int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector<Demonstration> demos; Demonstration demo = Demonstration(4,200,0); std::vector<std::string> vars,vars2; vars.push_back("t"); vars.push_back("x"); vars.push_back("y"); vars.push_back("z"); demo.getDatapoints().loadFromFile("../../data/data_txyz.txt"); demo.getDatapoints().setVarNames(vars); cout << endl << "Data is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getData() << endl; cout << endl << "nbVar is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getNumVARS() << endl; cout << endl << "nbDatapoints is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getNumPOINTS() << endl; getchar(); demos.push_back(demo); GMM_Model *gmm; gmm = new GMM_Model(demos, 3); gmm->setVARSNames(vars); cout << "\n EM rounds = " << gmm->EM_learn(); cout << "\n MU = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(0).getMU(); cout << "\n MU = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(1).getMU(); cout << "\n MU = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(2).getMU(); cout << "\n SIGMA = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(0).getSIGMA(); cout << "\n SIGMA = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(1).getSIGMA(); cout << "\n SIGMA = " << endl << gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(2).getSIGMA(); Datapoints *Repros; Repros = new Datapoints(1,200); vars2.push_back("t"); Repros->setVarNames(vars2); mat data = demo.getDatapoints().getData().submat(0,0,0,199); Repros->setData(data); GMR* reg = new GMR(gmm); reg->regression(Repros); cout << "\n SIGMA = " << reg->getCOMPONENTS().at(199).getSIGMA(); cout << "\n MU = " << reg->getCOMPONENTS().at(199).getMU(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector<Demonstration> demos; Demonstration demo = Demonstration(nbVar,nbData); std::vector<std::string> vars; vars.push_back("t"); vars.push_back("x"); vars.push_back("y"); vars.push_back("z"); demo.getDatapoints().loadFromFile("../../data/data_txyz.txt"); demo.getDatapoints().setVarNames(vars); cout << endl << "Data is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getData() << endl; cout << endl << "nbVar is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getNumVARS() << endl; cout << endl << "nbDatapoints is: " << demo.getDatapoints().getNumPOINTS() << endl; cout << "\nPress enter to continue..." << endl; getchar(); demos.push_back(demo); GMM_Model *gmm; gmm = new GMM_Model(demos,nbStates); gmm->setVARSNames(vars); cout << "\n Number of EM iterations: " << gmm->EM_learn(); for (int i=0;i<nbStates;i++){ cout << "\n Mu_" << i << " = \n" << gmm->getMU(i); cout << "\n Sigma_" << i << " = \n" << gmm->getSIGMA(i); } //Save GMM in files GMM_priors.txt, GMM_mu.txt, GMM_sigma.txt and GMM_vars.txt gmm->saveInFiles(); cout << "\nPress enter to continue..." << endl; getchar(); //Loading the GMM model from files... GMM_Model *gmm2 = new GMM_Model("GMM_priors.txt", "GMM_mu.txt", "GMM_sigma.txt", "GMM_vars.txt"); for (int i=0;i<nbStates;i++) gmm2->setMU(i, gmm2->getMU(i)*10.0); for (int i=0;i<nbStates;i++) cout << "\n Mu_" << i << " = \n" << gmm2->getMU(i); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Model variables uint nFrames = 2; uint nStates = 3; uint nVars = 3; //Tohid: t, x, y uint nDemos = 4;//Tohid: number of Demonstrations, for easier loading from the data files std::vector<std::string> varNames; varNames.push_back("t"); // time is input (t) and the attractor position (2D vector [x y]) is the output. varNames.push_back("x"); varNames.push_back("y"); //.................................................................................. //......... loading the demonstrations and task parameters from the txt files ...... std::vector<Demonstration> demos; Demonstration demo = Demonstration(3,200,2); //(3 vars, 200 datapoints, 2 frames of references) std::vector<Parameters> Params; char filename[256]; cout<<"Loading the demonstrations and the task parameters ..."; for (int m=0; m<nDemos; m++){ //Loading demos in the loop Parameters param = Parameters(3,2,1); //nVAR, nPAR, nPOINTS (set to 1 to show that the task parameters are fixed all the time) sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/Data0%d.txt",m+1); demo.getDatapoints().loadFromFile(filename, true); demo.getDatapoints().setVarNames(varNames); sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/Param0%d.txt",m+1); param.loadFromFile(filename); Params.push_back(param); demo.setParams(param); demos.push_back(demo); } cout<<endl<<"Demonstrations and task parameters are loaded successfully !!!!"