Exemple #1
 * @brief Return instrument response
 * @param[in] event Event.
 * @param[in] source Source.
 * @param[in] obs Observation.
 * @return Instrument response.
 * Returns the instrument response for a given event, source and observation.
double GCOMResponse::irf(const GEvent&       event,
                         const GSource&      source,
                         const GObservation& obs) const
    // Initialise IRF value
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Select IRF depending on the spatial model type
    switch (source.model()->code()) {
            const GModelSpatialPointSource* src =
                  static_cast<const GModelSpatialPointSource*>(source.model());
            GPhoton photon(src->dir(), source.energy(), source.time());
            irf = this->irf(event, photon, obs);
            std::string msg = "Response computation not yet implemented for "
                              "spatial model type \""+source.model()->type()+"\".";
            throw GException::feature_not_implemented(G_IRF, msg);

    // Return IRF value
    return irf;
 * @brief Return instrument response
 * @param[in] event Event.
 * @param[in] source Source.
 * @param[in] obs Observation.
 * @return Instrument response.
 * Returns the instrument response for a given event, source and observation.
double GCTAResponseCube::irf(const GEvent&       event,
                             const GSource&      source,
                             const GObservation& obs) const
    // Initialise IRF value
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Select IRF depending on the spatial model type
    switch (source.model()->code()) {
            irf = irf_ptsrc(event, source, obs);
            irf = irf_radial(event, source, obs);
            irf = irf_elliptical(event, source, obs);
            irf = irf_diffuse(event, source, obs);

    // Return IRF value
    return irf;
 * @brief Return instrument response to diffuse source
 * @param[in] event Observed event.
 * @param[in] source Source.
 * @param[in] obs Observation.
 * @return Instrument response to diffuse source.
 * Returns the instrument response to a specified diffuse source.
 * The method uses a pre-computation cache to store the instrument response
 * for the spatial model component. The pre-computation cache is initialised
 * if no cache has yet been allocated, or if at the beginning of a scan over
 * the events, the model parameters have changed. The beginning of a scan is
 * defined by an event bin index of 0.
double GCTAResponseCube::irf_diffuse(const GEvent&       event,
                                     const GSource&      source,
                                     const GObservation& obs) const
    // Initialise IRF
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Get pointer to CTA event bin
    if (!event.is_bin()) {
        std::string msg = "The current event is not a CTA event bin. "
                          "This method only works on binned CTA data. Please "
                          "make sure that a CTA observation containing binned "
                          "CTA data is provided.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_IRF_DIFFUSE, msg);
    const GCTAEventBin* bin = static_cast<const GCTAEventBin*>(&event);

    // Get pointer to source cache. We first search the cache for a model
    // with the source name. If no model was found we initialise a new
    // cache entry for that model. Otherwise, we simply return the actual
    // cache entry.
    GCTACubeSourceDiffuse* cache(NULL);
    int index = cache_index(source.name());
    if (index == -1) {
        // No cache entry was found, thus allocate and initialise a new one
        cache = new GCTACubeSourceDiffuse;
        cache->set(source.name(), *source.model(), obs);

    } // endif: no cache entry was found
    else {
        // Check that the cache entry is of the expected type
        if (m_cache[index]->code() != GCTA_CUBE_SOURCE_DIFFUSE) {
            std::string msg = "Cached model \""+source.name()+"\" is not "
                              "an extended source model. This method only "
                              "applies to extended source models.";
            throw GException::invalid_value(G_IRF_DIFFUSE, msg);
        cache = static_cast<GCTACubeSourceDiffuse*>(m_cache[index]);

    } // endelse: there was a cache entry for this model

    // Determine IRF value
    irf = cache->irf(bin->ipix(), bin->ieng());

    // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
    #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
    if (gammalib::is_notanumber(irf) || gammalib::is_infinite(irf)) {
        std::cout << "*** ERROR: GCTAResponseCube::irf_diffuse:";
        std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
        std::cout << " irf=" << irf;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // Return IRF value
    return irf;
 * @brief Return instrument response to elliptical source
 * @param[in] event Observed event.
 * @param[in] source Source.
 * @param[in] obs Observation (not used).
 * @return Instrument response to elliptical source.
 * Returns the instrument response to a specified elliptical source.
double GCTAResponseCube::irf_elliptical(const GEvent&       event,
                                        const GSource&      source,
                                        const GObservation& obs) const
    // Initialise IRF
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Get pointer to CTA event bin
    if (!event.is_bin()) {
        std::string msg = "The current event is not a CTA event bin. "
                          "This method only works on binned CTA data. Please "
                          "make sure that a CTA observation containing binned "
                          "CTA data is provided.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_IRF_RADIAL, msg);
    const GCTAEventBin* bin = static_cast<const GCTAEventBin*>(&event);

