GameAsset* Script::Create(StreamReader& reader, GameAsset* /*existingInstance*/) { const int length = reader.ReadInt(); Buffer buffer; buffer.resize(length); reader.Read(&buffer[0], length); const int numberOfFunctions = reader.ReadInt(); FunctionTable functionTable; functionTable.resize(numberOfFunctions); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFunctions; i++) { Function& item = functionTable[i]; item.Name = reader.ReadString(); item.Position = reader.ReadInt(); item.ArgumentStackSize = reader.ReadInt(); item.ReturnTypes.resize(reader.ReadInt()); for (std::vector<AnyType>::size_type i = 0; i < item.ReturnTypes.size(); i++) item.ReturnTypes[i] = static_cast<AnyType>(reader.ReadInt()); item.ParameterTypes.resize(reader.ReadInt()); for (std::vector<AnyType>::size_type i = 0; i < item.ParameterTypes.size(); i++) item.ParameterTypes[i] = static_cast<AnyType>(reader.ReadInt()); } const int numberOfStrings = reader.ReadInt(); StringCollection stringTable; stringTable.reserve(numberOfStrings); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i++) stringTable.push_back(reader.ReadString()); return new Script(buffer, functionTable, stringTable, MoveTag()); }
/** Copy constructor */ FunctionTable::FunctionTable(const FunctionTable& x) { for (std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::const_iterator it=x.begin(); it!=x.end(); ++it) { insert(std::pair<std::string, Function *>( it->first, ( it->second->clone() ))); } parentTable = x.parentTable; }
/** Copy constructor */ FunctionTable::FunctionTable(const FunctionTable& x) { for (std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::const_iterator i=x.begin(); i!=x.end(); i++) { insert(std::pair<std::string, Function *>( (*i).first, ( (*i).second->clone() ))); } parentTable = x.parentTable; }
// // ObjectData::Function::Iterate // void Function::Iterate(IterFunc iterFunc, std::ostream *out) { FunctionIter iter; for(iter = Table.begin(); iter != Table.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.context) iter->second.varCount = iter->second.context->getLimit(STORE_REGISTER); iterFunc(out, iter->second); } }
void initDir() { FunctionEntry<pFun> funs[] = { "end",dirEND, "code",dirCODE, "module",dirMODULE, "endmodule",dirENDMODULE, "page",dirPAGE, "defpage",dirDEFPAGE, "##",dirMAPALIGN, "mapalign",dirMAPALIGN, "map",dirMAP, "endmap",dirENDMAP, "align",dirALIGN, "phase",dirPHASE, "dephase",dirDEPHASE, "incbin",/*dirINCBIN,*/ dirINCBINDOT, "output",dirOUTPUT, "update",dirUPDATE, "incdir",dirINCDIR, "assert",dirASSERT, "org",dirORG, "size",dirSIZE, "error",dirERROR, "z80",dirZ80, #ifdef METARM "thumb",dirTHUMB, "arm",dirARM, #endif "incbin.",dirINCBINDOT, }; dirfuntab.init(funs, sizeof funs/sizeof funs[0]); }
// // ObjectData::Function::GenerateSymbols // void Function::GenerateSymbols() { ObjectExpression::Pointer obj; FunctionIter iter; bigsint number = 0; // If not set yet, generate varCount. for(iter = Table.begin(); iter != Table.end(); ++iter) { if(iter->second.context) iter->second.varCount = iter->second.context->getLimit(STORE_REGISTER); } for(iter = Table.begin(); iter != Table.end(); ++iter) { iter->second.number = ++number; obj = ObjectExpression::CreateValueUNS(iter->second.number, SourcePosition::none()); ObjectExpression::add_symbol(iter->, obj); } }
void BuiltinFunctions::declare(FunctionTable& ft) { ft.add(print_); ft.add(getInt32_); ft.add(operatorMinusInt32_); ft.add(operatorMinusInt32Int32_); ft.add(operatorPlusInt32Int32_); ft.add(operatorMultInt32Int32_); ft.add(operatorDivInt32Int32_); ft.add(operatorModInt32Int32_); }