<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue (learning the PGMM model for the loaded demonstrations)"<<endl; getchar(); //.................................................................................. //......... Learning the PGMM model parameters using the EM algorithm ...... cout<<"Learning model parameters using EM ..."; PGMM_Model *pgmm; //pgmm = new PGMM_Model(nVars, nStates, nFrames); pgmm = new PGMM_Model(demos, nStates, nFrames); // pgmm->loadPGMMfromMATLAB(priorsName, ZmuName, ZsigmaName); //Tohid: commented, because we do not have Zmu and ZSigma anymore //cout<<"demos.size() = "<<demos.size()<<endl; cout << "\n EM rounds = " << pgmm->EM_TensorLearn()<<endl; cout<<"Learning is done and the model is learned for the provided demonstrations!!!"<<endl; // saving the learned model parameters mat MuTmp = zeros(nVars, nStates*nFrames); mat SigmaTmp = zeros(nVars, nVars*nStates*nFrames); mat Priors = zeros(1,nStates); std::vector<GMM_Model> GMMSresult; GMMSresult = pgmm->getGMMS(); for(uint m=0; m<nFrames; m++){ for (uint i=0;i<nStates; i++){ MuTmp.col(m*nStates+i) =; SigmaTmp.cols(m*nVars*nStates+i*nVars, m*nVars*nStates+i*nVars+nVars-1) =; } } sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/Mu0%d.txt",2);, raw_ascii); sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/Sigma0%d.txt",2);, raw_ascii); sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/Priors0%d.txt",2); Priors = pgmm->getPRIORS();, raw_ascii); cout<<"the learned model parameters are written into text files succesfully."<<endl; cout<<"Press any key to continue (performing the GMR for the new set of task parameters)"<<endl; getchar(); //.................................................................................. // Path for model files //std::string priorsName = "../../data/pgmm/Priors02.txt"; //std::string MuName = "../../data/pgmm/Mu02.txt"; //std::string SigmaName = "../../data/pgmm/Sigma02.txt"; // Reproduction variables (GMR) GMR *gmr = new GMR(); Datapoints *repro = new Datapoints(1,1); // Only one datapoint passed at each time step mat reproData, auxYgmr; std::vector<std::string> reproVarNames; reproVarNames.push_back("t"); // time is the query point repro->setVarNames(reproVarNames); // loading new parameters for the reproduction from the text file // In this case we have considered that the parameters are the same all along the reproduction. They can be varying. std::vector<mat> A_tmp; mat auxA; std::vector<colvec> b_tmp; colvec auxb; sprintf(filename, "../../data/pgmm/ParamRepro0%d.txt",1); mat ParamTmp; ParamTmp.load(filename, raw_ascii); b_tmp.push_back(trans(ParamTmp.row(0))); A_tmp.push_back(ParamTmp.rows(1,nVars)); b_tmp.push_back(trans(ParamTmp.row(nVars+1))); A_tmp.push_back(ParamTmp.rows(nVars+2,2*nVars+1)); for(uint tn = 1 ; tn <= 200 ; tn++){ // Computing the resulting gmm given the set of parameters {A,b} GMM_Model* gmm; gmm = pgmm->getGMM(A_tmp, b_tmp); gmm->setVARSNames(varNames); // Printing model components cout << "Resulting GMM given the set of parameters 'A' and 'b'" << endl; for(uint i = 0 ; i < nStates ; i++){ cout << "State #" << i << ":"<< endl; gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(i).getMU().print("Mu = "); gmm->getCOMPONENTS().at(i).getSIGMA().print("Sigma = "); } // Computing GMR gmr->setGMMModel(gmm); mat repDataPt; repDataPt << (tn * 0.01); // time step as input repDataPt.print("tn = "); repro->setData(repDataPt); gmr->regression(repro); gmr->get_y().print("y = "); cout << "Please press [ENTER] to continue or [CTRL+C] to finish" << endl; char key; std::cin.ignore(1); } return 0; }