Exemple #1
 * @brief Return Good Time Intervals extension name from data sub-space keywords
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU
 * @return Good Time Interval extension name
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Invalid Good Time Intervals data sub-space encountered
 * Returns the name of the FITS extension that contains the Good Time
 * Intervals by screening the data sub-space keywords that are present in
 * the FITS header. The method searches for a DSTYPx keyword named "TIME"
 * and a corresponding DSVALx keyword named "TABLE", and the extension name
 * is extracted from the corresponding DSREFx keyword. Note that by
 * convention the extension name is preceeded by a colon, which is stripped
 * by this method.
std::string gammalib::read_ds_gti_extname(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Initialise extension name
    std::string extname;

    // Get number of data sub-space keys (default to 0 if "NDSKEYS" keyword
    // is not found)
    int ndskeys = (hdu.has_card("NDSKEYS")) ? hdu.integer("NDSKEYS") : 0;

    // Loop over all data sub-space keys
    for (int i = 1; i <= ndskeys; ++i) {

        // Set data sub-space key strings
        std::string type_key  = "DSTYP"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string unit_key  = "DSUNI"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string value_key = "DSVAL"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string ref_key   = "DSREF"+gammalib::str(i);

        // Skip if DSTYPi keyword does not exist, or if it is not "TIME"
        if (!hdu.has_card(type_key) || hdu.string(type_key) != "TIME") {

        // If DSVALi keyword does not exist or if it's value is not
        // "TABLE" then throw an exception
        if (!hdu.has_card(value_key)) {
            std::string msg = "Keyword \""+value_key+"\" missing for data "
                              "sub-space selection of type "+type_key+
                              "=\"TIME\". Please correct FITS header.";
            throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_GTI, msg);
        if (hdu.string(value_key) != "TABLE") {
            std::string msg = "Cannot interpret keyword \""+value_key+"\" "
                              "value \""+hdu.string(value_key)+"\". Only "
                              "the value \"TABLE\" is supported.";
            throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_GTI, msg);

        // If DSREFi keyword does not exist then throw an exception
        if (!hdu.has_card(ref_key)) {
            std::string msg = "Keyword \""+ref_key+"\" missing for data "
                              "sub-space selection of type "+type_key+
                              "=\"TIME\". Please correct FITS header.";
            throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_GTI, msg);

        // Get extension name (strip any leading and trailing colons)
        extname = gammalib::strip_whitespace(gammalib::strip_chars(hdu.string(ref_key), ":"));

    } // endfor: looped over data sub-space keywords

    // Return
    return extname;
Exemple #2
 * @brief Extract ROI from data sub-space keywords
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Invalid ROI data sub-space encountered
 * Reads the ROI data sub-space keywords by searching for a DSTYPx keyword
 * named "POS(RA,DEC)". The data sub-space information is expected to be in
 * the format "CIRCLE(267.0208,-24.78,4.5)", where the 3 arguments are Right
 * Ascension, Declination and radius in units of degrees. No detailed syntax
 * checking is performed.
 * If no ROI information has been found, an GCTARoi object with initial
 * values will be returned. 
GCTARoi gammalib::read_ds_roi(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Initialise ROI
    GCTARoi roi;

    // Get number of data sub-space keywords (default to 0 if keyword is
    // not found)
    int ndskeys = (hdu.has_card("NDSKEYS")) ? hdu.integer("NDSKEYS") : 0;

    // Loop over all data selection keys
    for (int i = 1; i <= ndskeys; ++i) {

        // Set data sub-space key strings
        std::string type_key  = "DSTYP"+gammalib::str(i);
        //std::string unit_key  = "DSUNI"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string value_key = "DSVAL"+gammalib::str(i);

        // Continue only if type_key is found and if this key is POS(RA,DEC)
        if (hdu.has_card(type_key) && hdu.string(type_key) == "POS(RA,DEC)") {