void Compile(const char* databasePathName, const char* cpuArchName, const char* imageFormatName, const char* outputPath) { CPsfVm virtualMachine; auto subSystem = std::make_shared<Iop::CPsfSubSystem>(false); virtualMachine.SetSubSystem(subSystem); Jitter::CCodeGen* codeGen = nullptr; Jitter::CObjectFile::CPU_ARCH cpuArch = Jitter::CObjectFile::CPU_ARCH_X86; if(!strcmp(cpuArchName, "x86")) { codeGen = new Jitter::CCodeGen_x86_32(); cpuArch = Jitter::CObjectFile::CPU_ARCH_X86; } else if(!strcmp(cpuArchName, "arm")) { codeGen = new Jitter::CCodeGen_Arm(); cpuArch = Jitter::CObjectFile::CPU_ARCH_ARM; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid cpu target."); } std::unique_ptr<Jitter::CObjectFile> objectFile; if(!strcmp(imageFormatName, "coff")) { objectFile = std::make_unique<Jitter::CCoffObjectFile>(cpuArch); } else if(!strcmp(imageFormatName, "macho")) { objectFile = std::make_unique<Jitter::CMachoObjectFile>(cpuArch); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid executable image type (must be coff or macho)."); } codeGen->RegisterExternalSymbols(objectFile.get()); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_GetByteProxy", &MemoryUtils_GetByteProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_GetHalfProxy", &MemoryUtils_GetHalfProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_GetWordProxy", &MemoryUtils_GetWordProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_SetByteProxy", &MemoryUtils_SetByteProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_SetHalfProxy", &MemoryUtils_SetHalfProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_MemoryUtils_SetWordProxy", &MemoryUtils_SetWordProxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_LWL_Proxy", &LWL_Proxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_LWR_Proxy", &LWR_Proxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_SWL_Proxy", &SWL_Proxy); objectFile->AddExternalSymbol("_SWR_Proxy", &SWR_Proxy); filesystem::path databasePath(databasePathName); auto blocks = GetBlocksFromCache(databasePath); //Initialize Jitter Service auto jitter = new CMipsJitter(codeGen); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { jitter->SetVariableAsConstant( offsetof(CMIPS, m_State.nGPR[CMIPS::R0].nV[i]), 0 ); } printf("Got %d blocks to compile.\r\n", blocks.size()); FunctionTable functionTable; functionTable.reserve(blocks.size()); for(const auto& blockCachePair : blocks) { const auto& blockKey = blockCachePair.first; auto functionName = "aotblock_" + std::to_string(blockKey.crc) + "_" + std::to_string(blockKey.begin) + "_" + std::to_string(blockKey.end); unsigned int functionSymbolIndex = CompileFunction(virtualMachine, jitter, blockCachePair.second, *objectFile, functionName, blockKey.begin, blockKey.end); FUNCTION_TABLE_ITEM tableItem = { blockKey, functionSymbolIndex }; functionTable.push_back(tableItem); } std::sort(functionTable.begin(), functionTable.end(), [] (const FUNCTION_TABLE_ITEM& item1, const FUNCTION_TABLE_ITEM& item2) { return item1.key < item2.key; } ); { Framework::CMemStream blockTableStream; Jitter::CObjectFile::INTERNAL_SYMBOL blockTableSymbol; = "__aot_firstBlock"; blockTableSymbol.location = Jitter::CObjectFile::INTERNAL_SYMBOL_LOCATION_DATA; for(const auto& functionTableItem : functionTable) { blockTableStream.Write32(functionTableItem.key.crc); blockTableStream.Write32(functionTableItem.key.begin); blockTableStream.Write32(functionTableItem.key.end); { Jitter::CObjectFile::SYMBOL_REFERENCE ref; ref.offset = static_cast<uint32>(blockTableStream.Tell()); ref.type = Jitter::CObjectFile::SYMBOL_TYPE_INTERNAL; ref.symbolIndex = functionTableItem.symbolIndex; blockTableSymbol.symbolReferences.push_back(ref); } blockTableStream.Write32(0); } = std::vector<uint8>(blockTableStream.GetBuffer(), blockTableStream.GetBuffer() + blockTableStream.GetLength()); objectFile->AddInternalSymbol(blockTableSymbol); } { Jitter::CObjectFile::INTERNAL_SYMBOL blockCountSymbol; = "__aot_blockCount"; blockCountSymbol.location = Jitter::CObjectFile::INTERNAL_SYMBOL_LOCATION_DATA; = std::vector<uint8>(4); *reinterpret_cast<uint32*>( = functionTable.size(); objectFile->AddInternalSymbol(blockCountSymbol); } objectFile->Write(Framework::CStdStream(outputPath, "wb")); }
