extern "C" int gcoSetNeighborPair(int handle, SiteID s1, SiteID s2, EnergyTermType e) { GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gco = (GCoptimizationGeneralGraph*)findInstance(handle); if (s1 < s2) gco->setNeighbors(s1, s2, e); return 0; }
extern "C" int gcoSetAllNeighbors(int handle, SiteID *s1, SiteID *s2, EnergyTermType *e, int nPairs) { GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gco = (GCoptimizationGeneralGraph*)findInstance(handle); for (int i = 0; i < nPairs; i++) if (s1[i] < s2[i]) gco->setNeighbors(s1[i], s2[i], e[i]); return 0; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // in this version, set data and smoothness terms using arrays // grid neighborhood is set up "manually" // void GeneralGraph_DArraySArray(int width,int height,int num_pixels,int num_labels) { int *result = new int[num_pixels]; // stores result of optimization // first set up the array for data costs int *data = new int[num_pixels*num_labels]; for ( int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) for (int l = 0; l < num_labels; l++ ) if (i < 25 ){ if( l == 0 ) data[i*num_labels+l] = 0; else data[i*num_labels+l] = 10; } else { if( l == 5 ) data[i*num_labels+l] = 0; else data[i*num_labels+l] = 10; } // next set up the array for smooth costs int *smooth = new int[num_labels*num_labels]; for ( int l1 = 0; l1 < num_labels; l1++ ) for (int l2 = 0; l2 < num_labels; l2++ ) smooth[l1+l2*num_labels] = (l1-l2)*(l1-l2) <= 4 ? (l1-l2)*(l1-l2):4; try{ GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_pixels,num_labels); gc->setDataCost(data); gc->setSmoothCost(smooth); // now set up a grid neighborhood system // first set up horizontal neighbors for (int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for (int x = 1; x < width; x++ ) gc->setNeighbors(x+y*width,x-1+y*width); // next set up vertical neighbors for (int y = 1; y < height; y++ ) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) gc->setNeighbors(x+y*width,x+(y-1)*width); printf("\nBefore optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); gc->expansion(2);// run expansion for 2 iterations. For swap use gc->swap(num_iterations); printf("\nAfter optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); for ( int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) result[i] = gc->whatLabel(i); delete gc; } catch (GCException e){ e.Report(); } delete [] result; delete [] smooth; delete [] data; }
void mexFunction( int nout, /* number of expected outputs */ mxArray *out[], /* mxArray output pointer array */ int nin, /* number of inputs */ const mxArray *in[] /* mxArray input pointer array */ ) { enum {IN_CLASS=0,IN_UNARY,IN_PAIRWISE,IN_LABELCOST,IN_EXPANSION} ; enum {OUT_LABELS=0, OUT_ENERGY, OUT_ENERGYAFTER} ; bool expansion = false; /**************************************************************************** * ERROR CHECKING ***************************************************************************/ expansion = *mxGetPr(in[IN_EXPANSION]) > 0; if (nout > 3) mexErrMsgTxt("At most three outputs are allowed."); if(mxGetClassID(in[IN_CLASS]) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("Class must be a vector of class DOUBLE"); if(mxGetM(in[IN_CLASS]) != 1 && mxGetN(in[IN_CLASS]) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Class must be a vector"); if(mxGetClassID(in[IN_LABELCOST]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("Labelcost term must be a matrix of class SINGLE"); int num_labels = mxGetM(in[IN_UNARY]); int num_pixels = mxGetN(in[IN_UNARY]); if(mxGetM(in[IN_CLASS]) != num_pixels && mxGetN(in[IN_CLASS]) != num_pixels) mexErrMsgTxt("Class size does not match cols in Unary