            // ...
            //std::string unit              = gammalib::toupper(hdu.string(unit_key));
            std::string value             = hdu.string(value_key);
            std::string value_proc        = gammalib::strip_chars(value, "CIRCLE(");
            value_proc                    = gammalib::strip_chars(value_proc, ")");
            std::vector<std::string> args = gammalib::split(value_proc, ",");
            if (args.size() == 3) {
                double ra  = gammalib::todouble(args[0]);
                double dec = gammalib::todouble(args[1]);
                double rad = gammalib::todouble(args[2]);
                GCTAInstDir dir;
                dir.dir().radec_deg(ra, dec);
            else {
                std::string msg = "Invalid acceptance cone value \""+value+
                                  "\" encountered in data sub-space "
                                  "key \""+value_key+"\".";
                throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_ROI, msg);

        } // endif: POS(RA,DEC) type found

    } // endfor: looped over data sub-space keys

    // Return roi
    return roi;
 * @brief Read exposure attributes
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU.
 * Reads CTA exposure attributes from the HDU.
void GCTACubeExposure::read_attributes(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Read mandatory attributes
    m_livetime = (hdu.has_card("LIVETIME")) ? hdu.real("LIVETIME") : 0.0;

    // Return
Exemple #4
 * @brief Read energy boundary data sub-space keywords
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Invalid energy data sub-space encountered
 * Reads the energy boundary data sub-space keywords by searching for a 
 * DSTYPx keyword named "ENERGY". The data sub-space information is expected
 * to be in the format "200:50000", where the 2 arguments are the minimum
 * and maximum energy. The energy unit is given by the keyword DSUNIx, which
 * supports keV, MeV, GeV and TeV (case independent). No detailed syntax
 * checking is performed.
GEbounds gammalib::read_ds_ebounds(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Initialise energy boundaries
    GEbounds ebounds;

    // Get number of data sub-space keywords (default to 0 if keyword is
    // not found)
    int ndskeys = (hdu.has_card("NDSKEYS")) ? hdu.integer("NDSKEYS") : 0;

    // Loop over all data sub-space keys
    for (int i = 1; i <= ndskeys; ++i) {

        // Set data sub-space key strings
        std::string type_key  = "DSTYP"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string unit_key  = "DSUNI"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string value_key = "DSVAL"+gammalib::str(i);

        // Continue only if type_key is found and if this key is ENERGY
        if (hdu.has_card(type_key) && hdu.string(type_key) == "ENERGY") {

            // Extract energy boundaries
            std::string value               = hdu.string(value_key);
            std::string unit                = hdu.string(unit_key);
            std::vector<std::string> values = gammalib::split(value, ":");
            if (values.size() == 2) {
                double  emin = gammalib::todouble(values[0]);
                double  emax = gammalib::todouble(values[1]);
                GEnergy e_min(emin, unit);
                GEnergy e_max(emax, unit);
                ebounds.append(e_min, e_max);
            else {
                std::string msg = "Invalid energy value \""+value+
                                  "\" encountered in data selection key \""+
                throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_EBOUNDS, msg);

        } // endif: ENERGY type_key found

    } // endfor: looped over data selection keys

    // Return
    return ebounds;
 * @brief Read data selection keywords from FITS HDU.
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU pointer.
 * @todo Declared header card const in to GFitsHDU.
 * @todo Add check key method to GFitsHDU to avoid unneccesary try/catch
 *       blocks.
void GLATEventList::read_ds_keys(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Get number of data selection keys
    int ds_num = hdu.integer("NDSKEYS");

    // Get data selection keys
    if (ds_num > 0) {

        // Circumvent const correctness. We need this because the header()
        // card method is not declared const. This should be corrected.
        //GFitsHDU* ptr = (GFitsHDU*)&hdu;

        // Reserve space

        // Allocate space for the keyword
        char keyword[10];

        // Get columns
        for (int i = 0; i < ds_num; ++i) {

            // Get DSTYPnn
            std::sprintf(keyword, "DSTYP%d", i+1);
            if (hdu.has_card(std::string(keyword))) {
            else {

            // Get DSUNInn
            std::sprintf(keyword, "DSUNI%d", i+1);
            if (hdu.has_card(std::string(keyword))) {
            else {

            // Get DSVALnn
            std::sprintf(keyword, "DSVAL%d", i+1);
            if (hdu.has_card(std::string(keyword))) {
            else {

            // Get DSREFnn
            std::sprintf(keyword, "DSREF%d", i+1);
            if (hdu.has_card(std::string(keyword))) {
            else {

        } // endfor: looped over data selection keys

    } // endif: there were data selection keys

    // Return