Exemple #1
  Estimate segmentation using MaxFlow algorithm
static void estimateSegmentation( GCGraph<double>& graph, InputArray _img)
    Mat img = _img.getMat();
Mat result;
result.create(img.size(), CV_8UC1);
    Point p;
    for( p.y = 0; p.y < img.rows; p.y++ )
        for( p.x = 0; p.x < img.cols; p.x++ )
            if( graph.inSourceSegment( p.y*img.cols+p.x /*vertex index*/ ) )
result.at<uchar>(p) = 0;
result.at<uchar>(p) = 255;
imshow("Image", result);
Exemple #2
 * Add each pixel as
 * a node in a graph
 * @param graph			The graph pointer
 * @param img			The Source image
 * @return Updates the graph
void GRAPHCUT::addVertices(GCGraph<float>& graph, Mat& img)
	for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; r++)
		for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; c++)
			graph.addTermWeights(c + img.cols * r, img.at<float>(r, c), 1 - img.at<float>(r, c));
Exemple #3
  Estimate segmentation using MaxFlow algorithm
void estimateSegmentation( GCGraph<double>& graph, Mat& mask )
    Point p;
    for( p.y = 0; p.y < mask.rows; p.y++ )
        for( p.x = 0; p.x < mask.cols; p.x++ )
            if( mask.at<uchar>(p) == GC_PR_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(p) == GC_PR_FGD )
                if( graph.inSourceSegment( p.y*mask.cols+p.x /*vertex index*/ ) )
                    mask.at<uchar>(p) = GC_PR_FGD;
                    mask.at<uchar>(p) = GC_PR_BGD;
Exemple #4
  Construct GCGraph
void constructGCGraph( const Mat& img, const Mat& mask, const GMM& bgdGMM, const GMM& fgdGMM, double lambda,
                       const Mat& leftW, const Mat& upleftW, const Mat& upW, const Mat& uprightW,
                       GCGraph<double>& graph )
    int vtxCount = img.cols*img.rows,
        edgeCount = 2*(4*img.cols*img.rows - 3*(img.cols + img.rows) + 2);
    graph.create(vtxCount, edgeCount);
    Point p;
    for( p.y = 0; p.y < img.rows; p.y++ )
        for( p.x = 0; p.x < img.cols; p.x++)
            // add node
            int vtxIdx = graph.addVtx();
            Vec3b color = img.at<Vec3b>(p);

            // set t-weights
            double fromSource, toSink;
            if( mask.at<uchar>(p) == GC_PR_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(p) == GC_PR_FGD )
                fromSource = -log( bgdGMM(color) );
                toSink = -log( fgdGMM(color) );
            else if( mask.at<uchar>(p) == GC_BGD )
                fromSource = 0;
                toSink = lambda;
            else // GC_FGD
                fromSource = lambda;
                toSink = 0;
            graph.addTermWeights( vtxIdx, fromSource, toSink );

            // set n-weights
            if( p.x>0 )
                double w = leftW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-1, w, w );
            if( p.x>0 && p.y>0 )
                double w = upleftW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols-1, w, w );
            if( p.y>0 )
                double w = upW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols, w, w );
            if( p.x<img.cols-1 && p.y>0 )
                double w = uprightW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols+1, w, w );
Exemple #5
 * Convert a Graph
 * into an image
 * @param graph			The Source graph
 * @param rows			Image Height
 * @param cols			Image Width
 * @return Converted Image
Mat GRAPHCUT::graph2img(GCGraph<float>& graph, int rows, int cols)
	Mat img(rows, cols, CV_32F);

	for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
		for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
			img.at<float>(r, c) = graph.inSourceSegment(c + img.cols * r);

	return img;
Exemple #6
  Construct GCGraph
static void constructGCGraph( const Mat& img, double lambda,
                       const Mat& leftW, const Mat& upleftW, const Mat& upW, const Mat& uprightW,
                       GCGraph<double>& graph )
    int vtxCount = img.cols*img.rows,
        edgeCount = 2*(4*img.cols*img.rows - 3*(img.cols + img.rows) + 2);
    graph.create(vtxCount, edgeCount);
    Point p;
Mat gray;
cvtColor(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
Mat bw;
threshold(gray, bw, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
    for( p.y = 0; p.y < img.rows; p.y++ )
        for( p.x = 0; p.x < img.cols; p.x++)
            // add node
            int vtxIdx = graph.addVtx();
            Vec3b color = img.at<Vec3b>(p);

            // set t-weights

double fromSource, toSink;
            if(bw.at<uchar>(p) == 0)
                fromSource = lambda;
                toSink = 0;
                fromSource = 0;
                toSink = lambda;
graph.addTermWeights( vtxIdx, fromSource, toSink );
            // set n-weights
            if( p.x>0 )
                double w = leftW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-1, w, w );
            if( p.x>0 && p.y>0 )
                double w = upleftW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols-1, w, w );
            if( p.y>0 )
                double w = upW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols, w, w );
            if( p.x<img.cols-1 && p.y>0 )
                double w = uprightW.at<double>(p);
                graph.addEdges( vtxIdx, vtxIdx-img.cols+1, w, w );
Exemple #7
 * Add edges between
 * nodes in a graph
 * @param graph			The graph pointer
 * @param img			The Source image
 * @param neighboursWeight	Neighbours influence
 * @param windowSize	Neighbours range
 * @return Updates the graph
void GRAPHCUT::addEdges(GCGraph<float>& graph, Mat& img, float neighboursWeight, int windowSize)
	for (int r = windowSize; r < img.rows - windowSize; r++)
		for (int c = windowSize; c < img.cols - windowSize; c++)
			for (int i = -windowSize; i <= windowSize; i++)
				for (int j = -windowSize; j <= windowSize; j++)
					if (i != 0 || j != 0)
						float v = abs(img.at<float>(r, c) - img.at<float>(r + i, c + j)) * neighboursWeight;
						graph.addEdges(c + img.cols * r, (c + j) + img.cols * (r + i), v, v);