term."); if(mxGetM(in[IN_LABELCOST]) != mxGetN(in[IN_LABELCOST]) || mxGetM(in[IN_LABELCOST]) != num_labels) mexErrMsgTxt("Labelcost is not symmetric or does not match rows in Unary term."); if(mxGetM(in[IN_PAIRWISE]) != num_pixels || mxGetN(in[IN_PAIRWISE]) != num_pixels) mexErrMsgTxt("Pairwise is not symmetric or does not match cols in Unary term."); /* Create output arrays */ mwSize dims[2] = {1,0}; out[OUT_ENERGY] = mxCreateNumericArray(1, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); out[OUT_ENERGYAFTER] = mxCreateNumericArray(1, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); double * energy = mxGetPr(out[OUT_ENERGY]); double * energy_after = mxGetPr(out[OUT_ENERGYAFTER]); mwSize pdims[2] = {num_pixels,1}; out[OUT_LABELS] = mxCreateNumericArray(1,pdims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); double * labels = mxGetPr(out[OUT_LABELS]); /* Data costs are nlabels rows x npixels cols */ double * data = (double *)mxGetData(in[IN_UNARY]); double * classes = mxGetPr(in[IN_CLASS]); if (num_pixels == 1) { /* one pixel is a special case */ *energy = data[(int)classes[0]]; int minlabel = (int)classes[0]; double mincost = *energy; for(int i = 0; i < num_labels; i++) if(data[i] < mincost) { mincost = data[i]; minlabel = i; } labels[0] = minlabel; *energy_after = mincost; return; } /**************************************************************************** * Setup Graph and Perform Optimization ***************************************************************************/ try { GCoptimizationGeneralGraph * gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_pixels, num_labels); for (int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) { gc->setLabel(i, (int)classes[i]); } gc->setDataCost(data); Images imgs; int n_images = *((int*)mxGetData(in[5])); imgs.images = new unsigned char* [n_images]; for (int i_img = 0; i_img < n_images; i_img++) imgs.images[i_img] = (unsigned char *)mxGetData(mxGetCell(in[6], i_img)); gc->setSmoothCost(smooth_cost, (void*)(&imgs)); /* Set spatialy varying part of the smoothness cost with the neighborhood */ mwSize total = 0; double * pair = mxGetPr(in[IN_PAIRWISE]); mwIndex * ir = mxGetIr(in[IN_PAIRWISE]); mwIndex * jc = mxGetJc(in[IN_PAIRWISE]); for (int col=0; col < num_pixels; col++) { mwIndex starting_row_index = jc[col]; mwIndex stopping_row_index = jc[col+1]; if (starting_row_index == stopping_row_index) continue; for (int idx = starting_row_index; idx < stopping_row_index; idx++) { /* only set bottom triangle of pairwise, per GC_README */ if ( ir[idx] > col ) gc->setNeighbors(ir[idx], col, pair[total]); total++; } } *energy = gc->compute_energy(); /* From GC_README * The expansion algorithm for energy minimization can be used whenever for * any 3 labels a,b,c V(a,a) + V(b,c) <= V(a,c)+V(b,a). In other words, * expansion algorithm can be used if the binary energy for the expansion * algorithm step is regular, using V. Kolmogorov's terminology. * * The swap algorithm for energy minimization can be used whenever for any 2 * labels a,b V(a,a) + V(b,b) <= V(a,b)+V(b,a). In other words, swap * algorithm can be used if the binary energy for the swap algorithm step is * regular, using V. Kolmogorov's terminology. */ if(expansion) gc->expansion(); else gc->swap(); *energy_after = gc->compute_energy(); for (int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) labels[i] = gc->whatLabel(i); delete gc; delete[] imgs.images; } catch (GCException e) { mexErrMsgTxt(e.message); } }
