 * @brief Kernel for IRF azimuth angle integration of the diffuse source model
 * @param[in] phi Azimuth angle around observed photon direction (radians).
 * This method provides the kernel for the IRF azimuth angle integration of
 * the diffuse source model.
 * It computes
 * \f[irf = M(\theta, \phi) Aeff(\theta, \phi) Edisp(\theta, \phi)\f]
 * where \f$M(\theta, \phi)\f$ is the spatial component of the diffuse
 * source model, \f$Aeff(\theta, \phi)\f$ is the effective area, and
 * \f$Edisp(\theta, \phi)\f$ is the energy dispersion.
 * As the coordinates \f$(\theta, \phi)\f$ are given in the reference frame
 * of the observed photon direction, some coordinate transformations have
 * to be performed.
 * First, \f$(\theta, \phi)\f$ are transformed into the celestial reference
 * frame using the rotation matrix.
 * Then, the offset angle of the true photon direction is computed in the
 * camera system (so far we do not compute the azimuth angle as we assume an
 * azimuthally symmetric response).
 * @todo Optimize computation of sky direction in native coordinates
 * @todo Implement azimuth angle computation of true photon in camera
 * @todo Replace (theta,phi) by (delta,alpha)
double cta_irf_diffuse_kern_phi::eval(double phi)
    // Initialise result
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Compute sine and cosine of azimuth angle
    double sin_phi = std::sin(phi);
    double cos_phi = std::cos(phi);

    // Compute sky direction vector in native coordinates
    GVector native(-cos_phi*m_sin_theta, sin_phi*m_sin_theta, m_cos_theta);

    // Rotate from native into celestial system
    GVector cel = *m_rot * native;

    // Set sky direction
    GSkyDir srcDir;

    // Get sky intensity for this sky direction
    double intensity = m_model->eval(srcDir);

    // Continue only if sky intensity is positive
    if (intensity > 0.0) {

        // Compute true photon offset angle in camera system [radians]
        double offset = std::acos(m_cos_ph + m_sin_ph * cos_phi);
        //TODO: Compute true photon azimuth angle in camera system [radians]
        double azimuth = 0.0;

        // Evaluate model times the effective area
        irf = intensity *
              m_rsp->aeff(offset, azimuth, m_zenith, m_azimuth, m_srcLogEng);

        // Optionally take energy dispersion into account
        if (m_rsp->hasedisp() && irf > 0.0) {
            irf *= m_rsp->edisp(m_obsLogEng, offset, azimuth, m_zenith, m_azimuth, m_srcLogEng);
        // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
        #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
        if (isnotanumber(irf) || isinfinite(irf)) {
            std::cout << "*** ERROR: cta_irf_diffuse_kern_phi::eval";
            std::cout << "(phi=" << phi << "):";
            std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
            std::cout << " (irf=" << irf;
            std::cout << ", intensity=" << intensity;
            std::cout << ", offset=" << offset;
            std::cout << ", azimuth=" << azimuth;
            std::cout << ")";
            std::cout << std::endl;

    } // endif: sky intensity was positive

    // Return
    return irf;
 * @brief Kernel for Npred azimuth angle integration of diffuse model
 * @param[in] phi Azimuth angle with respect to ROI centre (radians).
 * @todo Re-consider formula for possible simplification (dumb matrix
 *       multiplication is definitely not the fastest way to do that
 *       computation).
double cta_npred_diffuse_kern_phi::eval(double phi)
    // Initialise Npred value
    double npred = 0.0;

    // Compute sky direction vector in native coordinates
    double  cos_phi = std::cos(phi);
    double  sin_phi = std::sin(phi);
    GVector native(-cos_phi*m_sin_theta, sin_phi*m_sin_theta, m_cos_theta);

    // Rotate from native into celestial system
    GVector cel = *m_rot * native;

    // Set sky direction
    GSkyDir srcDir;

