :
  Benefit += loopDepthOfAI * LoopBenefitFactor;
  int testThreshold = TestThreshold;

  while (SILBasicBlock *block = domOrder.getNext()) {
    for (SILInstruction &I : *block) {
      if (testThreshold >= 0) {
        // We are in test-mode: use a simplified cost model.
        CalleeCost += testCost(&I);
      } else {
        // Use the regular cost model.
        CalleeCost += unsigned(instructionInlineCost(I));
      if (ApplyInst *AI = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(&I)) {
        // Check if the callee is passed as an argument. If so, increase the
        // threshold, because inlining will (probably) eliminate the closure.
        SILInstruction *def = constTracker.getDefInCaller(AI->getCallee());
        if (def && (isa<FunctionRefInst>(def) || isa<PartialApplyInst>(def))) {
          unsigned loopDepth = LI->getLoopDepth(block);
          Benefit += ConstCalleeBenefit + loopDepth * LoopBenefitFactor;
          testThreshold *= 2;
    // Don't count costs in blocks which are dead after inlining.
    SILBasicBlock *takenBlock = getTakenBlock(block->getTerminator(),
    if (takenBlock) {
      Benefit += ConstTerminatorBenefit;
      domOrder.pushChildrenIf(block, [=] (SILBasicBlock *child) {
        return child->getSinglePredecessor() != block || child == takenBlock;
    } else {

  unsigned Threshold = Benefit; // The default.
  if (testThreshold >= 0) {
    // We are in testing mode.
    Threshold = testThreshold;
  } else if (AI.getFunction()->isThunk()) {
    // Only inline trivial functions into thunks (which will not increase the
    // code size).
    Threshold = TrivialFunctionThreshold;
  } else {
    // The default case.
    // We reduce the benefit if the caller is too large. For this we use a
    // cubic function on the number of caller blocks. This starts to prevent
    // inlining at about 800 - 1000 caller blocks.
    unsigned blockMinus =
      (NumCallerBlocks * NumCallerBlocks) / BlockLimitDenominator *
                          NumCallerBlocks / BlockLimitDenominator;
    if (Threshold > blockMinus + TrivialFunctionThreshold)
      Threshold -= blockMinus;
      Threshold = TrivialFunctionThreshold;

  if (CalleeCost > Threshold) {
    return false;
  NumCallerBlocks += Callee->size();

    llvm::dbgs() << "    decision {" << CalleeCost << " < " << Threshold <<
        ", ld=" << loopDepthOfAI << ", bb=" << NumCallerBlocks << "} " <<
        Callee->getName() << '\n';
Exemple #9
bool SILPerformanceInliner::isProfitableToInline(FullApplySite AI,
                                                 Weight CallerWeight,
                                                 ConstantTracker &callerTracker,
                                                 int &NumCallerBlocks,
                                                 bool IsGeneric) {
  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  SILLoopInfo *LI = LA->get(Callee);
  ShortestPathAnalysis *SPA = getSPA(Callee, LI);

  ConstantTracker constTracker(Callee, &callerTracker, AI);
  DominanceInfo *DT = DA->get(Callee);
  SILBasicBlock *CalleeEntry = &Callee->front();
  DominanceOrder domOrder(CalleeEntry, DT, Callee->size());

  // Calculate the inlining cost of the callee.
  int CalleeCost = 0;
  int Benefit = 0;
  // Start with a base benefit.
  int BaseBenefit = RemovedCallBenefit;
  const SILOptions &Opts = Callee->getModule().getOptions();
  // For some reason -Ounchecked can accept a higher base benefit without
  // increasing the code size too much.
  if (Opts.Optimization == SILOptions::SILOptMode::OptimizeUnchecked)
    BaseBenefit *= 2;

  CallerWeight.updateBenefit(Benefit, BaseBenefit);

  // Go through all blocks of the function, accumulate the cost and find
  // benefits.
  while (SILBasicBlock *block = domOrder.getNext()) {
    Weight BlockW = SPA->getWeight(block, CallerWeight);

    for (SILInstruction &I : *block) {
      CalleeCost += (int)instructionInlineCost(I);

      if (FullApplySite AI = FullApplySite::isa(&I)) {
        // Check if the callee is passed as an argument. If so, increase the
        // threshold, because inlining will (probably) eliminate the closure.
        SILInstruction *def = constTracker.getDefInCaller(AI.getCallee());
        if (def && (isa<FunctionRefInst>(def) || isa<PartialApplyInst>(def)))
          BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, RemovedClosureBenefit);
      } else if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(&I)) {
        // Check if it's a load from a stack location in the caller. Such a load
        // might be optimized away if inlined.
        if (constTracker.isStackAddrInCaller(LI->getOperand()))
          BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, RemovedLoadBenefit);
      } else if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) {
        // Check if it's a store to a stack location in the caller. Such a load
        // might be optimized away if inlined.
        if (constTracker.isStackAddrInCaller(SI->getDest()))
          BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, RemovedStoreBenefit);
      } else if (isa<StrongReleaseInst>(&I) || isa<ReleaseValueInst>(&I)) {
        SILValue Op = stripCasts(I.getOperand(0));
        if (SILArgument *Arg = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(Op)) {
          if (Arg->isFunctionArg() && Arg->getArgumentConvention() ==
              SILArgumentConvention::Direct_Guaranteed) {
            BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, RefCountBenefit);
      } else if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(&I)) {
        if (BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::OnFastPath)
          BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, FastPathBuiltinBenefit);
    // Don't count costs in blocks which are dead after inlining.
    SILBasicBlock *takenBlock = constTracker.getTakenBlock(block->getTerminator());
    if (takenBlock) {
      BlockW.updateBenefit(Benefit, RemovedTerminatorBenefit);
      domOrder.pushChildrenIf(block, [=] (SILBasicBlock *child) {
        return child->getSinglePredecessor() != block || child == takenBlock;
    } else {

  if (AI.getFunction()->isThunk()) {
    // Only inline trivial functions into thunks (which will not increase the
    // code size).
    if (CalleeCost > TrivialFunctionThreshold)
      return false;

      llvm::dbgs() << "    decision {" << CalleeCost << " into thunk} " <<
          Callee->getName() << '\n';
    return true;