// int smoothFn(int p1, int p2, int l1, int l2) // { // int length=(float)len[p1][p2]; // cout<<" Length "<<length<<endl; // int diff=1+differ[p1][p2]; // cout<<" Diff "<<diff<<endl; // float xx=((float)length/(float)diff)*100; // cout<<xx<<" Smoothfun "<<endl; // return xx; // } vector<int> GeneralGraph_DArraySArray(int width,int height,int num_pixels,int num_labels) { // int *result = new int[num_pixels]; // stores result of optimization cout<<width<<" "<<height<<" "<<num_pixels<<" "<<num_labels <<endl; vector<int>result(num_pixels); // first set up the array for data costs int *data = new int[num_pixels*num_labels]; for ( int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) { for (int l = 0; l < num_labels; l++ ) { int temp=prob[i]*1000; if(l%2==0) { data[i*num_labels+l] =temp; } else { data[i*num_labels+l] =-temp; } } } // next set up the array for smooth costs int *smooth = new int[num_labels*num_labels]; smooth[0]=0; smooth[1]=0; smooth[2]=0; smooth[3]=0; for(int p1=0; p1<num_pixels; p1++) { for(int p2=0; p2<num_pixels; p2++) { for ( int l1 = 0; l1 < num_labels; l1++ ) { for (int l2 = 0; l2 < num_labels; l2++ ) { int length=len[p1][p2]; int differ=1+abs(prob[p1]-prob[p2]); float val=((float)length/(float)differ); smooth[l1+l2*num_labels] =smooth[l1+l2*num_labels]+val; } } } } try { GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_pixels,num_labels); gc->setDataCost(data); gc->setSmoothCost(smooth); // now set up a grid neighborhood system // first set up horizontal neighbors for (int x = 0; x < num_pixels; x++ ) { for (int y = 0; y < num_pixels; y++ ) { if(GR[x][y]==1 && x!=y) { gc->setNeighbors(x,y); } } } printf("\nBefore optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); gc->expansion(2);// run expansion for 2 iterations. For swap use gc->swap(num_iterations); printf("\nAfter optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); for ( int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) result[i] = gc->whatLabel(i); delete gc; return result; } catch (GCException e) { e.Report(); } delete [] smooth; delete [] data; vector<int>xx; return xx; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /** Argumetns. */ std::string path = argv[1]; int ID_IMG_i = std::stoi(argv[2]); int ID_IMG_e = std::stoi(argv[3]); /** * label = 0 // Reliabel ok * label = 1 // No-Reliabel missing occluder * label = 2 // No-Reliabel extra occluder * label = 3 // No geometry */ int N_LABELS = 4; if (argc == 5) N_LABELS = std::stoi(argv[4]); /** Big containers. */ float *sdepth, *descEr; int *neigh, *color; /** Set width and height */ int w, h; sdepth = new float[2000*2000]; // TODO: find a better way to get w and h read_sdepth(path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/%08d.depth", ID_IMG_i), sdepth, w, h); delete[] sdepth; int N_IMGS = ID_IMG_e - ID_IMG_i + 1; int N_NODES = N_IMGS*w*h; // N pixels int *result = new int[N_NODES]; // Stores result of optimization sdepth = new float[N_NODES]; descEr = new float[N_NODES * 2]; neigh = new int[N_NODES*N_NEIGHS]; color = new int[N_NODES]; /**--------------------- Loading labeling cues ----------------------*/ memset(sdepth, 0, sizeof(float)*N_NODES); memset(descEr, 0, sizeof(float)*N_NODES * 2); memset(neigh, 0, sizeof(int)*N_NODES * N_NEIGHS); memset(color, 0, sizeof(int)*N_NODES); for (int i = 0; i <N_IMGS; i++) { int ID = ID_IMG_i + i; // Read cues std::string sdepth_name = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/%08d.depth", ID); std::string conf_name = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/%08d.conf", ID); std::string conf_neig = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/%08d.neig", ID); std::string color_name = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/%08d.color", ID); read_sdepth(sdepth_name, &sdepth[ i*h*w ], w, h); read_descErr(conf_name, &descEr[ i*h*w*2 ], w, h); read_neighbor(conf_neig, &neigh[ i*h*w*N_NEIGHS ], w, h); read_color(color_name, &color[ i*h*w ], w, h); } float mean_good, std_good, mean_bad, std_bad; std::string di_filename = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/di_distribution.txt"); read_di_distr(di_filename, mean_good, std_good, mean_bad, std_bad ); /**-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ try{ GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph( N_NODES, N_LABELS); // set up the needed data to pass to cost functions Img_cues cues; cues.numLab = N_LABELS; cues.w = w; cues.h = h; cues.sdepth = sdepth; cues.desc_er = descEr; //cues.neigh = neigh; cues.color = color; cues.mean_good = mean_good; cues.std_good = std_good; cues.mean_bad = mean_bad; cues.std_bad = std_bad; if (N_LABELS == 4) { gc->setDataCost(&dataFn_4, &cues); gc->setSmoothCost(&smoothFn_4, &cues); // smoothness comes from function pointer } else { gc->setDataCost(&dataFn_3, &cues); gc->setSmoothCost(&smoothFn_3, &cues); // smoothness comes from function pointer } /** ********************* Set up a grid neighborhood system ********************* */ // first set up horizontal neighbors for (int im_id = 0; im_id < N_IMGS; im_id++) for (int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) for (int x = 1; x < w; x++ ) gc->setNeighbors(x + y*w + im_id*w*h, x - 1 + y*w + im_id*w*h); // next set up vertical neighbors for (int im_id = 0; im_id < N_IMGS; im_id++) for (int y = 1; y < h; y++ ) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) gc->setNeighbors(x + y*w + im_id*w*h, x + (y - 1)*w + im_id*w*h); // next set MV neighs for (int im_id = 0; im_id < N_IMGS; im_id++) { for (int y = STARTING_PADDING; y < h; y = y + MAX_PADDING) { for (int x = STARTING_PADDING; x < w; x = x + MAX_PADDING) { for (int layer_id = 0; layer_id < N_VIEWS_DAISY_ERR; layer_id ++) { int id_curr_px = x + y*w + im_id*w*h; int id_mv_px = neigh[x + y*w + im_id*w*h*N_NEIGHS + layer_id*w*h]; id_mv_px = id_mv_px - ID_IMG_i*w*h; // Remap the node id according if (id_mv_px < 0 || id_mv_px >= N_NODES) break; // No more neighbors gc->setNeighbors(id_curr_px, id_mv_px); }}}} delete[] neigh; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf("\nBefore optimization energy is %d", gc->compute_energy()); gc->expansion(3);// run expansion for 2 iterations. For swap use gc->swap(num_iterations); //gc->expansion(-1);// run expansion for 2 iterations. For swap use gc->swap(num_iterations); //gc->swap(2); //gc->swap(-1); printf("\nAfter optimization energy is %d", gc->compute_energy()); for (int i = 0; i < N_NODES; i++) result[i] = gc->whatLabel(i); std::string labels_name = path + Utils::sprint("/labeling_cues/labels%u_from_%u_to_%u.bin", N_LABELS, ID_IMG_i, ID_IMG_e); write_labels(labels_name, result, N_LABELS, w, h, N_IMGS, N_NODES); delete gc; } catch (GCException e){ e.Report(); } delete[] result; delete[] sdepth; delete[] descEr; delete[] color; printf("\n Finished %d (%d) clock per sec %d", clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, clock(), CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }
long long CGraphFitting::fastFitting() { int num_pixels=pImg3D->foreNum+1; int num_labels=getValidNum(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int *data = new int[num_pixels*num_labels]; int curIndex=0; int slice=pImg3D->getS(); int width=pImg3D->getW(); int height=pImg3D->getH(); for(int z = 0;z<slice;++z) for(int y=0;y<height;++y) for(int x=0;x<width;++x) { bool vessel=pImg3D->isVessel(x,y,z); if(vessel) { for (int l=0; l < num_labels; l++ ) { if(l==num_labels-1) data[curIndex*num_labels+l]=5000;//INFINIT; else data[curIndex*num_labels+l]=models[l].compEnergy(x,y,z,*pImg3D); } curIndex++; } } for (int l=0; l < num_labels; l++ ) { if(l==num_labels-1) data[curIndex*num_labels+l]=0; else data[curIndex*num_labels+l]=INFINIT; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int *label = new int[num_labels]; for(int k=0;k<num_labels;++k) label[k]=LABELCOST; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int *smooth = new int[num_labels*num_labels]; memset(smooth,0,sizeof(int)*num_labels*num_labels); for( int i=0; i<num_labels; i++ ) for ( int j=0; j<num_labels; j++ ) smooth[ i*num_labels+j ] = smooth[ i+j*num_labels ] =SMOOTHCOST* int(i!