    // Get sky intensity for this sky direction
    double intensity = m_model->eval(srcDir);

    // Continue only if sky intensity is positive
    if (intensity > 0.0) {

        // Set Photon
        GPhoton photon(srcDir, *m_srcEng, *m_srcTime);

        // Compute Npred for this sky direction
        npred = m_rsp->npred(photon, *m_obs) * intensity;

        // Debug: Check for NaN
        #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
        if (isnotanumber(npred) || isinfinite(npred)) {
            std::cout << "*** ERROR: cta_npred_diffuse_kern_phi::eval";
            std::cout << "(phi=" << phi << "):";
            std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
            std::cout << " (npred=" << npred;
            std::cout << ", intensity=" << intensity;
            std::cout << ", cos_phi=" << cos_phi;
            std::cout << ", sin_phi=" << sin_phi;
            std::cout << ")" << std::endl;

    } // endif: sky intensity was positive
    // Return Npred
    return npred;
 * @brief Kernel for Npred azimuth angle integration of background model
 * @param[in] phi Azimuth angle around ROI centre (radians).
 * Computes
 * \f[
 *    S_{\rm p}(\theta, \phi | E, t) \, N_{\rm pred}(\theta, \phi)
 * \f]
 * @todo Re-consider formula for possible simplification (dumb matrix
 *       multiplication is definitely not the fastest way to do that
 *       computation).
double GCTAModelBackground::npred_roi_kern_phi::eval(const double& phi)
    // Initialise value
    double value = 0.0;

    // Compute sky direction vector in native coordinates
    double  cos_phi = std::cos(phi);
    double  sin_phi = std::sin(phi);
    GVector native(-cos_phi*m_sin_theta, sin_phi*m_sin_theta, m_cos_theta);

    // Rotate from native into celestial system
    GVector cel = m_rot * native;

    // Set sky direction
    GSkyDir obsDir;

    // Set Photon
    GPhoton photon(obsDir, m_obsEng, m_obsTime);

    // Get sky intensity for this photon
    value = m_model->eval(photon);

	// Debug: Check for NaN
	#if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
	if (gammalib::is_notanumber(value) || gammalib::is_infinite(value)) {
		std::cout << "*** ERROR: GCTAModelBackground::npred_roi_kern_phi::eval";
		std::cout << "(phi=" << phi << "):";
		std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
		std::cout << " (value=" << value;
		std::cout << ", cos_phi=" << cos_phi;
		std::cout << ", sin_phi=" << sin_phi;
		std::cout << ")" << std::endl;

    // Return Npred
    return value;
 * @brief Kernel for azimuth angle Npred integration of radial model
 * @param[in] phi Azimuth angle (radians).
 * @todo Re-consider formula for possible simplification (dumb matrix
 *       multiplication is definitely not the fastest way to do that
 *       computation).
double cta_npred_radial_kern_phi::eval(double phi)
    // Compute sky direction vector in native coordinates
    double  cos_phi = std::cos(phi);
    double  sin_phi = std::sin(phi);
    GVector native(-cos_phi*m_sin_theta, sin_phi*m_sin_theta, m_cos_theta);

    // Rotate from native into celestial system
    GVector cel = *m_rot * native;

    // Set sky direction
    GSkyDir srcDir;

    // Set Photon
    GPhoton photon(srcDir, *m_srcEng, *m_srcTime);

    // Compute Npred for this sky direction
    double npred = m_rsp->npred(photon, *m_obs);

    // Debug: Check for NaN
    #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
    if (isnotanumber(npred) || isinfinite(npred)) {
        std::cout << "*** ERROR: cta_npred_radial_kern_phi::eval";
        std::cout << "(phi=" << phi << "):";
        std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
        std::cout << " (npred=" << npred;
        std::cout << ", cos_phi=" << cos_phi;
        std::cout << ", sin_phi=" << sin_phi;
        std::cout << ")" << std::endl;

    // Return Npred
    return npred;