    // Get event attribute references
    const GSkyDir& obsDir  = bin->dir().dir();
    const GEnergy& obsEng  = bin->energy();
    const GTime&   obsTime = bin->time();

    // Get pointer to elliptical model
    const GModelSpatialElliptical* model = static_cast<const GModelSpatialElliptical*>(source.model());

    // Compute angle between model centre and measured photon direction and
    // position angle (radians)
    double rho_obs      = model->dir().dist(obsDir);
    double posangle_obs = model->dir().posang(obsDir);

    // Get livetime (in seconds)
    double livetime = exposure().livetime();

    // Continue only if livetime is >0 and if we're sufficiently close to
    // the model centre to get a non-zero response
    if ((livetime > 0.0) && (rho_obs <= model->theta_max()+psf().delta_max())) {

        // Get exposure
        irf = exposure()(obsDir, obsEng);

        // Continue only if exposure is positive
        if (irf > 0.0) {

            // Recover effective area from exposure
            irf /= livetime;

            // Get PSF component
            irf *= psf_elliptical(model, rho_obs, posangle_obs, obsDir, obsEng, obsTime);

            // Apply deadtime correction
            irf *= exposure().deadc();

        } // endif: exposure was positive
    } // endif: we were sufficiently close and livetime >0

    // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
    #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
    if (gammalib::is_notanumber(irf) || gammalib::is_infinite(irf)) {
        std::cout << "*** ERROR: GCTAResponseCube::irf_elliptical:";
        std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
        std::cout << " irf=" << irf;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // Return IRF value
    return irf;
 * @brief Return instrument response to point source
 * @param[in] event Observed event.
 * @param[in] source Source.
 * @param[in] obs Observation (not used).
 * @return Instrument response to point source.
 * Returns the instrument response to a specified point source.
double GCTAResponseCube::irf_ptsrc(const GEvent&       event,
                                   const GSource&      source,
                                   const GObservation& obs) const
    // Initialise IRF
    double irf = 0.0;

    // Get pointer to model source model
    const GModelSpatialPointSource* ptsrc = static_cast<const GModelSpatialPointSource*>(source.model());

    // Get point source direction
    GSkyDir srcDir = ptsrc->dir();

    // Get pointer on CTA event bin
    if (!event.is_bin()) {
        std::string msg = "The current event is not a CTA event bin. "
                          "This method only works on binned CTA data. Please "
                          "make sure that a CTA observation containing binned "
                          "CTA data is provided.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_IRF_PTSRC, msg);
    const GCTAEventBin* bin = static_cast<const GCTAEventBin*>(&event);
    // Determine angular separation between true and measured photon
    // direction in radians
    double delta = bin->dir().dir().dist(srcDir);

    // Get maximum angular separation for PSF (in radians)
    double delta_max = psf().delta_max();

    // Get livetime (in seconds)
    double livetime = exposure().livetime();

    // Continue only if livetime is >0 and if we're sufficiently close
    // to the PSF
    if ((livetime > 0.0) && (delta <= delta_max)) {

        // Get exposure
        irf = exposure()(srcDir, source.energy());

        // Multiply-in PSF
        if (irf > 0.0) {

            // Recover effective area from exposure
            irf /= livetime;

            // Get PSF component
            irf *= psf()(srcDir, delta, source.energy());

            // Apply deadtime correction
            irf *= exposure().deadc();

        } // endif: exposure was non-zero

    } // endif: we were sufficiently close to PSF and livetime >0

    // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
    #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
    if (gammalib::is_notanumber(irf) || gammalib::is_infinite(irf)) {
        std::cout << "*** ERROR: GCTAResponseCube::irf_ptsrc:";
        std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
        std::cout << " irf=" << irf;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // Return IRF value
    return irf;