=j); long long energy=0; try{ GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_pixels,num_labels); gc->setDataCost(data); gc->setLabelCost(label); #ifdef USE_SMOOTHCOST gc->setSmoothCost(smooth); for(int z = 0;z<slice;++z) for(int y=0;y<height;++y) for(int x=0;x<width;++x) { if(!pImg3D->isVessel(x,y,z)) continue; int numHoles=0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(inRange(Voxel(x+1,y,z)))//right neighbour { if(pImg3D->isVessel(x+1,y,z)) gc->setNeighbors(pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y,z),pImg3D->getRealPos(x+1,y,z)); else ++numHoles; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(inRange(Voxel(x,y+1,z)))//top neighbour { if(pImg3D->isVessel(x,y+1,z)) gc->setNeighbors(pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y,z),pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y+1,z)); else ++numHoles; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(inRange(Voxel(x,y,z+1)))//front neighbour { if(pImg3D->isVessel(x,y,z+1)) gc->setNeighbors(pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y,z),pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y,z+1)); else ++numHoles; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(inRange(Voxel(x-1,y,z))&& !pImg3D->isVessel(x-1,y,z) ) ++numHoles;//left hole if(inRange(Voxel(x,y-1,z))&& !pImg3D->isVessel(x,y-1,z) ) ++numHoles;//down hole if(inRange(Voxel(x,y,z-1))&& !pImg3D->isVessel(x,y,z-1) ) ++numHoles;//back hole if(numHoles>0) gc->setNeighbors(pImg3D->getRealPos(x,y,z),num_pixels-1,numHoles); } #endif //printf("\nBefore optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); //std::cout<<"\nBefore optimization energy is "<<gc->compute_energy(); energy=gc->compute_energy(); gc->expansion(2);// run expansion for 2 iterations. For swap use gc->swap(num_iterations); //printf("\nAfter optimization energy is %d",gc->compute_energy()); //std::cout<<"\nAfter optimization energy is "<<gc->compute_energy(); gc->compute_energy(); for ( int i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++ ) { int tag = gc->whatLabel(i); models[tag].addSupport(); pLabels[i]=tag; //if(result[i]!=num_labels-1) printf("%d ",result[i]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int i=0;i<num_labels;++i) { int sp=models[i].getSupport(); models[i].setValid(sp>0); if(i==num_labels-1)//last model ,must be valid models[i].setValid(true); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int i=0;i<num_labels-1;++i) { if(models[i].isValid()) { fitLine(i,gc); } } delete gc; } catch (GCException e){ e.Report(); } delete [] smooth; delete []label; delete [] data; return energy; }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Check for proper number of arguments if ( (nrhs < NR_IN) || (nrhs > NR_IN + NR_IN_OPT) || \ (nlhs < NR_OUT) || (nlhs > NR_OUT + NR_OUT_OPT) ) { mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of arguments."); } // dimensionality checks size_t num_nodes = mxGetN(POTENTIAL_UNARY_IN); num_edges = mxGetN(EDGES_IN); if ( mxGetM(POTENTIAL_UNARY_IN) != 2 ) { mexErrMsgTxt("Only support binary problems!"); } if ( mxGetM(EDGES_IN) != 2 ) { mexErrMsgTxt("Edges array has wrong size!"); } if ( (mxGetM(POTENTIAL_PAIR_IN) != 