void initpreprocessor() { FunctionEntry<pFun> group1if[] = { "ifdef",preIFDEF, "ifndef",preIFNDEF, "else",preELSE, "endif",preENDIF, "elseifdef",preELSEIFDEF, "elseifndef",preELSEIFNDEF, }; FunctionEntry<pFun> group2if[] = { "if",preIF, "ifidn",preIFIDN, "ifidni",preIFIDNI, "ifdif",preIFDIF, "ifdifi",preIFDIFI, "ifb",preIFB, "ifid",preIFID, "ifstr",preIFSTR, "ifnum",preIFNUM, "ifnb",preIFNB, "ifnid",preIFNID, "ifnstr",preIFNSTR, "ifnnum",preIFNNUM, "ifexists",preIFEXISTS, "ifnexists",preIFNEXISTS, "ifin",preIFIN, "ifini",preIFINI, "elseif",preELSEIF, "elseifidn",preELSEIFIDN, "elseifidni",preELSEIFIDNI, "elseifdif",preELSEIFDIF, "elseifdifi",preELSEIFDIFI, "elseifb",preELSEIFB, "elseifid",preELSEIFID, "elseifstr",preELSEIFSTR, "elseifnum",preELSEIFNUM, "elseifnb",preELSEIFNB, "elseifnid",preELSEIFNID, "elseifnstr",preELSEIFNSTR, "elseifnnum",preELSEIFNNUM, "elseifexists",preELSEIFEXISTS, "elseifnexists",preELSEIFNEXISTS, "elseifin",preELSEIFIN, "elseifini",preELSEIFINI, }; FunctionEntry<pFun> group1[] = { "define",preDEFINE, "idefine",preIDEFINE, "xdefine",preXDEFINE, "xidefine",preXIDEFINE, "undef",preUNDEF, "assign",preASSIGN, "tostr",preTOSTR, "strlen",preSTRLEN, "substr",preSUBSTR, }; FunctionEntry<pFun> group2[] = { "include",preINCLUDE, "macro",preMACRODOT, "imacro",preIMACRODOT, "rotate",preROTATE, "while",preWHILEDOT, "repeat",preREPEATDOT, "break",preBREAK, "continue",preCONTINUE, "exitmacro",preEXITMACRO, "xexitmacro",preXEXITMACRO, "struct",preSTRUCT, "macro.",preMACRODOT, "imacro.",preIMACRODOT, "while.",preWHILEDOT, "repeat.",preREPEATDOT, "endmacro",preENDMACRO, "endwhile",preENDWHILE, "endrepeat",preENDREPEAT, "endstruct",preENDSTRUCT, "endm",preENDMACRO, "ends",preENDSTRUCT, }; group1iftab.init(group1if, sizeof group1if/sizeof group1if[0]); group2iftab.init(group2if, sizeof group2if/sizeof group2if[0]); group1tab.init(group1if, sizeof group1if/sizeof group1if[0]); group1tab.init(group1, sizeof group1/sizeof group1[0]); group2tab.init(group2if, sizeof group2if/sizeof group2if[0]); group2tab.init(group2, sizeof group2/sizeof group2[0]); macronl.push_back("macro"); macronl.push_back("imacro"); macronl.push_back("macro."); macronl.push_back("imacro."); macroel.push_back("endmacro"); macroel.push_back("endm"); whilenl.push_back("while"); whilenl.push_back("while."); whileel.push_back("endwhile"); repeatnl.push_back("repeat"); repeatnl.push_back("repeat."); repeatel.push_back("endrepeat"); structureel.push_back("endstruct"); structureel.push_back("ends"); }
ModalDamping::ModalDamping(const Model& model, const FunctionTable& function_table, int original_id) : AnalysisParameter(model, MODAL_DAMPING, original_id), function_table(Value::FUNCTION_TABLE, Reference<Value>::NO_ID, function_table.getId()) { }
void searchClassEntry(){ int id; string classname; cout<<"******************************************************"<<endl; outputInfo(); cout<<"请输入你要跑的示例类名"<<endl; cout<<"******************************************************"<<endl; cin>>id; switch (id) { case 0: { cout<<"谢谢使用再会!"; exit(0); } case 1: { NumConv *numConv = new NumConv(); numConv->cinPrint(); } break; case 2: { HelloStrings *hello = new HelloStrings(); hello->helloStringOutput(); } break; case 3: { FillString *fill = new FillString(); fill->fillOperation(); } break; case 4: { getWords *getW = new getWords(); getW->readCpp(); } case 5: { Return *ret = new Return(); ret->operatorCfunc(); } break; case 6: { Charlist *char1 = new Charlist(); char1->outPut(); } break; case 7: { Specify *specify = new Specify(); specify->weiOutput(); } break; case 8: { PassByValue *pass = new PassByValue(); pass->show(); } break; case 9: { PassAddress *pass = new PassAddress(); pass->showPointer(); } break; case 10: { voidPointer *voidP = new voidPointer(); voidP->opeatorPointer(); } break; case 11: { Mathops *mathops = new Mathops(); mathops->show(); } break; case 12: { printBinary *p = new printBinary(); p->printB(11); } break; case 13: { CommaOperator *com = new CommaOperator(); com->show(); } break; case 14: { staticCast *sc = new staticCast(); sc->show(); } break; case 15: { ConstCast *con = new ConstCast(); // con->show(); con->show2(); } break; case 16: { Enum *enum1 = new Enum(); enum1->show(); enum1->show2(); enum1->showArray11(); } break; case 17: { FloatingAsBinary *fa = new FloatingAsBinary(); fa->show(); } break; case 18: { StringOperation *so = new StringOperation(); so->operatorString("heeel"); } break; case 19: { PointerLeader *pL = new PointerLeader(); pL->show(); } break; case 20: { FuncPointer *fP = new FuncPointer(); fP->func(); } break; case 21: { FunctionTable *fT = new FunctionTable(); fT->show(); } break; case 22: { StructCpp sc; cout<<"sc.d =="<<sc.d<<endl; } break; case 23: { TemplateTest<int,int> *temp = new TemplateTest<int,int>(); int arr1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9,10}; // int target = 8; // std::cout<<(temp->binSearch(arr1, 0, 11, target))<<endl; // temp->selectionSort(arr1, target); } break; case 24: { // bingTest *bt = new bingTest(); // bind(bingTest::operator11,bt,"hello",12)(); } break; default: { cout<<"输入错误请重新输入!"; searchClassEntry(); } break; } }
/** Find function (also processes arguments) */ const Function& FunctionTable::findFunction(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Argument>& args, bool once) const { std::pair<std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::const_iterator, std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::const_iterator> retVal; size_t hits = count(name); if (hits == 0) { if (parentTable != NULL) { // \TODO: We shouldn't allow const casts!!! FunctionTable* pt = const_cast<FunctionTable*>(parentTable); return pt->findFunction(name, args, once); } else { throw RbException("No function named '"+ name + "'"); } } retVal = equal_range(name); if (hits == 1) { if (retVal.first->second->checkArguments(args,NULL,once) == false) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Argument or label mismatch for function call '" << name << "' with arguments ("; // print the passed arguments for (std::vector<Argument>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++) { // add a comma before the every argument except the first if (it != args.begin()) { msg << ","; } // create the default type of the passed-in argument std::string type = "NULL"; // get the type if the variable wasn't NULL if (it->getVariable() != NULL) { type = it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getType(); } msg << " " << type; // create the default DAG type of the passed-in argument std::string dagtype = ""; // get the type if the variable wasn't NULL if (it->getVariable() != NULL && it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getDagNode() != NULL ) { if ( it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getDagNode()->getDagNodeType() == RevBayesCore::DagNode::DETERMINISTIC ) { dagtype = "<deterministic>"; } else if ( it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getDagNode()->getDagNodeType() == RevBayesCore::DagNode::STOCHASTIC ) { dagtype = "<stochastic>"; } else if ( it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getDagNode()->getDagNodeType() == RevBayesCore::DagNode::CONSTANT ) { dagtype = "<constant>"; } else { dagtype = "<?>"; } } msg << dagtype; if ( it->getLabel() != "" ) { msg << " '" << it->getLabel() << "'"; } } msg << " )." << std::endl; msg << "Correct usage is:" << std::endl; retVal.first->second->printValue( msg ); msg << std::endl; throw RbException( msg ); } return *retVal.first->second; } else { std::vector<double>* matchScore = new std::vector<double>(); std::vector<double> bestScore; Function* bestMatch = NULL; bool ambiguous = false; std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::const_iterator it; for (it=retVal.first; it!=retVal.second; it++) { matchScore->clear(); if ( (*it).second->checkArguments(args, matchScore, once) == true ) { if ( bestMatch == NULL ) { bestScore = *matchScore; bestMatch = it->second; ambiguous = false; } else { size_t j; for (j=0; j<matchScore->size() && j<bestScore.size(); j++) { if ((*matchScore)[j] < bestScore[j]) { bestScore = *matchScore; bestMatch = it->second; ambiguous = false; break; } else if ((*matchScore)[j] > bestScore[j]) break; } if (j==matchScore->size() || j==bestScore.size()) { ambiguous = true; // Continue checking, there might be better matches ahead } } } } // free the memory delete matchScore; /* Delete all processed arguments except those of the best matching function, if it is ambiguous */ for ( it = retVal.first; it != retVal.second; it++ ) { if ( !