4) || (mxGetN(POTENTIAL_PAIR_IN) != num_edges) ) { mexErrMsgTxt("Inconsistent size of the pairwise potentials."); } // read the inputs double* potential_unary = mxGetPr(POTENTIAL_UNARY_IN); double* edges = mxGetPr(EDGES_IN); // TODO: convert to int32? Or require it to be int32?? potential_pair = mxGetPr(POTENTIAL_PAIR_IN); // unaries and function pointer for the pairwise GCoptimizationGeneralGraph* gco = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_nodes, 2); gco->setDataCost(potential_unary); gco->setSmoothCost(&smoothCost); // an edge lookup table for the pairwise potentials (for within smoothcost) std::vector< std::map<int,int> > edge_lookup; edge_lookup.resize(num_nodes); edge_lookup_ptr = &edge_lookup; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(num_edges); i++) { int s = int(edges[2*i])-1; int d = int(edges[2*i+1])-1; gco->setNeighbors(s, d); edge_lookup[s].insert(std::make_pair(d,i)); edge_lookup[d].insert(std::make_pair(s,i)); // submodularity check if (potential_pair[i*4]+potential_pair[i*4+3] > potential_pair[i*4+1]+potential_pair[i*4+2]) { mexErrMsgTxt("The energy is not submodular!"); } } // solve the graphcut problem double energy = gco->expansion(1); // return the labeling and the energy double *ptr; if (nlhs > 1) { ENERGY_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL); ptr = mxGetPr(ENERGY_OUT); *ptr = energy; } LABEL_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, num_nodes, mxREAL); ptr = mxGetPr(LABEL_OUT); for(size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) { ptr[i] = gco->whatLabel(i); } delete gco; }
void CMultiSeg::GraphCutSolve() { clusterPatchInterval.push_back(0); for(int i = 0;i < clusterPatchNumLocal.size();i++) { int interval = 0; for(int j = 0;j <= i;j++) { interval += clusterPatchNumLocal[j]; } clusterPatchInterval.push_back(interval); } for(int i = 0;i < vecvecObjectPoolClustering.size();i++) { for(int j = 0;j < clusterPatchInterval.size();j++) { if(vecvecObjectPoolClustering[i][0] < clusterPatchInterval[j]) { vecObjectClusteringIndex.push_back(j - 1); break; } } } int num_sites, num_labels; num_sites = vecPatchPoint.size(); num_labels = vecvecObjectPoolClustering.size(); GCoptimizationGeneralGraph *gc = new GCoptimizationGeneralGraph(num_sites, num_labels); for(int i = 0;i < num_labels;i++) { for(int j = 0;j < num_labels;j++) { gc->setSmoothCost(i,j,1); } } //smooth for(int i = 0;i < vecpairPatchConnection.size();i++) { gc->setNeighbors(vecpairPatchConnection[i].first,vecpairPatchConnection[i].second,vecSmoothValue[i]); } //data for(int i = 0;i < num_sites;i++) { for(int j = 0;j < num_labels;j++) { int siteCluster; for(int k = 0;k < clusterPatchInterval.size();k++) { if(i < clusterPatchInterval[k]) { siteCluster = k - 1; break; } } if(siteCluster == vecObjectClusteringIndex[j]) { double dataValue = GetMultiDataValue(i,j); if(dataValue < 0) dataValue = 0; gc->setDataCost(i,j,dataValue); } else { gc->setDataCost(i,j,LARGE_NUM); } } } gc->swap(2); vector<int> vecResult(num_sites,-1); for ( int i = 0; i < num_sites; i++ ) vecResult[i] = gc->whatLabel(i); vecvecMultiResult.resize(num_labels); for(int i = 0;i < vecResult.size();i++) { vecvecMultiResult[vecResult[i]].push_back(i); } vector<vector<int>> vecvecMultiResultClean; for(int i =0;i < vecvecMultiResult.size();i++) { if(vecvecMultiResult[i].size() > 0) { vecvecMultiResultClean.push_back(vecvecMultiResult[i]); } } vecvecMultiResult = vecvecMultiResultClean; ofstream outFile("Output\\MultiResult.txt"); for(int i=0;i<vecvecMultiResult.size();i++) { for(int j=0;j<vecvecMultiResult[i].size();j++) { outFile << vecvecMultiResult[i][j] << " "; } outFile << " " << endl; } outFile.close(); }