( (*it).second == bestMatch && ambiguous == false ) ) (*it).second->clear(); } if ( bestMatch == NULL || ambiguous == true ) { std::ostringstream msg; if ( bestMatch == NULL ) msg << "No overloaded function '" << name << "' matches for arguments ("; else msg << "Ambiguous call to function '" << name << "' with arguments ("; // print the passed arguments for (std::vector<Argument>::const_iterator j = args.begin(); j != args.end(); j++) { if (j != args.begin()) { msg << ","; } const RevPtr<const RevVariable>& theVar = j->getVariable(); msg << " " << theVar->getRevObject().getTypeSpec().getType(); } msg << " )" << std::endl; msg << "Potentially matching functions are:" << std::endl; for ( it = retVal.first; it != retVal.second; it++ ) { (*it).second->printValue( msg ); msg << std::endl; } throw RbException( msg ); } else { return *bestMatch; } } }
/** Find function (also processes arguments) */ Function& FunctionTable::findFunction(const std::string& name, const std::vector<Argument>& args) { std::pair<std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::iterator, std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::iterator> retVal; size_t hits = count(name); if (hits == 0) { if (parentTable != NULL) { // \TODO: We shouldn't allow const casts!!! FunctionTable* pt = const_cast<FunctionTable*>(parentTable); return pt->findFunction(name, args); } else { throw RbException("No function named '"+ name + "'"); } } retVal = equal_range(name); if (hits == 1) { if (retVal.first->second->checkArguments(args,NULL) == false) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Argument mismatch for call to function '" << name << "'("; // print the passed arguments for (std::vector<Argument>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++) { if (it != args.begin()) { msg << ","; } std::string type = "NULL"; if (it->getVariable() != NULL) type = it->getVariable()->getRevObject().getType(); msg << " " << type << " \"" << it->getLabel() << "\""; } msg << " ). Correct usage is:" << std::endl; retVal.first->second->printValue( msg ); msg << std::endl; throw RbException( msg ); } return *retVal.first->second; } else { std::vector<unsigned int>* matchScore = new std::vector<unsigned int>(); std::vector<unsigned int> bestScore; Function* bestMatch = NULL; bool ambiguous = false; std::multimap<std::string, Function *>::iterator it; for (it=retVal.first; it!=retVal.second; it++) { matchScore->clear(); if ( (*it).second->checkArguments(args, matchScore) == true ) { if ( bestMatch == NULL ) { bestScore = *matchScore; bestMatch = it->second; ambiguous = false; } else { size_t j; for (j=0; j<matchScore->size() && j<bestScore.size(); j++) { if ((*matchScore)[j] < bestScore[j]) { bestScore = *matchScore; bestMatch = it->second; ambiguous = false; break; } else if ((*matchScore)[j] > bestScore[j]) break; } if (j==matchScore->size() || j==bestScore.size()) { ambiguous = true; // Continue checking, there might be better matches ahead } } } } // free the memory delete matchScore; /* Delete all processed arguments except those of the best matching function, if it is ambiguous */ for ( it = retVal.first; it != retVal.second; it++ ) { if ( !( (*it).second == bestMatch && ambiguous == false ) ) (*it).second->clear(); } if ( bestMatch == NULL || ambiguous == true ) { std::ostringstream msg; if ( bestMatch == NULL ) msg << "No overloaded function '" << name << "' matches for arguments ("; else msg << "Ambiguous call to function '" << name << "' with arguments ("; // print the passed arguments for (std::vector<Argument>::const_iterator j = args.begin(); j != args.end(); j++) { if (j != args.begin()) { msg << ","; } // msg << " " << it->getVariable().getDagNode()->getValue().getTypeSpec(); const RevPtr<const Variable>& theVar = j->getVariable(); msg << " " << theVar->getRevObject().getTypeSpec().getType(); } msg << " )" << std::endl; msg << "Potentially matching functions are:" << std::endl; for ( it = retVal.first; it != retVal.second; it++ ) { (*it).second->printValue( msg ); msg << std::endl; } throw RbException( msg ); } else { return *bestMatch; } } }